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Guidelines for Report Writing

Laboratory report should contain the followings:

1. Title page
✓ Group number
✓ Name & Matric number of the students
✓ Name of experiment
✓ Date of experiment
2. Introduction
✓ Objective of the experiment
✓ Background material – existing findings and theories relevant to your study
✓ Description of specialized equipment
✓ Justification of experiment’s importance
3. Methodology
✓ Equipment, apparatus and material
✓ Procedure
i. Describe the process in chronological order – explain all steps in the
order they actually happened, not as they were supposed to happen
4. Result
✓ Result
i. Clear/concise summary of the collected data
ii. Result of any statistical test
iii. Reports of data and their analysis
✓ Table & Figure
i. Should all be titled
ii. Label clearly
iii. Include some explanatory text describing what data appears in the
5. Discussion
✓ Interpret the results of the experiment and discuss their meaning
✓ Your discussion relates the results to the issues raised in the introduction
✓ Compare expected results with those obtained
✓ Explain your results in terms of theoretical issues
✓ Relate results to your experiment objective
✓ Analyze any experimental error
6. Conclusion
✓ Answer the problem stated in the title and introduction
✓ Draw your conclusion based on your results
7. Reference
✓ Laboratory manual
✓ Additional reading and sources
8. Appendices
✓ Raw data, calculation, graph, picture/figure, table that have not been included
in the report (make sure you refer to each appendices at least once in your

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