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Name : Angga Putra Jaya

NRP : 56202112997

Class/Semester : A/1

Courses : English

Lecturer : MH.Simanjuntak,M.Ed





A04 Angga Putra Jaya_Task_1

[6:44 PM, 11/16/2020] A04 Angga:

1. Blanket(selimut)
2. Bowl(mangkuk)
3. Teapot(teko teh)
4. Larder(lemari makan)
5. Cup(cangkir)
6. Napkin(serbet)
7. Drawel(laci)
8. Globe(bola dunia)
9. Brush(sikat)
10. Grater(parut)

A04 Angga Putra Jaya_Task_2

[3:58 PM, 11/23/2020] A04 Angga: Yes sir

1. To cut - cut - cut = Memotong --cutter = Alat pemotong
2. To cook - cooked - cooked = memasak --cookingware = alat masak
3. To dig - dug - dug = menggali -- digger = alat penggali
4. To saw - sawed - sawn = menggergaji -- saw = gergaji
5. To weave - wove - woven = menenun -- weavemachine = mesin penenun
6. To erase - erased - erased = menghapus --eraser = penghapus
7. To shine - shone - shone = bersinar -- a shinetool = alat penyinar
8. To sew - sewed - sewn = menjahit -- sewingmachine = mesin jahit
9. To press - pressed - pressed = menekan -- pressingdevice = alat penekan
10. To Hang - Hung - Hung = menggantung -- cablehunger = gantungan kabel

A04 Angga Putra Jaya_Task_3

Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in temperature.

The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning to
measure. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the
mercury thermometer.The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular
expansion phase that coincides with the surrounding temperature. The freezing point of mercury
is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is high, reaching 357 ° C. (Total 5
A04_Angga Putra Jaya_Task_4

Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in temperature.
The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning to
measure. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the
mercury thermometer.The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular
expansion phase that coincides with the surrounding temperature. The freezing point of mercury
is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is high, reaching 357 ° C. (Total 5

Termometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu (temperatur), atau setiap
perubahan suhu. Istilah termometer berasal dari kode latin thermo yang berarti panas dan meter
yang artinya mengukur. Prinsip kerja termometer bervariasi, yang paling umum adalah
termometer merkuri. Penggunaan air digunakan oleh termometer karena memiliki fase pemuaian
yang teratur yang bertepatan dengan suhu sekitarnya. Titik beku merkuri juga sangat rendah
yaitu sekitar -39 ° C, sedangkan titik didihnya tinggi yaitu mencapai 357 ° C (Total 5 kalimat)


1. Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in
Termometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu (temperatur), atau setiap
perubahan suhu.

2. The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning
to measure.
Istilah termometer berasal dari kode latin thermo yang berarti panas dan meter yang artinya

3. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the mercury
Prinsip kerja termometer bervariasi, yang paling umum adalah termometer merkuri.

4. The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular expansion phase that
coincides with the surrounding temperature.
Penggunaan air digunakan oleh termometer karena memiliki fase pemuaian yang teratur yang
bertepatan dengan suhu sekitarnya.
5. The freezing point of mercury is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is
high, reaching 357 ° C. (Total 5 sentences)
Titik beku merkuri juga sangat rendah yaitu sekitar -39 ° C, sedangkan titik didihnya tinggi
yaitu mencapai 357 ° C (Total 5 kalimat)

1. Thermometer =Termometer
2. Tool = Alat
3. Temperature = Suhu
4. Mercury = Air Raksa
5. Water = Air
6. Meter = Meter
7. boiling point = Titik Didih

1. Change = Perubahan
2. Signifying = Menandakan
3. Measure = Mengukur
4. Use = menggunakan
5. Working principle = Prinsip Kerja
6. Has = Memiliki
7. Is = Adalah

Tick: 3 (three) technical "verb" relating to its "noun" in:

1. Safety helmet
2. Jack
3. Chisel

Eg.Yes Sir:
1. to fix - broken engine
2. to move - ship' propeller
3. to clean - carriage space
A04Angga Putra Jaya_Task_5


1. Quote a paragraph about Diesel Engine (fundamental/basic/principle)
2. Translate the paragraph by google translater and italisize it
3. Split the paragraph into sentences with ordinal number
4. Highligh all adjective with Green color
5. Highlight all adverbs with Pink color
6. Collect all adjectibe and its meaning
7. Collect all adverbs and its meaning
8. Text Editor: MS Office Words; Font: Time New Roman; Size : 12
8. Nama file-mu hrs diawali dgn no absenmu, e.g: "B27Yuherman_Task_5.doc"
9. Submit not latter than Saturday. 12/12/2020, at 22:00 WIB
(Cover or header and title are not neccessary, you may ommit them)

Quote: From reliable source:
A paragraph has about 4 to 6 sentences
Most of the sentence has 12 to 18 words
Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in temperature.
The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning to
measure. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the
mercury thermometer.The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular
expansion phase that only coincides with the surrounding temperature. The freezing point of
mercury is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is high, reaching 357 ° C.
(Total 5 sentences)

Termometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu (temperatur), atau setiap
perubahan suhu. Istilah termometer berasal dari kode latin thermo yang berarti panas dan meter
yang artinya mengukur. Prinsip kerja termometer bervariasi, yang paling umum adalah
termometer merkuri. Penggunaan air digunakan oleh termometer karena memiliki fase pemuaian
yang teratur yang hanya bertepatan dengan suhu sekitarnya. Titik beku merkuri juga sangat
rendah yaitu sekitar -39 ° C, sedangkan titik didihnya tinggi yaitu mencapai 357 ° C (Total 5
6. Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in
Termometer adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur suhu (temperatur), atau setiap
perubahan suhu.
7. The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning
to measure.
Istilah termometer berasal dari kode latin thermo yang berarti panas dan meter yang artinya
8. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the mercury
Prinsip kerja termometer bervariasi, yang paling umum adalah termometer merkuri.
9. The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular expansion phase that only
coincides with the surrounding temperature.
Penggunaan air digunakan oleh termometer karena memiliki fase pemuaian yang teratur yang
hanya bertepatan dengan suhu sekitarnya.
10. The freezing point of mercury is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is
high, reaching 357 ° C. (Total 5 sentences)
Titik beku merkuri juga sangat rendah yaitu sekitar -39 ° C, sedangkan titik didihnya tinggi yaitu
mencapai 357 ° C (Total 5 kalimat)


1. Change : perubahan
2. Common : umum
3. Regular : reguler
4. Freezing : pembekuan
5. Very low : sangat rendah
6. Boiling point : titik didih
7. High : tinggi


1. Any : apa saja

2. Heat : panas
3. Varies : bervariasi
4. Most : kebanyakan
5. Because : karena
6. Coincides : bertepatan
7. Surrounding : sekitarnya
8. While : sementara

A04 Angga Putra Jaya_Task_6


1. Find a sentence with more than 10 words (std: 12-18 words) and consists of at least one
“adverb” and one “adjective”. You may chose the sentence from your quotation paragraph.
2. Translate the sentence by google translater and italisize it
3. Split the sentence into word by word
4. Determine the kind of the word by looking at

1. One sentence from my paragraph:
The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular expansion phase that only
coincides with the surrounding temperature.
2. The translation by google and italisize it:
Penggunaan air digunakan oleh termometer karena memiliki fase pemuaian yang teratur
yang hanya bertepatan dengan suhu sekitarnya.
3. Spliting the sentence and determine the kind of the word

the = definite article

use = verb
of = preposition
water = noun
is = verb
used = verb
by = preposition
a = indefinite article
thermometer = noun
because = conjunction
it = pronoun
has = verb
a = indefinite article
regular = adjective
expansion = noun
phase = noun
that = pronoun
only = adverb
coincides = verb
with = preposition
the = definite article
surrounding = noun
temperature = noun
A04 Angga Putra Jaya Task7


Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in temperature.

The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning to
measure. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the
mercury thermometer. The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular
expansion phase that only coincides with the surrounding temperature. The freezing point of
mercury is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is high, reaching 357 ° C.


11. Thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature (temperature), or any change in
12. The term thermometer comes from the Latin code thermo signifying heat and meter meaning
to measure.
13. The working principle of the thermometer varies, the most common of which is the mercury
14. The use of water is used by a thermometer because it has a regular expansion phase that only
coincides with the surrounding temperature.
15. The freezing point of mercury is also very low, around -39 ° C, while the boiling point is
high, reaching 357 ° C.


Sentence word no.1:

thermometer = n = termometer
is = v = adalah
a = indefinite article = sebuah
tool = n = alat
used = adj = digunakan
to = preposition = untuk
measure = n = mengukur
temperature = n = suhu
or = conjunction = atau
any = adj = apa saja
change = v = ubah
in = preposition = dalam
temperature = n = suhu
Sentence word no.2:
the = definite article = itu
term = v = istilah
thermometer = n = termometer
comes = n = datang
from = preposition = dari
the = definite article = itu
Latin = n = latin
code = n = kode
thermo = n = termo
signifying = n = menandakan
heat = adv = panas
and = conjunction = dan
meter = n = meter
meaning = n = berarti
to = preposition = untuk
measure = n = suhu

Sentence word no.3:

the = definite article = itu
working = adj = kerja
principle = n = prinsip
of = preposition = dari
the = definite article = itu
thermometer = n = termometer
varies = n = bervariasi
the = definite article = itu
most = adj = paling
common = adj = umum
of = preposition = yaitu
which = pronoun = yang
is = v = adalah
the = definite article = itu
mercury = n = merkuri
thermometer = n = termometer

Sentence word no.4:

the = definite article = itu
use = v = gunakan
of = preposition = dari
water = n = air
is = v = adalah
used = v = digunakan
by = preposition = oleh
a = indefinite article = sebuah
thermometer = n = termometer
because = conjunction = karena
it = pronoun = itu
has = v = memiliki
a = indefinite article = sebuah
regular = adj = teratur
expansion = n = pemuaian
phase = n = fase
that = pronoun = yang
only = adv = only
coincides = v =bertepatan
with = preposition = dengan
the = definite article = itu
surrounding = n = sekitarnya
temperature = n = suhu

Sentence word no.5:

the = definite article = itu
freezing = adj = pembekuan
point = n = titik
of = preposition = dari
mercury = n = merkuri
is = v = adalah
also = adv = juga
very = adv = sangat
low = adj = rendah
around = adv = sekitar
° C = adj = celsius
while = conjunction = yang
the = definite article = itu
boiling = adj = mendidih
point = n = titik
is = v = adalah
high = adj = tinggi
reaching = v = mencapai
° C = adj = celsius
A04 Angga Putra Jaya_Task_8
A. Quote 10 sentences from Engineering Books or Basic Physics
Each sentence must contain a word as follow:
B. Highlight every noun in each sentence:
1. Compound noun in Yellow color
2. Group noun in Bright Green color
3. Singgle noun in Pink color
C. Translate and italicize the sentence in Indonesia
1. hot
The gas receives heat at the hot cylinder and expands.
Gas menerima panas pada silinder panas dan mengembang.
2. heat
The gas receives heat at the hot cylinder and expands.
Gas menerima panas pada silinder panas dan mengembang.
3. long
Diesel engines have long been popular in bigger cars.
Mesin diesel telah lama populer di mobil-mobil besar.
4. length
Torque is a force applied to a lever at a right angle multiplied by the lever length.
Torsi adalah gaya yang diterapkan pada tuas pada sudut siku-siku dikalikan dengan
panjang tuas.
5. wide
The term motor was initially used to distinguish it from the steam engine,which was in
wide use at the time, powering locomotives and other vehicles such as steam rollers.
Istilah motor pada awalnya digunakan untuk membedakannya dari mesin uap,yang
digunakan secara luas pada saat itu, menggerakkan lokomotif dan kendaraan lain
seperti penggulung uap.
6. width
The area of a rectangle is defined to be length × width of the rectangle.
Luas persegi panjang didefinisikan sebagai panjang × lebar persegi panjang.
7. cool
Cool fluid pulled in (open cycle air engine).
Cairan dingin ditarik masuk (mesin udara siklus terbuka.
8. cold
After expanding and flowing through the recuperator,the gas rejects heat at the cold
Setelah berkembang dan mengalir melalui recuperator,gas menolak panas pada silinder
9. high
In an internal combustion engine the expansion of the high temperature
Dalam mesin pembakaran internal perluasan suhu tinggi.
10. height
The height of these engines had to be less than 1,000 mm to allow underfloor installation.
Ketinggian mesin ini harus kurang dari 1.000 mm agar dapat dipasang di bawah lantai.
A04 Angga Putra Jaya Task_9


1. Read your Task_8 or another quotation
2. Select the “group noun” (noun + noun)
3. Write 20 words of group noun in smal letter

1. piston rods = n + n
2. water wheel = n + n
3. hydraulic lock = n + n
4. mercury thermometer = n + n
5. ship's propeller = n + n
6. cargo plane = n + n
7. fishing boat = n + n
8. power cable = n + n
9. heat energy = n + n
10. passenger ship = n + n
11. engine oil pump = n + n + n
12. pants sewing machine = n + n + n
13. watt steam engine = n + n + n
14. nuclear power submarine = n + n + n
15. passenger ship oil = n + n + n
16. term rocket motor = n + n + n
17. motor piston ring lock = n + n + n + n
18. metic motor engine oil = n + n + n + n
19. crude oil pump engine = n + n + n + n
20. compression-ignition engine = n + n + n + n
: A04 Task_10 Angga Putra Jaya

Find something a good noun in your home

List 10 goup nouns and 10 compund noun
Group Noun Sc Compound Noun
Scr No. No.
(noun + noun) r (adjective + noun)
Eg. rice cooker/tooth brush/mouse Eg. dirty cloth/blue shirt,/soft
: pad, etc : chair, etc
1 power cable 1 hot water
2 cargo plane 2 black box
3 heat energy 3 cool fluid
4 printer cartridge 4 red laser
5 motor cycle 5 old train
6 pump engine 6 green house
7 gas stove 7 hard ware
8 nuclear bomb 8 smooth engine
9 fishing boat 9 calm water
10 water wheel 10 bright lights

Satu kata hanya sekali pakai
Tidak boleh mis:
white board
black board
(board sudah dua kali pakai)

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