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5th Edition Mutations

01 Acidic Blood 51 Narcolepsy

02 Adhesive Skin 52 Natural Armor
03 Aggression Field 53 Oddly Colored Skin
04 Amorphous 54 Open Mind
05 Atrophied Arm 55 Paralytic Touch
06 Atrophied Leg 56 Photosynthetic
07 Attrition Field 57 Pincher Hand
08 Beak Mouth 58 Pinhead
09 Berserk 59 Poisonous
10 Bigger 60 Prehensile Tail
11 Bleeder 61 Prescience
12 Blind 62 Preservation
13 Body Pouch 63 Prodigal Mutant
14 Bug Legs 64 Pyrokinetic Blast
15 Caustic Spit 65 Quills
16 Chameleon Skin 66 Regeneration
17 Claws 67 Rejuvenation
18 Light Sump 68 Resilience
19 Darkvision 69 Resistance: Disease
20 Deaf 70 Resistance: Fire
21 Echolocation 71 Resistance: Poison
22 Eidetic Memory 72 Resistance: Radiation
23 Electrokinesis 73 Resistance: Thunder
24 Evil Eye 74 Shapechange
25 Extra Arm 75 Slow Healer
26 Extra Head 76 Slower
27 Eye Stalks 77 Smaller
28 Faster 78 Spring Legs
29 Fur 79 Stench
30 Gamma Eyes 80 Stinger
31 Gills 81 Telekinetic Blast
32 Glowing 82 Telekinetic Hand
33 Gooey Skin 83 Telekinetic Shield
34 Hideous Appearance 84 Telepathy
35 Horns 85 Teleportation
36 Hyperactive 86 Tentacles
37 Ink Spray 87 Timeshifting
38 Keen Hearing 88 Tougher
39 Keen Sight 89 Tremorsense
40 Keen Smell 90 Uncanny Dodge
41 Keen Touch 91 Vulnerability: Acid
42 Levitation 92 Vulnerability: Cold
43 Light Bending 93 Vulnerability: Disease
44 Light Sensitivity 94 Vulnerability: Fire
45 Lightning Reflexes 95 Vulnerability: Lightning
46 Lowlight Vision 96 Vulnerability: Poison
47 Mind Blast 97 Vulnerability: Thunder
48 Mind Control 98 Webbed Digits
49 Mind Probe 99 Wings
50 Mind Shield 100 X-ray Vision
5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III
Roll percentile dice as many times as indicated by the DM. Attrition Field (passive, Constitution)
Re-roll duplicate and contradictory results. You passively generate a mild force field that provides
temporary hit points equal to your Constitution score. This
Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + ability modifier field replenishes after taking a long rest.
Attack Bonus = ability modifier + proficiency bonus
Beak Mouth (melee attack)
Remember to add Strength and Dexterity modifiers to melee You have a sharp, beaked mouth. If you succeed at a melee
and ranged attack and damage rolls (respectively). attack, you may immediately make another attack against the
same target with your beak. The beak inflicts 1d4 piercing
Passive mutations are always 'on,' though you they may damage. This uses your reaction.
interact with other actions.
Berserk (passive)
Concentration mutations require an action to activate and When damaged in combat, you attack recklessly. You switch
remain in use as long as the character concentrates on it. to a melee weapon and attack the nearest foe. You gain
advantage on all melee attack rolls using Strength until the
Other mutations require actions to use, such as melee or end of the combat, but all attack rolls against you also have
ranged attacks. advantage.

Bigger (passive)
Acidic Blood (passive) You are one size level larger (i.e. from medium size to large
Any melee attacker within 5 feet of you that successfully size). Your Strength and Constitution scores are increased by
inflicts damage with a slashing or piercing attack takes 1d4 2 each, but your Dexterity score is decreased by 2.
acid damage.
Two-handed weapons become versatile weapons for you
In addition, their weapon suffers a permanent, cumulative -1 (you can use them one-handed for the same amount of
modifier to attack and damage rolls. When the modifier damage), or you can use large two-handed melee weapons.
reaches -5, the weapon is destroyed.
Your armor must be custom made, at double the standard
Adhesive Skin (passive, Strength save) cost.
Anyone or anything touching you sticks to your skin. A
Strength save is required to remove stuck weapons. Foes Bleeder (passive)
touching you are grappled unless they make a Strength save. You have disadvantage on death saving throws.
Aggression Field (passive) Blind (passive)
In combat, all foes attack you first, unless they have a closer You have no eyes, or were born blind, and thus suffer from
target. the Blind condition.
Amorphous (concentration) Body Pouch (passive)
You may concentrate to change your body into an amorphous You have a body pouch somewhere on your body (most likely
blob. You may squeeze your body through any opening up to your abdomen), which is roughly the size of pouch-sized
1 inch wide (though, obviously, not your equipment). container (from the equipment list). A simple pat-down
Furthermore, when amorphous you have advantage on search will not discover your pouch, but a thorough strip
checks to remove the Grappled condition. search would immediately reveal it.
Atrophied Arm (passive) Bug Legs (passive)
One of your arms is a shriveled limb, useless for anything. You have insect-like legs covered with spiky hairs which allow
You may not use that arm to hold equipment or to wield you move up vertical surfaces and across ceilings at your
weapons or shields. normal speed. You may also hang from ceilings or walls.
Atrophied Leg (passive) Caustic Spit (ranged attack, Dexterity save)
One of your legs is a withered, near useless stump. Your base Once between short rests as an attack action you may spit an
ground movement rate is halved. acidic glob at one opponent up to 60 feet away. If the target
fails their Dexterity save, they take acid damage equal to your
Strength score.

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

Chameleon Skin (concentration, Dexterity) Extra Head (passive)
With concentration you can make your skin change color and You have an extra head, granting advantage on all
pattern to match the surrounding terrain. You gain Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability checks and saving
advantage on stealth (Dexterity) checks. throws.

Note that this mutation won't change the color of your You gain one additional head each time this mutation is
equipment, so it only really works when you're wearing rolled, but gain no additional benefit from the mutation
minimal armor/clothing. (other than, if one head is somehow lost, you still have more
heads to fall back on).
Claws (melee attack)
Your hands have sharp and powerful claws, which you may Eye Stalks (passive)
use to make melee attacks. The claws inflict 1d6 slashing Your eyes are appended to the end of stalks which extend
damage. from your head. These stalks may rotate up to 180 degrees in
either direction, thus effectively granting 'stereo vision.'
Darkvision (passive)
You can see in dim light as if it were bright light (up to 60 In addition, you have a small degree of control over the
feet), and darkness as if it were dim light. stalks, allowing you to 'bend' them slightly, thus allowing you
to peek around a corner, for example.
Deaf (passive)
Lacking ears, or otherwise unable to hear, you suffer from the Faster (passive)
Deaf condition. This mutation contradicts the echolocation Your base speed increases by 10 feet.
Fur (passive)
Echolocation (passive) Your body is covered in fur (which may grow over any natural
You possess blindsight with a range of 60 feet. Echolocation armor you have), providing you with resistance against cold
does not work if you're suffering from the Deaf condition. damage.

Eidetic Memory (passive) Gamma Eyes (ranged attack)

You are able to recall images, sounds and smells almost Your green, glowing eyes are able to fire a beam of laser
perfectly, with little effort, granting you advantage on Insight energy at a single target you can see up to 120 feet away,
(Wisdom), Investigation (Intelligence), and Persuasion inflicting 2d6 fire damage.
(Charisma) checks related to events you have witnessed.
Gills (passive)
Electrokinesis (passive) You are amphibious, able to breathe normally on land and
You have resistance to lightning damage and advantage on underwater.
any saving throw versus lightning or electricity.
Glowing (passive)
Evil Eye (concentration, Wisdom save) You glow with a soft light, creating an area of dim light with a
One of your eyes is a hideous, bloodshot orb. As an attack radius of 15 feet around you. If bright or dim light already
action you may focus the baleful gaze of your evil eye upon exists in the area this effect is barely noticeable. In darkness,
one foe of your choice. If they fail a Wisdom saving throw, however, you stand out like a lighthouse, automatically failing
they suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks and all stealth (Dexterity) checks.
saving throws for as long as you can see them and you
concentrate on the effect. Gooey Skin (passive)
Your skin (or hide) is slimy and gooey to the touch, granting
Extra Arm (passive) resistance to acid damage.
You have an extra arm, which may be used to wield a shield, a
light source or another one-handed weapon. Thus, if you Hideous Appearance (passive)
wield three one-handed weapons, you would get two off- Your normal appearance is revolting, even nauseating. You
hand attacks. You could also wield a two-hand weapon with suffer disadvantage on all Performance (Charisma) and
a shield or one-hand weapon. Persuasion (Charisma) checks. However, you do have
advantage on Intimidation (Charisma) checks.
You gain one additional arm each time this mutation is rolled.
In addition, merchants may charge you more for goods and
services, and others may just generally shun you.

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

Horns (melee attack, Strength save) Lightning Reflexes (passive)
Massive horns grow from your head(s). Aside from being You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
dead sexy, you may make a gore attack using your horns by
charging at least 10 feet towards an opponent. If the attack Lowlight Vision (passvie)
hits, they take 1d10 piercing damage and must succeed at a You can see in dim light as if it were bright light, up to 120
Strength save or be pushed 5 feet away and knocked prone. feet.
Mind Blast (ranged attack, Wisdom save)
Hyperactive (passive) As an attack action you may blast one enemy you can see
Thanks to your hyperactive metabolism, you're always on the within 120 feet with psychic energy. If they fail a Wisdom
go, go, go. You always have a bonus action each combat saving throw, they take psychic damage equal to your
round, which you may use to take any kind of action (even a Wisdom score.
second reaction). You also consume three times the normal
amount of food and water. Mind Blast does not work on undead or constructs.

Ink Spray (Dexterity save) Mind Control (concentration, Wisdom save)

As an attack action, you may spray a glob of ink into one As an attack action you may attempt to control an opponent's
opponent's eyes within 15 feet of you. If they fail a Dexterity mind. If they fail a Wisdom saving throw, they come under
save, they suffer the Blind condition until they take an action your mental domination.
to clear away the ink.
As long as you concentrate you mentally control their actions,
Keen Hearing (passive) as if you were controlling a puppet. You spend your move
You have advantage on all perception (Wisdom) checks and actions to make the controlled subject move and act,
involving sound. within its physical capabilities. You cannot make the subject
take an action it is physically incapable of taking.
Keen Sight (passive)
You have advantage on all perception (Wisdom) checks The subject makes another saving throw at the end of each of
involving sight. its actions, ending the effect if successful. Mind control does
not work on undead or constructs.
Keen Smell (passive)
You have advantage on all perception (Wisdom) checks Mind Probe (concentration, Wisdom saving throw)
involving smell. By concentrating on a subject you can see you can probe
their mind for specific information. With a successful
Keen Touch (passive) Wisdom saving throw they block out your mind probe and are
You have advantage on sleight of hand (Dexterity) checks, immune to future probes for the next 24 hours.
and any tool checks requiring fine manipulation (such as
disarming a trap or picking a lock). The subject makes another saving throw at the end of each of
its turns, ending the effect if successful. Mind Probe does not
Levitation (concentration) work on mindless undead, constructs and other 'mindless'
With concentration, you gain hover movement with a speed creatures.
of 30 feet. If you lose concentration you immediately fall.
Mind Shield (concentration)
Light Bending (concentration) So long as you concentrate to maintain your mental shield,
When you concentrate, you are able to bend light around you have resistance to psychic damage and advantage on any
you, effectively becoming invisible (though you still make saving throw against psychic effects, charm, mind control and
noise and leave a trail). In addition, while light bending you the like. You may activate your Mind Shield as a reaction.
gain resistance to damage from ray-like attacks, and
advantage on saving throws against ray like attacks. Narcolepsy (passive)
You have an unfortunate tendency to nip off and take a nap
Light Sensitivity (passive) at inconvenient times, forcing your party members to wake
You suffer disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks you up. The upside, every time you choose to do this (as a
made while you are in bright light. player), your character gains Inspiration.

Light Sump (concentration)

With concentration, you generate an aura that "sucks" in all
light within a 20 foot radius, centered on you. Not even
darkvision penetrates this aura.

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

Natural Armor (passive) Prehensile Tail (passive)
You're covered with thick hide, scales or carapace that You have a strong tail capable of holding objects. This grants
provide natural protection. Your armor class is never less you advantage on athletics (Strength) or acrobatics
than 15, even when you don't wear armor. If your Dexterity (Dexterity) checks to climb or balance. You may also wield a
modifier is positive, add that to 15; if it is negative, ignore it. light source, one-hand weapon or similar object with your
Oddly Colored Skin (passive)
Your skin (or hide) is oddly colored, such as bright pink, neon If you roll this mutation again, you have an additional
purple, etc. This makes you quite distinctive; you really stand prehensile tail.
out in a crowd.
Prescience (concentration)
Paralytic Touch (melee attack, Constitution save) When you concentrate you see a few moments into the
As an attack action you may attempt to touch one opponent future. This grants you advantage on initiative checks, ability
within melee reach and paralyze them. If the attack hits, the checks, attack rolls and saving throws.
target must make a Constitution save or be paralyzed for 1
minute. The target may attempt another save at the end of Preservation (action)
each of its turns, ending the effect on a successful save. You may take an action to touch a dying character. They
automatically stabilize at 0 Hit Points.
Photosynthetic (passive)
As long as you spend at least a few hours in sunlight each day Prodigal Mutant (passive)
your daily food requirement is satisfied. You may also eat Each time you roll this mutation, select a different skill to
food normally, in the absence of sunlight. receive the benefits of expertise. Add twice your proficiency
bonus to that skill.
Pincher Hand (melee attack)
One of your hands is a massive pincher, which you may use to Pyrokinetic Blast (ranged attack)
make melee attacks that inflict 1d6 bludgeoning damage. As a ranged attack action you may launch a bolt of fire at a
The target is also grappled, requiring an acrobatics (Dexterity) single target up to 60 feet away. If the attack hits, they take
or athletics (Strength) check to escape. fire damage equal to your Charisma score. This bolt may also
be used to ignite flammable objects.
You may not wield weapons or shields with your pincher
hand. Quills (ranged attack)
You have a number of spiky quills equal to your Constitution
If you roll this mutation a second time, another of your hands score. As a ranged attack action, you may pluck one of these
is also a massive pincher (though you can still only grapple quills and throw it with a range of 30/60 feet. The quills
one target at a time). inflict 1d6 piercing damage. You recover 1d6 quills each time
you take a long rest.
Pinhead (passive)
Your head (or one of them, if you have multiple) is tiny. Your Regeneration (passive)
Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability scores are -2 (to a As long as you have at least 1 Hit Point at the start of your
minimum score of 3). turn, you regenerate 10 points of damage (or all of your lost
hit points after taking a short rest). You also must consume
Poisonous (passive, Constitution saving throw) twice the normal amount of food and water per day.
Your body produces lethal toxins. The poison is applied by
any natural weapons you may have. Regeneration also allows you to regenerate lost limbs and
organs within minutes, though doing so increases your
If you have no natural weapons then you may excrete the Exhaustion Level by 1 per regenerated organ.
poison onto a melee weapon you wield (or a piece of
projectile ammunition). Doing so is an action. Each Each time you roll this mutation, the amount of damage you
application of poison is good for a single hit, or one minute regenerate each turn increases by 5.
(whichever comes first).
Rejuvenation (passive)
Anyone hit by the attack must make a Constitution save or Each time you take a long rest you remove all Exhaustion
suffer poison damage equal to your Strength score (in Levels. Any damage sustained from life drain effects is
addition to any weapon damage). recovered with a short rest.

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

Resilience (passive) Telekinetic Shield (concentration)
Each time you roll this mutation, gain proficiency in one You concentrate to create a telekinetic barrier around you,
saving throw of your choice. granting resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
damage. You may also activate your shield as a reaction.
Resistance (passive)
You gain resistance to the type of damage indicated. If a Telepathy (action, Wisdom saving throw)
saving throw is permitted against the type of damage or You may communicate mentally with any person you know
effect, you gain advantage on that saving throw. well at any distance on the same plane of existence, unless
they are somehow shielded or blocked from you.
Slow Healer (passive)
All healing effects are halved for you. You still recover all lost You may also attempt to communicate with unwilling
hit points after a long rest, but only recover 1 spent hit dice creatures, though a successful Wisdom saving throw blocks
per long rest. your efforts. You must be able to see the target, or at least
know that they exist.
Slower (passive)
Your base spend decreases by 10 feet. Telepathy does not work on mindless undead or constructs.

Smaller (passive) Teleportation (action)

Your size level decreases by one step (i.e. from medium size As an action you may instantly teleport to any location you
to small size). Your Strength score is reduced by 2, but your can see, or any location that you are familiar with, on the
Dexterity score increases by 4. You have disadvantage when same plane of existence. This could, for example, be a
attacking with normal sized two-handed weapons. specific cabin in a moving ship. You may bring a number of
additional people with you equal to your level of experience,
Spring Legs (passive) provided they are touching you when you teleport.
Your long jump and standing long jump distances are tripled.
Tentacles (passive)
Stench (passive) You have 1d4+2 tentacles. On their own your tentacles are
Any character within 5 feet of you suffers disadvantage on too weak to wield objects, but together they do grant you
attack rolls and ability checks. You suffer disadvantage on advantage on grapple checks. They also look really creepy.
any persuasion (Charisma) check you make.
Timeshifting (reaction)
Undead, constructs and other creatures with Stench are not As a reaction, after any other character has completed their
affected by this mutation. turn you may active your timeshift ability to take a second
turn. Each time you activate this mutation your Exhaustion
Stinger (melee attack) Level increases by 1.
You have a stinger on one of your appendages (either a hand,
tentacle or tail). You may make melee attacks with the Tougher (passive)
stinger, inflicting 1d4 piercing damage. The stinger counts as Each time you roll this mutation your maximum hit points
a finesse weapon. increases by 10.

If you have the poisonous mutation, your poison gland is Tremorsense (passive)
almost certainly integrated with your stinger. You possess tremorsense with a range of 60 feet.

Telekinetic Blast (ranged attack) Uncanny Dodge (reaction)

As a ranged attack action you may launch a blast of When an attacker you can see hits you with an attack, you
telekinetic force at a single target within 120 feet, inflicting may use your reaction to halve the attack's damage against
bludgeoning damage equal to your Wisdom score. you.

Telekinetic Hand (concentration) Open Mind (passive)

As long as you concentrate, you may employ your telekinetic You are vulnerable to psychic damage and have disadvantage
ability to perform acts of fine or subtle manipulation with a on saving throws against psychic effects, such as charm, mind
range of up to 60 feet. You use your Wisdom modifier control, telepathy, etc.
instead of your Dexterity modifier, where appropriate.

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

Vulnerability (passive)
You are vulnerable to the indicated damage type. If a saving
throw is required, you have disadvantage on the saving throw
against the indicated source.

Webbed Digits (passive)

Webbed digits grant you swimming movement equal to your
base speed, provided your hands are feet are uncovered.

Wings (passive)
You possess flying movement with a speed of 60 feet,
provided you are not encumbered. If you stop flying or go
unconsciousness you immediately fall.

X-ray Vision (concentration)

You may concentrate to peer through solid objects: up to one
foot of wood, stone or earth or one inch of metal. A thin
layer of lead, gold or other dense metal blocks your x-ray

5th Edition Mutations by Edward H. Green III

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