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Video Lesson

Writing Task 2
I E LT S W R I T I N G T A S K 2

How to write an
Explanation + Opinion essay

These days, in many countries, fewer people go to the

cinema to watch movies than in the past. Why is this? Is it a
good thing or a bad thing?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words


There has been a significant drop in cinema attendances in most parts of the world. Movie-theatres
which used to be packed are now invariably half-empty. It is worth analysing the reasons for this decline
and discussing its impact.
This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and social causes. Firstly, cinema
tickets can be horrendously expensive and parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when
there are cheaper alternatives. As well as that, enormous technological changes need to be mentioned. It
is now quick and convenient to rent a movie online and watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the
comfort of your own home. Finally, social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have
become less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be and many prefer
to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
The consequences of this development are probably more negative than positive. From the perspective
of film-lovers, this represents a definite improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less
money. However, from the viewpoint of everyone employed by cinemas and others working in the film
industry, the outlook is bleak. Thousands have already lost their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue.
Finally, it can be argued that this development damages society. When humans spend less time
participating in activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may begin to trust
their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This can clearly have serious repercussions for
society as a whole.
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will probably continue to drop.
Although this is understandable, it saddens film-lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with
the amazing experience of watching a movie on a big screen.
Question: Why is this? + Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

You can

• End your INTRODUCTION with a THESIS STATEMENT which either: 1. indicates your plan 2.
explains that the issue is important 3. indicates your position/opinion for the second question
(Try to refer to both questions in your THESIS STATEMENT)

• Write two MAIN BODY PARAGRAPHS (one paragraph for the explanation and one paragraph for
the opinion). Include a clear TOPIC SENTENCE in each MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH

• Include 2-3 reasons/causes in MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH 1

• In MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH 2, write from the position that this situation is: 1. good 2. bad. 3.
more good than bad. 4. more bad than good

• Start MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH 2 with a TOPIC SENTENCE which indicates your position, and
include 2-3 points to support it. Try to connect some of these points to the reasons/causes in

• Use the CONCLUSION to: 1. (optional) refer to the causes of the change 2. repeat your opinion
3. express a hope, wish or fear for the future
There has been a significant drop in cinema attendances in most parts of the
world. Movie-theatres which used to be packed are now invariably half-empty.
It is worth analysing the reasons for this decline and discussing its impact.

It is often a good idea to start an essay with a

paraphrase of the question statement (These
days, in many countries, fewer people go to
the cinema to watch movies than in the past. )
It is normal to use one sentence but it is
possible to use two short sentences
There has been a significant drop in cinema attendances in most parts of the
world. Movie-theatres which used to be packed are now invariably half-empty.
It is worth analysing the reasons for this decline and discussing its impact.

It is possible to put a GENERAL STATEMENT

about the topic (changing patterns in
entertainment) before the paraphrase. EXAMPLE:
There is no doubt that our tastes in entertainment
have changed over the decades.
There has been a significant drop in cinema attendances in most parts of the
world. Movie-theatres which used to be packed are now invariably half-empty.
It is worth analysing the reasons for this decline and discussing its impact.
End the INTRODUCTION with a THESIS STATEMENT. In a two-part question, try to
refer to both parts in the THESIS STATEMENT.You can use the THESIS STATEMENT
1. indicate that the issue is important (as in the model answer)
2. indicate your plan: EXAMPLE:The following paragraphs will examine the reasons
for this fall in popularity and consider whether it is a positive or negative
3. indicate your position on the second question: EXAMPLES: 1. We clearly need to
analyse the reasons for this disturbing/worrying trend. 2.This essay will examine
why this reduction in popularity has taken place and suggest that it is
predominantly positive/negative. 3.This essay will examine why this reduction in
popularity has taken place and suggest that it can be both a positive and a negative
Use the first MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH to answer the
PARAGRAPH 2 first question (explanation of the causes)

This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and

social causes. Firstly, cinema tickets can be horrendously expensive and
parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when there are
cheaper alternatives. As well as that, enormous technological changes need to
be mentioned. It is now quick and convenient to rent a movie online and
watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the comfort of your own home. Finally,
social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have become
less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be
and many prefer to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and
social causes. Firstly, cinema tickets can be horrendously expensive and
parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when there are
cheaper alternatives. a clear
As well TOPIC
as that, enormous technological changes need to
be mentioned. It is now quick
indicates and
that youconvenient
will to rent a movie online and
answer the first question
watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the comfort of your own home. Finally,
social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have become
less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be
and many prefer to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
Try to make your paragraph strongly
reflect the TOPIC SENTENCE

This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and

social causes. Firstly, cinema tickets can be horrendously expensive and
parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when there are
cheaper alternatives. As well as that, enormous technological changes need to
be mentioned. It is now quick and convenient to rent a movie online and
watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the comfort of your own home. Finally,
social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have become
less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be
and many prefer to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
Include 2-3 supported points. Use explanation,
PARAGRAPH 2 explanation of results, examples, evidence and
alternatives to support your points
This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and
social causes. Firstly, cinema tickets can be horrendously expensive and
parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when there are
cheaper alternatives. As well as that, enormous technological changes need to
be mentioned. It is now quick and convenient to rent a movie online and
watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the comfort of your own home. Finally,
social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have become
less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be
and many prefer to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
Use the second MAIN BODY PARAGRAPH to
answer the second question (opinion)

The consequences of this development are probably more negative than

positive. From the perspective of film-lovers, this represents a definite
improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less money.
However, from the viewpoint of everyone employed by cinemas and others
working in the film industry, the outlook is bleak. Thousands have already lost
their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue. Finally, it can be argued that this
development damages society. When humans spend less time participating in
activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may
begin to trust their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This
can clearly have serious repercussions for society as a whole.
The consequences of this development are probably more negative than
positive. From the perspective of film-lovers, this represents a definite
improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less money.
However, from the viewpoint
Start the of everyone
paragraph withemployed by cinemas and others
which makes your position clear. Possible
working in the film industry, the
positions: 1. itoutlook is2.bleak.
is positive Thousands
it is negative 3. it is have already lost
more positive than negative 4. it is more
their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue. Finally, it can be argued that this
negative than positive (as in the model answer)
development damages society. When humans spend less time participating in
activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may
begin to trust their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This
can clearly have serious repercussions for society as a whole.
Make sure that the paragraph supports the
opinion in the TOPIC SENTENCE

The consequences of this development are probably more negative than

positive. From the perspective of film-lovers, this represents a definite
improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less money.
However, from the viewpoint of everyone employed by cinemas and others
working in the film industry, the outlook is bleak. Thousands have already lost
their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue. Finally, it can be argued that this
development damages society. When humans spend less time participating in
activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may
begin to trust their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This
can clearly have serious repercussions for society as a whole.
PARAGRAPH 3 Include 2-3 supported points. Use explanation, explanation of results,
examples, evidence and alternatives to support your points

The consequences of this development are probably more negative than

positive. From the perspective of film-lovers, this represents a definite
improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less money.
However, from the viewpoint of everyone employed by cinemas and others
working in the film industry, the outlook is bleak. Thousands have already lost
their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue. Finally, it can be argued that this
development damages society. When humans spend less time participating in
activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may
begin to trust their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This
can clearly have serious repercussions for society as a whole.
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will
probably continue to drop. Although this is understandable, it saddens film-
lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with the amazing
experience of watching a movie on a big screen.

It is good to refer to
both parts of a two-
part question in the
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will
probably continue to drop. Although this is understandable, it saddens film-
lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with the amazing
experience of watching a movie on a big screen. This sentence reflects the first
question (explanation) and
includes a prediction based on
the information in MAIN BODY
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will
probably continue to drop. Although this is understandable, it saddens film-
lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with the amazing
experience of watching a movie on a big screen.

This sentence reflects the second

question (opinion). It supports the
2 that this development is more
negative than positive
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will
probably continue to drop. Although this is understandable, it saddens film-
lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with the amazing
experience of watching a movie on a big screen.
Here is another version of the CONCLUSION: As has
been explained, attendance at cinemas is in sharp
decline. Although some may view this development
positively, it is largely detrimental. I hope steps can be
taken to somehow reverse this trend.
There has been a significant drop in cinema attendances in most parts of the world. Movie-theatres
which used to be packed are now invariably half-empty. It is worth analysing the reasons for this decline
and discussing its impact.
This spectacular change in viewing habits has financial, technological and social causes. Firstly, cinema
tickets can be horrendously expensive and parents in particular are reluctant to spend on luxuries when
there are cheaper alternatives. As well as that, enormous technological changes need to be mentioned. It
is now quick and convenient to rent a movie online and watch it on a laptop or smartphone in the
comfort of your own home. Finally, social attitudes have changed and many communal activities have
become less popular. Cultures tend to be far more individualistic than they used to be and many prefer
to watch films alone or with smaller groups of friends.
The consequences of this development are probably more negative than positive. From the perspective
of film-lovers, this represents a definite improvement. Online providers give them greater choice for less
money. However, from the viewpoint of everyone employed by cinemas and others working in the film
industry, the outlook is bleak. Thousands have already lost their jobs, and this trend is likely to continue.
Finally, it can be argued that this development damages society. When humans spend less time
participating in activities with strangers, their sense of community is diminished. They may begin to trust
their fellow-humans less and have less empathy with them. This can clearly have serious repercussions for
society as a whole.
In conclusion, for the reasons stated above, audience figures in cinemas will probably continue to drop.
Although this is understandable, it saddens film-lovers, who are convinced that nothing compares with
the amazing experience of watching a movie on a big screen.

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