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The train has stopped We can Go out now

she isn’t readied she hasnt pack her cases yet
she has taken shome photos
sally hasnt arrived yet where can’t she be?
I’ve never spoken to your mother
I haven’t decided which shoes to buy yet

El tren se ha detenido Podemos salir ahora

ella no está lista todavía no ha empacado sus maletas
ella ha tomado fotos de su casa
Sally hasnt llegó, pero ¿dónde no puede estar?
nunca he hablado con tu madre
Todavía no he decidido qué zapatos comprar

2. Listen to the following audio

exercise-23- present-perfect-tense-verbs and complete each sentence or question
with the present perfect tense.

1. Where have you been

2. How long have you lived been here?
3. Tom has worked there for ten years.
4. Michelle hasn't had anything to eat yet today now. (negative)
5. have you done all of your homework?
6. we haven’t seen that movie yet. (negative)
7. Has she spoken with the teacher?
8. it hasnt rained since last week (negative)
9. have you had Anny coffee?
10. Bob has moved several times over in the last year.

1. ¿Dónde has estado?

2. ¿Cuánto tiempo ha vivido aquí?
3. Tom ha trabajado allí durante diez años.
4. Michelle todavía no ha comido nada hoy. (negativo)
5. ¿Has hecho toda tu tarea?
6. Aún no hemos visto esa película. (negativo)
7. ¿Ha hablado con la maestra?
8. no ha llovido desde la semana pasada (negativo)
9. ¿has tomado café?
10. Bob se ha mudado varias veces en el último año.

3. Read the text below and answer the questions:

Hello, my name is Steve. We are having a busy day today, because my family and I are
doing a lot of housework. Luckily everyone is helping each other and sharing the work. I
just took a short break to have a cup of tea and rest. I have helped my mother to wash
clothes and take out the garbage until now. I also tidied up my room and put all my books
on the shelves. I've fed our dog, Cooper, but haven't washed him yet because he's out of
shampoo. I need to go to the supermarket and buy some. My father Henry is working in the
garden now. He has cleaned all the windows and mowed the grass. He hasn't watered the
trees because it was raining all day yesterday. He has washed our car and planted new red
roses in the pots. He hasn't cleaned the bathroom yet. I think he will after lunch. My mom,
Julie, vacuumed the floor, did laundry, and made lunch for us. She has also ironed
something, but she hasn't washed the dishes yet. I think she'll do it later today. My sisters,
Shirley and Diane, have dusted all the furniture and mopped the floor. They have cleaned
the bathroom and folded the laundry. They still haven't loaded the dishwasher or set the
table. They are having a break like me now that they are exhausted.
I love helping my family with housework and I am glad that there is a perfect cooperation
between all family members. Now that I've finished my cup of tea, I have to go to the
supermarket for Cooper's shampoo and some bread. Goodbye for now!

Hola, mi nombre es Steve. Estamos teniendo un día ocupado hoy, porque mi familia y yo
estamos haciendo muchas tareas del hogar. Por suerte todos se están ayudando y
compartiendo el trabajo. Acabo de dar un breve descanso para tomar una taza de té y
descansar. He ayudado a mi madre a lavar la ropa y sacar la basura hasta ahora. También
ordené mi habitación y puse todos mis libros en las estanterías. He alimentado a nuestro
perro, Cooper, pero aún no lo he lavado porque no queda champú. Necesito ir al
supermercado y comprar algunos. Mi padre Henry está trabajando en el jardín ahora. Ha
limpiado todas las ventanas y cortado el césped. No ha regado los árboles porque estuvo
lloviendo todo el día de ayer. Ha lavado nuestro coche y ha plantado nuevas rosas rojas en
las macetas. Aún no ha limpiado el baño. Creo que lo hará después del almuerzo. Mi mamá,
Julie, pasó la aspiradora por el piso, lavó la ropa y preparó el almuerzo para nosotros.
También ha planchado algo, pero aún no ha lavado los platos. Creo que lo hará más tarde
hoy. Mis hermanas, Shirley y Diane, han quitado el polvo a todos los muebles y trapeado el
piso. Han limpiado el baño y doblado la ropa. Todavía no han cargado el lavavajillas ni
puesto la mesa. Están teniendo un descanso como yo ahora que están agotados.
Me encanta ayudar a mi familia con las tareas del hogar y me alegra que haya una perfecta
cooperación entre todos los miembros de la familia. Ahora que he terminado mi taza de té,
tengo que ir al supermercado por el champú de Cooper y un poco de pan. ¡Adios por hora!

a. Has Steve done household chores with his family?

if you have collaborated with the household chores

b. What kind of activities has Steve done to help his mother?

I help my mom wash clothes and take out the trash. I also tidy up her room and put all my
books on the shelves. I feed the dog Cooper, but he couldn't wash it because there's no
shampoo left

c. Why haven’t Steve washed his pet?

she couldn't wash his pet because she doesn't have shampoo and she has to go to the
supermarket to get one

d. Have Shirley and Diane helped with the household chores?

if Steven's sisters, Shirley and Diane, have dusted all the furniture and mopped the floor.
They have cleaned the bathroom and folded the laundry. They still haven't loaded the
dishwasher or set the table. They are having a break like me now that they are exhausted.

4. Write and complete the present perfect interrogative form of the sentences below:

a) be/still/the girls/shopping/?
are the girls still shopping?
b) take/my book/Dave/?

Dave, did you take my book?

c) Daniel and Lauren/all songs/listen/?

Daniel and Lauren have heard all the songs?

d) postal/arrival from Sue/?

did sue's postcard arrive?

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