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math-ph/0002018 v2 10 Feb 2000 arXiv: Modern Mathematical Phivsic what it should he LD, Faddeev February 21. jr asks me, what Ede in scm When son all nnyself 9 specialist in mathematical physics, As [have been there for mone than 40) years, [have and aniqueness Fesecd om the variational prin iples, a priori e-tinmates, and] inibockding thecwems fer fimeticnal spares comprise the main content of this ditection, As a student of 0, Ladyzhenskaya, [vas immersed in this subject since the aid year of my of scien al physics inthe 2 actuate stidies at the Physies Department of Leningrad University. My student N, Uralieva new hells the chair of MP exactly in this sense MP in this ccntext has ae its souree mainly geometry and such parts f lossical mechanies as hyltodsnamies and clasticity tory. Sine the os a new inypetuts to MP in this sense woss suppliod Fy Quantum Thecay, Here the inain apparatus is functional analysis including the spectral theory cPperators in Hillert spare, the nmtlienmtical theory of seattering and the theory of Lie aroups and their reparsentations, The main stb, o-t is the Schriinger cperatcr, Theugh the methls and ecnereto content of this part of MP are essentially filfersnt ftom these of its classi-al counterpart, the methe«clogical antic the same, Qn? sees the quest for the tigercus mathematiral thesrems acu results which ate unerstond Fy physicists in theit own way Tics horn ar a seentist ccvetly in this enviroment, T graduated from the unique chair cf Mathematical Physics. establisind Ly Vb Smimev at the Physics Department cf Leningrad University already in the $05, In his venture Vel. Stnitnoy got support from V, Fock, the work] famous theetetical physicist with very wide mathematical interests. Originally this chain played the auxile iary rok of hei nsibie for the mathematical ccunses for physirs students. However in LS55 it gor permission to supervise its even diploma preyects. and Tbelenged to the very first group of students using this epportunity. Ax Tale ready mentioned. OAs Ladyzhenskava was cur main professer, Although her wu interests were mestIy in ncalinear PE. ane hyeredynemies, she decid Tireet me to quantum theory. During lest two years of undergrackaate stuclies was to read the menneraph of KG. Ftindtichs, “Mathematical Aspects of Quane tum Field Theory.” and relate it te cur group of 5 students and cur pressor va special seminar. At the same time my sturlent friends fom the chief Theetetical Physics were absorbed in reading the first mencgrarh en Quantum Flecireelynamics Fy As Ahisscr and V, Berestevskys ‘The differcney in attinues and Tangtiag® wos striking and Twas to hereme arcustcnind to oth, Mier my geduation OA. Ladyzheuskaya remained my tutor but she eft ine fise to cheese research topics and Titerattre t© read. Tread both mathe matical papers (ie. cn direct and inverse seattcring problems by LM. Gelfand an BAL Levitan, VeA. Marchenko, MG. Keein, Ae. Poyzner) and “Ph cal Review" (ie. on fermal scattering theery by M. GelleMann, M, Gokdbon J, Sclavinger and TH, Fistein) as well. Papers by [. Segal. E. Vanrdleve and Bi Hang oekled te my fit impressions on Quantum KeRL Theory taken from Ik. Prisdetichs. In the process of this selfeducation my cin understanding cf the nature and gcals of MP gradually deviated ftem the prevailing views cf the members of the V. Smimev chait, Pebcided that it i mere challenging to de something whieh is net known to my eclkeagurs fren theoretical physics rather thon supply theorems of substantinlity. My first work on the inverse scattrin problem especially for the manyedinrnsional Schrédinger cperater and that on. the thre> Ledy scattering problema confirm that [really tried te follow this Tin fthouzht This atti Fecame even firmer when Thegan t© 9 Theory in the midlect the (0s. As a zest, my aad x resp rs en Quantum Field sanding of the geal of MI Irastically mesliied, [ oensidler as the main geal of MP the ase ofmatheraatieal innuitien for the detivation of really new tesulis itv the fimdamental physics Inv this sense, MP ond ‘Thecartieal Physiss are competitors, Their geal in traveling the Taw of the strurtine of maticr onineide, Hewevers the method anToven the estimates of the importance of the sults of work may dif quite sienifically. Hew itis time to soy in what sense Lose the term “fundamental plisies.” The cddective “fundamental” has mang prssib ie interpretations when applied to the Tresification of science, Ina wider sense it is apes to characterize the research Tireetad to unraveling new properties of phiysieal eysteme, In the narrew sons it is kept cnly for the search fer the basic kavs that govern and explain these pinpeeties, Thurs, all chemical properties can be devived from the Sclu?s finger oquation for a system of cctrons and nicl, Altemiativelsy we can say that the fans mental lass cf chemistry in a narrese sense are alrendy knessn, This, of course lees nat deprive chemistry of the right to be called a forvlamental seiene> in a wid sense The same can be said al-cut classical mechanics and the quantum plissirs cf condensd matier, Whereas the langest part of physical research Fes new in the Tatter, itis Thar that all its successes including the theory of supewcnductivity ane] superthidity. Bes-Finstin con lensatinn anel quantum Hall effet hv? a finckanental explanation in the ncntelativisic cqrantunn theory of many body systems. {An imfinished physical fimdanental pectrm in 2 amie sense is physies ef clemeniary particles, This pas this part cf physics inte a sperial pesitien, And it is here where modern MP line the mest probable chane-> for a breakthrough, Indes, mit re-enit time, all phivsics dF Lalene the traditional citek experiment — theoretical interpr-tation — new experiment, So the theory tte Titicnally followed the experiment. This imposes a severe eensership on the theoretical work, Any idea, bright as it i. which is not supplied by the perimental knowledge at the time when it appeared is to bo considered ww anrTas stich must he abandoned, Chatartetistieally the rok of censets might be played by theoreticians themselves and the great E. Landau and W, Pauli wen ns far as Tcan jurdee. the mest sever Anil of ecunse, they hd very reason. Ou the other hand, the development of mathennaties, whieh is ako tea great extent influenced fy applications, has nevertheless its internal Inaies Teas ate jude net by their relevance but more Ly esthetic criteria, The tctalitarianism fof throrrtiral phisics gives way te a kind of democracy inv mathematies and its inherent intuition, And exactly this freedom cold be feund useful for partie physics, This part of physies traditionally’ is based on the proatess cPaceeberator technigues. ‘The very high crst and restricted possibilities cf the latter soon willl Fevome an unciteumyentable chstare te further develepnent, And it is her that mathematival intuition coukl give an adequate altermtive, “This war ak ready stressed Ly famous theoreticians with mathematical inclinations, Incl Tet me cite a paper [3] by P, Dirac frem the carly 30 The steady proatess of physics reqnines fer its theerotieal rnmte Iation a mathematies that gets continually more advanced. “This i= nly natural and to be expected. What, hiswever, was net expected hy the scientific workers cf the Tast century was the particular form thot the Hine of a tvancoment of the mathemati would take, namely it was exported that the mathemmti~s would got mere complirated, at woul] rest ona permanent Lasis of axioms and definitions, while actually the medern physical developments heat required mathe tnatie= that continually shifts it= foundations. Noneetrtidean ecomenry and nenectmuiative alzebtay which wet at one time considetad to be purely fictions of the mine and pase tines for Iogical thinkers, have note heen feund te be very nevessory for the description cf general farts of the physical workl, Tt Tikely that this process of increasing al-stractien will continue in the future and that advance in physies is to Ee assorinted with a co tingal mexdifiaticn and generalization cf the axioms at the base cf mnathematics rather than sith Ieeiral development of any one mathe ematioal scheme om a fixed foun dae ete ate at present funclamental problems in theoretical physics the eelativisti> formation of cpiantunn me= chanics atl the nature cfatemic naele (10 be followed bye mete iff ult ones surdias the probhin oP li}, the solution of which preems will presumably reqire a tier desti> reve four fundamental concepts than any that have Quite Hikes these ol seat that it will fe beyond the prater of human intelligene to get the necessary new ideas by direct attempts to formulate thy experimental data in mathematical terms, The tHwneretiend werk in tive fatane will therefer® lave to proceed in amen? inderect ways The mest posverful methicd ef advane> that ean be sugee nt is to cinpley all the tescurses of pure mathematics in attempt penfoct and generalise the mathematical formalism that forms the existing basis cf theciotical physics, and affer cach success in this Tircetion, te try to interpret the new mathematival featines in term ef physioal sntitiess Similar views were expressed by CN, Yang, Tid not find 9 « brat all spirit of his commentaries {6 his own collection of pape aititikke, MIso be aecd 19 (lL this (9 me in private discussicns, [believe that the crannti histery of =tting the gauge fies a a basic to in the description of interactions in Quantum Fie They od ills tration of the influence cf mathematical intuition on the development of the fimncamental physies. Gaug> fields, or Yang=Mills firs, were intrcduced t0 the wide audien-e cf physickt= in L054 im a short paper by C.N. Yang and Th Mille ledicated to the gencralization of the electromaenetic fields and the comre= spending prinriph of gauze invariance. The geometric sete of this principle e1 the chvtromagnetic eH was made ear as early as ia the Inte 206 due to the mpart citation, [61 shews this esa papers of V. Fock [8) and 1, Weyl [5], They amined the analbey of the gauge (or gradient in the terminolcay of V, Ticck) invarianee of the eleetrcdynamies and the equivalence principle cf the Finstein thecry of gravitation, “The gauge up in chet edsanics is commmntative and correspon ste the mak iplicatir {the comphs fll (cr wave fimeticn) of the ckctrically charged particle by a phase factor depending on the sparr-time cocedinates, Einstein's theory cf spwity provides an example of a much more scphisticated gange grcup. namely the netal coordinate transformaticns Both 1 Weyl and Vy Peck were oof the meving frame with spin connection, sxsceinted with, Ieeal Lotentz rotations, Thus the Lorentz grup became the first nonakTian P and one can see in (S] essentially all formmlas characteristics of ¢ fipkls. However, in contradistinction 16 the electromagnetic field, the spin connection enters the description of the sparestine and not the internal space of electric ch In the mick cf the 2%. after the discovery of the isotcpic spin in muclear physics. and forming the Vulowa idea of the intemneeliate besen, C, Klein tried to eromitise these ch jeris. His propcsal was ase on his dimensional pi ture, Proton and neuttcn (9% well as electrcn and neutrinc. there were nc lear distinction betwen strong and weak interactions) wen put together in an Fovecter and electromagnetic field and charged yevter niesen comprised matrix, Hewever the noncmmutative SU) gauge group was not mentioned Ilein’s proposal was nct received favorably and N. Beth di not recommend hin to pablish a papers Se the idba temmined cnly ia the form cf contribution to proceedings of Warsatt Conference “New Theoties in Phsies’ [10]. The nenecmmutative group. acting in the intemal spac of changes, appeared fo the first time in the paper [1] PCN. Yang and Re Milk in W4. Ther i= no wen that Yang received a cool reaction when he presented his work: at Princeton in. 1854 The drameti> acount of this event can, be found in hie commenitaties[)]. Panli vas in the aukdisnee and immediately ras the qprstion, about nis. Invbed the gauge invariance forbids the intreduction f nis the verter charged fiekls and mosskssness Ieads (0 the long. range interaction. which contradicts the experiment, The only known massless particles (ond eerompaning be aviton. It is evident from Yane’s text, that Paul ws well aequaintad with the differential geometry ff nonakelian verter fields Tart his en censorship died not allese him tn speak about them, As wwe knew new. the Foklnes of Yang and his esthetic feline finally were vinelioated. And it cant be tightly sai that CN. Yang prceneded acronding {© mralematical inttitien. In 1954 the paper of Yang arn] Mills did net move nergy theoretical physies, However, the idea of the charged space with none commmiativessmmetty group sesquited mote an Limete papuaity due 19 the n= creasing number cf elementary particles and the search for the universal scheme {their chesification. Aud at that tine the cbeisiye role in the prometion cf the Yang-Mills fiskk: wee ake played hy mathematical intuiticn, At the hoginning cf the €0s. R. Feynman worked on the extension of his even, selene of quantization of the ckctromaguetic fell to the gravitation theory cf range interactions) are photon and the forefront ef high Finstein, A purely technical lificulty’ = the shun tance cf te tense indices = nad his work rather slew, Folleyting the advice of M, GelleMann, he exercise first cx the simpler ease of the Yang-Mills fick. ‘te his surprise, he found that a naive generalization cf his diagrammatic rakes cesign-d for clertrceytramics Ticlnot work for the YangeMills field. “The unitarity of the Sematris wae broken 1 the tmitarity in one Jeep by recenstructing th full scatter cmplitinde fs nary part and found that the result can be interpreted asa subtract nttibution cf some fictitious particles Hewever his tech nique Fecame quite cumbercae beyend one Teep. His appresel was gradually leveloped by B, DeeWitt [11], Ie must bestressed that the pligsical sens fof the Vano=MBills field did ict prock be Festiman from tsing it fer mat hernatieal constnurtion, The werk cf Feynman [12] bevame one of the starting points for my work in Quantum Fick! Theory, which T Feean in the middle cf the OCs together with Victor Popew., Another point as important was the mathematical meneetaph Fs A, Lidnerowitz [13], dedicated to the thecry cf ecnections in vecter bundles, From Liehnerewitz’s book it llewed cParly that the Yang-Mills eld has a Tefinite geometnic interpretation: it defines a. ccnnection in the vector bam Tle. the base Foing the spacestime and the fiber the linear space of the representation {the compact group of dire. ‘Thus, the Yang-Mills fel finds its natural place ameng, the fiells ef acometrical ctivin beeen the eketremmgnctie eld (chic is its particular comple fer the oneadimensional charge) and Finstcin's grwvitation fied, which deals with the tangent bundle of the Riemannian space= tine manifoH Ti became clear t¢ me that such a possibility cannot he missed and, neutithe standing the unsolved problem ef zero mss. one mut aetively tackle the prob= Fin ef the comet quantization ef the Yane-Milk fiel The gecmetric origin of the Yang-Mills field gave a natunal way te resclve the lffcultics wth the diagrammatic rales, The formulation cf the quantum theery informs of Feynninn’s fanetional inteztal happened tobe mest appreprinte from the techniral peint of view, Indeed. t6 take inte arcoam the gate cepaivalPnee principle one has to integrate over the classes of gauge equivalent fick rather than over cvery invliviual configuration, As s that were iuspits! by plays ups or vertex operator aleebtas, Nor is the aim to discuss hew tc provide mathematical rigor for physival theories. Teather. the eoal is to develep the scrt cf intuition commen among plisicsts for these whe awe aed to thought process stemming from geometry andl algebra, [ propese to eall the intuition to which MaePherson refers that of mathe natical physics. Take recommend the reader te bok at the instructive drescin by P. Diikgrnaf on the cust cover of the velumes cf lectures given at the Scho “The union off these tive groups constitutes an enormous intellectual ferce, Tn the next century we will leam if this force is capable of substiviting fer the uraditional experimental base of the development of findamental physies and pertinent playsical intuition, References 1 Prize of Max Planck, Sci fied Nobel (New York: Peres [1] B. Nagel. The Discussion Concerning. the Ne and Servet an He ‘Trae of ence Techn ame [2] P. Mose and Hy Feshbach, -Me(h MeCroa-HIill 1S f Thecirctical Physics, (New Yorks [3] R. Courant and D, Hilbert, Vethodens der anatheaalischens Physik, (Pein Sprinerr, 1631 [I] S.L. Schelev. 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