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Penis Size and Vaginal Orgasm

DOI: 10.1111/jsm.12281

We thank Crabill for supportive comments [1] regarding our article hypothesis that female mate choice could have driven the evolu-
[2], including our research methods and our providing evidence tion of larger penises in humans” (6925) [11].
that undermines Masters and Johnson’s assertion that orgasms A larger penis is a likely fitness-related attribute [2,11], selected
during penile–vaginal intercourse (PVI) are ultimately provoked by by female choice [11], including cryptic female choice [2], so called
stimulation of the clitoral glans. The difference between clitoral because after the onset of copulation, females of several species
orgasm and vaginal orgasm (triggered by PVI without simultaneous continue to acquire information about the male, which can be used
masturbation) [3] is congruent with the vagina and cervix being well to “decide” if remating is “desirable” with that particular male. In
innervated for erogenous responses and having different sensory humans, vaginal orgasm might function as a cryptic choice mecha-
cortical projections than the clitoris [3,4]. nism mostly by increasing the probability of repeated longer-term
We also thank Crabill for thoughtful suggestions for future copulation with the same male; it is not necessary for women to be
research (which we discuss below), but we would like to correct a “turning men away mid-coitus on finding a smaller-than-average
few apparent misunderstandings as well. penis” [1], as Crabill doubts happens. That situation would indeed
We replicated and extended a previous study [5] by confirming seem at odds with a cryptic choice strategy.
that women with greater vaginocervical responsiveness, as indexed We also emphasize that we were not endorsing an upsuck
by greater vaginal orgasm frequency, prefer men with longer theory that vaginal orgasm promotes short-term fertilization
penises, presumably because such women appreciate deeper likelihood.
vaginal stimulation [2]. This view received further support in a Crabill doubts that women end relationships just because a
recent JSM study reporting that greater consistency of vaginal man has a smaller-than-desired penis. Perhaps future research
orgasm is associated with higher self-reported arousability from should address that question, but it is noteworthy that women’s
deep vaginal stimulation, but not with arousability from stimula- sexual dysfunctions and sexual dissatisfaction are often related to
tion of other vaginal sites or of the clitoris [6]. dissatisfaction with partner’s penis size [12,13].
Based on the findings of a large body of research linking All of this suggests that human evolution linked vaginal
vaginal orgasm or orgasm during PVI with women’s health and orgasm ability and the preference for a somewhat longer penis.
intimate relationship quality and with male partners’ fitness- Of course, many other fitness-related attributes can influence
related characteristics [2,7–9], we proposed that vaginal orgasm vaginal orgasm [7–10]. Nevertheless, our data support the idea
evolved (at least in part) to be preferentially triggered in repro- that preference for a large penis is guided by evolved mecha-
ductively propitious situations, thus encouraging PVI under more nisms rather than by “locker room gossip” and “arbitrary stereo-
favorable conditions for producing offspring [2]. Crabill disagrees types” [1].
to some degree with our view of how evolution could have played We agree with Crabill that future research should test if
a role in the origin of vaginal orgasm. However, one source of women who prefer shorter penises have shorter vaginas (it is a task
disagreement is based on the claim (citing a popular study with a for future researchers to determine if vaginal length is best deter-
biased sample) that only a small minority of women attain vaginal mined only when the vagina is unaroused, or possibly when the
orgasms. This claim is inconsistent with the best available empiri- vagina is elongated during or immediately after PVI). We also
cal evidence: for example, in two large nationally representative agree with Crabill that future research should examine if women’s
Czech studies, only 22% and 17% of the women never had a number of children born by vaginal delivery influences their pre-
vaginal orgasm [5,8]. A more liberal estimate of vaginal ferred penis sizes and vaginal orgasm experience. Consistent with
anorgasmia might be 30% [10], roughly the percentage found in our notion that vaginal orgasm might be associated with repro-
our study [2]. If vaginal orgasm evolved to discriminate conditions ductively propitious attributes, previous research found that
of better fitness potential, it is to be expected that it occurs less coitally anorgasmic women had more difficulties during childbirth
“reliably” at a population level than orgasms from other triggers compared with women who had a history of orgasms during PVI
such as clitoral masturbation. [14]. Many other biological variables might also influence
Also, Crabill erred when claiming that Costa et al. have “dis- women’s penis size preferences, but it is noteworthy that the most
carded nearly half their sample as respondents reported they rarely plausible variables do not arise from arbitrary cultural stereotypes
or never achieved vaginal orgasm” [1]. The nearly half of the that bigger is better.
sample that we excluded from the analyses consists not only of
those who rarely or never attained vaginal orgasm (29%), but also Rui M. Costa, PhD,* Geoffrey F. Miller, PhD,† and
those not experienced with a sufficient number of men to make Stuart Brody, PhD‡
valid comparisons of penis sizes (21.2%) [2]. The exclusion of the *Eco-Ethology Research Unit, ISPA—Instituto Universitário,
latter group is methodologically crucial to control for the problem Lisbon, Portugal; †Psychology Department, University of New Mexico,
(noted by Crabill) that women with fewer sexual partners may Albuquerque, NM, USA; ‡School of Social Sciences,
compare their real partners’ penises to the upwardly biased distri- University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK
bution of penis sizes shown in pornography and other media. We
took the approach that experience with several men is the only Conflict of Interest: The authors report no conflicts of interest.
realistic way for a woman to learn how important penis size actu-
ally is for her. In addition, recent research using computer- Corresponding Author: Stuart Brody, PhD, School of Social
generated images found that women rated images of men with Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, High Street, Paisley
smaller penises less attractive than those with larger penises, PA1 2BE, UK. Tel: +44 1418494020; Fax: +44 1418483891;
leading those researchers to infer that “Our results support the E-mail:

© 2013 International Society for Sexual Medicine J Sex Med **;**:**–**

2 Letter to the Editor

Statement of Authorship 4 Komisaruk BR, Wise N, Frangos E, Liu W-C, Allen K, Brody
S. Women’s clitoris, vagina and cervix mapped on the sensory
Category 1 cortex: fMRI evidence. J Sex Med 2011;8:2822–30.
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(b) Acquisition of Data
longer penis. J Sex Med 2010;7:2774–81.
N/A 6 Brody S, Klapilova K, Krejcova L. More frequent vaginal
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7 Brody S. The relative health benefits of different sexual activi-
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(a) Drafting the Article 8 Brody S, Weiss P. Simultaneous penile–vaginal intercourse
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(b) Revising It for Intellectual Content
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J Sex Med **;**:**–**

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