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1 Test

1 Complete the sentences. Replace the underlined words with a word or
expression from the box.
Fashionable casual took off tracksuit judge respectable
slogans investing amusing get dressed

1 Teachers have to wear smart, tidy clothes.

Teachers have to wear ________ clothes.
2 He put on his sports clothes and went to the sports centre.
He put on his ________ and went to the sports centre.
3 The company is using its money in a new housing project.
The company is ________ in a new housing project.
4 We can wear informal clothes to the barbecue.
We can wear ________ clothes to the barbecue.
5 Josh is always telling funny stories.
Josh is very ________ .
6 I always put my clothes on in the bathroom.
I always ________ in the bathroom.
7 Which short sentences do you remember from the adverts you’ve seen
Which ________ do you remember from the adverts you’ve seen recently?
8 It was very hot, so we all removed our jackets.
It was very hot, so we all ________ our jackets.
9 Jessica always wears clothes that are popular at the moment.
Jessica always wears ________ clothes.
10 I try not to form an opinion about people before
I know them.
I try not to ________ people before I know them.
Marks: __ /10

2 Complete the text.

Emily works at a hospital where the dress 1________ is very strict. 2________ are not
allowed to 3________ jeans or shorts, and T-shirts with a company 4________ are also
prohibited. If you wear anything unsuitable, they will tell you to take it 5________.
Doctors always wear a white 6________, which they have to put 7________ as soon as
they enter the hospital. They must 8________ up the buttons in order to look smart
and tidy. They may pull 9________ the sleeves to wash their hands, but they are not
allowed to attend patients like this. Employees are also expected to be well-
________ at work. Rude behaviour is definitely not allowed!
Marks: __ /10
3 Read the text and choose the correct answers.
Dressing up for the occasion
Before the 2008 Olympics, the Chinese government told Beijing residents exactly
what to wear during the 16 days of the Games. It gave leaflets containing dress code

Aim High 2 Unit Test 1 1

instructions to around four million households. They advised people to wear no more
than three colour groups in their clothing and prohibited people from visiting their
neighbours in pyjamas and slippers. They also recommended dark-coloured socks.
The government’s Olympic slogan for citizens was ‘I participate, I contribute, I
enjoy’. It also employed nearly a million volunteers to give tips for good manners at
schools, universities and government offices. The results of all this? People started to
dress more elegantly and began to queue at bus stops.

1 The Beijing Olympic Games lasted for . . . two weeks.

a just over b exactly c just under
2 People were advised to wear . . . colour groups.
a three or more b three c three or fewer
3 A suitable colour for socks was . . .
a yellow. b black. c pink.
4 Volunteers taught people how to . . ..
a dress. b behave. c smile.
5 Because of the government’s efforts, people started wearing . . . clothes.
a cheaper b more casual c smarter
Marks: __ /5

4 Read the text again and answer the questions with a complete sentence.
1 What event happened in Beijing in 2008?
2 How many leaflets did the government distribute?
3 What did people sometimes wear to visit neighbours?
4 What was the government’s slogan for the event?
5 What big change happened at the city’s bus stops?
Marks: __ /15
5 Choose the correct answers.
Whatever colour we choose 1_______ says something about our personality. In
general, reserved people 2_______ in darker colours because they don’t want
_______, whereas those with more confidence enjoy 4_______ brighter colours that
_______ their presence in a crowd. This shows the importance of spending time
_______ what to wear before any occasion. Avoid 7_______ on brown clothes if you
intend 8_______ modern and fashionable. If you need 9_______ your intelligence,
wear grey. And remember that even the most timid person can pretend 10_______
assertive by wearing bright colours.

1 a buy b to buy c buying

2 a dress b to dress c dressing
3 a stand out b to stand out c standing out
4 a wear b to wear c wearing
5 a highlight b to highlight c highlighting

Aim High 2 Unit Test 1 2

6 a decide b to decide c deciding
7 a put b to put c putting
8 a look b to look c looking
9 a show b to show c showing
10 a be b to be c being
Marks: __ /10

6 Rewrite the present simple sentences using the present continuous. Rewrite
the present continuous sentences using the present simple.
1 I don’t usually eat meat.
__________________________ meat today.
2 Ryan isn’t training today.
__________________________ on Fridays.
3 Are your grandparents going out tonight?
__________________________ every evening?
4 My brothers often play football after school.
__________________________ football tonight.
5 Do you download music?
__________________________ music now?
6 We aren’t visiting our cousins today.
__________________________ them during the week.
7 Susan doesn’t speak German.
__________________________ German now.
8 Is your brother watching TV at the moment?
__________________________ TV every day?
9 Olivia is doing her homework.
__________________________ her homework after school.
10 Does Jack usually walk to school?
__________________________ to school now?
Marks: __ /10
Language skills
7 Complete the dialogue.
Mr White Hello Dan. Why 1_______ you running?
Dan Hi Mr White. I need 2_______ go to the sports centre. I’ve got
a tennis match and I’m late.
Mr White _______ you want a lift? We’re 4_______ to the sports centre
Dan Yes, that would be great.
Mr White The boys are in the back, but nobody 5_______ sitting in the front.
Dan Thanks, Mr White.
Mr White Do you enjoy 6_______ tennis, Dan?
Dan Yes, but I 7_______ football. Football’s even better than tennis!
I’m not keen 8_______ watching it on TV, though.
Mr White I’m really interested 9_______ tennis. What time 10_______ your
match start?
Dan At 5.30. Come and watch if you want!
Marks: __ /10

Aim High 2 Unit Test 1 3

8 Complete the mini-dialogues.
Dialogue 1
A 1?
B No! My brother’s really lazy.
A Are your grandparents really mean?
B No! 2
A Are you a very quiet person?
B No! 3

Aim High 2 Unit Test 1 4

Dialogue 2
A 4?
B My friends wear jeans and a T-shirt at weekends.
A 5?
B Right now, I’m wearing a skirt and a jumper.
Marks: __ /10
9 Write a personal profile about somebody in your family. Write about 90
words. Organize your writing into three paragraphs:
• Write about their name, age and school year.
• Write about their hobbies and interests.
• Write about their personality.
Marks: __ /20
TOTAL: __ /100

Aim High 2 Unit Test 1 5

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