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Why these devices are used

Keep in mind that the use depends on the text and how the device is used in the text. Below are
possible, generalised answers. You may alter them based on the text given.

Alliteration Can create mood/emotion, adds rhythm,

emphasises and can make the writing more
Assonance Create rhythm (poetry), stresses the words to
make it more memorable and catchy.
Visual Imagery Creates atmosphere and setting using less words
and provides a clearer picture of the situation.
Aural Imagery Adds details in a way that will hold the reader’s
attention. Useful to introduce tension/fear as it
suggests a loss of sight.
Tactile Imagery Touch is important for descriptions as it makes
the reader better understand feelings,
experiences and pain.
Olfactory Imagery Smell helps the reader better understand the
situation. It is rare, but a useful descriptive tool
usually used to introduce fear or better describe
a surrounding.
Simile To force the reader to think about the link
between two objects. Used to create imagery in
writing for a better description.
Metaphor Activates the reader’s imagination. Strong
descriptive tool in imagery as it is more forceful
than a simile.
Extended Metaphor Helps readers draw a larger comparison between
two things or ideas. It is more open to different
ideas than a metaphor is and more forceful in
imagery than a simile.
Semi-colon Forces the reader to pause. Longer than a
comma but shorter than a full stop. It may be
used to aid the flow of writing when too many
full stops may be used or to draw a connection
between two clauses.
Colon To give emphasis to dialogue, lists, texts,
answers, etc.
Ellipses A pause for effect, usually to increase tension
and suspense. Can mean that there is something
left unsaid.
Implicit and Explicit language Implicit is used to directly create atmosphere,
mood and setting. Explicit is used to make the
reader think and keep the text interesting by not
stating it straightforwardly.
Tension To hold the reader’s interest in a text
Predictability To make the reader believe something is about
to happen and allows the writer to introduce a
surprise twist. It makes the writing exciting and
more shocking when the twist is introduced.
Different types of setting Setting is used to give readers a base so the
story may unravel without confusing questions
later down the line.

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