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Rayray. Michaella G.

BS Entrep 2A

 Explain the importance of studying ETHICS

Studying ethics is worthwhile for at least three reasons: First, studying ethics
may help you appreciate ethical problems and ways to reach solutions which can
help train that “sixth sense.” For example, ethics may be a bit like art. Second,
learning ethics can make it easier for firms to act morally, which might be essential
for long-term success. The role of business in society, specifically whether firms
have social responsibilities that are distinct from generating shareholder value, is
one of the most contentious and essential topics. In short, good ethics is good
business. In the long run, businesses that pay attention to ethics as well as law do
better; they are viewed more favorably by customers. But this is a difficult claim to
measure scientifically, because “the long run” is an indistinct period of time and
because there are as yet no generally accepted criteria by which ethical excellence
can be measured. And lastly, Legal observance and moral greatness are not the
same thing. Few people would pick a professional service, such as health care,
based on the provider's track record of complete legal compliance or constant
adherence to the letter of the law.
The study of ethics, often known as moral philosophy, "involves
systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong
behavior," according to Wikipedia. Ethics provide as a road map for moral
everyday conduct and assist us in determining whether our actions are appropriate.
In terms of ethics, we mean society's perception of the proper way to live our daily
lives. It accomplishes this by creating standards for behavior that we can base on.
Education places a high value on ethics. The discipline of dealing with right and
wrong with dedication and moral obligation is referred to as ethics. Being
responsible and managing your life are quite difficult without ethics. The
importance of ethics cannot be understated at any stage of life, and it is crucial that
they are upheld in the field of education.

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