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Going pro

Lección numero 1
Block one
1. It´s electric
Read the blog past and discuss the questions .
What is the purpose of Anna’s blog post ? Does Anna
know her uncle ? What does she ask her readers to
do ? Do you think she will have any success ? Why ?
Why not ? What do you think happened to Anna ‘s
uncle ?
2. Go to page 113 , read the documents quickly and
answer the questions .
1. What kinds of documents are they ?
2. Which are official documents ?
3. Which ones are by professionals
( e.g .,journalist )?
4. Which ones come from members of the public ?
5. Which ones are more likely to be accurate ?
3. Look at the documents again and complete the fact
file on William Harrison .
Name : William Harrison
Occupation : Architect
Date of birth : July 29 1988
Arrival in Mexico : January 15 2010
Date of marriage : November 20 2015
Wife’s name : Sofia Mendez
Places lived : Cataluña , Ciudad de Mexico , and
Buenos Aires .
Places worked : Aguas Calientes , Texas and Chicago
Children ( Y / N ) : Daniel Harrison , Estefany
Harrison .
4. Complete the reading activity .
1. Read the e-mail quickly and then close your books.
2. Write down everything you remember . Try
answering the Who , What , When , Where and
Why of the e-mail .
3. Compare your answers with another group . Find
out if you have the same information .

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