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I am compassionate and warm like a cozy winter evening

I wonder if the snow outside will melt soon

I hear the noisy sleigh bells coming from the outside of the tall mountain
I see Rudolph the reindeer navigating Santa and all of the gifts in the sleigh
I want to build and eat a delicious gingerbread house
I am compassionate and warm like a cozy winter evening

I pretend to sleep while Santa comes to my house

I feel electrified when I hear big footsteps that may be Santa’s
I touch my beating heart as I wonder what Santa is leaving under the tree
I worry that Santa will find out that I’m awake
I cry imagining that Santa will forget to eat the cookies
I am compassionate and warm like a cozy winter evening

I understand that I’m fortunate to be able to get gifts

I say every child in the world should get gifts
I dream that Santa will travel the universe to give gifts
I try to be the best person I can be
I hope I make my parents and Santa proud
I am compassionate and warm like a cozy winter evening

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