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Data – are bits of raw information usually in digital form

Data gathering – is a process of collecting information to answer
research question
Primary data sources – provide information that you as a researcher
collected from observations interviews, or surveys
Secondary data sources – provide information collected and processed
by another researcher or entity
Archival and institutional method – this method makes use of archives,
libraries, public records
Observation method – produce descriptive data as well as numerical
Group discussions – group of individuals are brought together to
discuss a particular topic
Interviews – can be conducted in person or over the phone
Questionnaires and surveys – this method of data gathering gives
results which are easier to analyze
Web browser – is an application software that can be installed in the
Search engine – is a powerful online data gathering tool
Search engine optimization – these tools help website owners gather
data about the visitor of their site
Surveys – online data gathering tool are web based surveys
Database – is a comprehensive collection of data organized
Disadvantages of audience response system
 It is limited to collecting quantitative data
 The technology may be harder to understand for some
 It can be costly
Advantages of audience response system
 It reduces or eliminates data entry
 The data can be evaluated in less time
 It can collect data from large groups of respondents at once
Audience response system – it uses handheld devices to gather
responses from a group joined together
Text messaging – mobile phones linked to computer or a web based
Social networking sites – require users to create a profile and input
basic information
Social media – are forms of electronic communication through which
people create online group
Audio video conferencing – is a form of communicating using
computers that are connected to the internet
Things to consider before conducting a survey
Let your respondents know why you conducting the survey and what
your survey is about, check your question, avoid open ended question,
test your survey, always consider the deadline to receive the results
Group administration – commonly used in seminars to evaluate a
speaker or to assess the participants understanding
Email invitation – need to inform your respondents to submit their
response on the deadline
Web link – web tools such as surveymonkey allow its users to create a
link for the survey
Social media – survey forms directly to your respondents using instant
Website – survey invitation will appear when people visit a specific
page of the site

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