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(EDGC 3903)



The first journal is about my experience, expectation and feeling before I am starting my
counselling practicum where all of the guide students that will be doing the internship got a
memo about a month early and we need to look and reserved our practicum school in 2
weeks before the office send our information and site counselling information to the ministry
of education and state education office for the approval and formal letter to be given to the
school. After I got the memo, me and my partner take about two days for us to list down the
possible school for us to contact and both of try to contact each school that possible and
finally, SMK Keramat Wangsa gave a positive response to our application and we decided to
choose SMK Keramat Wangsa as our practicum site. We quickly email the office for the
informal letter and keep on contact the school until we got official letter and approval letter
from KPM, JPN and Kuliyyah.
A week before we start our internship, we got email from the office stated that
all the students that doing practicum under JPN Wilayah need to apply for teaching permit
from the JPN where I need to prepared all the document needed such as diploma transcript
copy, SPM copy and the forms they prepared and all that need the confirmation from the
officer grade A and I also need to do the medical check-up. Due to the limited time, I choose
private hospital, Taiping Columbia Asia hospital to do the medical check-up as I need the
result as soon as possible and fortunately the prices are still affordable as I am still a student.
As I expect, they are faster and, in few hours, I get all the result for my medical check-up. As
for the preparation, it took me about one week to prepare all the thing such as document,
stationary and other things because this is my first-time doing practicum in school setting, so
I am a bit quite unfamiliar with the environment. We also had survey our school for
practicum during the gap in the examination week to make us more familiar with the road
and journey to the school. Based on our survey, the journey for our school was about 20 mins
without traffic jammed but on the way to our school from our friend’s school got lots of
traffic light and there are few roads was on construction so we need to move early from IIUM
to avoid jammed and to ensure we arrived to school on time. I also made my own findings
regarding this school through website and media social so that I get to know about my
practicum site.
My expectation when I saw the school website was like the facilities of this school
must be good as the school was opened on 2017 so, it is just 5 years and many things can be
improved in term of programme, promotion and activities for students and teachers to
strengthen the bonding between the teacher and students and also the parents. Due to new
school, I was expecting that the number of students and teacher are still not so many and this
school was big as I just look from outside of the school. This school was near with flat,
housing area and police quarters so I was expecting that the discipline cases that I might be
handle later, may be come from the students from lower income family where they need
more attention from teachers and parents. I hope that everything will be ease and good for me
especially and all my classmate who was preparing for first practicum.

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