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3 Part Video Series

“How am I ever going to get through this?”

Video 1: Finding Your Footing on Solid Ground

"Blindsided By Grief": Explore the unexpected emotions you'll experience and why they're normal.

"The Rollercoaster of Grief": Discuss the importance of not comparing your grief to others and
embracing your individual path.

"Grief Tools: A It’s a Process: There’s so much to tell you but you need to be able to understand it’s a
process. Think of it like you are recovering from open heart surgery. It takes time and work. It’s not just
1 thing, it’s everything that you will be doing, mourning, healing, adjusting that will heal your broken

Video 2: Building Resilience

"The Power of Rituals": Introduce the idea of creating personal rituals to commemorate your loved one
and find healing.

"Woodworking as Therapy": Highlight how your woodworking passion can serve as a therapeutic outlet
for processing grief.

"The Strength in Vulnerability": Encourage men to open up, connect with others, and build resilience
through shared experiences.

Video 3: Reimagining Your Future

"Life Beyond Loss": Discuss how, over time, you can envision a life that's different but meaningful.

"The Legacy Project": Guide viewers on creating a project or initiative in memory of their lost loved one.

"Moving Forward with Purpose": Emphasize the importance of channeling grief into meaningful actions
that honor their past while building their future.

These points should engage your audience, provide practical insights, and resonate with your profile as a
grief coach and handyman. Feel free to expand on any of these ideas as you develop your mini-course!
Video 1

Hello folks. I'm Alan Farmer and I just go by Al.

I lost my wife to cancer when I was just 34 so I've been where you are. It took me a long
time to learn to deal with my grief.
Once I did I would feel so torn up when I’d hear about another man losing his wife or
someone losing a loved one. I now knew the pain of grief and would wish I could wrap
you all up in a comforting hug and tell you that it's going to be okay. I wanted to help.
You know what’s weird, at the beginning, I didn’t even want to hear “You’re going to be
Ok”. My wife was dead! I felt like I was never going to be Ok again.
So today, I want to share some valuable insights with you about finding your way
through grief.
[SEGMENT 1: "Blindsided By Grief"]
"How am I ever going to get through this? How am I going to go on? Can I go on? Can I
make it?" I remember those questions racing through my mind. I was devastated. Grief
had blindsided me, it wasn't what I expected.
Grief was someone who was sad when someone died, right?
That was until it happened to me!
I wasn’t ready for the intense pain of grief. I felt demolished, like a freight train had hit
me head on. It's a shock to the system. Did that happen to you?
You might feel anger, sadness, guilt, and in grief any emotion you feel is entirely
normal. Emotions in grief are like a wild rollercoaster, and you're not alone in feeling
blindsided by grief; it's unfortunately part of the journey.

[SEGMENT 2: "Grief Tools: It's a Process"]

There's so much more I want to share with you. When my wife died I didn’t anything
about grief. I didn’t even realize I had to heal or that there was a healing process. Naive
I suppose but like I said I knew nothing about grief. All I knew was the pain was intense
and I wanted it to stop. So one of the things I want you to understand that grief is a
Think of it like recovering from open-heart surgery. It takes time and work, grief work.
It's not just one thing that will heal your broken heart; it's everything you'll be doing –
you have to mourn your loss, you need to heal and there will be many adjustments.
There are coping mechanisms and techniques that can help and you’ll learn the ones
that work best for you.

[SEGMENT 3: "A Little Tip for Overwhelming Times"]

Here’s one of those coping techniques. It’s my favorite. It's a unique tip for those
overwhelming moments when the tears won't stop. Take their favorite shirt and spray on
their favorite perfume/cologne. It's like a big ol' hug from the love of your life. It's a little
thing that can provide a lot of comfort in your darkest moments. I tell you, I hugged my
wife every night for months.

So as a grief survivor, I’m telling you, you are going to be okay again.

I love this poem because it really helped me understand grief better.

“ Grief never ends ….. but it changes!
It’s a passage, not a place to stay!
Grief is not a sign of weakness,
Nor a lack of Faith.
It’s the price of ….. LOVE.”

You will always grieve your loved one. As your broken heart heals, your grief will go
from tears to genuine smiles when you think of them. You understand that the love you
share will always be there. No matter what the future holds you will always have their
You, my fellow griever, will never be the same and you will be happy and whole once
Have hope, have faith.
We’ll end here for this first session.
In our next session, we'll talk about building resilience. I'll see you soon.

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