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Nityam bhagavata sevaya… by regular attendance in SB class, all that is troublesome is destroyed.

Why is it called as troublesome?

(eg) sometimes you have common cold and you go to bathroom and it doesn’t come out only; it
troubles also, and it doesn’t come out also. It troubles us from inside, and others from outside. LAG (lust
anger greed) makes us lag in spiritual life.

We should also study SB from this point of view that let SB cleanse my heart such that it becomes fit for
the divine couple to come and sit there. Love of God will eventually develop.

(verse 1-7)

Disciple knows "I'm morose due to my deficiency, and Guru is cheerful due to his spiritual elevation."

Why Narada smiled? "I know your problem; don’t worry."

Encouragement - you don’t lack (realized) knowledge
Vyasadeva admits his dissatisfaction

For a Guru to instruct disciple, there has to relationship. Disciple has to have firm faith in Guru's
intelligence, his ability to raise disciple's cons, and his well wishing heart

Without powerful spiritual connection between the two, Krishna won't manifest in that relationship.
Disciple should be asking the superior "How can I improve?" that much willingness should be there on
part of disciple. Guru should never say that he has no time and that disciple should cut his talk as short
as possible. In any relationship, people count time given as love. Therefore we should not cultivate too
many people under us. Or we should empower many leaders and allow them to guide and shelter other
devotees. (eg) Acharyas used to have a first list of devotees who directly take guidance from him only;
and second list of those who are sheltered but also take regular guidance from him.

Whenever someone gives us correction or suggestion, immediately our face becomes small.
Immediately pushing the buck away from us shows that we are defensive or resistive. Then we don’t get
further guidance or correction. Reluctance to first instruction closes Guru to further instructions.
(eg) How can I serve you - SP was always asking his Guru

Whenever anyone under us seeks help, we have to make ourselves available. By timely guidance and by
giving time, you'll see that relationship grows and your relationships will be effectively accepted. (eg)
swati rain drop in certain constellation falls into sipi shell, that shell closes and it goes below the sea
waters, and later after long time it becomes a pearl - similarly shell is like disciple's heart, and rain drop
in certain constellation is timely guidance, and closing shell is like keeping nicely in heart, and going deep
in waters is like going through several situations in life, and finally pearl is like deep realization.

But if disciple is hot-headed, not in mood to hear good instructions, then it is like rain drop of instruction
falling onto hot tava, immediately gets evaporated. Or if disciple is non-receptive then it is like rain drop
falling onto barren field, it doesn’t grow only.
Vyasadeva as a disciple was extremely receptive. Narada also was willing to share pearls of wisdom.

Love of a superior can be seen by how much a superior is ready to take out time and anxiety to help
disciple in solving his problems. But if superior is trying to escape then Krishna won't manifest in that

If superior and disciple are both committed in the relationship then Krishna will manifest nicely. (eg) two
arani sticks - disciple's eagerness inspires the Guru to share his wisdom and realizations and then he
enthusiastically shares his heart. Fire in the arani sticks is compared to enlightenment.

Punasca bhuyat prasangas ca… sarvatra maitriyastu… Pariksit's death is also glorious because he
developed right attitude and offered prayers for 3 things in this verse.

LESSON - one cannot be cheerful unless one is factually seated in self realization, which is
transcendental to the material body and mind.

While giving correction or suggestion to a disciple, Guru also acknowledges the good qualities and
accomplishments of disciple.

(first few verses)

Usually devotees have their own ideas of success.

(eg) I'll become charismatic SB speaker such that 1000s of people attend my kathas
(eg) I'll become very attractive and melodious kirtaneer

There is no limit to one's desire to become center of everyone's attention. SP says that either by
satisfying body or by satisfying mind one can never become happy.

There are many reasons for which Narada condemns Vyasa's work:
1. You've cheated the public

Upasito yat purusa purana… if anyone wants to be powerful, one should become a devout worshiper of
the Supreme Lord.

Veda samasta guhyam… when a devotee becomes very realized devotee then he can answer any
question, even not heard before, due to connection with supersoul.

Here Vyasa says that Narada you know me inside out (like Sun and Air).
A Guru is like an amplifier of the supersoul. What Ss wants to tell, Guru tells it out loudly.
A Guru, due to his constant meditation on Krishna, is via media to supersoul

A disciple can draw mercy from Guru very nicely with attitude like, "You can help me best because you
can clearly understand me like the supersoul."
(Verses 8-9 purports)

Anuvarnitah and anukirtitah

Divya sarga adi kartrtvam… Krishna remains divya even after creating so many things. He doesn’t get
affected by matter. He bewilders even Brahma and Rudra (Brahma Vimohana lila, and Mohinimurati),
and he bewilders even Balaram (dring Brahma Vimohana lila).

From Balaram comes mula sankarsana, and from him comes… so how can Mahamaya bewilder
Balaram? That means bewilderment in Vraja during Brahma Vimohana lila was created by Krishna only.
Krishna did that because otherwise Balaram would feel pinch of separation from his friends like
Madhumangala, Sridama etc.

Krishna can bewilder even devi also.

Bhakta prarabdha vidvamsam… what daksina can we ask from Krishna (Sandipani and his wife discuss),
and then Krishna goes to Yamaraja asking for his Guru's son (mat sasana puraskratah…) Only the
President can get 10 lacs out of accounts department, no one else can do that. So Krishna can destroy
soul's sinful reactions to any extent.

Atmarama gana akarsati… groups of atmaramas get attracted to Visnu. But Krishna can attract even the
attracters of Atmaramas. That means he attracts even Maha Visnu. In 10th canto, even Maha Visnu
wanted to take darsana of Krishna (SB 10.89.62 purport quotes Hari vamsa verse - mad darsanartham te
bala…) - actually Krishna goes to get the child back only to save Arjuna's life, not exactly for the sake of

10.90.47 purport quotes another verse yan martya lilaupayikam… sva yoga maya balam… with strength
of his maya sakti he does wonderful lilas in this world, and vismapanam svasya ca saubhagarddheh…
even Mahavisnu gets attracted to Krishna.

Even Vasudeva Krishna becomes attracted to Vrindavan Krishna, although that Vasudeva Krishna simply
has difference of having more aishwarya and two extra hands than Vrindavan Krishna. So even Vasudeva
Krishna also admires Vrindavan Krishna. It is very imp to develop deep faith in superiority of Krishna's
form and Krishna's lila over other ones.

In Visnu lila, Visnu is the apex of the pyramid. (eg) Visnu is like king/leader for all his devotees who
depend on him, like in Samudra manthan. In Krishna lila only you find his devotees like Yasoda showing
finger to Krishna and warning him. All gopas climb on his shoulder, and even monkeys hang around him,
and gopis chastise him. So superiority of Krishna lila over other forms' lilas is also there. And path to
attain Krishna is also simplest i.e. bhakti yoga.

(verse 9 purport)
If you do weight lifting repeatedly and keep adding more weight, then by abhyasa you get biceps, and
more stamina and strength. Anything in this world you practice, you become expert.

Also one should EXCLUSIVELY glorify Krishna. And REPEATEDLY glorify Krishna. That was Vyasa's fault.

Now Vyasa could have counter argued that in Vedic chants also everything begins, continues and ends
with HARI.

Purane bharate tatha… adi madhye ca antye ca… harih sarvatra giyate - Vedavyasa could have quoted
this verse and argued, so answer comes that Vyasa has not openly told people that this Krishna only is
the spog and the topmost and real religion means to do pds unto his lotus feet.

In Mahabharata also Krishna shows Visvarupa darsana, and Markandeya rsi tells about Vatapatram etc,
yet Vyasa doesn’t emphasize sufficiently on Krishna's supremacy. Rather mundane values like charity,
honesty, servitude to parents, etc have been excessively highlighted in Mahabharata. Even we should
give right values to the people coming to our temples (eg) we should do charity of cows, serve parents,
visit holy places

Such dharmas are so much glorified in Mahabharata that Krishna goes to corner. Now why did Vyasa
emphasize on these things? Because if people engage in these things which are higher than their dull
material life, then eventually they'll approach Krishna.

Also another thing what he did was is too much impetus for liberation, but Rupa Goswami calls
liberation as Pisaca. (eg) Vallabhacarya once had told Rupa Goswami about feedback on NOD, "Surely
bhoga is condemnable, but why do you condemn moksa? That is desirable by gentlemanly people only."
Rupa Goswami nodded head and went for bathing in Yamuna. Jiva Goswami had heard this
conversation, so he then corrected Vallabha nicely. Later Vallabha glorified Jiva to Rupa Goswami and
took back his feedback. Then Rupa sent away Jiva Goswami that he had false ego.

In KC lifestyle if you find a devotee very lazy, that means he has mukti ichha. He wants freedom from
miseries, but he doesn’t want seva. ISKCON is like Goloka; if we don’t want to serve here, then how
there? That means we are fit for brahmajyoti only.

In this way Vyasa unnecessarily gave jivas pralobhan of mukti.

(eg) if VOICE devotees give emphasis on STW while bringing boys to VTW then boys feel cheated

Mukti has no rasa, it is suska vairagya. So people leave mukti also anyways eventually, and they don’t
take up to bhakti also.

Verse 9th purport says that Vyasa didn’t use his time effectively, so we also need best time management
i.e. how to best serve Krishna in pds.

(verse 10 and 11 purports)

Citra-padam… means attractive words (adhunik kavita)

(eg) O my dear evening sky I see the beautiful moon (like a girl) surrounded by rowdy twinkling stars
staring at her with twinkling eyes
(Eg) while the poor at slums don’t have any cloth, even the windows of the rich men wear opulent

But in Sasras there are pure descriptions also with attractive words…
(eg) Rukmini removed her palloo little bit while coming out of Durga temple and that time all lusty
fellows fell down with attraction for her beauty, and that time only Krishna came and kidnapped her
(eg) Sita Rama marriage - Sita was coming like waterfall falls gracefully, and seeing her beauty and
qualities people were falling off the balconies… and when Rama came and broke the bow, everyone
fainted except Rama and Janaka

Such kathas purify because it is about Sita and Rama, the supreme enjoyer. If you fall in love with Rama
then that katha purifies you. Such kathas touch our heart and increase our attachment for Krishna.

Modern man is attracted to He Man and Superman, but they don’t want to accept Krishna, but then
they want to imagine so many virtual heroes in want of the supreme real hero Krishna.

In these two verses SP gives three reasons why there is lack of peace in this world:

a. "While preparing this commentation on this particular stanza of SB… fighting on this issue."
a. "systematically there is propaganda by a section of people… there will be a change of heart,
and naturally the people in general will follow them."
b. SP says that every country has its speciality, and India's speciality is spiritual knowledge. Eg
HG RSP saw 1000s of westerners in Hrishikesh and Haridvar for spiritual experience
c. SP says that Indians are going to West to earn dollars like dogs wagging their tails
a. "… the atmosphere is already polluted with corruption of all description, and everyone
knows it well… people want it for sense gratification…"
b. There is law that if a boy is accessing pornography in cyber café, he can be arrested by
police. Why do they have such a law despite not being a devotee? Have they become
dharma vadis? Their concern is that due to that crime increases. Already living entities are
vulnerable. Such literature brings out barbaric animal within people. Spiritual literature
brings out angel within the person.
c. Jiva wants instant pleasure but that is followed by a long-wounded suffering.
d. Indians have failed in their duty because they have not succeeded in reaching out SB to
many several people
e. Those shops or vendors who used to sell out BG etc are now selling cricket bats, car toys,
barbie dolls, guns etc


"… the people in general want to read (that is natural instinct)… jaundice… will then automatically

 Initially people won't accept our KC but eventually

In that way SP explains swan class vs crow class

Narada encourages Vyasa

devotees tried to sideline SP between 1978 to 2000 or so, many falldowns happened and hardly any
progress happened, but now they've learnt the lesson so they've come up with with IDC. SP also kept his
Vyasasana simple and in front of deities to show people and devotees that devotee is below the Lord
and real obejct of glorification is Lord only)

(verse 15-16 purports)

11.5.11 verse and purport: loke vyaväyämiña-madya-sevä

"In this material world the conditioned soul is always inclined to sex, meat-eating and intoxication.
Therefore religious scriptures never actually encourage such activities. Although the scriptural
injunctions provide for sex through sacred marriage, for meat-eating through sacrificial offerings and for
intoxication through the acceptance of ritual cups of wine, such ceremonies are meant for the ultimate
purpose of renunciation."

Why doesn’t the religion ask people to stop these things all together?
 Anyways people who want to do it will do it, so better they follow Vedic AUTHORITY and thus
elevate gradually (eg) govt of India permits some controlled quantity of govt-prepared liquor
o Indian desi tari (liquor) is more dangerous than general liquor, so in order to help people not
prepare it, so govt gives a regulated quantity in licensed shops
o In south India, all Kali worshipers touch feet of the head pujari bec he drinks liquor and eats
meat only on Amavasya (so he is quite regulated). So any regulated person inspires others.
o No women will get husband, and then guaranteed illicit sex would happen, so better Sastras
make a system
 They're following a REGULATION. Process itself makes them feel pinch of sacrifice, so they get
slowly purified and may leave
o In quran they say Halal vs Haram - they cut a goat or chicken in a nerve by which with least
pain the animal dies, and then with such qurbaani he has to divide it in 8 pieces and accept
only one out of that. So scriptures give pinch very intelligently.
 Due to such things, people will have to connect with and associate with saintly people and
brahmanas, who will then guide them from black to grey to white zone. They develop a desire to
RISE higher.

Suppose a KC devotee says, "I didn’t know all these allowances. So can I also accept this meat and liquor
and all these?"
 A person should not go from higher standard to lower standard (eg) 16 rounder to 8 round

Here in this 15th verse (1.5.15) in last two paragraphs, SP says very imp lessons:
1. One should not hesitate in sharing with people the real topmost goal of life i.e.
2. Expert physician doesn’t compromise with patient by allowing him the eatables he should ideally
not take
3. In bhakti path, a devotee can be advised to give up material occupation

At Narayana saras, Hariyasvas and Savalasvas developed higher taste of bhakti and then Vairagya was
natural. It was not artificial as claimed by Daksa to Narada.

SB 6.5.41 purport "Under the circumstances, unless one gets the association of a devotee like Närada
Muni or his servant in the disciplic succession, one's dormant spirit of renunciation cannot be awakened.
It is not a fact that because material enjoyment involves so many painful conditions one will
automatically become detached. One needs the blessings of a devotee like Närada Muni. Then one can
renounce his attachment for the material world. The young boys and girls of the Kåñëa consciousness
movement have given up the spirit of material enjoyment not because of practice but by the mercy of
Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu and His servants."

Daksa's understanding of renunciation being natural by repeated kicks of maya is wrong because person
won't turn to Krishna but will keep on trying. And renunciation of a devotee is by higher taste which
comes by bhakti i.e. by blessings of great souls, and not artificial.

In our ISKCON movement even grhasthas develop so much higher taste and detachment, and their
places of visit become only temples, friends become only devotees, and Krishna the object of service
and remembrance.

BG 3.29 "Bewildered by the modes of material activities and become attached. But the wise should not
unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performers' lack of knowledge."

A devotee should not frighten karmis to make them take up KC prematurely. Sometimes such fellows
become unsettled in material as well as in spiritual life. Best is to dovetail them in Krishna's service.

In another verse Krishna says josayet… i.e. allow people step by step, but SP says that this is only for
those in jnana marga, and in bhakti bec one has bhajan to Krishna so one can easily throw away the
worldly duties and fully throw himself in fire of Sankirtana.

Verse 15 is conservative approach:

 In SP's times the devotees were really fanatic. One moment also they'd not waste. They were
highly spirited.
 Nowadays even some grhastha communities talk that first better have a sustainable material
platform and then talk about intense spiritual life, but then in Kaliyuga bodies themselves are not
going to live long enough, so better throw yourself in fire of Sankirtan
 On proposal of compromising with 1 out of 4 regs, SP said, "I don’t want to compromise for the
pleasure of Americans" - dyutam panam

Verse 16 talks about liberal approach

 Novel ways by SP show his liberality in allowing people's
o Dramas
o Govinda's
o Music like Goindam Adi Purusam with all musical instruments
o Bcarini asrama
o Names of deities, Londonisvara (eg) Darsan book (eg) in south india you can't take much
darsana of deities but in ISKCON bright lights are used and attractive deities
o Dancing (eg) Swami step
o Life membership program
o Sankirtan bus parties (eg) Radha Damodara - moving temples
o Yukta Vairagya - modern technology (eg) SP says in NOI that Arjuna used even missiles in
Krishna's service
o Festivals
 Ratha Yatra with kirtans, SP would say "Bombard people with holy names coming out
from cannons."
o BI (eg) TD Singh defeated the scientist who was bluffing for 2 hours that life comes from
 SP would say "Me and my Guru are fighters; we defeat atheists and mayavadis"
 Before SP nobody was so revolutionary in preaching
o Even nowadays Muslims are following SP's strategy, going out as Sankirtan vans to distribute
o Due to SP whole loi bazaar came out
 SP made ISKCON and temples so attractive that even so many youngsters are attracted


 On Vyasasana, we can't compromise
 Off the Vyasasana, as per the devotee, we can try to administer KC gradually so that he can grow
at his stage

(verse 17 purport)

Verse 17:
Sometimes a young dev may join full time and may later get married or even bloop from KC, but still he
has been a big gainer.

Verse 19:
Second part of second last para of purport is very imp

(verse 22 purport)

Self explanatory
(verse 23rd onwards - these are golden purports)

Narada life PPT

Verse 23 purport:
Service to Lord's devotees is more valuable than service to Lord directly

Verse 24 purport:
The only business of bhaktivedantas is to get the ignorant people to reestablish the lost relationship
with the supreme Lord

Udilo aruna puraba bhage… wonderful message in this song. Sadhu means we should not fear to give
this message to people. We should not hesitate or fear to do kirtans in public places even if we are only
two of us.
(eg) SP told one devotee who was talking about wearing pant shirt, "See this little boy who daily passes
stool openly and people feel ashamed to look at him. If he doesn’t change his standard, why should we
do it?"

Brahmacari training should be compulsory - rising early in morning, reciting slokas, Harinam Sankirtan,
Book distribution,

Dainya bhava like Pratap Rudra or like Sanatana Goswami

Harinam Cintamani says that when these Bhaktivedantas would talk

Vrindavan is an abode where central figure is Krishna, who plays on his flute. In Vina there is something
hidden, but in flute nothing to hide, fully transparent. Flute is very insig and it lies in jungle completely
foresaken and neglected but then Krishna plays such music on it that everybody comes out and even
Gandharvas dance.

Two things about Krishna's personality attract and charm our hearts:
1. Attractive Beauty of Krishna
2. Compassion of Krishna e.g. Putana
Rasika sekhara krsna parama karuna

And what attracts Krishna to us is:

1. Eagerness (laulyam)
2. Service attitude (drstva parisramam krsna… it is said about Yasoda who did sva bandhane)

In our life also we can get greed by association of and service to saintly personalities.

Kaliya damana Pastime: it was a tragedy scene

Krishna allowed Kaliyga to bind him simply to draw love of his devotees
Now Krishna wanted to cheer up the devotees so he expanded his body and Kaliya released his coils and
Krishna went round and round and suddenly climbed on the hoods of Kaliya. VCT says that Krishna
would make sounds like vadyas (as in classical dances they make) while dancing on hoods of Kaliya.

One of the beauty of Krishna's pastimes is that he is always smiling - kuruksetra, rasa lila, go carana lila,
etc. SP says "If anyone wants to dance with the gopis, first he has to dance on hoods of Kaliya, and he
has to smile also."

Madhurya killing! Krishna was dancing on slippery and animated stage.

When heard pastimes with faith and eagerness our love for Krishna arises.

Similarly compassion means Putana, Kubja, Nalakuvera Manigrieva

Such a place surcharged with spiritual energy and absorption is very conducive for love of God

Tvameva mata ca pita tvameva… this is ideal cons. You are my everything dear Krishna.

We like home life bec that's natural for us, and we are in affection with relatives. In office we maintain
relations with certain motivations. Similarly in our life also, if we treat ISKCON like an office and live as
an official member then we get very little benefit. In 9.34 BG purport SP says one should not become an
official meditator and simply have external conformity. That's needed but that's not all! Along with body
we have to bring our heart and intelligence also. Some brahmacaris treat ISKCON like an institution.
(eg) one brahmacari told to an outsider "Hamara khana pina sanstha arrange karta hai." But a senior
devotee corrected, "Krishna gives us everything, and in your life also everything is being given by God
only." Sanstha understanding is very narrow minded. We should see that I'm being maintained and
protected by Krishna, and I'm breathing also bec Krishna has permitted me. If one doesn’t identify with
Krishna then one cannot rise above the material designations given to us by the society. Therefore,
sarvopadhi vinirmuktam… a sannyasi doesn’t stay at one place for long is bec then he doesn’t become
controller and he doesn’t get attached to anything or anyone or any post etc.

Another interesting thing is that when you keep traveling, you keep meeting new-new people so people
are also happy and this devotee is also happy.

DOS command: "Without being disciplined, obedient

Spiritual power comes from mahaprasada of Vaisnavas and from hearing Krishna katha from devotees
(saffron dust particles)
(eg) Kalidas who was very fond of taking the remnants of Vaisnavas
(eg) Haridas Thakur also wanted remnants of Vaisnava devotees

Verse 27
Effect of Krishna katha in life of Narada boy - he understood that he is different from gross and subtle

Verse 28
To the degree we have material tinge (identification with material post, accomplishment, education,
expecting respect from others etc) to that degree we can't delight in glories of Krsna

Yasyatma buddhih kunape tri dhatu ke… that is material tinge

Verse 29
Five qualities

Human reasoning fails to und how by hearing in association of great souls affects us very deeply

When they were about to leave, they instructed

Till verse 36-37 are instructions the Bhaktivedantas

Visnu sakti para prokta… avidya karma sanjnaye… three energies - antaranga, bahiranga, tatastha (this is
from Visnu purana) - by understanding how they operate one can develop faith in Purusottama also, to
whom all energies are subordinate

Don’t reject the world, don’t enjoy the world, engage everything in Lord's service

Always hear unadulterated glories of SPOG from pure Vaisnavas

Always engage your body as well as mind in Lord's service

Give up gross and subtle material identifications


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