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Grass and Forage Science (1987) 42, 1-8

The effect of dry matter eontent and silage additives on the

fermentation of grass silage on commercial farms

P, M, HAIGHt decreased ammonia-N to 117 g (kg total N)"' and

Welsh Office, Agricultural Department, Cardiff, pH to 4 23 compared with 125 g (kg total N)-'
Wales and pH 4-27 for untreated silages. Above 260 g
DM kg"' both formic acid and sulphuric acid/
formalin provided a small but consistent decrease
Abstract in ammonia-N and pH compared with untreated
silages. Chemical additive use conferred no other
A total of 1713 samples of silage from commercial benefit when compared with untreated silage.
farm silos were analysed to investigate the effect Calcium formate/sodium nitrite mixtures and
of dry matter (DM) content and chemical addi- acid mixture use provided no benefit in fermen-
tives on fermentation as measured by ammonia- tation compared with untreated herbage.
N concentration and pH, Increasing DM content
without additive use had a major beneficial
influence upon fermentation. When silage DM Introduction
contents were greater than 260 g kg~' 83% of
silages were well fermented, with average ammo- In recent years much research has been devoted to
nia-N concentrations of 94 g (kg total N)"' and fermentation control by the application of addi-
pH 4 36, With diminishing DM concentration the tives at harvesting. It is estimated that 20-2
proportion of well fermented silages declined. In million tonnes of silage were made in England
the DM range 220-260 g kg"' 67% of silages were and Wales in 1984 (Ministry of Agriculture,
well fermented with ammonia-N concentrations Fisheries and Food, 1985) of which about half
of 125 g (kg total N)-' and pH 4 30, in the DM would be treated with additives (Agricultural
range 180-220 g kg"' 48% were well fermented Development and Advisory Service, 1979; Craw-
with ammonia-N at 151 g (kg total N)~' and pH shaw and Hughes, 1978), Several reviews of the
4 38 and with DM below 180 g kg"' no silages benefits of silage additives have recently been
were well fermented with ammonia-N concentra- published (Waldo, 1978; McDonald, 1981), Their
tion of 252 g (kg total N)"' and pH 4-84, use is widely advocated (Raymond et al.., 1973),
The benefit of chemical additives, albeit at particularly with young grass and legumes
poorly defined and often inadequate rates, was (Breirem and Ulvesli, 1960) and crops ensiled in
small in comparison to that of increased DM difficult weather conditions, i,e,, when wilting is
concentration. Below DM concentrations of 180 difficult (Agricultural Development and Advi-
and 220 g kg~', the only benefit was that formic sory Service, 1978), It is further suggested that
acid decreased ammonia-N to 151 g (kg total additives such as fonnic acid have led to the
N)-' and pH to 4-32 compared with 163 g (kg making, on farms, of silages with lower levels of
total N)-' and pH 4-43 for untreated silages. volatile acids and ammonia, and much more
Within the DM range 220-260 g kg"' formic acid consistent fermentation quality than in the past
decreased ammonia-N level to 104 g (kg total (Tayler and Wilkins, 1976),
N)~' and pH to 4-07, and there was a slight Information is lacking on the effectiveness of
benefit from using sulphuric acid/formalin which proprietary silage additives on commercial farms.
The only results available in the UK are those
t Correspondence: P, M, Haigh, Welsh Office Agriculture
Department, 66 Ty Glas Road, Llanishen, Cardiff, UK CF4 recorded by Ibbotson (1976) and Crawshaw and
5ZB, Hughes (1978),
2 P. M. Haigh

Materials and methods Silage fermen tat ion

Ammonia-N. An ammonia-N value of less than
The following investigation reports results of 964 80-100 g (kg total N)~' is commonly used to
samples of silage analysed by the Agricultural indicate that silage has undergone good fermen-
Development and Advisory Service (ADAS) col- tation with progressively poorer fermentation
lected from Yorkshire and Lancashire during above this level (McDonald and Whittenbury,
1972-78 and 749 silages from Derbyshire, Leices- 1973). For this survey an ammonia-N content of
tershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and < 100 g (kg total N)~' was used to indicate well
Nottinghamshire collected during 1974-78. fermented silage.

pH. Many workers have used pH as the sole

Sampling criterion for assessing silage fermentation. How-
Only two methods of taking samples for analysis ever, pH alone is an unreliable guide, because
were used. Silage samples were taken mainly by with increasing DM level, stable conditions may
coring to a depth of 1 -3 m with a 30-mm diameter be achieved at much higher pH (McDonald and
corer designed by Alexander (1960). Occasionally Whittenbury, 1973; McDonald, 1981). For this
grab samples, taken from the face of a silo, were survey the equation below (Haigh, 1983) was used
used for analysis. Details of the amount and to calculate the theoretically desirable pH of
nature of additive used were collected from silages of different DM concentrations.
farmers at the time of sampling. pH = 0-00359 DM (g kg"')-I-3-44
Silages which were stated to have received
additive at less than half the manufacturers' If the observed pH value was below the predicted
lowest recommended rate (Crawshaw, 1977) were pH value, silages were assumed to be well fer-
not included as being representative of that mented.

Chemical analysis
The incidence of additive use
Oven-dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), pH,
ammonia-N (NH3-N) and modified acid deter- It was impossible to be precise about the quantity
gent fibre (MAD fibre) were determined accord- of additive applied per tonne of grass ensiled.
ing to Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and When asked, most farmers claimed to have
Food (1981). Digestibility (DOMD) was calcu- applied an additive at the recommended rate,
lated (Agricultural Development and Advisory though they often did not know either the amount
Service, 1977a), from the equation DOMD (g of grass ensiled or the quantity of additive used.
kg-') = 914 - 0 81 MAD fibre. Rates applied were extremely variable with high
rates of additive being applied when wet grass was
ensiled in wet weather and low rates or none at all
when dry grass was ensiled in good weather.
Additives applied Despite these considerable drawbacks a guide to
Additives applied were formic acid ('Add F', BP the rates of additive claimed to have been used is
Nutrition Ltd), a mixture of sulphuric acid and given in Table 1. Overall the amount of additive
formalin ('Sylade', ICI Ltd), a mixture of calcium applied was often lower than manufacturers
formate and sodium nitrite ('Kylage Extra', Pan would recommend.
Britannica Industries Ltd) and acid mixtures, i.e., The incidence of additive use in relation to
other commercial silage additives containing mix- DM, CP and DOMD of silages is given in Table 2
tures of acids ('Fodderade S', Dallas Keith Ltd, and the mean DM, CP and DOMD contents of
'GAP', Mineral Supplements Ltd, 'Silaphos', silages in Table 3.
Chapman and Frearson Ltd, 'Silage Care', Bell
and Sons Ltd, 'Silage Maker', Tithebarn Ltd, The relationship between additive use and DM
'Silage Master', Agil Ltd and 'Silage Shield', FSL concentration. About half the silages sampled had
Ltd). received additive. Average DM concentration of
Silage dry matter and additives

Table 1. A comparison of additive application rates from the survey with

those recommended by the manufacturers

Sulphuric formate/
Application rate Formic acid/ sodium Acid
(kg or I t - ' ) acid formalin nitrite mixtures

Manufacturers recommendedf 2-5 2-5-5 I'g 0-5-2

Lowest acceptable 1-5 1-5 10 0-5
fviean 2-2 2-5 1-5 0-7
s.e. 0-70 0-43 0-36 0-64

t Taken from Crawshaw (1977) and Agricultural Development and

Advisory Service (1986).

Table 2. Incidence of additive use in relation to DM, CP and DOMD of


Sulphuric formate/
No Formic acid/ sodium Acid
additive acid formalin nitrite mixtures Total

DM(gkg-' )
<180 25 5 5 5 12 52
180-220 188 52 60 43 55 398
220-260 218 78 130 30 60 516
260-300 207 49 69 17 47 389
>300 218 39 60 II 30 358
<120 224 37 27 20 33 341
12^-140 258 55 75 25 49 462
140-160 197 58 107 27 62 451
160-180 125 43 72 24 40 304
>180 52 30 43 10 20 155
DOMD (g (kg D M ) - ')
<610 251 39 38 25 53 406
610-640 341 76 123 39 68 647
640-670 214 80 128 32 68 522
>670 50 28 35 10 15 138
Total 856 223 324 106 204 1713

Table 3. DM, CP and DOMD content of silages in relation to additive use

Sulphuric formate/
No Formic acid/ sodium Acid
additive acid formalin nitrite mixtures Mean

DM(gkg-') 270 257 260 240 247 261-9

CP(g(kgDM)-') 138 148 153 146 148 144-0
DOMD(g(kgDM)-') 628 641 641 633 632 633-2
p. M. Haigh

untreated silages was 270 g kg"'. Above a DM Effect of silage DM in the absence of additive
concentration of 300 g kg"' about 40% of the use. Fermentation quality of silages was
silages were treated with additive. However, enhanced by increasing DM. The proportion of
additive use did not greatly increase as silage DM silages in each DM range which were well fer-
decreased but remained constant with about 55% mented decreased with diminishing DM concen-
of silages with DM concentration below 260 g tration. Above 260 g DM kg-' 83% of the silages
kg"' being treated with additive irrespective of were well fermented. This decreased to 67% in the
DM level. Formic acid was applied to 10-15% of DM concentration range 220-260 g kg"' and
silages and its use appeared to be independent of 48% in the range 180-220 g kg"'. Below 180 g
DM. Sulphuric acid/formalin was applied mainly DM kg-' no silages were well fermented.
to drier silages with mean DM concentrations of
260 g kg-', with 14% of silages with DM The effect of formic acid. Formic acid was
concentration below 220 g kg"' and 21% of consistently the most effective silage additive. It
silages above this DM concentration being reduced the ammonia-N content by 11 g (kg total
treated. Calcium formate/sodium nitrite was N)"' and pH values of silages by 0-16 units
applied to silages of mean DM concentration of compared with untreated silages and thereby
240 g kg-' with 11 % of silages below a DM improved the proportion of well fermented
concentration of 220 g kg-' and 5% silages above silages particularly below DM concentrations of
this DM concentration being treated. Acid mix- 260 g kg-' when the percentage of well fermented
tures were applied to silages of mean DM concen- silages, particularly below DM concentrations of
tration of 247 g kg"' with 23% of silages below a 260 g kg-', when the percentage of well fermented
DM concentration of 180 g kg-' and 12% of silages was 67% compared with 55% for
silages above this DM concentration being untreated silages. Above 260 g DM kg"' the
treated. improvement was less, so that 90% of silages
Overall the results indicated that, when poss- treated with formic acid were well fermented
ible, farmers attempted to increase the DM compared with 83% of untreated silages.
content of early cut silage by wilting and that if
they were unable to achieve a satisfactory in- The effect of sulphuric acid and formalin. Sul-
crease in DM, an additive was used in conjunc- phuric acid/formalin treatment reduced the
tion with wilting. ammonia-N and pH value of the small number of
silages with DM concentrations below 180 g kg-',
The relationship between additive use and CP. had no effect in the DM range 180-220 g kg-' and
The incidence of additive use, particularly that of above 220 g DM kg-' it consistently reduced the
sulphuric acid/formalin, increased with increas- ammonia-N content and pH of silages to the
ing CP. The mean CP of untreated silages was 138 modest extent of 10 g (kg total N)-' and 0-05 pH
g (kg DM)-'compared with 153g(kgDM)-' for units compared with untreated silages. Sulphuric
sulphuric acid/formalin treated silages. acid/formalin did not improve the proportion of
well fermented silages with DM concentrations
The relationship between additive use and below 220 g kg-'. Above this DM level it
DOMD. The incidence of additive use, particu- provided a small but consistent improvement
larly formic acid and sulphuric acid/formalin, with 82% of silages being well fermented com-
increased with increasing DOMD. The mean pared with 78% of untreated silages.
DOMD of untreated silages was 628 g (kg DM)-'
compared with 641 g (kg DM)-' for formic acid The effect of calcium formate/sodium nitrite and
and sulphuric acid/formalin treated silages. acid mixtures. Neither calcium formate/sodium
nitrite nor acid mixture treatment was generally
effective in enhancing silage fermentation com-
Silage Fermentation pared with untreated silages at any DM concen-
The ammonia-N in g (kg total N)-' and pH of tration.
silages at given DM ranges are given in Table 4
and the proportion of well fermented silages at The interrelationships between silage DM and
each DM range in relation to additive use is given additives. The benefit of additive use, albeit at
in Table 5. poorly defined and often inadequate rates, was
Silage dry matter and additives
Table 4. The ammonia-N and pH values of treated and untreated silages at different DM concentration
ranges, together with pH value required to produce a good fermentation

Ammonia-N (g (kg D M ) - ' )

DM range(g kg
<180 180-220 220-260 260-300 >300 Mean

No additive 252 151 125 105 84 119 5

Formic acid 216 145 104 94 72 1082
Sulphuric acid + formalin 188 172 117 95 72 115 2
Calcium formate + sodium nitrite 284 174 133 105 95 1485
Acid mixtures 278 179 137 95 92 140 6

Mean 251 3 160 0 122 0 100 9 81 8 121 6

DM range (g kg

<180 180-220 220-260 260-300 >300 Mean required

No additive 484 438 427 428 444 436 4 41

Formic acid 484 4-27 407 413 440 420 436
Sulphuric acid + formalin 4-78 454 423 421 442 433 437
Calcium formate + sodium nitrite 476 457 439 429 433 446 430
Acid mixtures 509 455 434 424 444 443 432

Mean 488 443 424 424 442 435

pH required! 406 4-17 430 444 470 438

t pH required to produce a good fermentation, see text.

much less pronounced than that from increased concentrations above 260 g kg-' were well fer-
DM. The greatest benefit produced from additive mented. Below this DM content, fermentation
use was when formic acid was applied to silages quality declined as silages became more moist.
within the DM concentration range 180-220 g This conclusion agrees with the findings of Craw-
kg-' when 56% of the silages were well fermented shaw and Hughes (1978) and Ibbotson (1976),
compared with 48% of the untreated silages. which showed that silages with DM concentra-
However, far more benefit was obtained without tions above 250 g kg-' were well fermented
additive use when silage DM level was increased without additive use, whilst silages of lower DM
from 180-220 g kg"' to 220-260 g kg"', when content were not.
67% of silages were well fermented.
Formic acid
The survey results agree with those of Waldo
Silage DM content (1978) that formic acid was less successful than
The survey demonstrated that silages with DM wilting as a method of controlling fermentation.

Table 5. The proportion of well fermented silages at each DM range in relation to additive

DM range (g k g - ' )

<180 180-220 220-260 260-300 >300 Mean

No additive 0 048 067 080 086 069

Formic acid 020 056 078 084 092 075
Sulphuric acid + formalin 010 035 070 082 094 070
Calcium formate+sodium nitrite 010
010 0 31 068 079 082 053
Acid mixtures 0 034 055 0 81 083 056

Mean 004 043 068 0 81 088 0674

p. M. Haigh

Gordon (1981) and Castle and Watson (1982) (Wilkinson et al., 1976) by encouraging growth of
have stated that when additives enable the pro- clostridia (Wilson and Wilkins, 1978) unless
duction of unwilted silages with a good fermen- additional acid is applied. The effectiveness of
tation and high voluntary intake, wilting should sulphuric acid/formalin as an additive, applied at
not always he an accepted practice. However, this the rate found in the survey, would therefore
survey shows clearly that formic acid application appear to be dependent upon conflicting princi-
did not, in practice, consistently produce well ples. It contains insufficient acid to prevent
preserved silages when used with wet crops. The clostridial activity, and added formalin will
main reason for this difference is prohahly that induce a clostridial fermentation unless pH is
the rates of application were generally variable sufficiently low to prevent it. Effective preserva-
and lower than manufacturers would recom- tion attributed to sulphuric acid and formalin,
mend. Its effectiveness may also have been therefore, may be dependent upon herbage water
reduced because it is highly volatile and may soluble carbohydrate being sufficiently high to
disappear duringfieldapplication on commercial achieve successful fermentation without additive.
farms, and because effluent production is greater
when formic acid is applied than when no additive
is used (Parker and Bastiman, 1982). Calcium formate and sodium nitrite
The results suggest that formic acid was most Use of this additive, albeit at a highly variable and
effective in the DM concentration range lower (15 kg t"') rate than the 18 kg f'
220-260 g kg-'. However, with increasingly low suggested (Agricultural Development and Advi-
DM levels, a good silage fermentation cannot be sory Service, 1986), produced silages with no
assured, because of low and incorrect rates of lower ammonia-N or pH values than untreated
application. silages, particularly at DM levels below 260 g
kg-'. In another survey calcium formate and
sodium nitrite use was shown by Crawshaw and
Sulphuric acid and formalin Hughes (1978) to produce significantly lower pH
The survey showed that sulphuric acid/formalin values of silage with DM contents below 230 g
provided no reduction in ammonia-N or pH kg-'
value compared with untreated silages with DM Similarly Ibbotson (1976) showed it to reduce
levels of 180-220 g kg-' and a small but consis- pH of silages with average DM of 219 g kg-'
tent reduction above this DM level. These results compared with untreated silage. Most work,
agree with Ibbotson's (1976) survey which however, shows that its use produces little, if any,
showed that sulphuric acid/formalin was not benefit compared with untreated silage (Watson
beneficial with silage DM levels below 250 g kg"', and Nash, 1960; Breirem and Ulvesli, 1960; Lusk,
but disagree with those of Crawshaw and Hughes 1978), although Murdoch (1964) claimed its use
(1978) who showed slightly lower pH values with considerably improved silage preservation when
silage DM levels below 230 g kg"'. The latter small silos were used. The explanation for this
results, however, refer to 1976 only, when her- may be that a major problem with solid additives
bage water soluble carbohydrate levels, except in is that relatively small quantitites are added,
Northern England, were high, and the weather which makes it extremely difficult to ensure
dry and warm (Agricultural Development and intimate mixing of additive with herbage. Even-
Advisory Service, 1977b), i.e. ideal for successful ness of distribution is relatively easy with small
ensilage without additive use. Under these cir- silos, but is a major problem in large-scale
cumstances the use of sulphuric acid/formalin operations on commercial farms. Recently the
may be expected to be more beneficial than under manufacturers have developed this additive in
more adverse circumstances. In the survey, sul- liquid form. This may improve evenness of
phuric acid/formalin was applied at 2-5 1 t"' distribution, but even when applied at the correct
herbage which will reduce initial pH to 5-50 under rate the additive is unlikely to be effective in the
laboratory conditions (Crawshaw, 1977). In the initial stages of ensilage because it does not begin
field such values are likely to be achieved by to function until pH range 4-5-4'8 (Murdoch,
correct application, because sulphuric acid is 1964), which is above the pH level of 4-4 required
non-volatile (Waldo, 1978). Low levels of forma- for an additive to be successful in the initial stages
lin (2-3 1 f ' ) induce a butyric fermentation of ensilage (Watson and Nash, 1960).
Silage dry matter and additives

Acid mixtures Departments of ADAS at Leeds and Derby for

The results of the survey confirm those of Craw- technical assistance, and is indebted to J. Crai-
shaw and Hughes (1978), that organic acid gon. Biometry Department, Nottingham Univer-
mixtures appear to produce silage which is no sity for help with statistical analysis and Dr R.
better on average than that receiving no treat- Wilkins, of the Animal and Grassland Research
ment at all. Their poor performance probably Institute, for his helpful discussions of the results.
arises from insufficient application of active
ingredients. This is because the application rates
used in the survey were lower than those recom-
nended by the manufacturers. Even when AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ADVISORY SERVICES (1977a)
ADAS Nutrition Chemists' Conference (unpublished).
applied at the correct rate, however, their effecti- AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND ADVISORY SERVICE (1977b)
veness could be low because pH is seldom less Regional Agricultural Science Service Annual Report 1976.
than 5-5 at which high levels of formic and acetic London: HMSO, p. 113.
acid are needed to inhibit clostridial activity Silage making. ADAS Profilable Farm Enterprises, Booklet
(Woolford, 1975). No. 9, London: MAFF.
Regional Agricultural Science Service Annual Report 1978.
Silage additives and DM London: HMSO, p. 89.
The survey showed that with increasing DM, Silage Additives, Farmers Weekly Supplement, February 21.
silage fermentation was improved. Other surveys ALEXANDER R.H. (1960) The sampling of silage pits by coring.
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, S, 118-122.
have shown similar results. Crawshaw and BREIREM K . AND ULVESU O. (1960) Ensiling methods. Herbage
Hughes (1978) showed untreated silages of DM Abstracts, 30, 1-8.
content 250-300 g kg"' to be on average well CASTLE M . E . and WATSON J.N. (1982) Silage and milk produc-
tion comparisons between unwilted and wilted grass silages
fermented and additive treatment improved made with different additives. Grass and Forage Science, 37,
neither mean pH nor the proportion of satisfac- 235-241.
CORRALL A.J., NEAL H . D . St.C. and WILKINSON J . M . (1982)
torily preserved silages, although formic acid and Silage in milk production: a simulation model to study the
sulphuric acid/formalin use did produce signifi- economic impact of management decisions in the production
cantly lower ammonia-N values when applied at and use of silage in a dairy enterprise. Technical Report,
Grassland Research Institute, Hurley, No. 29.
2-3-2 5 11-'. Ibbotson (1976) showed that addi- CRAWSHAW R. (1977) An approach to the evaluation of silage
tives had no beneficial effect upon fermentation of additive. ADAS Quarterly Review, 24, 1-15.
wilted grass (DM concentrations 250 g kg"'). CRAWSHAW R. and HUGHES J.G. (1978) A national survey of the
effectiveness of additives in preventing a clostridial fermen-
These results show that silage additives do not tation. Animal Production, 26, 364.
always enable production of low DM silages with GORDON F.J. (1981) The effect of wilting of herbage on silage
composition and its feeding value for milk production.
low ammonia-N and pH values and that drier Animal Production, 32, 171-178.
silages produced better results more frequently HAIGH P.M. (1983) Effectiveness of silage additives on commer-
than moist silages which relied upon additives cial farms. M. Phil, thesis. University of Nottingham.
IBBOTSON C.F. (1976) Some observations on the effectiveness of
alone. The results disagree with those commonly silage additives on commercial farms, silage additive studies
published in the literature (McDonald, 1981) that 1972-75. Fourth Silage Conference. Huriey.
application of formic acid to unwilted silage was LusK J.W. (1978) The use of preservatives in silage production.
In: McCullough M.E. (ed.) Fermentation of Siiage—A
more beneficial than wilting in enhancing fermen- Review, pp. 201-231. Iowa: National Feed Ingredients
tation quality, and that of Corrall et al., (1982) Association.
that the benefit of wilting is overestimated. MCDONALD P. (1981) The Biochemistry of Silage, Chichester:
John Wiley.
The fact that additives appear to perform less MCDONALD P. and WHITTENBURY R. (1973) The ensilage
well on commercial farms than in experiments process. In: Butler G.W. and Bailey R.E. (eds) Chemistry and
Biochemistry of Herbage, Vol. 3, pp. 33-60. London: Aca-
would tend to implicate the low and variable rates demic Press.
of application used. However, the relative ineffec- MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD (1981) The
tiveness of the other additives compared with Analysis of Agricultural Materials, RB 427,2nd edn. London:
formic acid may be inherent in their modes of MINISTRY OF AGRicuLTimE, FISHERIES AND FOOD (1985)
action. December 1984 agricultural returns for the UK.
MURDOCH J.C. (1964) The use of calcium formate preparations
as silage additives. Journal of Agricultural Veterinary Chemi-
cals,S, 114-117.
Acknowledgments PARKER J.W.G. and BASTIMAN B. (1982) Effect of additives on
nutrient losses and feeding values of silage. Journal of the
The author thanks the Analytical Chemistry Science of Food and Agriculture, 33, 877.
8 P. M. Haigh
RAYMOND F., SHEPPERSON G . and WALTHAM R. (1973) Forage and Forage Crops, London: Oliver and Boyd.
Conservation and Feeding, Ipswich: Farming Press Ltd. WILKINSON J.M.. WILSON, R . F . and BARRY T.N. (1976) Factors
TAYLER J.C. and WILKINS R.J. (1976) Conserved forage— affecting the nutritive value of silage. Outlook on Agriculture,
complement or competitor to concentrates. In: Swan H. and 9, 3-8.
Broster W.H. (eds) Principles of Cattle Production, pp. 343- WILSON R.F. and WILKINS R.J. (1978) Paraformaldehyde as a
364. London: Butterworth. silage additive. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge,
WALDO D . R . (1978) The use of direct acidification in silage 91, 23-29.
production. In: McCullough M.E. (ed.) Fermentation of WOOLFORD M . K . (1975) Microbiological screening of the
Silage—A Review, pp. 117-179. Iowa: National Feed Ingre- straight chain fatty acids (CI-CI2) as potential silage
dients Association. additives. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 26,
WATSON S.J. and NASH M.J. (1960) The Conservation of Grass 219-228.

{Received 25 April 1985; revised 4 July 1986)

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