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Annisa Vira Widesma1, & M. Fachri Adnan2

1,2Public Administration, Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Padang



The purpose of this study was to find out the Role of Local Wisdom Values in
the application of the Development of Nagari Kamang Mudiak, Agam Regency. The role
of the community and institutions in nagari development is not only limited to benefit
owners, but also actively involved in development programs. The condition of local
customary institutions will influence their role in the development of the nagari. Data
collection techniques in the form of field research by means of interviews, Focus Group
Discussion (FGD), and study documentation with primary and secondary sources. The
research findings show that the result of government interference with the Nagari
government from time to time indirectly makes the role of indigenous local institutions
diminish in the development of the Nagari. The role of indigenous local institutions in
the development of nagari still exists in every step of rural development, where the
dominance of roles is in fact the planning and coordination stage.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Development of Nagari, Government of Nagari.

Rural development is in the context of encouraging economic growth
that is in harmony with environmental preservation and conservation of natural
resources by taking into account inter-regional interests and public interests in
rural areas, and public interest in rural areas in a participatory, productive and
sustainable manner based on community empowerment (Peraturan Menteri
Dalam Negeri Nomor 51 Tahun 2007).
In rural/nagari development, things that need to be known, understood
and considered are the various specificities that exist in rural communities.
Regardless of the specificity, perhaps the development program implemented
will not run as expected. The rural specificity in question is, among other
things, that village communities are relatively very strong in attaching to old
values such as culture / customs and religion. Old values or commonly referred

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to as traditional culture itself according to Dove (2008) are very and always
related to the process of economic, social and political change from the
community in a place where traditional culture is inherent.
Local institutions / organizations are one of the important elements in
village development. Without local institutions / institutions, coupled with
bureaucracy and participants, infrastructure cannot be built or maintained.
Community service services cannot be done while appropriate technology will
not be able to be placed optimally and the government will not be able to
maintain or maintain the flow of information needed by the community. Thus
local institutions are the dominant factor, especially in mobilizing participation.
Indeed, community participation activities can be encouraged or stimulated by
government decisions or because of their own decisions (Esman dan Uphoff,
In the Province of West Sumatra during the village administration
system local institutions, especially local indigenous institutions, were
normatively given authority as organizers of village development consultations.
Through the Instruction of the Governor of West Sumatra 12/1991 on the
Implementation of the Nagari Development Consultation (another name from
the village in West Sumatra) organized by the Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN)
and attended by all Village / Kelurahan Government officials, KAN members,
and the nagari community concerned. The Musbang Nagari is intended as a
forum for formulating rural development plans that are in accordance with the
aspirations of the Nagari Children and as a forum to evaluate the development
of the Nagari Development.
With the enactment of the Regional Regulation of the Province of West
Sumatra 2/2007 concerning the Government of Nagari as a synchronization of
governance in the region based on Law 32/2014 on Regional Government
where in an effort to carry out the duties and functions of good and effective
governance in the regions, where community participation can be developed
more broad, not limited to implementing and beneficiaries of community
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development programs, but can actively be directly involved in the process of

implementing development programs to be carried out. To realize this, an
active role is needed from various institutions in the nagari, especially those
that can accommodate the aspirations of the community and conduct
evaluation and control over the implementation of various policies set by the
nagari government.
Referring to the above thoughts, the authors are interested in studying
and analyzing more deeply about local wisdom in the development of nagari.
The author raises this into a research study entitled "The Role of Local Wisdom
in the Implementation of the Development of Nagari Kamang Mudiak in Agam

This study used qualitative research methods. Qualitative research
methods are used to examine the natural place, and research does not make
treatment, in collecting data is emic that is based on the views of data sources,
not the views of researchers (Sugiyono, 2008). Qualitative research is
descriptive, data analysis is done not to accept or reject the hypothesis (if any)
but in the form of a description of the symptoms being observed, which do not
always have to be in the form of numbers or coefficients between variables
(Wirartha, 2006).


Based on the view explained Rosidi (2010) that: the outlook on the life of
Minang Kabau people recommends harmony, prioritizing togetherness having
fair considerations, having a forward view so that they are always ready if they
face difficulties, must adjust to the new environment, be wise so can achieve
results without causing tension or turbidity, like helping, sparing and clever to
arrange Rizki, know yourself, know the rules, if you say no carelessly so it is not
volatile, patient and diligent in doing things and others.

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Local wisdom as a basis for regional development is very relevant to

efforts to achieve nagari development. In addition, local wisdom can also be
used as an approach in dealing with various conflicts that occur within the
community because we are well aware that the diverse socio-cultural conditions
of the community are very potential for conflict. The urgency of the importance
of developing a human-oriented development was explained Rosidi (2010) that
regional development must prioritize human development. Furthermore, he
explained that what is needed in development is creative people who dare to
express their beliefs, as a mandate that must be carried out full of community
service on the part of the political elite and administrative executing elite.
Role is everything done by a person or group based on their position and
function normatively in society (Soekanto, 2008). In the development activities
of Nagari Kamang Mudiak, which is involved and plays a role in the
development of not only the Nagari government, but all local institutions and
communities are guarded.
There are two forms of the role of Nagari institutions in the development
of Nagari Kamang Mudiak. First, the role that is directly carried out by Nagari
institutions in development is more in the planning and coordination stages,
especially for the manufacture of legal products, increasing the construction of
public infrastructure and infrastructure. This activity will usually involve many
elements of the institution and the community, so the interests and problems
that may occur need to be harmonized. Whereas the indirect role of the nagari
institution through Niniak Mamak is mostly in the implementation and
supervision stages. At the implementation stage, Niniak Mamak will invite
kamanakan children to participate in the implementation of development. In
the supervision phase, Niniak Mamak will oversee the activities and
involvement of the kamanakan children involved so that the development
activities go as planned.
The roles of the Nagari and Niniak Mamak institutions simultaneously
also occur in the development stage, such as in the implementation of activities
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such as overcoming the problem of poverty, adat and activities in cooperating

with nomads. The nagari institution together with Niniak Mamak in the nagari
and the director will be equally involved in each stage of this activity at the
stage of development in Nagari Kamang Mudiak, both indirectly in the
implementation of development in the fields of infrastructure, economy and
human resource development. the nagari institution represented by Niniak
Mamak has a role in the implementation of development in the nagari Kamang
Mudiak. Nagari institutions are not physically involved because the nagari
institution is the highest customary consultative and consensus agreement
representative body.
Niniak Mamak in the implementation of development especially in
infrastructure development in Nagari Kamang Mudiak has a role in inviting
and ordering kamanakan (nephew)/community children to be involved in the
development of the nagari. In the authority of the community, the Nagari
government has a community while the community is a child of
Mamak/Niniak Mamak. Niniak Mamak's power of greed is indisputable,
regardless of the decisions outlined by Niniak Mamak the child must be carried
out should not be denied or even violated. Niniak Mamak's big role in inviting
kamanakan (nephew) to be involved in the development of Nagari, Walinagari
used to mobilize kamanakan (nephew) to get involved and participate in the
development of the nagari.

The role of KAN in the development of Nagari. There are two forms of
KAN role in the development of Nagari Kamang Mudiak. Roles which are
directly carried out by Nagari institutions according to their functions in the
development of the Nagari. As a Nagari institution, it plays a role in providing
advice and input in nagari development meetings. Policies carried out by
Nagari institutions if there are problems related to custom in the development

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of Nagari Kamang Mudiak. Indirect roles carried out by Nagari institutions

through Niniak Mamak/Penghulu who are traditional leaders in the Nagari.


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local wisdom merujuk pada pengetahuan, nilai, kebijakan, norma, dan perilaku yang
berkembang dalam masyarakat dan diwariskan dari generasi ke generasi. Local wisdom
memainkan peran penting dalam pengambilan keputusan dan implementasi kebijakan
pemerintah, terutama dalam bidang pengembangan masyarakat. Keberlangsungan
local wisdom di masa depan juga menjadi isu penting, karena dapat mempengaruhi
perkembangan masyarakat dan budaya suatu daerah. Simbol-simbol local wisdom juga
memiliki arti penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat setempat, seperti simbol
adat, tarian, busana tradisional, dan bahasa daerah.

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