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Your Coach Superpower Is:

“Expression Coach”
This report will explain your Coach Superpower as an Expression Coach. In this report
you’ll learn about:

● Targeting your unique coaching niche so you can attract clients

● Coaching methods and tools help your clients succeed
● How to offer your coaching package for sale so you get more clients
● Marketing tips for attracting your unique and ideal clients
● Getting started as a coach, or growing if you have experience
● And much more…

Come To “Part 2” And Learn

To Get Coaching Clients
This report is Part 1 of a 2-part assessment.

The second part of this assessment explains how to attract affluent coaching clients, how
to create a high-value coaching package that you can offer for premium prices and the
two rituals that high-income coaches do every day to attract the right clients and build
their coaching practices. Part 2 is in fact a live Coach Superpower Virtual Workshop that
comes free with this report. Be sure to reserve your spot, because space is very limited):
=>Click HERE To Reserve Your Spot

How This Report Can Help You Grow As A Coach,

And Grow Your Coaching Practice
This report can be a powerful tool to help you get clarity about your unique genius, your
coaching niche, your ideal coaching client, and how to create a coaching package that
you can offer for high prices to clients.

As you read through, you will begin to realize that there is much more depth to this
report than most others that you have received. This is because the insights contained
inside are based on a combination of the work of Carl Jung, modern coaching practices,
marketing and proven business methods. This report has also taken into account the
opportunities that are needed right now to build a successful and profitable coaching

The report begins with an explanation of your unique cognitive gift, then shows you how
your gift is uniquely valuable to others. From there, it will show you how to use your gift
to be a great coach to others. It will also reveal your blind spot or achilles’ heel, so that
you can avoid the trap of your weakness.

Finally, it will give you strategies for coaching others to success and even more
importantly how to attract your ideal coaching clients.

Your “Expression Coach Superpower”

Even from the time you were little, you were very aware of how things made you feel.
You notice what feels good, what feels bad, what feels right and what feels wrong. You
might notice a certain choice someone else makes leaves you feeling positive or

You might notice that a certain color or even the texture of a fabric can be something that
feels good or bad.

When you were young, you made choices based on what feels good right now. As you
grew up, learned, and matured, you started making choices based on what feels good
over the long-term.

More importantly, what feels true to you is who you are as a human being and is the basis
for who you choose to be.

The deeper you explore and understand your own personal feelings, the more you tap
into something bigger and more universal. You may be interested in ethics and moral
dilemmas, and deeply considering what’s actually good or bad, right or wrong. You
probably have an artistic streak, finding ways through art to communicate those deep
personal feelings, and the inner truth they represent. You may also feel motivated to
champion worthwhile causes, to help make a better world for everyone.
As an Expression Coach integrity and authenticity is of vital importance and super power
of yours.


“It a s o f u g o t am so
t e si h o re h i d .”
- Bar De An s

How To Create Value For Others & Your Clients

The 2020s are the first decade where we can really see and feel change accelerating.
We can no longer afford to believe that if we just close our eyes and wait, that things will
“go back to normal” sometime soon.

With the changes that came as a result of the Covid pandemic, we have all realized the
great power of working virtually. Many of us will never be going back to “the way things

In the new “Digital Jungle” that we are inhabiting, we must get clarity on our unique gifts,
and how we can use those gifts to create value for others. It is only by understanding and
developing our unique value creation methods that we can survive and thrive, and earn a
growing income in the years ahead.

In your live Coach Superpower Workshop, you will learn how to create a high-value
coaching package that clients will invest thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to buy
from you. => Reserve Your Spot By Clicking Here


“Hon y t a s n ma u v ra .
Be h t a t s en y .”
- Mot T re
Your Unique Genius As A Person & A Coach
You are a passionate person and you know acceptance leads to integration. By being
able to create rapport with yourself you can create a level of personal joy and

Creative individuation, authentic self expression and aligning passions with one's
purpose are some of the areas you are best suited for.

In addition your ability to create self-acceptance among your clients and healing past
wounds is one of your superpowers. You have an incredible ability to show a kind of
sage-like inner peace and self-acceptance. And so you speak and lead by example.
Speaking personally from the heart, in such a way that it feels universal.


“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think

we're supposed to be and embracing who we are.”
- Brené Brown

Your Genius: How To Win At LIfe

“Who am I, really?”

You’ll take on many quests in your life, but the mother of them all is the quest to discover
what makes you uniquely human. For you, this is a sacred mission. Recognize that it’s not
about reaching the destination, but rather your continual unfolding and evolution as you
discover more of who you truly are. One of the most important things in your life is your
relationship with yourself. The rest of your life flows from this well. Cultivate rapport with
yourself. Make choices that make you proud of who you are. Clarify your core values, so
you know what you stand for. Every once in awhile, check in to see if those values still
resonate with you, or if they’re ready for an update. Trust your heart, but don’t ignore the
consequences of your choices. List them out when you have an important decision to
Your Shadow: What To Be Aware Of
Although truth and ethics are important to you, one thing to be mindful of as an
expression Coach is your tendency to seek short-term gratification at the expense of
integrity. This tends to happen when you focus on the ideal best case scenario or
perspective and ignore logistical reality.

One area that could use further development is your ability to give instructions, orders or
direction and tell people what to do.
Lastly you are not comfortable in or with strategic sacrifices and so tend to avoid them at
all costs even when they are necessary.

How To Coach Your Clients To Success

You wise and open coaching style is what allows you to help your clients heal and
become themselves.

Authenticity is of paramount importance to you which is why you connect so deeply to

yourself and your feelings. This enables you to feel and be powerful and thus influence
and inspire others to success.

You usually work by following a stream of emotions that can be stopped and restarted
when needed. You need to care about what you're doing and helping people connect
with their "why" and align it with their purpose is how you help them harness their power.


“There is no instinct like that of the heart.”

- Lord Byron

How To Build Your Coaching Practice

Honesty and integrity are core tenets for you and so to build your coaching practice be
transparent about your core values. Help clients express themselves by creating values
for their business consciously. Learn the emotional flow a prospect needs to go through
in order to invest in your coaching, and then lead your clients into that flow.
For Expression Coaches they tend not to go into sales conversations often but when they
do it works. It works really well. And it happens because you are honest and suggesting
independence. Selling the experience of what the prospect can have rather than the
result will make sales extremely successful, especially if you understand the emotional
flow a prospect needs to experience in order to buy. You guiding them through that flow
will land you the sale majority of the time.

As previously mentioned you have an incredible ability to show a kind of sage-like inner
peace and self-acceptance. However to showcase that to prospects you need to lead by
example. Speaking personally from the heart, in such a way that it feels universal is the
best way to target your ideal customers.

You can do this by sharing personal stories, and going into detail about what happened,
what it meant to you and how you changed is a good content strategy.

Target our ideal clients by building relationships and offering value. Attending social
events and coaching everyone you meet to have better self-expression and relationships
will be the best strategy for you.
What To Avoid In Coaching
That easy going peaceful part of you while camping can also lead to situations that are
sub-optimal. Being assertive can be difficult for the Expression Coach and tend to shy
away from leading the conversations. In addition, lack of technological prowess and
messy process leading can lead to lost sales.


“Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got.”

- Janis Joplin

Your Potential As A Coach

As an Expression coach you are masterful at using more flexible frameworks and can
therefore easily move clients through a series of emotional breakthroughs or transitions.
You teach people to heal through acceptance as you model it and that leads to deep
confidence and worthiness in your clients.

Here at Virtual coach we value authenticity and transparency and see it as one of our
core tenets. We offer a holistic approach while also honoring the individuality of each

We are looking for people who are not interested in being like everyone else and in fact
are out to change the conversation about how sales are done so they no longer are fake
or phony.

We can show you how to make a good living using this valuable gift, helping people and
doing something meaningful. Here you will be able to express who you truly are and help
others to do the same. In the past, this is the hardest talent to make money with, but we
have staff members who have succeeded with this speciality and know how exactly to do
it and succeed and we want you on board to help us change the way the world does

Reserved your spot today and let's start making the change you know is waiting to be

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