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B. Tech. CSE 2020-21 III Sem VI - CSAI3050
1. Explain the NLP process pipeline?
2. Explain Dependency Parsing in NLP?
3. What is text Summarization?
4. What is NLTK? How is it different from Spacy?
5. What is information extraction? Define Bag of Words?
6. What is Pragmatic Ambiguity in NLP?
7. What is the difference between NLP and CI (Conversational Interface)?
8. What are the best NLP Tools? Like spacy vs nltk
9. What is POS tagging? What is Pragmatic Analysis?
10. Explain all the POS Tags used for NLP?
11. Explain TF-IDF, take suitable example to explain the same.
12. What is Naive Bayes algorithm, when we can use this algorithm in NLP? Explain Bayes theorem.

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