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here is an outline to help you write a seminar paper on interactional perspective in

second language acquisition:

I. Introduction

 Introduce the topic of the interactional perspective in second language

 Briefly discuss the importance of understanding the interactional perspective in
second language acquisition
 Provide a thesis statement that outlines the main points of the paper

II. Overview of the interactional perspective

 Define the interactional perspective and its relevance to second language

 Discuss the theoretical foundations of the interactional perspective
 Explain how the interactional perspective differs from other theoretical
perspectives in second language acquisition

III. Interactional competence

 Define interactional competence and its role in second language acquisition

 Explain how interactional competence differs from linguistic competence
 Discuss the different components of interactional competence, such as turn-
taking, repair, and feedback

IV. Interactional feedback

 Define interactional feedback and its role in second language acquisition

 Explain the different types of feedback, such as recasts, clarification requests, and
 Discuss the importance of feedback in promoting second language acquisition

V. Interactional practices

 Discuss the different interactional practices that are important in second

language acquisition, such as negotiation of meaning, repair, and code-switching
 Explain how these practices promote second language acquisition and develop
interactional competence
VI. Classroom implications

 Discuss the implications of the interactional perspective for second language

acquisition in the classroom
 Provide examples of how teachers can incorporate interactional practices and
feedback into their teaching
 Discuss the challenges that teachers may face in implementing the interactional
perspective in the classroom

VII. Conclusion

 Summarize the main points of the paper

 Discuss the significance of the interactional perspective in second language
 Provide recommendations for future research in this area.

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