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In September 2021, a series of articles published by The Wall Street Journal revealed internal
documents and research conducted by Facebook (now Meta Platforms, Inc.), shedding light
on the company's knowledge of the negative impact of its platforms on society, culture, and
information dissemination. This case study explores the contemporary social issues related
to the internet, culture, and information in the context of Facebook's challenges.

Case Study Questions:

1. What is the historical evolution of Facebook, and how has it become one of the most
influential social media platforms?
2. How does Facebook's business model rely on user engagement, and what are the
implications of this model for its users and society at large?
3. Summarize the key findings from The Wall Street Journal's "The Facebook Files"
4. What ethical and moral dilemmas were exposed through these revelations?
5. How has Facebook influenced cultural norms, behaviors, and trends over the years?
6. Discuss the role of social media platforms in shaping public discourse and cultural
7. How has Facebook been implicated in the spread of misinformation and
8. What are the consequences of these issues on society and trust in information
9. Explore the link between Facebook's algorithms and their impact on users' mental
health and well-being.
10. How can the constant pursuit of user engagement affect individuals' mental health?
11. What are the major regulatory challenges faced by Facebook and similar tech giants?
12. How do these challenges relate to broader ethical considerations in the tech
13. Assess the effectiveness and sincerity of these responses in addressing the
highlighted issues.
14. What strategies can be implemented to address the negative societal impacts
associated with Facebook and other social media platforms?
15. How can technology companies balance their business interests with social
16. To what extent are users responsible for the content they engage with on social
media platforms?
17. How can digital literacy and media literacy programs mitigate the spread of
misinformation and harmful content?
18. Speculate on the future of social media platforms in light of the revelations about
19. What role should governments, civil society, and users play in shaping this future?

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