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Evolution Plus Unit 1 Klasa 5

Pytanie 2

Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, które zdania są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.

Hi, I'm Marcin and this is my blog. I'm fourteen. My parents are doctors. I've got two brothers
and a sister. My family lives in a house in a small town but I go to school in Gdańsk, Gdańsk is
very noisy. My favourite food is pasta Bolognese. I like my mum's pizza too. I want to be a
lifeguard in the future. It's a great job! In my free time, go to a local youth club.

1 Marcin hasn't got a blog F

2 Marcin's father isn't a doctor. F

3 Marcin's school is in Gdańsk. P

4 Marcin doesn't like pasta bolognese F

5 Marcin is a lifeguard at a youth club. F

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