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ROLL NO. – 20LLB040

In this project, I have explained and given the abstract, introduction and synopsis of my
Political science project " the voting pattern in India". I have tried to explain the subject
matter and the importance, presented the traces of origin and the evolution of the same. I
hope there are no issues and apologies for any inconsistencies. I am very much grateful for
the support and the guidance of Nirmala madam. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to

Thank you
Jashaswee Mishra


The very essence of a democracy is the voting rights. This project would cover the origin of
universal adult suffrage, the journey of rights that evolved from discrimination. This research
will primarily discuss about the aspects of voting rights in Indian democracy, the voting
pattern that is seen and the differences that have occurred since decades. The widened voting
rights increased political instability and competition to some stretch. Even after various
experiments, implementation of those thoughts, proper execution, the share of eligible voters
was not significant. Since then, there have been inconsistent instances and records of voter’s
turnout. There are diverse patterns in the way an Indian citizen votes, it is not always
congruous. The votes of the youth, the women, the first-time voters, the minorities depend on
the parameters and their individual demands. Being in a pluralistic society, the heterogeneity
and difference in ideology also influences the consequence. The geographical vogue is
another component; social construct is also an ingredient. The pattern, the country’s citizen
vote is subjective to the parties contesting and the party’s manifesto. The voting behavior in
India has never been identical for years; it has evolved and is dynamic in nature. This project
primarily aims at understanding the mindsets of Indian voters and the factors that influence
mindsets. In this part, the project briefly discusses about the scope of rights in the present
scenario and the social disparity that influences the voting turnover.


Objective of the study

1) To discuss the evolution of voting rights and suffrage.

2) To understand the voting behavior in Indian society.
3) To trace the origin of pluralism and analysis of after effect of the same.
4) To understand the future prospects of voting in India.

Research methodology
The researcher has used the primary and the secondary sources of data. This is a doctrinal
study. The researcher has emphasized on the doctrinal and the analytical aspects. Various
comparisons and statistics are presented in the project, the terms are well defined.

Scope of the study

This study has been limited to the evolution of voting rights and the voting behavior of Indian
public. There has been specific importance given for understanding different mindsets of
Indian citizens while voting.

Significance of the study.

This study shall help readers to understand the importance of voting rights and the Indian
elections. The reader will understand what influences the voters, how the NOTA margin has
functioned and what differences have occurred while comparing the present scenario to the
earlier decades. The reader will understand the future prospects of Indian elections and voting

Research questions.
1) Whether social factors have influenced the Indian voters and the voting turnover in
specific constituencies or not.
2) Whether or not the social disparity in Indian public reflected in Indian elections.
3) Whether the NOTA impact the voting behavior in Indian elections or not.

The researcher has used online resources primarily, referred various articles and journals.
Have used statistical data and gathered information from the library databases.

1) “understanding the Indian voter1”- the researcher has gained knowledge

about the factors influencing the voter turnout, such as the prominent
scales of caste and religion. The researcher has emphasized the
differences that happened between the decades. The prime role was to
acknowledge the mindset of the Indian voter.
2) “enigma of voting patterns2”- the researcher used this article to gain
knowledge about the trends that followed and how the social services
impact the voter turnout. This article has helped in understanding
emotional factors such as insecurity, anxiety and anger that the Indian
voter has in his/her mindset while casting the votes.
3) “elections in India3”- this have helped the researcher to gain knowledge
about the origin of universal adult suffrage and establishment of voting as
a constitutional right. This, also helped in understanding the concept and
dynamics of election in Indian democracy


INTRODUCTION- in this chapter, we will learn the importance of voting, the
evolution of universal adult suffrage and the constitutional rights.

FACTORS THAT MATTER IN AN ELECTION- in this chapter, we will understand
the societal factors that matter in an election. Analyze the role of caste, religion, economic
background and gender.

VOTING BEHAVIOUR- in this chapter, we will see the influences that the Indian
mindset has during casting a vote, also what is the most crucial factor and what social factor
impacts the most.

Vaishnav, M. (2015, June 23). Understanding the Indian Voter. Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
Ahmad, Imtiaz. "Election Studies in India." Economic and Political Weekly 12, no. 39 (1977): 1677-
680. Accessed January 15, 2021.
ELECTIONS IN INDIA- in this chapter, we will see the importance of democratic
voting rights and the adoption of representative democracy.

ELECTORAL REFORMS- in this chapter, we will learn about the electoral reforms
that helped in the process, the origin of NOTA, the establishment of EVM, etc.

In the present-day India, where most of the citizens have the freedom to vote and to
participate in the democracy, the adversity remains the same. Despite, the entitlement for
voting, the voter turnout is still below average in some places, as compared to other
developing nations. The term “voting rights” is also known as suffrage. The word suffrage is
derived from Latin suffragium, later came to mean political patronage. In the British regime,
under the colonial rule, only a certain class was given the privilege to vote, based on their
income, property and educational standards. With the onset of democratic struggle, people
engaged in working for the welfare of the society and demanded the universal right to vote.
The voting rights are provided by the constitution and the representation of people’s act,
1951. The right to vote is a constitutional right, every citizen of India regardless of their race,
caste or creed have the right under the citizenship act. The afore mentioned act grants them
protection under the 15th amendment. The essence of democracy is people’s participation in
the working of the country. But exotically the country did not see any insurgency in people’s
will to participate in the representative government. The trends that followed the suffrage,
which was adopted for political participation, along with two major reforms in 1935 and
1950, showed very minute difference in voter turnout as compared to the earlier provincial
elections held in between 1921 - 1957. The first election in the provinces was held in 1921.
The voting criteria differed place to place; other factors mattered such as population,
education. On an average, across the country only 2.5% of population was allowed to vote.
In this mean time, along with suffrage, a secondary plan was made; the government of India
act, 1935 expanded the voter turnout to around 10.4% by relaxing the income threshold. In
1950, after India being declared as democratic and republic country proposed having
amelioration. The voting rights in India developed with the adoption of universal adult
franchise. The adoption of the principle gave the realization of the constitution’s implications.
With the adult suffrage, the voting rights expanded to 49% of the population. These rights
gave birth to a new individualism and independency. With the development of voting rights,
different trends were observed. Different variations in the demographic aspects were visible,
which were influenced by some social factors and some by dynamic factors. With the onset
of elections being conducted regularly, instances of irregular patterns increased. This project
will discuss the individual factors that mattered, the orientation and introduction of NOTA in
Indian elections and the future of voting in India.


How much are concerns of residents factored into the equation by public officials when
formulating national policies? Is there a connection between sensitive public policy and re-
election of elected representatives? This paper builds on referendum returns and an overview
of electorate attitudes at the state and national levels in order to find a connection between the
policy implementation and the incentives offered by the Commission.
In India, sound economics will make good governance.


While it is jingoistic factors have long been known to play a crucial role in shaping electoral
options, data from regional and national polls show that economic and financial dynamics are
highly significant. Voters' conduct is affected by a variety of variables, such as faith, caste,
culture, etc.
Expression, resources, agenda or philosophy, intent of the polls, reach of the electorate,
democratic wave. The political parties and associations make use of these factors in order to
win the award, Fight of the ballot box. Despite the development of their careers for
enlightened religious fundamentalism.
“Casting a vote is among the most frequently used terms in the modern age of representative
democracy. The ever-growing prestige of democratic theory and practice has also made this
time a namesake. In a governmental process, and their magnitude is high and ever-growing,
every person uses ‘vote casting’ as a method of expressing4” his/her validation, of presidency
decisions, regulations and decisive controls, the regulations and controls of numerous socio-
political events and traits of contestants who're engrossed and involved in war to get the
reputation of being the representatives of humans. In a constrained way, vote casting refers
back to the feature of choosing representatives via way of means of radiating votes in

However, in huge phrases, as “Richard Rose and Harve Moussavi factor out, vote casting
covers as many as six vital functions
1. Includes people desire of governors or most important governmental regulations;
2. lets in people to take part in a reciprocal and persevering with alternate of have an effect
on the authorities, representatives and applicants;
3. generates to the improvement or protection of a people allegiance to the already stable
democratic regime;
4. works on the frontline for the improvement or protection of a citizens, not- satisfied from
the existing constitutional democracy.
5. has emotional importance for the people; and for a few people it can be functionless, i.e.
without any widespread non-public emotional or political consequences5”.

Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
‘Voting’ as such is a feature of large importance for the citizens, the applicants and college
students of politics.
“The observe of vote casting behaviour has grown to be seemed as an vital element of
modern political studies and principle.
Samuel S. Eldersveld in his6” ‘principle and Method in vote casting Behaviour studies’
writes. “The time period ‘vote casting Behaviour’ isn’t new. But it’s been used of overdue to
explain sure regions of observe and styles of political phenomena which formerly had both
now no longer been conceived or have been taken into consideration irrelevant.”

Voting behaviour is now no longer restricted to the exam of vote casting statistics, facts and
computation of electoral shifts and swings. It additionally includes an evaluation of character
mental processes and their relation to political motion in addition to of institutional patterns,
inclusive of the verbal exchange method and their impact on elections. In the “phrases of
Plana and Riggs, “vote casting Behaviour, is a discipline of observe involved with the
methods in which humans have a tendency to vote in public elections and motives why they
vote as they as they do.” The vote casting Behaviour has currently been accelerated
withinside the which means and is taken as one most important and huge location of observe.
The observe of electoral behaviour constitutes a totally widespread location of empirical
investigation. Man is a rational creature withinside the philosophical experience of the time
period; he isn’t so rational withinside the nation-states of his monetary or political
behaviour7”. An empirical observe of the electoral behaviour presentations the amazing truth
that the behaviour of guy is encouraged via way of means of numerous irrational elements
and strain organization in invoking non secular and communal elements, have an effect on of
cash or charismatic character of a pacesetter and a number of different irrational forces may
have their specific have an effect on at the minds of the citizens. The position of those
irrational forces may be located or discerned in case a pupil of empirical politics focuses his
interest on how the consequences of an election are obtained.

Vaishnav, M. (2015, June 23). Understanding the Indian Voter. Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace.
Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
Introduction To Voting Rights In Reference To Prisoners And Tribes. (2014). Indian Voting
“India is the largest democracy in the world, a representative democracy. At the time of the
March-April 1996 elections, people of as much as 591.5 million citizens went to the polls to
select their leaders from among 14474 candidates. Both males and females 18 years of age or
older have the right to vote in Indian elections. Given the fact that almost ½ of them are
uneducated, they’ve gotten within the past8”.
Acted precisely and in a responsible way in order to choose their members. Eleven elections
to Lok Sabha, several elections to the realm of provincial bodies and a substantial number of
bi-elections have already taken place.
With the primary trendy elections held in India in1952 became a few election researches
conducted. In the beginning those researches lack methodological rigor and sophistication.
But as an increasing number of researches of election politics and vote casting behaviour
have been made the studies equipment utilized by psychologists have become an increasing
number of sharpened. At the outset maximum of those research have been impressionistic
and journalistic in orientation. However, with the elevated use of survey approach and remark
method has the best of election research in India improved.
“Election research in India have been particularly stimulated with the aid of using western
research on vote casting behaviour, in particular the Columbia and Michigan research
withinside the United States. The pupils of Columbia college of New York9” emphasised the
have an impact on of social and environmental forces at the alternatives of citizens.
In response to the immoderate emphasis on social and socio-mental variables with the aid of
using the above schools, a collection of students as a way to redressing the stability in vote
casting studies, tended to attract interest to impact of political variables on citizens choice. In
connection with American citizens, key sated that the citizens became not “strait-jacketed”
with the aid of using social determinants or moved with the aid of using sub-aware urges

Ahmad, Imtiaz. "Election Studies in India." Economic and Political Weekly 12, no. 39 (1977): 1677-
Ahmad, Imtiaz. "Election Studies in India." Economic and Political Weekly 12, no. 39 (1977): 1677-
brought about with the aid of using devilishly skilful propagandists. He stated that it became
as an alternative certainly considered one among an “citizens moved with the aid of using
challenge approximately relevant and relevant questions of public policy, of governmental
performance, and government personality”.
“Elections in India had been particularly studied with the aid of using political scientists,
however the contributions of social Anthropologists on this admire cannot be ignored.
Special argument should be made by F.G. It’s Baily and A.C. Mayer who handled the
referendum in specific at the segments and sub. With the support of each delegate and non-
contributor, they have discussed the system of democratic politics and ballot casting actions
of the people10”. They also stressed the connection between local, principality and nation
diplomacy that has woven revolving hegemony and consultancy. They have highlighted the
“Machine” person of election politics.


 Caste- “Caste remains a determinant of vote casting behaviour in India. It has deep
roots withinside the society and constitutes an crucial foundation of social members of
the family in any respect levels. Following the existence of a range of specifications
which limit mobility and segregation on its grounds, caste remains a determining
factor of voting participation. Voting is required inside the community call. “Haryana
Ki Vote Jat Ko.” Brahmin votes vs. Jat votes or Jat votes vs. Ahir votes, etc11”., are
widely used as ‘tenets’ in constructing election campaign plans. Religion – The
established order of a mundane nation in India with the aid of using making certain
the proper to freedom of faith to everyone, treating each faith as same and non-
Recognition of any faith as a nation faith-has now no longer been a success in
stopping the position of the faith as a determinant of political behaviour in preferred
and vote casting behaviour in specific. The lifestyles of such political events and
companies as stand connected with a selected faith, for example, the Muslim League,
the Akali Dal, the Hindu Maha Sabha, the Shiv Sena, etc., have been one of the
factors behind the persistent role of confidence as a decisive factor in casting the
ballot. Indian society’s sacramental theology is a primary feature of the Indian

Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
SHARMA, KANHAYA L. "Is There Today Caste System or There Is Only Caste in India?" Polish
Sociological Review, no. 178 (2012): 245-63.
political gadget’s atmosphere and has a major effect on it, the warfare for strength
amongst political events. The choice of applicants is carried out with a watch upon the
presence of a spiritual majority in a selected constituency.

 Language India is a multi lingual nation. There are 18 official languages and hundreds
of separate languages and dialects. Linguism also acts as a matter of voting casting
conduct. The League of States on the Language Base thoroughly illustrates the
relevance of language as a political issue in India. Issues within nations, such as the
prestige of 1 particular language in that nation or raga, have emerged. There was a
call in Haryana for the affirmation of Punjabi as the second lawful tongue. The
Punjabis need the language prestige to be bestowed on the Punjabi in Haryana. In
Karnataka, there might be a call for Kannada to be, by myself, a means of command
in schools, but it is adversely influenced by the use of different regional corporations.
Such issues are imparting in nearly all of the state’s due to the fact that humans have
emotional attachment with their languages, they without difficulty get motivated on
every occasion there comes up any issue regarding language. Linguistic hobby usually
has an impact on vote casting behaviour.
 Money Factor – The location of cash cannot be left out of the observation of electoral
behaviour. While India is a negative economy, the crores of ropes are spent on
elections. In the predominant political and monetary background, the conduct of the
electoral campaign and the election campaign led by the applicants and the political
activities appeared to be expensive.
“While the 1952 elections to parliament and the nation legislatures value Rs. 10.50
crores, the 1980 elections to the Lok Sabha by myself value approximately Rs. Fifty
two crores, now no longer withstanding all of the financial system measures taken to
hold the charges down. It needs to be burdened right here that that is a conservative
estimate primarily based totally possibly at the returns filed with the aid of using the
applicants to the election commission. These incurred, certainly with the prevailing
gadget of accomplishing elections, the charges will expand at the least in share to the
upward push withinside the value of living. Moreover, even with specifying a celing
on expenditure that a candidate could make in his election, the change withinside the
illustration of the humans act of 197412” has laid down that the quantity spent with the

Kaviraj, Sudipta. "The General Elections in India." Government and Opposition 32, no. 1 (1997): 3-
aid of using a celebration shall now no longer be taken as an expenditure made with
the aid of using the candidate. The position of cash withinside the politics in our
nation. Need to, however, be located withinside the politics of political funding.
 Anger -Generating outrage among voters toward one political party will help generate
support for the other political party. This was obviously seen in the 16th Lok Sabha
election, where the element of accountability against the INC (Indian National
Congress) was so powerful that it was clearly evident in the actions of the electorate.
As a result, the BJP realized and changed in their campaign.
 Anxiety - Voters facing electoral anxieties vote for those politicians who manage to
execute an ambitious agenda and pledge manifesto. After offering Congress a second
opportunity in 2009 to put UPA 40 to 4 to represent the country, the voters were
dissatisfied and nervous. Failure of the INC to deliver some progress or even a
promise of doing so. Thus, in the 2014 elections to Lok Sabha, this was immediately
moved to the party and gave a hope along with the confidence to deliver the most
efficient development model to the entire country.
 Insecurity - Psychology researchers also found that the electorate are unsure about
their condition. Both the future and the preservation of their life will play a vital role
in deciding their behaviour. Due to numerous controversies, scams, social security
accidents, female issues reported during the second term of the Congress, the UPA
government has created a sense of vulnerability among its representatives.
After analysing the diverse essential problems touching on elections and modifications being
witnessed withinside the balloting
conduct of the citizen withinside. It became discovered that the election fee can play essential
sole in preserving the democratic device of governance with the aid of using making sure
loose and honest elections. While India’s election fee has been problematic over the years to
maintain the political air of the monarchy’s magic, and has thus warned of some of the main
electoral changes needed to conduct flexible and equal elections.


Source- Indian express.



Source- Indian express


Reforms pre- 2000

 “Lowering of Voting Age - The Constitution ( 61stAmendment) Act. 1988 decreased
the balloting age from 21 years to 18 years for the LokSabha13” (residence of the
people) and State Assembly elections. This has given the kids, the possibility to take
part and specific their feeling in political processes.

 “Electronic Voting Machine-Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in the proximity of

polling stations were first used in 1998 in the state elections of Rajasthan, Madhya
Pradesh and Delhi, EVMs have been commonly used in the 16 LokSabha elections14”
in 2014, as they are hack proof, ecological and sustainable and environment friendly.
(limited use of papers).
 Increase in Security Deposits and Number of Proponents-Quantity of Prompt
o Applicants seeking to be elected to the LokSabha or the State Legislative
Assembly were best positioned to measure the myriad of non-extreme
 In addition, the amended law requires the election of a candidate in a legislative or
assemblies electoral district to be signed with the aid of using 10 electors of the
constituency as proponents.
 Prohibition on Conceding Election from More than Two Seats – A nominee is entitled
to hold elections from now on that aren't any further larger than those conducted by
the Legislature or by Parliament in general elections or by-elections announced at the
same time.
 “Prohibition on sale of Liquor - No liquor or different intoxicants will be offered or
given or dispensed at any shop, ingesting vicinity, or another vicinity, whether or not
personal or public, inside a polling vicinity all through the length of forty eight hours
finishing with the hour constant for the realization of poll15”. Breach of this law shall
be disciplined with
Bhatia, Ravi. "A Decade of Parliamentary Elections in India - Mapping of Trends." The Indian
Journal of Political Science 62, no. 4 (2001): 554-73.
Bhatia, Ravi. "A Decade of Parliamentary Elections in India - Mapping of Trends." The Indian
Journal of Political Science 62, no. 4 (2001): 554-73.
Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
 Prison up to six months or the same standard as Rs 2000 or both.
 Strong campaign length – Powerful program duration has been shortened. The
disparity between the deadline date for the removal of the appointment and the
referendum date has been narrowed from 20 days to 14 days.
Apart from diverse electoral reforms which have been applied with the aid of using the
Election Commission of India, a few greater measures were cautioned to improvise and
fortify the prevailing electoral practices in India.


A few of the proposals associated with electoral reforms in India are:

 “Nota - NOTA or 'None of the Above' has been made available as an option to Indian
voters in most election by using NOTA, a voter can no longer opt to vote for any
nominee who contested the elections16”. However, in India, NOTA no longer
guarantees the termination of the successful candidate.
Therefore, its handiest a technique to offer a bad feedback.
 “Totaliser - Totaliser is a proposed mechanism withinside the balloting machines in
India to cover the sales space-clever balloting patterns17”. A totaliser permits the
votes solid in approximately 14 polling cubicles to depend together. At present, the
votes are tallied sales space with the aid of using sales space.
 Simultaneous Election - 'One Nation One Election' is the modern subject matter of
discussion a few of the events, State, Supreme Court and the Commission of
Elections. This change is generally recommended if you want to curtail the infinite
expense of capital, abuse of the power of the man and the machinery of the
 Accountability of expenditure in political activities-The need for consistency in
financial bills of political elections and social contributions has been under

Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
Enigma of Voting Patterns. (2018, March 8). The Book Review.
 Presidential hopefuls to compete from a non-married seat-Currently, applicants are
allowed to hold elections from a non-married seat. If the nominee is the winner from
each the seats, a with the aid of using-election takes place. This calls for extra
expenditure, assets and participation of many. A with the aid of using-election that
takes place this way is likewise a demonstration of a loss of recognize toward the
residents of that constituency? There has therefore been hints of permitting applicants
to contest handiest from a unmarried seat.
 Paid news and prediction polls - The authorities are likewise thinking about a
suggestion to punish media outlets discovered responsible of publishing paid
information with the aid of using postponing their manifesto for forty-five to ninety
days. On the idea of the hints of the Standing the Information Technology
Committee proposed a mechanism to test confidential information within the
parameters of the draft Press and Book Registry and Publication Bill 2015. In
addition, it was warned that the final outcome of any forecast polls could no longer
be announced during the elections. Predicted political changes would allow a boost to
higher elections, participation of the residents in electoral practices, lessen corruption
and fortify democracy in India.




Source- the Hindu

Understanding the urban and the rural class voters, the literate urban class votes according to
the needs and to the expectations, whereas the uneducated and illiterate urban class votes for
the candidates, having influence on them. Election as a process, in India isn’t truly
democratic and have influence as a strong element. The rural votes mostly depend on the
social and emotional factors. Factors such as caste, religion, social background have a
stronger impact than the manifesto can ever put in.


-NOTA option allows the elector the right to express his or her dislike of the type of
They're being set up by the political parties. When the political parties know that there is a
A significant number of people are expressing their criticism of the candidates being
They will eventually face a structural reform, and the political parties will be compelled to do
so. Respect the will of the people and field candidates recognized for their honesty. In order
for democracy to succeed, it is important that the best possible men be selected as
Representatives of the people for the proper governance of the land. So, in a multicultural
society, the elector must be granted the option to select 'No'.
What was the ECI initiative on the application of the "NOTA”?
 In order to remedy this significant flaw affecting the confidentiality of the electorate,
Right to refuse, submitted a letter to the Secretary to the Election Commission and
Department of Law and Justice.
The letter stated the following points of view:
o "Electoral right" under Section 79(d) also requires the obligation not to register and
o Have a panel in the EVMs so that the elector may show that he does not wish to do


Source- the Indian express

Understanding the graph:

a) The first bar shows the share of votes that the literate person casts without any
undue influence or manipulation.
b) The second bar shows the share of votes that the illiterate person casts without
any undue influence or manipulation.


In a democratic government, every person should have his or her rights, even if they
are a fringe group or a significant percentage, the rule applied to both of them is still
the same. India, the largest functioning democracy in which all citizens have access to
such rights, and there is no disparity in terms of access to those fundamental human

The fundamental rights in India, enshrined in Part III of the Constitution of India,
which guarantees certain individual freedoms to the people of that country, include
the right to bodily autonomy, the right to democracy, the right to exploitation, the
right to freedom of worship, the right to cultural and educational rights, the right to
constitutional remedies and these are universal. The right to vote in India is merely a
constitutional obligation. Voting is a basic process that keeps the system of
government working. The aim of each government is to develop and incorporate
different policies for the betterment of humankind. It also enables the person to
reconsider concerns to the government. It is possible to re-frame the current
administration by voting.
Voting is our moral obligation, and by practicing the voting rights, they show respect
for the history of this nation. Adult emancipation is referred to in Article 326 of the
Constitution of India, according to which no person may be withheld the right to vote,
and at the same moment it is not listed in Part III of the Constitution. The right to vote
in India is merely a fundamental privilege. Voting is a simple mechanism that keeps
the structure of government running. The goal of each government is to establish and
implement various policies for the improvement of humankind. It also allows the
individual to reassess the government's issues. It is possible to contextualize the new
government by voting. Voting is our moral responsibility, and by practicing the right
to vote, it gives reverence for the heritage of this country. Adult empowerment is
referred to in Article 326 of the Constitution of India, which provides that no citizen
can be deprived of the right to vote and at the same time does not appear in Section III
of the Constitution of India.

1) Whether social factors have influenced the Indian voters and the voting turnover
in specific constituencies or not? Absolutely, yes. The factors such as caste, religion
and emotional attachments do influence the mindset of Indian voter. We have seen in
the project, that how the factors evolved and the reforms took place. Also, have
observed the differences that occurred between the decades.
2) Whether or not the social disparity in Indian public reflected in Indian
elections. The social disparity is clearly reflected, the differences between the classes
regarding their social and educational background is clearly reflecting in the voting
behavior. The urban and the rural classes have different mindsets, similarly, educated
and uneducated have different share of votes and perceptions regarding elections.
3) Whether the NOTA impact the voting behavior in Indian elections or not.
Nota had impacted the Indian elections, in a positive way comparatively. The right to
participate in the representation of the democracy and the right to reject all the
contested candidates have awarded the voters, the privilege to accept and to
emphasize their individual demands and to propagate their own expectations. The
NOTA, gave the voters another option, which functions very positively and has
justified its importance.

The Hindu
The Indian Politics- emerging trends.
How to win an Indian Election- shivam shankar singh
Election Commission of India.
Times of India
Indian Express

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