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CLASS V: (Young Stars-5)


Language Project and ELP Total

Class V culture grammar functions Language

40% 30% 20% 10%

105 hours

42 hours 31 hours 21 hours 11 hours

It is teacher`s right and responsipility to change the percantage among the fields and competences up to 10%.
The workbook exercises will be dealt with in every class or in sapareted classes as planned. There are also games and board games at the end
of the student book and workbook which will also be incorporated in the lesson.
Self assessment will be based on ELP (European Language Portfolio), which together with projects and other students` produced work will
help in the portfolio assessment.
As for the final test, students can either have a test or a task that teacher thinks is appropriate for their knowledge and level.
Subject content distribution
September -December January – March April - June
TOPICS (42 hours) (36 hours) (27 hours)
1 A. People-Questionnaire!
People B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Workbook exercises
12 hours I. Project

2 A. Looking back- Song

Looking back B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Cross-curricular-history
H. Workbook exercises
14 hours

3 A. Let`s learn-Quiz
Let`s learn! B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Workbook exercises
H. ELP & project
13 hours I. Assessment
A. What happened?-Song
B. Young stars

4 C. Our world
What happened? D. Let`s talk
7 E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Cross-curricular- geography
H. Workbook exercises
I. Project & ELP

5 A. Eating right-Quiz
Eating right B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Workbook exercises
H. Project&ELP

12 hours
6 A. Time for Science!-Quiz
Time for Science! B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Cross-curricular-home science
H. Workbook exercises
I. Assessment
J. Project
A. Planning the future
B. Young stars

14 hours

7 C. Our world
Planning the future D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Workbook exercises
H. (ELP)& project

11 hours

8 A. Let`s have fun-song

Let`s have fun B. Young stars
C. Our world
D. Let`s talk
E. Reading time
F. Revision
G. Cross-curricular -science
H. Workbook exercises
I. ELP & Project
J. Assessment

16 hours

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