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The Three Little Pigs - Play script

Characters: Narrator, Mother, Pig 1, Pig2, Pig3, Wolf, seller 1 2 3

Scene 1

Narrator: Once upon a time there were 3 little pigs living in the forest with their mother.

Mother: now all of you have grown up, you can seek your future by yourselves I can no more sustain you

Narrator: the mother gave them money to build their own houses

Three Pigs: Bye Mother.

Mother: Goodbye my little sons.

Narrator: The three pigs went under the tree for a rest, and they started talking about their plans.

Pig 1: now we got a chance to prove our selves, we should take our routes and try our luck.

Pig 2: I agree

Narrator: the third pig disagree about what they say, he knew that if something bad happened no one
could hep them.

Pig 3: no, it's too dangerous, we should live together, and live as one

Pig 1: we know what to do and what not to do

Pig 2: yes, we are not mamas boys to listen to your speech

Pig 3: ok, I have an idea, which will help us all, we would build our own houses and live by ourselves

Pig 1: that’s my brother, that’s final

Pig 3: wait2x I haven't finished yet, we should build our houses nearby, in case of emergency we could
help each other

Pig 2: yes2x his right brother

Pig 1: ok2x I agree but I don’t think that I would face any trouble

Narrator: the next day the 3 little pigs decided to build their own houses and left to buy the materials for

Pig 1: building the house with straw will be economical and much easier to build, I could buy a cozy bed
to sleep with the remaining money

Narrator: so he approach a farmer

Pig 1: farmer I would like to buy this straw to build my new house

Seller 1: yes, you can buy it

Narrator: the farmer sold the straw to the first pig, the first pig went happily to build his house,
The second pig saw a woodcutter along the path

Pig 2: a house made of sticks would be cooler and economical to build, with the remaining money I
could buy a mattress to sleep ,

Narrator: so he bought the sticks from the woodcutter, and went to build his dream house, the third pi
who is wiser than the others decided to build a strong house made of bricks so that it lasts longer

Pig 3: I would rather sleep in the mat, but I would build a long lasting house for a secure future

Narrator: so he went to the shop to buy a bricks and cement, by the end of the day they gathered at the
construction site and started to build their houses, the first pig built his house by morning

Pig 1: such a smart architect I am , I built a house much faster than the other two, I would get inside and
take a rest

Pig 2: how did he built a house so fast? I would build my house this afternoon

Narrator: so he worked harder and completed his stick house in evening

Pig 2: since my house is made of sticks, it must be much stronger than the straw house, now I will take a
nap peacefully in my house

Narrator: although the two pigs took less time to build their house, the third pig didn’t bother about it,
he was still constructing the base of his house, in the morning when the two brothers came out of the
house they laugh at him

Pig 1: what happened brother? Having trouble building a house? You should have consulted me before

Pig 3: I’m building the strongest house of all, it would stay strong in all weathers, all disasters and
throughout the years

Pig 2: you think we have built a weak house? Is yours the strongest one?

Narrator: the 3rd pig decided to ignore his brother’s comments and focused on building his house, brick
by brick, within a week he built the house, a few days past they loved happily in their own homes, but
soon a wolf saw the three pigs and decided to eat them

Wolf: mmmmhh(gutom)

Narrator: the wolf came to the first pigs door and knocked

Wolf: little pig 2x let me come in

Pig 1: no 3x not by the hair of my chinny chin chin

Wolf: then ill huff ,and ill puff, and ill blow your house in

Pig 1: I built the strongest house of all, do whatever you want.

Narrator: the wolf filled a lungful of air and blew air on the little pigs house, everything just blew away,
the little pig run and run into the 2nd pigs house

Pig 2: what happened brother? Why are you running into my house?
Pig 1: close the door, close the door a ferocious wolf was about to eat me, he might come here to hunt

Pig 2: shocked

Narrator: the 2nd pig ran to the door and closed them tightly; he locked the door with all the locks, the
wolf came to the door and started banging on the door

Wolf: little pig, little pig let me come in

Pig 2: no not by the hair of my chinny chin chin

Wolf: then ill huff, then ill puff, and ill blow your house in

Pig 2: I have build the strongest house of all, try it out nasty wolf

Narrator: the wolf filled a lungful of air and blew air on the little pigs house, everything just flew away,
the little pig realized there is no roof in the house, there are no walls on the sides, both ran to save their
lives and entered the 3rd pigs house

Pig 3: what happened to you? Why are you so scared?

Pig 2: the bad wolf has blown our houses with air, he might come here and blew your house down

Pig 1: lets run and go back to our mother

Pig 3: (calm) he cannot blow even a brick of my house I will teach him a Leason, let him come , my
brothers you hide on the shelf and don’t come down if he succeeds to come in and eat me

Narrator: the two pigs climbed on the shelf, soon the wolf came to the door and started banging and
pushing the door

Pig 3: run away you, ugly wolf, you cannot break to my house ,ever!

Wolf: you don’t know about my strength, ill huff, and ill puff , and ill blow your house in, I also blew your
brother’s house’s too

Pig 3: then try your luck, you will lose your breath, but you will not succeed

Narrator; the wolf filled a lungful of air and blew air on the little pigs house, but the house stood still, he
filled a bigger blow and tried out again, but not a single brick was moving , after some more trials he lost
his breath and fell to the ground, but the nasty wolf stood up again, and took a long run to break the
door brother saw him from the window and jump down, all together they pushed their backs to the
door, wolf came running with full force and bang!!, the third pig slowly open the door and saw the wolf
lying on the ground, then he locked the door again

Pig 3: the wolf has fallen, he failed to blew my house down

Pig 1: we would have been in the wolfs stomach by now, if you didn’t shelter us in your house

Pig 2: yes brother you save our lives

Pig 3: but brothers he would have eaten me, if both of you weren't here, we together blocked the door
and he failed

Pig 1: yes brother, you have proved me wrong, unity is our strength, now we will lived together and
never be apart

Narrator: suddenly the wolf woke up again and started banging on the door

Wolf: you nasty brothers, I will eat you today anyhow

Narrator: he climbed on the roof , and decided enter through the chimney, the pigs heard the sound of
the foot steps on the roof and understand what the wolfs plan, the third pig fired the woods in the fire
place, the wolf was struggling to climbed in the pigs chimney, and finally reached the chimney, he slid
and slid and fell into the burning fire, all three pig lived happily ever after

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