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British Council in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North
Macedonia, announces a call for online training for English language teachers in primary and
secondary state schools as a part of the Future English Online Teacher Community project. The goal is
to become a part of an online platform for English language teachers, which functions as a forum
where teachers can exchange ideas, participate in discussions, share knowledge and experience, reflect
on their teaching methods, and enhance their work. Within this platform, teachers can also develop
their electronic portfolios and track their progress, in addition to engaging in interactions and
discussions with teachers from the country and the region.

Teachers can participate in various interactions, including:

 Connecting with teachers in the country through forum discussions

 Establishing interactions with teachers from other countries during webinars
 Joining Special Interest Groups based on their interests, experiences, and specific needs for
their teaching practice

After registering on online platform, teachers can engage in the following activities:

 Accessing modules titled Teaching for Success, which can be accessed independently
 Participating in moderated forum discussions (discussion topics are selected to meet the needs
of teachers and are part of the main programme topics)
 Attending webinars conducted by experts in the field of English language teaching (training
leaders from the UK, guest lecturers from the UK and other countries)
 Developing a reflective journal as well as a personal electronic portfolio

Selection criteria

To be selected for the participation in this programme teachers must meet the following criteria:

 Be English language teachers in primary and secondary state schools

 Possess basic ICT skills (using a personal email address, using MS Word, accessing an online
 Have at least a B1 level of English language proficiency
 Be able to dedicate 4 hours per month to professional development on this platform and have
access to a computer

Furthermore, the first 200 teachers who apply and meet the criteria will be selected to participate in
this programme. Programme will run from 30 October 2023 until the 31 March 2024.
The training begins on 30 October 2023, with the first week serving as an introductory or ‘’zero’’
week during which participants will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with platform’s

Informative online sessions, where selected participants will receive more information about the
programme’s content and how the online platform works will be held on 25 and/or 26 October at
16:00 (in case of any changes regarding date and time, teachers will be notified in advance).

Interested English language teachers can apply via the following link: Link to Application Form

The deadline for applications is until 4 October 2023.

After the selection process, teachers will have the flexibility to determine how they want to engage
with the programme, such as when they access modules (which they can do independently), when they
participate in forum discussions, etc. However, they must attend webinars at designated times once a

Teachers will receive the following certificates:

 Certificate for participation in regional webinars

 Certificate for completing modules that teachers access independently (it is necessary to
complete more than 70% of the modules)

The platform will be available only to selected participants, for whom accounts will be created so they
can engage in the planned activities.

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