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Please manage to get an NCI user ID from

au, and apply for membership of

several projects, including iu60, and, after approved, then ux62 and zv2.
 iu60 for the project stuffs, where we have developed a lot of
Python code, some deep learning models, including DESRGAN and
 ux62 for ACCESS-S2 hindcast data, which could serve as the
underlying climate model to downscaling
 zv2: for Agriculture Climate Grid data (AGCD)
o 5km resolution, which will serve as high-resolution
images as ground truth.

Please note that, NCI has 3 main file system locations for us to
use under each project: home, scratch and gdata.
 “home” has a low quota and is generally used for settings
files and perhaps source code. It is backed up.
o Nothing except “setting files” and “source
code” please
 “scratch” is a large high performance file system and is
intended to be used for working data. A policy of purging
files that have not been accessed for 90 days will be
implemented later this year – it’s a new policy so it has
to be implemented first.
o Please back up your source code there, in case your data
files are purged
o For example back up source code on github as Rui and
Yaozhong did
 “gdata” is a file system for persistent data that doesn’t
get purged. It is not backed up either.

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