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Name : Marotholodi Dimakatso Mohlatlole

Student Number : 55918999

Module : BSW3705


Academic Honesty Declaration

I, Marotholodi Dimakatso Mohlatlole (full name/s and surname)

Student number: 55918999 declare that I am the author of this assignment in BSW2605.

 I further declare that this assignment is my own, original work and that where I used
other information and resources, I did so in a responsible manner.

 I did not plagiarize in any way and I have referenced and acknowledged any legal
resources that I have consulted and used to complete this assignment.

 By signing this declaration, I acknowledge that I am aware of what plagiarism is.

 Furthermore, I acknowledge that I am aware of UNISA’s policy on plagiarism and

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Date: 21 July 2022


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Name of client : Dikeledi Ngwepe

Date of birth : 28 June 1997
Marital Status : Single
Date of Interview : 21 July 2022
Place : Kings of Hope Development Foundation
Duration : 40 min
Nature of the problem : Homelessness

1. Preparation

I believe that empathy is one of the most important qualities for a successful case worker.
The Case of Dikeledi is very challenging and she is going through difficult times. Having
empathy allows me to better understand my clients’ situations and provide them with more
personalized care. It can be easy to get emotionally invested in a client’s situation but
remaining objective helps me make decisions that are best for the client. I had to revise the
basic skills especially empathy as the case was too emotional.

I revised theory of PCA as I have to focus on the individual as a whole, his/her perceptions,
feelings, emotions, values, and needs, the strength based, to focus on the strength he/she
possess, the ecosystem to focus on the relationship, communication and environment
between the family members and also use communication skills such as listening to the
client, because clients need to be listened to and to be understood when talking to them,
and attending to their verbal and non-verbal communication during the session.

2. Purpose of Interview

This is the second session with my client and the Purpose of this interview is to make myself
as a student worker known to the client, to identify the problem of my client, to get to know
my client and his/her situation. This interview will initially include listening to my client after I
introduced myself, giving them information, exploring their situations and engaging in fact-
finding. As we couldn’t finish with client’s story on first session this still continue as getting to
know each other.

The purpose of this interview is to create a safe space for the client to explore her
experiences without being threatened by the student social worker. To help the client to
symbolize his/her unsymbolized experiences and to help her to maintain her true self as an

3. Observations

There is no one face, look, or reason to homelessness. The status of “homeless” does not
discriminate. Attitudes, emotional maturity, perspective on life. Although our world is
developing and becoming a better place, there are still some people who are homelessness
and looking for a better place to live in.

What I observed is that my client is not blaming anyone for the condition she find herself on.
She is not even allowing the current status to define who she is. The client is emotionally
matured and determined to do anything that might be of help. Though the client has short term
and long-term goals.

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4. Presenting Problem

According to Dikeledi, her 24 years of life living with her late grandmother was peaceful and
there existed hardly any serious problem or misunderstanding that could create tension
between the two of them. However, since the beginning of the year 2022 (about 6 months
prior to first interview) after her granny past on during the month of December 2021 lot of
misunderstanding had taken place between Dikeledi and her aunt (Father’s sister). She was
being scolded for everything by her aunt. The aunt kicked Dikeledi out of the granny’s house
saying she must go stay with her mother that Dikeledi never saw since she was born.

According to Dikeledi, her granny told her that her father came with her while she was 7
months old to be taken care by the granny. Ever since she has been asking her father about
the mother without success. Dikeledi became homeless at the age of 24 and has a daughter
that lives with the granny. Dikeledi boyfriend took her in to stay with his family in Limpopo
Mokopane. She stayed with them for 3 months and the mother-in-law requested her son
(Dikeledi boyfriend) to come with her in Pretoria where he stays so that she can start looking
for jobs.

For over 3 months from March to May the two were living in harmony and peace until the
boyfriend started physically abusing Dikeledi. Dikeledi thought things will get better until one
day when the boyfriend strangled her in front of his mistress. Dikeledi ran to nearest police
station for protection order and place to stay, then the police called King’s Hope foundation
to assist.

5. Process

Process Theory Skills and Techniques Supervisor’s

SSW: Good morning Conditions for Attending: I used facial
Dikeledi, nice to meet you facilitation. A student expression, to smile at
again and thank you very social worker is her.
much for honouring our creating a safe space
appointment. by greeting the
clients warmly to
I hope you still remember show them that they
me. Smile. welcomed and
accepted them as
human beings.
(Rogers :1987)
Dikeledi: Yes, I do Mma,
you are Dimakatso.

SSW: Yes, thank you. (With Attending to the client’s

a smile) verbal and non- verbal
SSW: How are you today? Proposition 17: Respect: by using this
creating a safe space value it shows that the
for the session. Prop worker respects the
7 wanted to hear clients by asking them
from the client’s own how they feel.
frame of reference
how she feels.

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Client: I am fine, thank you

for asking
SSW: I am also fine and Proposition 17: for Self-determination: I
thank you for asking. I am creating a safe space believed that by being
glad to see you again and and showing clients here for the session
thank you for being here. that I appreciate their they are determined to
presence. (Rogers enhance their needs,
1987:517). maintain and develop
Prop 4: believing that their selves as human
her presence shows beings.)
that she is
determined to
enhance herself as
an individual (Rogers

SSW: I would like to repeat Proposition 17: Confidentiality: by

again that be assured that conditions for using this value the
we still going to maintain facilitation. (Rogers worker creates a climate
confidentiality, that is what is 1987:517). within which the client
going to be discussed here feels safe and an
will stay between us, and atmosphere of
never be repeated to acceptance.
anyone else.
Dikeledi: Ok. Thank you
very much, your presence is
highly appreciated.
SSW: would you mind if we Proposition 7: Self-determination.
recap on what we discussed frames of reference. The worker believed
on the previous session? The SSW wanted to that the client could
hear from the client’s direct the process of
Dikeledi: No problem frame of reference. facilitation

SSW: I will just recap on Proposition 1:

important matter and correct experiences at a
me where I am wrong. conscious and
unconscious level,
SSW: you reported that your Prop 2: human
grandmother that was your perceptions Minimal encouragers:
guardian passed on and the (verbal encourager): the
aunt chased you out of the . SSW used the minimal
house. encourager by phrasing
Your father abounded you what the client have
after she got married when said to encourage the
you were 7 years old. client to explore further.

Dikeledi: Yes Mam, all that Prop 7: I used this Attending: I used facial
is true. proposition because I expression to show that
needed to I am there for her.
SSW: Ok Dikeledi I think we understand the client
need to continue where we through her own
stop on previous session. frame of reference by
Are you ok with that? not judging her.

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Dikeledi: taking a deep Prop 5: Behaviour is Advanced Empathy:

breath while rubbing her associated with the SSW identified the
hands together. needs (Rogers emotions and the
1987:491). threats of the clients
After I was chased from the
house my boyfriend took me
in to stay with his parents at
Mokopane where my baby
stays. After short period of
time my mother-in-law
suggested I come with my
boyfriend to Gauteng to look
for employment.

Eish!!! Looking down.

SSW: Take it easy my girl Minimal encouragers:
no need to rush, I am here (verbal encourager): the
for you. SSW used the minimal
encourager by phrasing
what the client have
said to encourage the
client to explore further.
Dikeledi: We stayed in Prop1: human Listening: By using this
harmony until he started not experiences at a skill the worker is able
to come home for weeks conscious and to understand the
and when I confront him unconscious level: client’s experiential
started to shout and calling The client is world.
me names (tears fills the experiencing
eyes) changes in her life
that are threatening
SSW: (Rising)Its ok don’t be her self-structure.
so hard on yourself. Giving
the client water and tissue.
SSW: So, you say shouting Prop 6: emotions. Minimal encouragers:
and calling you names? With tears filled her (verbal encourager): the
eyes I could sense SSW used the minimal
Dikeledi: Yes, and not only that she was encourager by phrasing
that he will even bit me up emotional about what the client have
and telling how useless am something. Rogers said to encourage the
I, just like my moter 1987:492). client to explore further.

SSW: It will be alright my Prop 15: Connecting islands:

girl, do not cry. Would you Psychological The SSW understands
like to continue? adjustment: client the client’s experiences.
begin to acknowledge
Dikeledi: Yes, let’s their negative
continue. experiences
SSW: I promise you will not
regret, talking about the
issue that bothers you is the
beginning of healing

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Dikeledi: The last one that Prop1: human Attending: I used my

made me to move out of the experiences at a head to nod, as to show
house is when he struggled conscious and the client that I am with
me, I found myself begging unconscious level: her all the way.
for my life. I wouldn’t want to The client is
die and leave my daughter experiencing
alone. changes in her life
that are threatening
SSW: (Nodding the head) her self-structure.
mmm I hear you, continue.

Dikeledi: I really don’t want

my daughter to grow up like
me (sigh heavily)
SSW: I fully understand that Prop 2: human Advanced Empathy:
what you went through as perceptions, the SSW identified the
growing up is emotional. emotions and the
threats of the clients
Be rest assured that you will
get help.

Do you wish to continue?

Dikeledi: No, I think I will Self-determination: the
stop here, we can continue SWW used this skill to
some other time. show the client that she
respects her and
SSW: Thank you Dikeledi at believes in that she can
least now I have full story change her situation.
we can start looking at the
treatment plan

SWW: Dikeledi thank you so Respect and self-

much for trusting me and determination: the
sharing your experiences SSW showed some
with me. Will you be respect to the client by
available or willing to come thanking her for sharing
for more sessions? From her experiences with
myside I am gladly available her, and by also giving
and willing to work with you. her the opportunity to
choose for herself if she
would like to come for
more sessions.

SSW: As I have already Value of respect: SSW

explained to you that I am a used the value of
student social worker, I am respect by being honest
not available everyday due to the client.
to the university’s
requirements, I am going to
be available on the 27th of
this month it will be on
Wednesday at 10H30. We
will meet on that day if it
suits you.

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Dikeledi: yes, I will be Prop 4: self-

available determined for
herself to have more
SSW: ok thank you very Termination:
much Dikeledi see you on SSW terminates
the 27th. the session.

6. Assessment

Presenting problem/reason for referral or social work involvement

The circle of courage, sense of belonging has been broken in the client’s life. The surviving
father that is responsible is not willing to take responsibility for his child and we still to
contact him and find out more about him and what he has to say about his child situation.

The client does not have belonging, she had never met her biological mother, the granny
who was closing that Gap has passed and no one has filled it in. The client find herself in the
hands of her boyfriend hoping to find that fatherly love and sense of belonging.

By establishing a worker/client relationship, this will provide Dikeledi with a secure base to
operate from in the future. She will be able to confidently explore her historical, current, and
future relationship with herself knowing that she can receive comfort and reassurance from
me, her social worker. Once she recognizes this secure base, I will assist her in discovering
how she currently handles her relationship with her father.

During this relational discovery process with her father, I will also allow her to explore her
relationship with me, showing Dikeledi how her previous ways of dealing with others could be
positively changed through the change of her various internal behavioural models. Through
this social worker and client relationship exploration, Dikeledi will discover how her current
perceptions of her father are connected to expectations from their relationship when she was a
child, providing her the opportunity to view the current relationship differently.
Client’s perception of the problem
Dikeledi is aware of her problems and willing to tackle them one by one. She is determined
to start life on a clean slide only focusing on her growth and independency.

Educational background
Dikeledi managed to get into grade 12 unfortunately didn’t pass but she is willing to apply for
matric rewrite.

Employment history
The client is currently unemployed, but she was working in Mokopane at one of the shops as
cashier before she can move to Pretoria.

7. Self-reflection

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The session was not easy to conduct; I was nervous and did not know where to start when
the client enters the office. Responding to the client using basic and advance skills was
tough for me. At times after the client have spoken, I will have to pause a little bit to think of
how I must respond.

I was emotional when I see the client crying in front of me, I did not know what to do and I
was unable to hide my emotions. I think I must start working on my emotions, prepare myself
personally and professionally before starting the counselling session.

I must also revise PCA so that it will help to improve my skills of conducting the session. I
was able to create a safe space for the client (prop 17) and to use the value of respect,
self- determination by letting the client to decide for herself.

I was able apply (prop 17) by explaining the value of confidentiality by explaining it to the
client. As a Student Social Worker, I did not judge the client, I respected her and understood
her from her own frame of reference (prop 7). I could realise that there were some
discrepancies when the client says some things, but I was not sure how to respond to them.
I viewed the client in her totality by using (prop 3).

8. Planning for next Session

For the next session I am planning to read more and gain more understanding on how to
integrate theory into practice, and how to apply basic communication skills and professional
values. I am going to practice more on responding using the basic and advance skills. I am
planning to see the client again for more sessions until she reaches the seventh stage of
change. The next session is scheduled on the 27 July 2022 Wednesday, at the same place
at 11:00.

Student: Dimakatso Mohlatlole 55918999

Date: 21 July 2022






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2. BSW3702/1/2022–2024; Group Work: Theories, Approaches and Models; BJ
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