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Task 1

We have already learned about Subject and Verb last week. Thus, in the following sentences,
please underline the verbs and circle the subjects.

1. Business communication is not just about verbal communication.

2. People require to ask on the email for only one aspect.
3. Professional communication skills can make or break your career.
4. A lot of communication comes through our body language.
5. Colloquialism is out of place in business correspondences or documents since
they look “lazy”, and they infrequently have the precision of meaning

Task 2
Complete the form below with your personal information to write your own
autobiography IN THE BOX BELOW


 Adrees. : Pucang Indah lestari four Srikaya street number a
twenty three Kebonagung Pasuruan City

 Hobby : My hobby is swimming

 Parents : Father Alm. Djaki Riadi and Mother Alm. Rumiati
 Brother(s) : My Brother is Hadi, Bambang, Sholeh
 Sister(s) : My Sister is Lilik, Endang, Rini, Arim
 University : University Merdeka Pasuruan City
 Majority/field of study : Economic/Management


I want to introduce may self, my name is ENDAH HARIANI,

may nick ENDAH I was born on January 01th, 1983 in Lampung.

May hobby is swimming.Father Alm. Djaki Riadi and Mother

Alm. Rumiati. I have a Brothers Hadi, Bambang, Sholeh and I have a Sisters . I am a
moslem. My permanent address is Way Kebonagung Pasuruan City, East Jawa Timur.I

already have a husband and 3 Children. I work in the office Communication, Informatica
and Statistic Pasuruan City.
I graduated from elementary school of SD KARANGKETUG Pasuruan, East Java in
1996. I continued her study in SMPN 7 Pasuruan, East Java in 1999. Then, I continued

her study and register in SMAN 2 Pasuruan, East Java and graduated in 2002. On 2021,

Iam student in University Merdeka Pasuruan City.

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