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scan_readings 25/10/22, 10:57

How to scan papers for research

What is the main field of study?
What is the research question and hypothesis?
What is the causal mechanism? Is it plaussible?
Why it is an interesting question?
Properties and measure of:
DV and the main IV
Unit of analysis
Sample and size of the study
Other factos taken into account? What for?
What is the method used?
Is it suitable for the model?
Could it be improved?
Critical assesment of the paper
Are the results convincing
Can you use it in your own proposal?
if so, to what purpose
Store and process the paper:
Store it in your references manager or in your “Lit_rev” folder
Annotate briefly the main issues-topics-usefulness of the paper for your
research purposes (use tags, keywords, a separate document, your
Save it with an intuitive file name or use some logic (year/author/title or

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