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An Introduction to the Binder (and extracted website)… 

The Exhibits for the Defense

The Second Binder

The FACSWeb Series

The FACSWeb Development Gantt

The Roger Rabbit X-File Zone

FACSWeb Development Stages

The Bullet Metaphor

The Bomb Metaphor

The Exhibits for the Defense

This binder was prepared to serve several purposes. 

The author wishes to recreate the experience through his own eyes,
for future use as potential training material as well as criminal
defense exhibits and possibly as supporting materials in a future child
custody battle. Please excuse any redundancies; they’re intentional
and included for context and continuity. Expect as well irony and (I
hope) wit to appear in odd places.   It’s just a part of who I am. 

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My metaphor is to use emails as an equivalent to a pilot’s “cockpit voice recorder” transcript, so that those
who wish to know where we were as a family at certain milestones in the past can recreate that experience
though their own interpretation of my words.  These emails represent a "slice in time" and can be thought of
as a diary.  (I sometimes send emails to selected recipients just to have the record of my "current situation"
on file.)

Please take note that I have held positions in the past as a pilot, Flight Safety Officer, Enforcement
Investigator, newspaper editor, publisher, and computer programmer. This makes me, I suspect, rather “hard
to pin down” in some people’s eyes. By way of this binder, I hope to ease this process somewhat.

I carried this binder with me to illustrate my vision and mission to the inmates, guards, doctors and mental
health professionals, and the authorities I met as I traveled through the court, health care and remand

See "What the Heck is Going On With This Guy?"  for a view of my note I carried by way of introduction.

Every entry (page) serves some specific purpose, even if it only to serve as a “scrap book” to draw the
readership into the experience. This binder is a journey into a slice-in-time, as seen through my eyes and
those who may wish to get to know me, and my blue world, a little better.

.pdf version here:  An Introduction to This Binder

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The Second Binder

As of mid-April 2004 - Mar '06, the second binder is being

prepared for the legal types (Ms Cameron and Mr. Hautmann of
Campbell and Company, as well as the medical types (Dr. Curtis
Woods of FACS and Dr. Richards of the Family Care Health
Centers (an ex-client of mine from my earlier days with
Accelerated Solutions).

There may be some lawsuits pending.

Interested parties can request a copy of "hard" documentation through the firm of Cameron and Cameron,

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Edmonton, Alberta (780) 423 5300.

Amendments to the contents of the first binder are included on this website.

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The FACSWeb Series

FACSWeb I - The Attack of the John Lennon Clones

FACSWeb II - The Wrath of Korn

FACSWeb III - The Return of the Jaded

The Battle of BS Resumes


FACSWeb I - The Attack of the John Lennon Clones

The first edition of the FACSWeb CD gets its name from

the "John Lennon Clone" reference in the Open Letter to
Friends and Family entry in the CHAP Report.

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This "open letter" dates to Nov '01, and is for the attention
of those who are concerned for my kids' welfare...  which would be the family law councils, shrinks and
judges in the civil and criminal courts.

I was anticipating a melt-down and a real bind with the divorce/"assault" and the issues we were having with
the kids.  See the Hand Notes page for more.

This CD is on the record under the strength of Dr. Singh's FACS Referral in 19 Mar '02.

This version grew from Accelerated Solutions' company website where I had a sub-web dedicated to the legal
battles as I was fighting the "assault" charge.  The Proof Hyperlink exhibit and the On Line Trial panel show
how the paper is staged.

This version introduced the soundtrack in the Tunes List.

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FACSWeb II - The Wrath of Korn

FACSWeb II - The Wrath of Korn gets its name from the "Kirk/Ensign Cris" metaphor introduced in the You
Break an Armistice on x-mas Day email, where "Bones" (the medical officer) backs up "Ensign Cris" rather than
the captain.

This is logically insane, and was to me, obviously in

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the long term, career-destroying through libel.  At

this phase of the game I was fighting the assault and Const Poirier's libels "in libel mode" and this phase would
have been avoided entirely if I'd have beaten the charges on the strength of the How Come When panel. 
Note as well that the "I knew that and...  prepared...  the boy" quote is backed by the Gratuitous Sympathy
Page of the Cadet Revelation Complaint.

This section includes the Reality Page that was on-line prior to the trial.

As it happened, I went from house arrest (thus kneecapping my appeal on the assault charge) to being
steered into pills as documented in the Steer Me Into Pills fax.  I brought all of this to Dr. Woods' attention in
the Here is the Deal fax.

I knew his "treatment" would eventually cost me my aviation medical, so I was preparing for Phase III...  see
the Social Crusader fax archived web page for more.

Link to the Reality Check page and Only Sane Person in Gang for a look at a dialog with my sister from this

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FACSWeb III - The Return of the Jaded

FACSWeb III - "The Return of the Jaded" sets off the

fireworks once and for all.

This version of the CD website holds the paper trail

generated from Nov '01 to the Grounding Letter from
TC...  which is the legal proof I need to launch the
lawsuit mentioned in the Elmer Fudd Proof from Cadet
Revelation Complaint, on the strength of the Singh Sig
and Dr Woods Enabler pages.

This version of the web is prepared for a libel/Charter of

Rights and malpractice (negligence) claim against the
FACS doctors.  For the statement of claim, see Libel Suit
for Queen Bench and for the backgrounder, see Why Me?.

The main pages of note are the Moron Gallery, Trojan Horses, RoE Explained, The Art of War and Court Prep

This phase is set up with SITREPs that lay the case down from the loss of medical to the audience in Queen's
Bench for the issues that have accumulated since Christmas 2001...  see the CHAP Issues and The Fact Factory
letters for more.

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The Battle of BS Resumes


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The letter that "grounds" me for the third time

(proving "loss" for the lawsuit) sets off the
fireworks once and for all.

The whole case stinks like last week's diapers, and

this author will not be run-over by a runaway legal
system when a valid defense (the Insight Email)
was presented on the initial arrest; now Can-Say
Poirier and RoE Explained.

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The FACSWeb Development Gantt

The left-hand column hold an e-mail log; the diamonds link to the court prep for civil court.

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.pdf version:  FACSWeb Development Gantt

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.pdf version:  Mile High Club Kit; Hardball Pardon Moi (Left Window Paper)

My take on the "Close to Home":  Love as an Art form


Here's another of the many, many venn segues in the web.

"Look out the left, the captain said"...  Would be Capt. German (for real), "Capt. Kirk" for the paradigm shift.

This confluence of art, history, and past and future events can only happen once and with this case (the
events of 25 Dec '01) being the "tie in the bow-tie".

Since then the case has developed recursively...  and the poetry I write is often recursive as well (with each
line representing an e-mail, track, newspaper or whatever).


Love as an Artform

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Maybe it’s true;

I’m a little off "the norm"
but I see this as good,
for I do love to Love
when Love is an Art form.

Maybe it’s wrong

to display a flawed soul,
but I see this as good
when it’s only a flawed part
of a larger flawed whole.

Maybe it’s rude

to go for the gold and the goal
but it’s not as it seems
It’s only a sign or a symptom
of something larger that’s out of control.

I breath you in with every breath

and kiss you with a kiss of death.

You and I, now simply One

and a New World has begun.



All of this is blended in the web as a mobius strip (Sacrifice for the Love of the Child):

(My question here to Dr. Woods:  Just how "hostile and resentful" and "antisocial" does all of this seem now?)

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FACSWeb Development Stages

This is a look at how the "third grounding" happened.  (The

milestones and text bands hold links.)

From the perspective of the "" e-mail, the FACS shrinks think
they're in charge of the voyage (which is a one-way street to career
oblivion in the case of a pilot) and are focused on "treating" the
patient, rather than attending to his real concerns.  They're
"deciding if the boat itself is seaworthy" (meaning the Plaintiff is
not "fit to fly" because of a contested "diagnosis" which they believe is sound) but they've been neglecting
that "the scorecard of the shooter" is a two-way street, and the faxes of pending litigation were on their
record as well.  (The applicant didn't ask for the "help" and only saw FACS post-trial because Dr. Singh
botched his job pre-trial.)

Also...  the Flight Surgeon works for the Patient; not the other way around.

Tunes:  Sail On (Correspondence with Counsel); My Way (CAT Reply for Clarity)


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