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SCIENCE 10 UNIT ______ LESSON # ______ DATE: _____________ Block: ____


Designing Your Own Teeterboard

Have you ever seen Cirque du Solei? One of their really cool acts is having people do crazy tricks
on the teeterboard. It basically involves two people on a modified teeter totter in which they
launch each other into the air to do flips and spins. This is a great representation of the change
in kinetic energy into potential energy and vice versa.

TASK: Your assignment is to create your own teeterboard and

using either playdough or another type of dough to show how
potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and vice
versa. You will film this process and then explain the results.

REQUIREMENTS: You must create a teeterboard out of

whatever materials you desire and then use two different
massed doughs to achieve a height between 15 – 20 cm. When
making your teeterboard, make sure to have your pivot be in
the middle of the board. Your second mass that you are
launching must be between 2 – 4 times the first mass. When
submitting your project you must have:
A video showing your successful launch
A write up showing me the calculations used to determine the height needed, a
description of your attempts and process and a conclusion of what happened and why

EVALUATION: You will be evaluated on meeting the requirements. The mark breakdown is
Criteria Score
A video showing you achieving required height /5

Correct calculations showing the mechanical energy /10

A detailed description of your process used to achieve your launch /10

A detailed conclusion giving two or more reasons why your object

behaved the way it did

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