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Problem 1:

A horizontal curve on a highway has a radius of 700 feet and a central angle of 45 degrees. Find the
length of the curve.



- Radius (R) = 700 ft

- Central angle (θ) = 45 degrees

We know that the length of a curve (L) is given by the formula:

L = (θ/360) * 2πR

Substituting the given values:

L = (45/360) * 2π(700)

L = (1/8) * 2π(700)

L = 0.125 * 2π(700)

L = 87.964 ft

Therefore, the length of the curve is approximately 87.964 feet.

Problem 2:

A compound curve consists of two circular curves with radii of 400 feet and 600 feet, respectively. The
central angles for the first and second curves are 30 degrees and 50 degrees, respectively. Find the
length of the compound curve.


- Radius of the first curve (R1) = 400 ft

- Central angle of the first curve (θ1) = 30 degrees

- Radius of the second curve (R2) = 600 ft

- Central angle of the second curve (θ2) = 50 degrees

The total length of the compound curve (L) is given by the sum of the lengths of the individual curves.

L = (θ1/360) * 2πR1 + (θ2/360) * 2πR2

Substituting the given values:

L = (30/360) * 2π(400) + (50/360) * 2π(600)

L = (1/12) * 2π(400) + (5/36) * 2π(600)

L = (1/12) * 2π(400) + (5/36) * 2π(600)

L = (1/12) * 2π(400) + (5/36) * 2π(600)

L = 52.359 + 261.798

L = 314.157 ft

Therefore, the length of the compound curve is approximately 314.157 feet.

Problem 3:

A compound curve consists of two circular curves. The radius and central angle of the first curve are 400
ft and 30 degrees, respectively. The second curve has a radius of 600 ft and a central angle of 50
degrees. Find the length of the compound curve.


To find the length of the compound curve, we need to add the lengths of the two individual curves:
Length of first curve = (30/360) * 2π * 400 = 83.775 ft

Length of second curve = (50/360) * 2π * 600 = 261.798 ft

Length of the compound curve = Length of first curve + Length of second curve

= 83.775 ft + 261.798 ft

= 345.573 ft

Therefore, the length of the compound curve is approximately 345.573 feet.

Problem 4:

A compound curve has two circular curves with radii of 300 ft and 500 ft, respectively. The central angles
for the first and second curves are 40 degrees and 60 degrees, respectively. Find the length of the
compound curve.


Using the length formula for a circular curve, we can calculate the lengths of the two individual curves:

Length of first curve = (40/360) * 2π * 300 = 104.719 ft

Length of second curve = (60/360) * 2π * 500 = 261.799 ft

Length of the compound curve = Length of first curve + Length of second curve

= 104.719 ft + 261.799 ft

= 366.518 ft

Therefore, the length of the compound curve is approximately 366.518 feet.


Problem 5: Determine the minimum stopping sight distance required for a highway section with a speed
limit of 60 mph.

Solution: According to AASHTO guidelines, the stopping sight distance can be calculated using the
formula: SSD = 0.278Vt + (V^2 / 254d), where V is the design speed (60 mph), t is the perception-
reaction time (2.5 seconds), and d is the deceleration rate (not provided). Let's assume a deceleration
rate of 11.2 ft/s^2. Plugging in the values:

SSD = 0.278(60)(2.5) + (60^2 / (254*11.2))

SSD = 165 + 8.73

SSD = 173.73 ft

Problem6: Design a four-lane divided highway with a design speed of 70 mph. Calculate the minimum
curve radius required for a superelevation rate of 6%.

Solution: According to AASHTO guidelines, the minimum curve radius (R_min) can be calculated using
the formula: R_min = (V^2 / 15e), where V is the design speed (70 mph) and e is the superelevation rate
(6% or 0.06). Plugging in the values:

R_min = (70^2 / (15*0.06))

R_min = 1633.33 ft

Problem7: Design a two-lane rural highway with a design speed of 55 mph. Calculate the maximum
grade allowed based on sight distance requirements.

Solution: According to AASHTO guidelines, the maximum grade (G_max) can be determined based on
the design speed and horizontal sight distance (HSD). For a design speed of 55 mph, the recommended
HSD is 550 ft. The maximum grade can be calculated using the formula: G_max = (HSD / R), where R is
the curve radius. Assuming a curve radius of 500 ft:

G_max = (550 / 500)

G_max = 1.1%

Problem8: Determine the required length of a merge lane for a freeway interchange with a design speed
of 60 mph and an acceleration rate of 2.5 ft/s^2.
Solution: According to AASHTO guidelines, the required merge lane length (L_merge) can be calculated
using the formula: L_merge = (V^2 / 2a), where V is the design speed (60 mph) and a is the acceleration
rate (2.5 ft/s^2). Plugging in the values:

L_merge = (60^2 / (2*2.5))

L_merge = 720 ft

Problem9;: Design a roundabout with a single-lane approach and a design speed of 30 mph. Calculate
the entry width required for safe and efficient traffic flow.

Solution: According to AASHTO guidelines, the entry width for a single-lane roundabout can be
determined based on the design speed and the size of the vehicles using the roundabout. Let's assume
the design vehicle is an 18-wheeler (WB-50). The minimum entry width can be calculated using the
formula: Entry width = (Vehicle width / sinθ), where θ is the entry angle. Assuming an entry angle of 30
degrees and a WB-50 width of 8.5 ft:

Entry width = (8.5 / sin30°)

Entry width = 17 ft

Problem10: Design a compound horizontal curve for a highway section with a design speed of 60 mph, a
curve radius of 500 feet, and a rate of superelevation of 5%. Determine the distance between the two
circular curves.

Solution: The distance between the two circular curves, known as the tangent distance (T), can be
determined using the formula: T = (V^2) / (15R), where V is the design speed (60 mph) and R is the
radius of the curves (500 feet). Plugging in the values, T = (60^2) / (15*500) = 2.4 feet.

Problem11: Calculate the lateral acceleration experienced by a vehicle traveling through a compound
curve with a radius of 400 feet and a central angle of 30 degrees at a speed of 50 mph.

Solution: The lateral acceleration (a_lat) can be calculated using the formula: a_lat = (V^2) / (gR), where
V is the speed (50 mph), g is the acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/s^2), and R is the radius of the curve
(400 feet). Plugging in the values, a_lat = (50^2) / (32.2*400) = 0.97 ft/s^2.

Problem12: Design a compound reverse curve for a highway section with a design speed of 70 mph and
a rate of superelevation of 6%. Determine the radii of the two curves.
Solution: The radii of the two curves can be determined using the formula: R = (V^2) / (15e), where V is
the design speed (70 mph) and e is the rate of superelevation (6%). Plugging in the values, R1 = (70^2) /
(15*6) = 163.33 feet and R2 = (70^2) / (15*6) = 163.33 feet.

Problem13: Calculate the total length of a compound curve with two circular curves. The first curve has
a radius of 500 feet and a central angle of 20 degrees, and the second curve has a radius of 400 feet and
a central angle of 30 degrees.

Solution: The total length of a compound curve can be calculated by summing the lengths of the circular
curves and the intervening tangent length. The lengths of the curves can be calculated using the
formula: Length = (R*θ), where R is the radius of the curve and θ is the central angle. Plugging in the
values, Length1 = (500*20) = 10,000 feet and Length2 = (400*30) = 12,000 feet. Assuming a tangent
length of 1000 feet, the total length is 10,000 + 1000 + 12,000 = 23,000 feet.

Problem14: Determine the required superelevation rates for a compound curve with a design speed of
60 mph. The first curve has a radius of 400 feet and a central angle of 15 degrees, and the second curve
has a radius of 300 feet and a central angle of 20 degrees.

Solution: The required superelevation rates can be calculated using the formula: e = (V^2) / (15R), where
V is the design speed (60 mph) and R is the radius of the curve. Plugging in the values, e1 = (60^2) /
(15*400) = 0.4 or 4% and e2 = (60^2) / (15*300) = 0.8 or 8%.

Problem15: Design a compound horizontal curve for a highway section with a design speed of 50 mph.
The first curve has a radius of 600 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees, and the second curve has a
radius of 500 feet and a central angle of 30 degrees. Calculate the length of the common tangent.

Solution: The length of the common tangent can be calculated using the formula: T = R1 * tan(θ1/2) + R2
* tan(θ2/2), where R1 and R2 are the radii of the curves, and θ1 and θ2 are the central angles. Plugging
in the values, T = 600 * tan(25/2) + 500 * tan(30/2) = 205.02 feet.

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