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CBSE Example Problem Tasks on Speakir Example Problem Task-1 ‘Sonie of Your classmates are under-confident in speaking in English and do not know how to get help. Also they do not know how to improve their spoken English. With your partner, discuss what could be done to help them. Example Problem Task-2 Your school’s volleyball team has been performing badly for a few months and has not won any matches. The morale of the team is very low. With your partner, discuss how this could be improved. Example Problem Task-3 You have a friend in your class who wants to learn how to swim but also confesses that he/she is scared of water. With your partner, discuss how this fear can be Overcome. You have suddenly lost interest in one of your best subjects, Math. You feel that the teacher is not being impartial and is putting you down in favour of her favourite student. You feel that this could be more of a problem with your thinking rather than the teacher’s attitude. You plan to meet the school counsellor to talk about it. Role play the scenario with your partner suggesting possible ways to solve the problem.

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