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1. (A) Read the following extracts from the - prescribed text and write short answers to the questions that follow : That night I walked over to Luz Long's room in the Olympic village to thank him. | knew that if it hadn't been for him | probably wouldn't be jumping in the finals the follow- ing day. We sat in his quarters and talked for two hours — about track and field, ourselves, the world situation, and a dozen other things. When # finally got up to leave, we both knew that a real friendship had been formed. Luz would go out to the field the next day trying to beat me if he could, But | knew that he wanted me to do my best- even if that meant my winning. As it tuned out, Luz broke his own past record. In doing so, he pushed me on to a peak performance. | remember that at the instant | landed from my final jump-the one which set the Olympic English (Com.)(Set-D) 2 Contd. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) record of 26 feet 54 inches — he was at my side congratulating me. Despite the fact _ that Hitler glared at us from the stands not a hundred yards away, Luz shook my hand hard — and it wasn't a “fake smile with a broken heart" sort of grip, either. You could melt down all the gold medals and cups | have, and they wouldn't be a plaiting on the 24-carat friendship | felt for Luz Long at that moment. I realized then, too, that Luz was the epitome of what Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of modern Olympic Games, must have had in mind when he said, "The important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part. The essential thing in life-is not conquering but fighting well. Questions : 2x5=10 (i) Where did the narrator go that night ? (ii), Why did the narrator go there ? (iii) What did Luz Long and the narrator talk about ? English (Com.)(Set-D) 3 P.T.O. 801 R/801 DE (R) (iv) What is Coubertin known as ? (v) What, according Coubertin, is the important thing in the Olympic Games? (B) Read the extract from the prescribed text given below and answer the questions that follow : | wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once | saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay : Ten thousand saw | at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. English (Com.)(Set-D) 4 Contd. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) The waves beside them danced ; but they Out — did the sparkling waves in glee : A poet could not but be gay ; In such a jocund company : | gazed — and gazed — but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought. Questions : 2x5=10 (i) What does 'a cloud’ do ? (ii) Where did the poet see a crowd of daffodils 7 (iii) What were the daffodils doing when the poet saw them ? (iv) What resemblance does the poet find between the stars and the daffodils ? (v) Who or what constitute a jocund company ? 2. Read the following extract from the prescribed text and answer the questions that follow, in about 70 words each : English (Com.) (Set-D) 5 P.T.O. 801 R/801 DE (R) a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancre- atic cancer that is curable with surgery. I’ had the surgery and |'m fine now. XXXKXXKXKXX XXXKXXXXKXX . No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. -. Questions : 5x2=10 (i) What does Jobs say about his being diagnosed with cancer ? (ii) How does Jobs view death ? English (Com.) (Set-D) 7 P.T.O. 801 R801 DE (R) About a year ago | was diagnosed with cancer. | had a sean at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. | didn't even know what pancreas was. The doctors told me this was certainly a type of cancer that was incurable, and that | should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes. | lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening | had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into the pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. | was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under iglish (Com.) (Set-D) 6 Contd. 7 R7801 DE (R) 3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow : Go there. A number of things need to be done — but the most important step is to ensure that the farmer's profit is not eaten away by middle- men, as we cannot expect farmers to come directly to our homes with their tomatoes. But if we can cut down the number of middlemen involved; the farmer may be able to eam a better profit. Then we have to provide the infrastructure which is required to send the farmer's produce to the market. There must be more trucks to transport the produce and better roads on which the trucks can run without breaking down. Another urgent need is to provide a ‘cold chain’ which will ensure that the farmer's produce remains in good condition. We need cold english (Com.)(Set-D) 8 Contd. 101 R/ 801 DE (R) storages in which we can storg Vegetables, fruit, milk, meat etc. at low temperature, We also need refrigerated trucks in which the Produce can be carried to markets. All this is expensive and requires huge invest. ment. Farmers do not have enough money for such things and while the government has the money there are many other demands on it, such as providing schools and hospitals. Questions : 2x5=10 (i) What is the most important step ? (ii), Why there will always be some middlemen ? (ili) What can we do to enable the farmer to earn a better profit ? (iv) What will a ‘cold chain’ ensure ? (v) What examples of other demands on the government does the passage mention ? English (Com.)(Set-D) 9 PTO. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) 4, (a) Find the words in the passage in Q. No. 3 which mean the following : 1x3=3 (i) make certain (ii) costly (iii) give or supply (b) Use the following expressions in sentences of your own : 1*2=2 (i) break down (ii) of course 5. — Interpreting the data given by the diagram below write a paragraph in about 70 words, on kinds of musical instruments. 5 Musical Instruments Wind Percussion Stringed instruments Instruments Instruments {Played by blowing (Played by beating, wind into them) striking) . ‘Woodwind Brass wind the lyre, instruments (the trumpets, the violin, (the flute, horns etc.) the guitar etc. the clarionet) (played by pulling the strings) English(Com,)(Set-D) 10 Contd. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) Given below are five meanings of the wo; rd rise followed by five sentences in which the word has been used. Match each meaning with its corresponding sentence : 1%5=5 Meanings : get up from bed have as a starting point develope greater intensity increase appear above the horizon goo fb Sentences : i. The sun rises in the east. ii. Rise in prices of essential commodities is a matter of concern. ili. He rises at 6:30 in the morning. iv. The wind is rising. v. The quarrel rose from a trifle. Write a report, in about 200 words, on the functioning of the Mid Day Meal programme in the school for publication in the newspapers. Or English (Com.)(Set-D) 11 P.T.O. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) As a news reporter you have visited the tribal fair in Bhubaneswar. Write a report, in about 200 words, on the fair for publication in the newspaper you are working for. 8. Make notes, in outline form, on the main ideas in the following passage. 7 The great advantage of early rising is the good start it gives us in our day's work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work before other men have got out of bed. In the early moming the mind is fresh and there are few sounds or other distractions so that work done at that time is generally well done. In many cases the early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh morning air and the exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last until the evening. By beginning so early, he knows that he has plenty of time to do thoroughly all the work he can be expected to do and is not tempted to hurry over any part English (Com.) (Set-D) 12 801 R/ 801 DE (R) Contd. of it. All his work being finished in good time, he has a long interval of rest in the evening before the timely hour when he goes to bed.He gets to sleep several hours before midnight, at the time when sleep is most refreshing, and after a sound night's rest rises early next morning in good health and spirits for the labours of a new day. It is very plain that such a life as his, is far more conducive to health than that of the man who shortens his working hours by rising late, and so can afford, in the course of the day little - leisure for necessary rest. And who lies in bed late must, if he wishes to do all full day's work, go.on working to a correspondingly late hour, and deny himself an hour or two of evening exercise that he ought to take for the benefit of his health. But inspite of all his efforts, he will Probably not produce as good results as the early riser, because he misses the best working hours of the day. English (Com.)(Set-D) 13 PTO. 801 R/ 801 DE (R) 9. Write a summary of the passage in Q. No. 8, using the outline notes you have made. 8 10. Write an essay, in about 250 words, on any one of the following topic, developing the outlines given : 10 i. Games and Sports : Introduction — regarded as waste of time and energy in the past — being considered benefi- cial now — promoting physical and mental health, team spirit and fellow feeling — international contests causing animosity among or between athletes and nations — have now become a very rewarding profession. ii. Advertising : Introduction — modes or means of advertising — merits/benefits — benefiting manufacturers as well as consumers — creating awareness etc. — conclusion. English (Com.)(Set-D. 14 Contd. 801 R /801 DE (R) 11. Rewrite passage below, correcting all (10) grammatical errors in it : 4*10=10 About forty years ago, India has gone through major economic change which was given name of green revolution. The country's system of agriculture remained unchanged for at least hundred years. Most farmers were growing only a single crop, usually rice and wheat in their land and depended on the rain watering their crops. English (Com.)(Set-D) 15 -¢ 801 R/ 801 DE (R)

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