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Venue – GONDA

Site- Saraswati Devi Nari Gyanasthali P.G. College, Gonda.

Beginning with our journey of the survey, we first went to Gonda at a P.G. college, where we
got an auspicious opportunity to interact with students pursuing graduate and undergraduate
courses. We even got a chance to particularly interact with female students of ug and P.G.
courses of sociology and English department.
Mr. Amandeep Singh (Project director), faculty RMLNLU initiated the programme by
explaining the students about the due course of the session and whereafter he discussed with
them numerous issues regarding the digital space of human rights which is prevalent in this
contemporary time.
He initiated his speech by stressing upon the pressing issue of privacy of individual while
accessing internet. He mentions:
“The world wide web was put into public domain in April 1993 with an objective to serve
two major purpose-

 To be a force for good.

 To be accessible to everyone without any discrimination.

He mentioned that we live in an era where every aspect of our daily life is being run with the
help of internet and technology. At such crucial period when our lives had been marked with
such deadly epidemic where everything came at a halt, Internet played a great role in
delivering necessary information, essentials and much needed education to students, which
couldn’t be done offline at that moment.
All these aid and much needed help comes at a due cost. In accessing to various information
mentioned on the internet we do give our useful and vulnerable data to these big MNC’s
which take unfair advantage sometimes. Various apps and tools on internet access our current
location 24/7, they have all the information regarding your family members, your personal
interests, your browsing history, your financial status and much more.
In the absence of any data protection law, it is our duty and priority to save our data from
reaching out to hands which could cause potential damage to us. Digital right is not an option,
it’s a pre requisite for every digital transaction taking place in social, economic and political
matter. It is a legal and human right though not specifically and explicitly recognised. It is a
legal right in a similar way as right to clean environment was recognised as an implicit part of
right to life under article 21. It comes under the ambit of article 19 as an implicit part of right
to expression and under article 21 as part of life. He mentioned that various countries such as
Canada, Finland, Estonia, Germany, Sweden, Mexico, Costa Rica have recognised interned
as a human right. Explaining further he mentions that the right to access internet is arguably
implicit in established human rights, including the freedom of expression, which is codified
in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
He informed student that our legal system hasn’t yet made any law in particularly governing
data collection and its uses, but it is an implicit duty of our state to maintain the privacy and
secrecy of every individual’s data. Being re-elected for the sixth term to the United nation
Human right council, it is an obligation of the state to keep its citizens and users safe from the
privacy breach of data on internet.
He mentions that the state should take uttermost care in surveillance and its counter terrorism
mechanism such that these technologies does not breach or harm the right of an individual.
Surveillance should only be done in a manner to provide safety to public not to keep track of
people in general.
He, by acknowledging the fact that majority of active user of internet are youth so he very
specifically teaches students to maintain their privacy while using their phones and devices.
He warned students to not share their personal picture and information through internet to
He clearly mentions that If any breach of their right occurs or any crime related to internet
has been faced by them, they should immediately report to the cybercrime department
specifically made for crime in digital world. Furthermore, giving attention to privacy he told
students to not download and use unnecessary apps to their devices so that their data could
not go into wrong hands.

With all his wise words he passes over the mic to Mr. Vikas bhati (Project Director), Faculty
Mr. Bhati being a well-known personality in the field of law, having a teaching profession of
more than 15 years speaks to children in a very informal manner explaining them the
importance of equitable and universal availability of internet.
Initiating with his speech he informs children that getting education is their legal and
constitutional right under article 21. Freedom of speech is their fundamental right under
Article 19, Access of internet is vital part of both of these rights. Internet helps children in
getting educated and aware about their surrounding and current activities. United nation
recognises internet as the most viable source through which an individual can express his
thought and ideas with the world at large, for this very reason it guides countries to maintain
infrastructure and provide as far as possible internet facilities to its members.
Mr. Bhati expressing the fact that in the year 2022, about 71% of urban population had the
excess to internet whereas only 14% of rural India had the access to interned. It was clearly a
loss of their fundamental right of freedom of expression of thought and ideas. He gave a
message to eradicate this inequality on ground level by helping out their younger brother and
sisters with the resources those students have got, since Gonda is yet to be a completely urban
city, this idea was quite viable and effective.
Since there is a large gender disparity among boys and girls in getting access to the digital
world (As per Internet India report 2022, 54% of active internet users were male, while 57%
of new users in 2022 were female) He also gave a message to the students to educate and
inform their local neighbours about the right of children to have access to internet and
resources so that they could get aware about the developments going on round the world.
This message was given in order to emancipate and improvise the conservative approach of
our patriarchal society. He explained students of the need to overall growth of the society by
getting the younger generation the access to internet so that they could grow their thought,
perspective and approach as per the contemporary times.

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