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- Epitome: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a

particular quality or type. For example, she looked the

epitome of elegance and good taste¹.
- Pinnacle: the most successful point; the highest level of
something. For example, he had reached the pinnacle of
his career².
- Showstopper: something that is very impressive or
exciting; something that prevents an activity or process
from continuing. For example, that dress she wore was a
showstopper³; It's something to be aware of and for us to
work through, but I don't think it's a showstopper³.
- Dazzling: extremely bright, especially so as to blind the
eyes temporarily; extremely impressive, beautiful, or
skilful. For example, the sunlight was dazzling⁴; a dazzling
display of football⁴.
- Tour de force: a feat or display of strength, skill, or
ingenuity. For example, the book is a tour de force⁵; her
performance in the play was a real tour de force⁵.
- Unleash: to let happen or begin something powerful
that, once begun, cannot be controlled. For example, at
worst, nuclear war could be unleashed⁶; his comment
unleashed a storm of protest in India⁶.
- Sleek: smooth and glossy; having a smooth well-groomed
look; having an elegant, streamlined shape or design. For
example, he was tall, with sleek, dark hair⁷; a sleek black
cat⁷; his sleek black car slid through the traffic⁷.

- Triumph: a great victory or achievement; the state of

being victorious or successful; joy or satisfaction resulting
from a success or victory. For example, a garden built to
celebrate Napoleon's many triumphs⁸; the king returned
home in triumph⁸; ‘Here it is!’ Helen's voice rose in

- Definitive: done or reached decisively and with authority;

the most authoritative of its kind; for general use and
typically of standard design, not special or
commemorative. For example, a definitive decision⁹; the
definitive biography of Prince Charles⁹; low-value British
definitives simply have a portrait of the reigning monarch⁹.

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