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Name: Ogungbemi Beatrice Yetunde

Matric no: 190302513

Dept: Educational Management
Course code: ASE 341/349
Course title: Teaching Methods II
Lecturer in charge: Dr. Oyenike Adeosun

QUESTION 1: List and describe the 5-core competency or skills that you have been
able to acquire in the group work/presentation.
ANSWER: Below are the five competencies/skills that I have acquired in the task we
have been given to present;
a) Problem-Solving Skills: When the group was given our task list which involved a
list of 8 questions, solving the problems was the first challenge we had to
overcome. First, we had to interpret each question individually and share
thoughts on our interpretation. Each one of us interpreted the question with
different views. We had to take time to understand each person’s point of view
and we were able to conclude the interpretation that best suited the task. This
makes me understand that before a task can be completed an understanding of
the task is paramount. And to achieve this, individuals displayed their problem-
solving skills. This stage brings about the next stage I will be discussing.
b) Emotional Intelligence: While we were reading the poem to get the right
interpretation of the poem, I noticed one of my colleagues sat to herself quietly
and she seemed like she was not listening to all the discussions. This infuriate me
and I felt like shouting at her for acting like she is not part of the group, a part of
me said to wait and watch, and while I watched every other person talk aloud,
she finally said something which gave a headway in the task we were charged
with. This made me realize that two individuals cannot act the same way. After
the class, I chatted with her and was able to understand her better. Thus, I made
a friend.
c) Teamwork: Another skill I acquired during the task was team spirit, the ability to
effectively work with a group of people and succeed. Sharing ideas, sharing
responsibility, listening, compromising, and respecting my coursemate’s diverse
perspectives. The task given was to draw an illustration of the poem, create a
dialogue between the caged bird and the free bird, and compose a song. This task
has to be shared, Taiwo who was the group leader volunteered to draw an
illustration, and I also volunteered to draw up a dialogue between the birds, this
was new to me but I was surprised I could do that. It was fun.
d) Communication: This was quite a deficit in my group as we do not effectively
communicate with ourselves after our second meeting which makes us drift from
the task given. The consequences were dire and I blamed myself for not taking
up the mantle and leading the group.
e) Presentation Skills: Due to our inability to meet and act out our task, and seeing
the performance of other group members, I was selected to present a part of the
task. Stage freight was my first challenge, when it was our time to present, I
stood up when it was my turn and all I read within the short frame of time
disappeared and I felt blank. I had to pick a topic that came to my mind and talk
about it though I said the wrong thing at the end of the presentation. I learned
that constant practice and reading are needed to effectively present to an
audience. It is not a skill I acquired but a skill I will love to work on.
QUESTION 2: If you happen to be Dr. Adeosun in the nearest future, what
additional activities will you suggest or give students that will enhance the creative
analysis of the poem “the caged bird” by Maya Angelou?
ANSWER: Additional activities that I will like to suggest are listed below;
a) I will ask the student to rewrite the poem in their words using the themes from
the poem that resonates with them, retaining the core message. This way, I will
be able to help develop students with the skill of being a poet.
b) Doing a reflection on the poem: I will ask them to identify the most powerful line
in the poem that resonates with them and explain why it resonated with them.
c) I will ask the students to find a historical period that relates to the poem, write
out a drama text on the poem and ask them to do a presentation of the play
before the class.

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