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1) The Turtle moves and draws according to the Commands given by you.
The Commands in LOGO are also known as Primitives.

2) LOGO language has a set of commands that have to be used to make

Turtle move.


1. FD /Forward Command : Make the turtle move in the forward

direction in a straight line.
Example FD Spacebar Key 50 Steps / FD 50

2. BK/Back Command :This command makes the turtle move back

in a straight line. This command is used for Backward direction.

Note : You can draw a line in LOGO by using Forward and Backward

3. RT/ Right Command : This Right Primitive makes the turtle

towards its right or in the clockwise direction.

4. LT/Left Command : The LEFT Primitive makes the turtle towards

its left or in Anti Clockwise direction.
5. Home Command : Home Command brings the turtle back to the
starting position( in the centre of screen).

6. ClearScreen Command (CS) / Clean Command : These

commands used to clear or erase the drawing on the screen.

Note : Difference between Clear screen Command and Clean

Command :

Cleanscreen Command brings the turtle to the HOME Position after

erasing the drawing.
Clean Command erases the drawing ,but the turtle does not return
to HOME position.


This Command is used to remove the text in the Recall List Box. It
does not erase the drawing on the main Screen.

SETH Command : In LOGO , SETH Command makes the turtle able

to turn in clockwise direction without using RT or LT Command.

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