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Anand Bal Vidhya Mandir

Annual Examination

Subject English-II

Time-2 Hours Class-VI MM-80

Q1-Define Conjunctions with example and tell its kinds. (5)

Q2-Define Adverb with example and tell its kinds. (5)

Q3-Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunction- (5)

a) He is old_____ he is strong.
b) Wait______ I come back.
c) Write to me ______ you can.
d) I shall go there______ you wish.
e) Work hard _____ you will fail.

Q4-Join these sentences by using conjunctions. (10)

a) I work hard. I will get a promotion.

b) The old lady is careful. She should fall.
c) He saw her. I called out her.
d) She got first position. She had worked hard.
e) The theif ran away. The police ran after him.

Q5- Pick out adverb and state their kinds. (5)

a) We must treat animals gently.

b) This man sometimes travelled in disguise.
c) Walk quickly otherwise you will be late.
d) We should go there.
e) She is quite unhappy about the money he got/

Q6-Change into passive voice- (10)

a) The police caught the thief.

b) Lata sings a song.
c) They wrote an essay.
d) We should love each other.
e) He sold his scooter.

Q7-Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition- (5)

a) Ayushi’s birthday is _____ January.

b) They walked out of the room______ bike.
c) He went______ Mumbai yesterday.
d) The girls are dancing_____ the stage.
e) My saister is afraid_______ lizards.

Q8-Give the Antonyms of- (5)

Private, shopkeeper, rigid, sober, transparent.

Q9-Write an essay on zoo or holi. (10)

Q10-Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about tour. (10)

Q11- Write a paragraph on Discipline in your own words. (10)

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