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Nama Anggota Kelompok :

1. .............................. 3. .............................. 5. .................................

2. .............................. 4. ..............................

1. Amati lembar kerja ini dengan seksama
2. Bacalah dan diskusikan dengan teman sekelompokmu
3. Tanyakan kepada guru jika ada hal yang kurang dipahami


Penjelasan Materi
Kita adalah mahluk sosial, pastinya kita akan saling membutuhkan satu sama lain. Sesama
manusia hendaknya kita saling tolong menolong pada sesama ketika ada yang meminta atau
memerlukan bantuan.
Asking Help adalah salah satu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk meminta bantuan kepada seseorang.
Offering Help adalah salah satu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menawarkan bantuan atau
pertolongan kepada orang lain.
Giving Help adalah salah satu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memberikan bantuan atau
pertolongan kepada orang lain.
Ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan (offering help/service)ataupun meminta, memberi, dan
menawarkan bantuan (expression of asking, giving, and offering help) digunakan untuk menawarkan
jasa atau bantuan kepada seseorang/orang lain.
Biasanya kalimat asking/offering help dimulai dengan kata bentuk Modal Auxilaries seperti;
can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, dan must.

Berikut ini adalah contoh ungkapan untuk meminta, memberi, dan menawarkan bantuan.
a. Contoh Ungkapan untuk meminta bantuan (asking for help)
Formal Informal
 Would you like to help me, please?  Can you help me, please?
 Could you help me for a second?  I can’t manage. Can you help?
(Bisakah anda membantu saya sebentar?)  Give me a hand with this, will you?
 Could you please give me a hand?  Let me give you my hand.
 Would you mind helping me out?  Can you give me a hand with this?
 Could you do me a favor, please?  Can I ask a favor?
(Bisakah anda memberi saya pertolongan?)  Help me please.
 Would you like to help me, please?  I really need your help
(Maukah anda membantu saya?)  Do me a favor, please.
 Would you be willing to help me?
(Bersediakah anda membantu saya?)
 Could you possibly help me?
 I need some help, please.
 I wonder if you could help me with this?
 Could I do with some help, please?
 I need some assistance please.
Ungkapan-ungkapan diatas pada umumnya digunakan untuk meminta bantuan. Arti
ungkapan-ungkapan diatas memiliki makna dan arti yang sama/serupa.
b. Contoh Ungkapan untuk memberikan bantuan (giving help)
Formal Informal
 I’d like to help you.  I will do it for you.
 I’d be happy to help you.  Let me help you.
 Sure. What can I do for you?  Let me give you a hand.
 Sure. I would be glad to help you.  Yes. How can I help you?
 Yes, I can help you.
 Yes, no problem

Ungkapan-ungkapan diatas bisa digunakan salah satu diantaranya. Makna dan arti untuk
ungkapan diatas pada umumnya sama yaitu diri sendiri akan membantu orang lain.

Dari ungkapan-ungkapan diatas untuk merespon pemberian jasa/bantuan adalah menerima

atau menolaknya.
a. Ungkapan menerima jasa/bantuan (Responses Accepting for Offering Help)
 Thank you. * Okay.
 That’s very kind of you. * Yes, I can.
 (Oh,) yes, please. * Okay. No problem.
 Thanks (very much). * Sure.
 Lovely. * Certainly.
 How kind of you * That’s very good of you!
 What a good idea. * That’s terribly kind. Thank you very much.

b. Ungkapan menerima/memberi jasa/bantuan (Responses Giving Help)

 You are so kind!. Thanks.
 Thanks a lot
 Thank you

c. Ungkapan menolak jasa/bantuan (Responses Declining for Offering Help)

 No, thank you. * I’m sorry, I can’t.
 No, you don’t need to * That’s very kind of you, but I can manage myself
 Thank you for offering, but .... * Don’t bother youself, thanks.
 No, it’s all right, really. * You’d better manage it on your own.
 No, really, I can manage myself (thanks). * I’m afraid I can’t do it.

d. Ungkapan menolak jasa/bantuan (Responses Refusing for Giving Help)

 I am sorry. I can’t help you now.
 Sorry, I am busy right now.
 I wish I could help you but I have to do some important tasks.

Berbeda dengan asking for help, Offering for help adalah kalimat atau expression yang menunjukkan
bahwa kita menawarkan bantuan kepada seseorang yang membutuhkan pertolongan.

c. Contoh Ungkapan untuk Offering Help

Formal Informal
 Can I do something for you?  Shall I get you something to read?
 Do you want something to eat/drink?  Do you need any help?
 Would you like some help? (Apakah anda memerlukan bantuan?)
(Apakah anda memerlukan beberapa bantuan?)  Do you need a hand?
 May I offer my assistance? (Apakah anda memerlukan bantuan?)
(Bolehkah saya menawarkan bantuan?)  Can I do anything to help?
 Would you mind if I sit here? (Adakah yang bisa saya lakukan untuk membantu?)
 Could you please tell me where is ....?  Do you need any help?
 Shall I bring you a pillow?  Can I help you?
 Shall I help you with your project?  Need any help?
 Would you care for another cup of tea?  Can I give you a hand?
 May I help you?
 Could I help you?
 What shall/can I do for you?
 I’ll be glad to help?

Beberapa ungkapan diatas bisa dipakai ketika kita ingin menawarkan bantuan. Secara umum makna
ungkapan diatas adalah adakah yang bisa saya lakukan untuk membantu.

Dari ungkapan-ungkapan diatas untuk meresponnya dengan menggunakan kalimat diantaranya;

a. Accepting Offers (Menerima Bantuan) b. Declining Offers (Menolak Bantuan)
 Thank you.  No, thanks. / No, thank you.
 Yes, please.  I can’t, thanks anyway.
 I’d like it very much.  No, I really won’t, thank you.
 I’m pleased to do that.  It’s okay. I can do it myself.
 With pleasure, thank you.  No, thanks. I don’t need any help.
 Yes, please. I really appreciate it.  Don’t worry, I will do it myself.
 Thank you, it’s very kind of you.  That’s all right, I will manage it on my own
 Yes, pleasae. That would be lovely.

Contoh Dialog Asking for Help.

Anita : Hello, Ms. Ratu you looks so busy, may I help you?
Ms. Ratu : Yes I am. Could you please bring students’homework books in my table?
Anita : Sure, and where should I bring it to?
Ms. Ratu : Please bring the books to your class, and say sorry to your friends that I may coming late
to the class.
Anita : Okay Miss Ratu. Is there anything else?
Ms. Ratu : No it’s enough. Thank you very much for your help Anita.
Anita : Your welcome.

Contoh Dialog Offering Help.

Mr. Jack : Hello, waiter. Can you come here for a second?
Waiter : Sure. What can I help you, sir?
Mr. Jack : Could you bring me some salt?
Waiter : Yes sir. And would you like to try some coffee? We have the best quality in this town.
Mr. Jack : Wow it would be really lovely to try it.
Waiter : Ok sir, is there anything can I help you with?
Mr. Jack : No thanks. I think it’s enough.
Waiter : Okay, I will bring it to you now.

Soal Evaluasi

Butir Soal Pengetahuan

A. Read a short dialog then answer the following questions!

1. Bryan : Nugy, where are you?
Nugy : I’m in the house. What’s matter?
Bryan : Oh .............................
Nugy : I’d like to help you. For what?
Question : Complete the dialogue above with suitable expression...
a. Would you like some help? d. Let me help you
b. Sorry, I can’t help you. e. No, you don’t need to help
c. Could I possibly ask you to help me?

2. Romy : May I help you?

Deny : Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
Question : The underlined sentence express ......
a. Asking help c. Offering help e. Accepting an offer
b. Giving help d. Refusing an offer

3. Elsa : Will you help me to build a snowman?

Olaf : Yes, of course. ..................
Question: Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I won’t c. I will not e. Shall I?
b. I will d. Will I?

B. Complete the dialog below! (for question number 4 and 5)

Mr. Iqbal : Andy, come here please!.
Andy : Yes, sir. I’m coming.
Mr. Iqbal : (4) .................. the goods to the shop, please?.
Andy : With pleasure, sir.
Mr. Iqbal : Don’t forget to put into the correct case!.
Andy : (5) ........., Sir.
Mr. Iqbal : Thanks.
Question number 4 : The suitable expression is .....
a. Can you bring c. May I bring e. I would like to bring
b. Can I bring d. Don’t bring
Question number 5 : The suitable expression is ....
a. Sorry, I can’t c. I’m busy e. Don’t worry
b. I wish I could help you d. I need some help

C. Read carefully and answer the questions.

Ara : Good afternoon Mrs. Tina.
Mrs. Tina : Good afternoon Ara. What are you doing?
Ara : I’m looking for a book. Could you do a favor for me?
Mrs. Tina : What is it?
Ara : I need about science. Would you mind showing me it?
Mrs. Tina : No, of course not. Can you look for it on the shelf over there?
Ara : Umm .... I have searched it but I haven’t found it. Would you please look for it together?
Mrs. Tina : I have two books of science. Both of them are “My body science and “A Philosoper
looks all science”. Do you like both of them?
Ara : Really? Can you lend me the second one, please?.
Mrs. Tina : I’ll lend you if you give it back soon.
Ara : Certainly. I’ll return it immediately. Thank you.
Mrs. Tina : You’re welcome.

1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. What is Ara looking for?
3. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?
4. Which book does Ara borrow?
5. “I have searched it .....” . What does the underlined word mean?
6. “Would you mind showing me it?”. What does the underlined word refer to?

Butir Soal Keterampilan

Make a short dialogue in speaking form about Asking help and Offering help followed by

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