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A.Background to the Problem

Speaking skills are very important skills and also abilities that children must have and

must have because speaking ability is a basic ability, with speech skills children can meet

their communication needs. Communication will be effective if using language is essentially

a symbol of spoken sounds, and the process of pronouncing sounds-language is nothing but

speaking (Harianto, 2020). Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the child's

speaking ability so that it goes according to the stage.

In childhood, the ability to speak develops so quickly. This can be seen from the

addition of vocabulary that children listen to from the environment which is increasing day

by day. Therefore, it was in this early childhood that the ability to speak began to be

taught.According to Sardjono (2005: 14), speaking is a productive language skill. In formal

activities (at school), in the early grades of elementary school can be started by giving

students the opportunity to talk or tell about experiences, tell pictures and others.

Speech and language delays are a fairly common problem in children ages 2-5 years.

The prevalence of speech and language delays varies between 1%-32% in normal

population, various factors and according to the method used to diagnose. Delays in speech

development disorders can be a symptom of various diseases, such as mental retardation,

hearing loss, expressive language disorder, autism, selective mutism, receptive aphasia and

cerebral palsy, and other diseases. Speech impairment may be secondary due to

developmental delays or due to bilingualism.The problem of speech delay in children is a

fairly serious problem that must be treated immediately because it is one of the most
common causes of developmental disorders found in children. The delay in speech can be

known from the accuracy of the use of words, which is characterized by unclear

pronunciation and in communicating can only use sign language, so that parents and people

around them are less able to understand the child, even though the child can actually

understand what people are talking about.

Speech delays such as which are known to refer to obstacles and disorders of child

development. Speech disorders in children have been previously defined as abnormalities in

a child's speech ability when compared to the abilities of a child who is about his age.This

abnormality is known from the ability to speak a child who is below a normal child at his

age.According to Suhartono (2005: 21) berbicara is a form of human behavior that utilizes

physical, psychological, neurological, semantic, and linguistic factors. First, the physical

factor is a speech tool to produce language sounds, such as the head, hands, and facial

romances that are used to speak. Secondly, psychological factors can affect the fluency of

speech. Therefore, emotional stability not only affects the quality of the sound but also

affects the collapse of the talking material.

The subject of this research was a 12-year-old of the name Aldi Bustami. Aldi

experienced a delay in speaking at the age of 6. This happened because of the poor parenting

style of the parents where Aldi was often taken to the market to accompany his parents to

trade. The market environment itself many people make buying and selling transactions

using various regional languages such as Malay, Javanese and Minang. Meanwhile, Aldi's

parents used Indonesian in talking to Ald. The difference in language used between the play

environment and the family makes Aldi's potential in absorbing vocabulary very difficult.
The use of sentence structure used by both of Aldi's parents in communicating is not

perfect which uses only subject words and predicate words. In addition, the use of short and

less than perfect sentences makes it more difficult for Aldi to understand the meaning of the

conversation. This is due to the busyness of parents in serving customers in the market.

Aldihimself began to be invited by his parents to the market since he was 4 years old while

at that age both parents should need to focus more on taking care of their children.

Aldi himself when he was still in class IV MIN was once included in one of the

tutoring places for learning to read in Bangko. Aldi's parents' efforts by providing additional

learning outside of school are expected to be able to catch up with his speech. However, this

also does not have a significant impact on Aldi's own speech development. Currently Aldi is

12 years old and in class VI MIN which should have started junior high school due to

limited speech, the homeroom teacher did not raise Aldi to a higher level. At the age of 12,

Aldi's speech development has not made much progress. The language used is still

experiencing obstacles that should be at that age, Aldi should be good at communicating

with a large vocabulary. The reason that Aldi's parents sent Aldi to MIN schools instead of

special schools was due to the parents' ignorance that Aldi had a speech delay disorder. Even

when Aldi was small, there was no abnormality seen by Aldi like other normal children. It

was discovered when Aldi had to stay in class 4. Aldi's homeroom teacher explained to

Aldi's parents that Aldi could not follow the lesson well because of poor communication. the

reason the teacher raised Aldi's class to 4th grade was in the hope that Aldi could be even

better at learning but Aldi still didn't change so he had to stay in class. After knowing this,

Aldi's parents still send Aldi to MIN because Aldi also has an older brother named Aldo

who also has a speech delay disorder but not as bad as Aldi.In terms of physique, Aldi has a
bigger body and height than his peers in the class. Aldi weighs 61 kg with a height of 162

cm. This size when compared to Aldi's age is not in accordance with the age standard which

is still 12 years. One of the causes is the presence of genetic factors on aldi's paternal side

who have a large and tall posture. In addition, Aldi has a round, curly-haired face shape.

Based on this analysis, it can be seen that Aldi experienced a delay in speaking due to

poor parenting from both parents. Such problems should not occur at the age of 12. Brown

(in Anggarini, 24: 2011) explains that children of 41-46 months of mastery of speech have

entered at the level of coordinationbetween- simple sentences and relationships with an

average number of words per sentence of 4-5 words in 1 sentence while Aldi is only able to

3 words in 1 sentence plus the sentence structure expressed is also not regular. For this

reason, Aldi can be identified as having a speech delay disorder.

Based on the results of an interview conducted by the author with Zainab's guardian,

S.Ag class VI on 13 januari 2022 in MIN 1 Bangko there is a child with the initials

AldiBustamior commonly called Aldi with the gender Male who is 12years whose speech

development does not develop according to the stage of development that the child should

no longer have speech delays.This delay in children's speech greatly affects the continuity of

learning in the classroom. For example, when this child is told to read texts or stories in

books, he is very slow and needs to spell each text on a sentence so that this child is

constrained by his communication interaction with the interlocutor. Although Aldi has

special needs such as being slow in speaking, it is possible that Aldi is attending MIN

Bangko because this school is included in the inclusion school.

Furthermore, the author made observations on the way children communicate with

teachers, it was seen that children experienced speech delays using unclear sentences based
on the purpose of speaking to be conveyed. The language conveyed tends to be inconsistent

with the questions presented. In addition, the mastery of vocabulary meanings is still

unknown as children at the age of 12 should know. The child in conveying the intention of

the conversation also uses irregular and random vocabulary and phrases such as "mama likes

it's a game". The child experiences speech delays that can be seen and heard from the

articulation or pronunciation of the child's vocabulary that is not clear so that it is difficult

for the listener to understand, such as when the child is asked about a hobby he likes and the

child answers with an answer that the child himself does not know what a hobby is.

Based on the results of a psychological examination test conducted on Aldi on August

8, 2021 by a Psychologist in Bangko, Mrs. Ira Gustia Ningsih, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychology

showed that the IQ Test (binet scale) is 52 which means it is included in the category of

Moron Debil (weak Thought) Mild Mental Retardation. IQ can be interpreted by comparing

between CA and MA. Istila MA (Mental Age) is age based on the level of intelligence level

while CA (Calender Age) is the age of the child according to the calendar. Individuals with

normal intelligence have the same MA as CA. Those with an MA above the CA have above-

average intelligence, while those with an MA below the CA have below-average


Intelligence can be definedin a variety of ways: (1) the ability to think abstractly ,(2) the

ability to consider, understand and reason, (3) the ability to adapt to the environment, and (4)

the total ability of individuals to act intentionally and rationally in the environment. From

the results of the psychologist's test examination and the anli opinion above, it can be seen

that the A has an IQ that enters into a weak moron of thought and mild mental retardation.
The results show that A has an MA below CA which means that A's intelligence is below


It can be concluded that the intelligence factor is the cause of Aldi experiencing a delay

in rational speech in the environment. Researchers had a conversation with Aldi's mother

who said that aldi's words are difficult to understand even sometimes the mother and people

around Aldi find it difficult to interpret what aldi means so if it is confused or Aldi's parents

tell the child to repeat his remarks correctly. When the researcher asked about the child's

name, it was like experiencing a stutter. Talking to the delivery of stuttering means repeating

the initial letter of the intended delivery, making it difficult for the child himself to

communicate directly. An example is "AAAAldi my name".

Some of the above features indicate that the articulation or speech issued from the

child's mouth is not clear and difficult to understand this is related to the statement of Azizah

(2017) who stated that the delay in speaking can be known from how precise the child is in

the use of words, which results in the interlocutor becoming difficult to understand the

words that the child is saying. A person is considered to have a speech delay if the stage of

speech development is inappropriate or slower than that of a normal child.Therefore it can

be known that psychological factors become an obstacle to the subject in speech delay

because it is seen from the subject matter that does not correspond to the topic of

conversation discussed.

If this delay in speaking is allowed to cause some bad impacts for children such as,

children are more at risk of experiencing psychiatric problems and behavioral disorders, this

was stated by Prof. Charles Nyiokiektjien who explained that children who are slow to speak

are at great risk of experiencing psychiatric problems and behavioral disorders when
compared to children who are not late in speech (Tiel, 2017: 152), children have difficulty

speaking, communicate, interact so it is also difficult to socialize with the people around

them, children's academics tend to decline, children are more reserved and aloof than other

children. This is related to the opinion of Muslimat, et al (2020) which states the impact of

speech delays on children, including children having difficulty in socializing with those

around them, children's academic achievements that are declining, and children who are


Theslowness experienced by children is a condition where the child is unable to convey

his wishes through speech, the child's ability to speak is not in accordance with his peers so

that the child experiences obstacles such as not being able to say what he feels or wants, the

child feels awkward when he wants to chat with his friends, and the child is more reserved.

Obstacles are also experienced by the child's interlocutor such as teachers, parents, and

friends when they want to invite children to talk, communication greetings often occur in the

wrong reception so that the child's interlocutor needs to first concrigate what the meaning of

the words spoken by the child is, there are several factors that affect the delay in the child's

speech, namely family relationships type of discipline, speech style and assistance from the


Based on the above problems researchers are interested in researching about "Late

Speech on Aldi Bustami (Case Study on Grade 6 Students in MIN Bangko)".

B.Research Focus

The study focused on"Delay in Speaking To Aldi Bustami. The factors discussed in this

study are in the type of speech delay.

C.Research Questions
The research question based on the focus of this study is how is the Delay in Speaking

in AldiBustami viewed based on the type of speech delay that affects it?

D. Research Purposes

The purpose of this study was to determinethe delay in Speaking to Aldi Bustami

based on the type and type of speech delay that influenced it.

E. Research Benefits

1. Theoretical Benefits

This research is expected to contribute to enriching the characteristics of language skills

theories and better understanding of speech development in children, especially regarding

speech delay in children, factors behind Speech delay in children

2. Practical Benefits

a)For the author, it can add insight and understanding, especially in understanding the

various factors that influence the occurrence of child speech delays.

b)Parents, the results of this study are expected to provide input for parents to pay more

attention to various factors that may hinder children's development, especially factors

related to speech delay experienced by children in order to minimize so that children can

grow and develop according to their age stage.

c)For other researchers, the results of this study can be used as a comparison in subsequent

research related to language studies.

d)Civitas STKIP YPM Bangko, with this research data is expected to add insight into

science, especially related to speaking skills.

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