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Talking to Myself: A Petite Promise to Keep PBO

Bilingual arranged by
Nisrina Meta Gamanik, SPd.

Apparently, you don’t reflect yourself as a single individual. Most of the time what people see is about
who and what formed you: like where you are from, what organization you join in, where you work at,
where you study at
“ Oh pantas saja dia berprestasi, dia sekolah di sekolah itu”
“Oh pantas saja dia sukses, dia kerja di situ”
“Pantas saja dia solih, dia anak dari Bapak X”

You reflect who formed you

It sounds tiring, indeed, but hey! you can’t control people’s thoughts. What you can control is yourself!

“Seorang manusia terdiri dari kumpulan sifat baik dan buruk. Manusia adalah makhluk yang tergantung
pada situasi. Jika lingkungan sekeliling kamu baik maka kamu cenderung berbuat baik. Demikian juga
sebaliknya” dikutip dari hasil penelitian terkenal bernama Stanford Prison Experiment yang dilakukan Prof.
Phillip Zimbardo di tahun 1971, bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan adalah salah satu faktor
penting penentu seseorang berperilaku baik atau buruk.
But you need to remember, either you’d choose the environment as a support system or, you’d start
within yourself and give a great impact, you’d better know yourself first.
Hof far you know yourself?
Namun tidak semerta-merta kamu hanya mengandalkan lingkungan dan bisa berbuat semau kamu tanpa
memperdulikan pedoman hidup dan nilai-nilai agama, bukan? Tentunya kamu butuh bercermin pada diri,
bagaimana perilaku kamu, akhlak diri kamu sendiri, diri kamu pada orang lain dan lingkungan. Islam
mengatur tolok ukur berakhlak adalah berdasarkan ketentuan Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Oleh karena itu, apa
yang dipandang baik oleh Allah dan Rasul-Nya, pasti baik dalam esensinya. Contoh akhlak terpuji di dalam
al-Quran surat Ali-Ahzab 21,
‫َﻛِﺛْﯾًرا‬ ‫َوَذَﻛَر‬
َ‫ا ﱣ‬ ‫َواْﻟَﯾْوَم ا ْ ٰﻻِﺧَر‬ 3
َ ‫َﯾْرُﺟوا ا ﱣ‬ ‫َﻛﺎَن‬ ‫َﺣَﺳَﻧﺔٌ ِﻟَّﻣْن‬ ٌ ‫ ا ُْﺳَوة‬3‫ﺳْوِل اِﱣ‬
ُ ‫َر‬ ‫ِﻓْﻲ‬ ‫َﻛﺎَن َﻟُﻛْم‬ ‫ۗ◌َﻟَﻘْد‬
yang artinya: “See? Berakhlakul mulia! gain people trust and rahmat Allaah by be a berakhlakul mulia
person dan yang paling penting adalah mengamalkannya!
Kamu sudah berilmu, dan seperti frase “Ilmu amaliah dan amal ilmiah” even though the phrase sounds so
old school namun memang frase tesebut memiliki makna yang mendalam. Ilmu amaliah berarti apapun
ilmu yang sudah kamu pelajari hendaknya kamu amalkan. Apalah arti sebuah ilmu jika tidak diamalkan.
Lalu amal ilmiah, amal ilmiah berarti segala amal yang kamu harus didasari dengan ilmu. Seperti pada
kutipan hadits dari riwayat sohih muslim no hadits 029,

‫س َﻋَﻠْﯾِﮫ أَْﻣُرَﻧﺎ َﻓُﮭَو َرد‬ ً ‫ٌَّﻣْن َﻋِﻣَل َﻋَﻣ‬

َ ‫ﻼ َﻟْﯾ‬
“Barang siapa yang mengerjakan amalan tak berdasar (tanpa contoh dari Nabi SAW) maka amalan itu

Sudah berilmu dan mengamalkan, butuh strategi sebagai penentu keberhasilan mencapai tujuan. Kamu
bisa memulai dengan yang paling sederhana dengan menuliskan semua pekerjaan dalam satu tempat
sehingga mudah melakukan pengelompokan, triase, dengan tepat. Lalu penting untuk membuat timeline
yang jelas. Timeline ini akan membantu melakukan monitoring waktu. Membantu memahami bagimana
pekerjaan-pekerjaan berjalan, memungkinkan kamu untuk menyelesaikan segala pekerjaan yang mungkin
tertunda dengan cara yang tepat. Menjadi sistematis adalah segala bentuk usaha yang dilakukan untuk
menguraikan atau menjabarkan sesuatu hubungan yang teratur dan logis.

Whoever you are, what study you are in, you need to be professional both based on our own field and
special skills to work on it. There are way so many things about how to be professional. According to there are 3 ways to be professional. First, improve your skills including communication.
Second, building professionals relationship like offering helps before somebody asked you to, showing
appreciation, networking and showing interest to colleagues. The third is control your career! Means you
have to 100% fully controlling your works. Like being responsible, motivate yourself, never doubt to ask
including asking some helps.

I hope it’s not one of the boring videos you’ve watched today. Being professional is a must yet as the good
news, you still can live your live! Having holidays, doing your favorite hobbies. You just need to know your
consequences, you can have those fun things after you finished your responsibility. Do it properly, not
postponing your daily “To-do”-list, it’s back to “Being systematic!”
Alright! If I may say that you already be a person who really has a noble character, “akhlakul mulia”, you
can set plans and goals by doing the details to reach them, in another hand is being systematic; you fully
control your jobs, knowing yourself and improving your skills, being professional. There are, in my opinion,
I mean it, some bonuses gained by consistently keep your akhlak, way to be systematic and professional.
Those are:

Be superior (Unggul), Visionaries and be innovative.

How? With the discipline, evaluate regularly and get great routines as a systematic and professional
person you can be a superior individual at least compared by your previous version. You keep improving
your skills then you’d be sensitive and open to all opportunities in front of you, you being one step a head,
you be visionaries. Then you take all the challenges and opportunities, break them down, find something
odds and new to be better for you and your organization, you become innovative!

Either you will start within yourself or, be in a good environment as a support to do those things to be
better, no, to be the best version of you! You have to recognize it and start measuring them, how good
enough you are, how professional and systematic you are, do your routines make courage you enough to
take some opportunities be visionaries and innovative? Does your environment lead you to face the
current issues, struggling even accelerating the obstacle and survive as the role model for others? I am
more way grateful and sure about where I am now. When one of our Ministries, Nadiem Makarim said on
Deddy Corbuzier podcast that “It needs 5 years to adjusting well in this situation,
My heart said “No! In here, the place where I stay, we just need 1 year to observe, adjust and adapt well
while learning and improving our system.”
It’s like 4 years acceleration.

Right here we are like a seed and this place is like the soil a safe and stable environment. Within which
you can grow!
References (2015, February 9). Ilmu Amaliah, Amal Ilmiah. KOMPASIANA.

Lee, K. (2021, February 4). Traits That Good Parents Have in Common. Verywell Family.

Person. (2016, September 6). Akhlak Terhadap Lingkungan. Republika Online.

Pudjibudojo, J. K. K., Tondok, M. S., & Trianawati, N. (2018). How to improve the elderly’s
psychological well-being? Community-based intervention using six PWB modules.

Serial Kutipan Hadits: Amalan yang Tertolak. Ensiklopedia Islam. (2020, January 6).

Weboffice-Humas. (2016, November 14). Bagaimana Lingkungan Membentuk Perilaku

Manusia? Universitas Indonesia.

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