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TEST - Module 1

NAME: _____________________ SCORE: ________/80

DATE: _______________________________________________________________________

1. Choose the correct option [10]:

2. Write do or does:[5] 3. Write don’t or doesn’t:[5]

4. Put the words in the correct order: [10]

1. doesn’t/ Tom/ a / ride / day/ bike /every _______________________________________
2. Kate /always/ the/ happy / in / in / is /morning ____________________________________
3. time /do/ what/ you / up/ get/ ? _____________________________________________
4. don’t/ we/ study /evenings/ often/ the /in ______________________________________
5. she/ they / at /school/ works / work in/ a hotel/ but _____________________________

5. Complete the sentences with a proper form of a verb: [10]

1. The dog always ____________________________ [run] after the cat.
2. The woman ____________________________ [carry] heavy bags with shopping.
3. The baby _____________________ [cry] all the time.
4. Where ____________________________ [they/travel] in the summer?.
5. The dog ____________________________ [NOT run] after the cat.
6. The baby _____________________ [play] all the time.
7. Teachers never____________________________ [come] late to school.
8. ____________________________ [he/go] home by bus?
9. The girl always _______________________ [kiss] her mum in the morning.
10. Mechanics ____________________________ [NOT work] at night.

6. Correct the mistakes:[6]

1. My brother never walk to school. ________________________________________
2. Does she likes painting and drawing? ____________________________________
3. Tom sometimes is really crazy at school. __________________________________
4. I not go to sleep late. _________________________________________________
5. My mum don’t travel to work by bus. _____________________________________
6. How many time do you spend on baking? _________________________________
Listening [20]
You will hear a girl, Annie, phoning a friend about a talent competition. You will hear the recording twice.
Task 1 Complete the information. Write one word, or a number, or a date, or a time. [10]

Talent competition

Place: Bank College

Day: (1) _______________
Time it begins: (2) _______________
Who to report to: Miss (3) _______________
Phone number to apply: (4) _______________
Second prize: (5) £_______________

Task 2 Complete the sentences. [10]

1. Annie is calling with _______________ news.
2. The competition is for _______________
3. It finishes at _______________
4. Eva and Maria are _______________ in the competition.
5. The first prize is _______________.

Reading [14]

My dad
My dad works in the centre of town and we live in the country. He’s got a fantastic, old car but does he drive to work?
No, he doesn’t. Every day he goes by train. His car stays at home! He loves it! He spends hours every Saturday and
Sunday with it. He cleans it, he repairs it. He even talks to it! We can’t touch it. It’s his main hobby and definitely his
best friend!
My brother, Luke
Our house isn’t very quiet in the evenings. My brother, Luke, enjoys playing the guitar in his room. He belongs to a
school band. He thinks that’s awesome. Sometimes they all come and play in his room! They’re good and they often
play at parties and earn some money. How much do they earn? A lot! Lucky Luke! He’s got an electric guitar now. It’s
really loud, and my dad isn’t happy about that.
My sister, Hannah
I like reading books and watching films, but my sister, Hannah, doesn’t do normal hobbies like those! She loves
spending money. She goes shopping every day! Sometimes she goes to the shops after college. Sometimes she buys
things online. Her room is full of clothes, and she collects shoes – nearly a hundred pairs! Where does she get the
money? She works on Saturdays at the supermarket. She earns a lot of money and then she spends it all in the week!

Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

Which person:
Maya’s dad Luke Hannah
1 has an expensive hobby? A B C
2 gets money for doing a hobby? A B C
3 only does a hobby at the weekends? A B C
4 has a weekend job? A B C
5 doesn’t want help with a hobby? A B C
6 has a hobby that is sometimes unpopular? A B C
7 uses a computer to do a hobby? A B C

Translations [10]
Translate into English.
1. Co lubisz robić w wolnym czasie?
2. Moja siostra lubi łowienie ryb i obserwowanie nietoperzy.
3. Czy on często sypia w namiocie? Ńie, (nie sypia)
4. Oni oglądają kreskówki dwa razy w tygodniu.
5. Ile pieniędzy on zarabia co roku?

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