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NAME: Jerson D.

CONTROL N#: 5005 TIME:1-3PM DATE: 06-27-20


1. Why global governance multi-faceted?

-it’s varied many as well. Because there are conflicts, environmental issues,
business, health, education, territory issues, science and technology issues.
In order to respond to all these any form of international government has to be
prepared to deal with all these issues. Global challenges require specific legal
and economic competences, as well as wide range of technical knowledge
and skill to manage cultural mediations. This is why global governance is

2. How do international organizations take on “lives of their own”?

- We can’t deny that some states create their own form of artificial life, the
international organization create a new entity states hope to address some
common problem. The new entity has a life of its own and can’t be fully
controlled by individual states.

3. What are the challenges faced by the united nations in maintaining

global security?
- The challenges those are limits placed upon its various organs and programs
by the need to respect state sovereignty. Because the UN is not a world
government, and its functions primarily because of voluntary cooperation from
states. If states refuse to cooperate, the influenced of the UN can be severely
circumscribed. The united nation security council is tasked with authorizing
international acts of military intervention. Because of the P5’s veto power, it is
tough for the council to release a formal resolution, much more implement it.
Because rendering the UN incapable of addressing the crisis. In response,
NATO decided to intervene on its own. Through the NATO intervention was
largely a success, it, nevertheless, left the UN ineffectual.

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