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5 Sensation


A. Eye: Vision 94 I. Application: Artificial Senses 114

Photo Credit: © Royalty-Free/Corbis

B. Ear: Audition 100 Summary Test 116

C. Vestibular System: Balance 105 Critical Thinking 118
D. Chemical Senses 106 What Would It Be Like Never to Feel Pain?
E. Touch 108 Links to Learning 119
Concept Review 109
F. Cultural Diversity: Disgust 110
G. Research Focus: Mind over Body? 111
H. Pain 112
Artificial Eye: Life-Changing Results
Terry Byland began having difficulty seeing 2008). Terry couldn’t be more pleased with the results of his surgery
Can Terry in dim light, making driving at night a seri- (adapted from Science Illustrated, 2008; USDEOS, 2007).
see without ous problem. When he went to his Although Terry is officially blind because his eyes are
his eyes? eye doctor, he was given news not functioning, he can still “see” rough presentations
no one is ever prepared to of motion, lights, and objects. This fact raises a very
hear. The doctor told Terry he had an eye disease interesting question: How is it possible to see without
that would eventually lead to blindness. His using one’s eyes? As we answer this question, you’ll
vision worsened gradually over time, leaving him discover that the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and skin are
blind just 7 years later at the young age of 45. smaller, more complicated, and better recorders than
After living in total darkness for 11 years, Terry any of the newest, miniaturized, high-tech video
volunteered to have experimental surgery in which cameras, recorders, or digital disks on the market.
a microchip with 16 electrodes was implanted into
his eye. By wearing a tiny camera built on a pair of
glasses that carries signals to the damaged area of his What’s Coming
eye, incredibly, Terry gained vision. He can now see We’ll discuss six of the major human senses—vision,
very rough forms of motion, lights, and objects. For hearing, balance (vestibular system), taste, olfaction
example, he now sees light glowing from the chan- (smell), and touch. We’ll also explain how you see
delier when he flips on the light switch and action color, why some long-playing rock-and-roll musi-
He can “see” representations
figures move across a TV screen. Terry describes of motion, lights, and objects. cians have become partially deaf, why you get motion
how the surgery enabled him to see something even sickness, and why your sense of taste decreases when
more special—the shadow of his 18-year-old son as he walked by: you have a cold. Although your sense organs—eye, ear, tongue,
“It was the first time I had seen him since he was five years old. I nose, and skin—look so very different, they all share the three
don’t mind saying, there were a few tears wept that day” (Byland, characteristics defined next.

Three Definitions
Your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue are complex, miniaturized, living sense organs that automatically gather information
about your environment. We begin with three definitions that will help you understand sensation.

1 Transduction. The first thing each 2 Adaptation. A short period of 3 Sensations versus perceptions. Gathering
sense organ must do is to change or time after putting on glasses, jew- information about the world involves two steps. In
transform some physical energy, such elry, or clothes, you no longer “feel” the first step, electrical signals reach the brain and
as molecules of skunk spray, into them, a process called adaptation. are changed into sensations.
electrical signals, a process called Adaptation refers Sensations are relatively meaning-
transduction. to the decreasing less bits of information (left figure) that
Electrical Transduction response of the result when the brain processes electri-
signal refers to the process sense organs, cal signals that come from the sense
in which a sense the more they are organs.
organ changes, or exposed to a continu- In the second step, the brain
transforms, physi- ous level of stimulation. quickly changes sensations, which
cal energy into For example, the continuous you’re not aware of, into perceptions.
Photo Credit: bottom center, © Royalty-Free/Masterfile

electrical signals stimulation of glasses, jewelry, or Perceptions are meaningful sensory

that become clothes on your skin results in adap- experiences (right figure) that result
neural impulses, tation so that soon you no longer after the brain combines hundreds of
which may be sent to the feel them. Some sense organs adapt sensations.
brain for processing. very quickly, and some very slowly. For example, visual sensations
For example, trans- However, sense organs do not adapt would resemble the top figure,
duction occurs when a to intense forms of stimulation, showing meaningless lines, colors,
skunk’s molecules enter your nose, because such stimulation may cause and shapes. Visual perceptions would be like the
which transforms the molecules into physical damage. Instead, intense bottom figure, showing a complete “sad-happy” face.
electrical signals, or impulses, that stimulation, such as from a very While all sensations begin with step 1, transduc-
are interpreted by your brain as the hot shower, may cause pain, which tion, sense organs use different mechanisms to do
very unpleasant odor of a skunk. warns us of possible injury. it. We’ll start with how the visual system works.

A. Eye: Vision
Stimulus: Light Waves
Each sense organ has a different shape and structure; it can receive only a certain kind of stimulus, or physical energy.
Why can’t For instance, the reason you cannot see radio waves is that their waves are not the right length. Although radio waves,
you see along with light waves from the sun, are all forms of electromagnetic energy, they vary in wavelength. For example, the
radio waves? figure below shows that X rays are very short and AM radio waves are very long. Notice that only a small, specific range
of wavelengths that come from a light source, called the visible spectrum, is able to excite receptors in your eyes.
Short wavelength Long wavelength

Gamma X rays Ultraviolet Radar FM TV Shortwave AM

rays rays

10 –14 10 –10 10 –8 10 –2 10 2 10 4
Wavelength in meters (m)

Invisible—too short. Invisible—too long. On this side of

On this side of the electro- Violet Blue Green Yellow Red the electromagnetic spectrum are
magnetic energy spectrum longer wavelengths, such as radio
are shorter wavelengths, 400 500 600 700 and television waves. These waves
including gamma rays, Wavelength in nanometers (nm) are invisible to the human eye
X rays, and ultraviolet rays. because their lengths are too
These waves are invisible to Visible—just right. Near the middle of the electro- long to stimulate the receptors
the human eye because magnetic spectrum is a small range of waves that make in the eye. Imagine the awful
their lengths are too short up the visible spectrum. distraction of seeing radio and
to stimulate our receptors. The visible spectrum is one particular segment of electro- television waves all day long!
However, magnetic energy that we can see because these waves are Stimulus. Thus, the most effective stimu-
some birds the right length to stimulate receptors in the eye. lus for vision is energy (light waves) from
(such as The reason you can see a giraffe is that its body the visible spectrum. However, for you to
humming- reflects light waves from the visible spectrum back to see anything, reflected light waves must
birds) and insects can see your eyes. One function of the eyes is to absorb light be gathered and changed into electrical
ultraviolet rays to help waves that are ref lected back from all the objects in signals, and for that process—transduc-
them find food. your environment. tion—we must look inside the eye itself.

Structure and Function

For you to see a 16-foot-tall giraffe, your eyes perform two separate processes. First, the eyes gather and focus light
How can you waves into a precise area at the back of your eyes. Second, this area absorbs and transforms light waves into impulses,
see a giraffe? a process known as transduction. We’ll follow the path of light waves from the giraffe to the back of your eyes in a
series of 7 steps.

1 Image reversed. Notice that, at the back of the eye, the giraffe appears upside down. Even 2 Light waves. The problem
though the giraffe is focused upside down in the eye, somehow the brain turns the giraffe—and with light waves is that after
all other objects we see—right side up so that we see the world as it really is. they strike an object, such as a

Photo Credit: center left, © Purestock/Getty Images

giraffe, they are reflected back
in a broad beam. You cannot
see the giraffe unless your eyes
change this broad beam of light
waves into a narrow, focused
one. Your eye has two struc-
tures, the cornea and the lens,
that bring an image into focus,
much as a camera does.

The giraffe’s image is

reflected upside down on
the back of the eye.

3 Cornea. The broad beam of light 6 Lens. After passing through the cornea and pupil, light waves reach the lens.
reflected from the giraffe passes first The lens is a transparent, oval structure whose curved surface bends and focuses light waves
through the cornea. into an even narrower beam. The lens is attached to muscles that adjust the curve of the lens,
The cornea is the rounded, transpar- which, in turn, adjusts the focusing.
ent covering over the front of your eye. As For the eye to see distant objects, light waves need less bending (focusing), so muscles
the light waves pass through the cornea, automatically stretch the lens so that its surface is less curved. To see near objects, light
its curved surface bends, or focuses, the waves need more focusing, so muscles relax and allow the surface of the lens to become
waves into a narrower beam. very curved. Making the lens more or less curved causes light waves to be focused into
a very narrow beam that must be projected precisely onto an area at the very back of the

4 Pupil. After pass- eye, called the retina.

ing through the cor-

nea, light waves next 7 Retina. Although light waves have been bent and
go through the pupil. focused, transduction hasn’t yet occurred. That is
The pupil is a round about to change as light waves reach the retina.
opening at the front of The retina, located at the very back of the
your eye that allows light eyeball, is a thin film that contains cells that
waves to pass into the are extremely sensitive to light. These light-
eye’s interior. sensitive cells, called photoreceptors, begin
Your pupil grows the process of transduction by absorbing
larger or smaller light waves.
because of a muscle On the following page, we’ll describe
called the iris. the two kinds of photoreceptors, how they
absorb light waves, and how they carry out
the process of transduction. For some people,
5 Iris. The opening light waves cannot be focused precisely on the retina
of the pupil is sur- because of a problem with the shape of their eyeballs.
rounded by the iris.
The iris is a circular
muscle that surrounds
Eyeball’s Shape and Laser Eye Surgery
the pupil and controls
the amount of light Eyeball. Some of us are born with perfectly shaped eyeballs, which contributes to having almost perfect
entering the eye. In dim vision. Others, however, are born with eyeballs that are a little too long or too short, resulting in two
light, the iris relaxes, common visual problems: nearsightedness and farsightedness.
allowing more light to
enter—the pupil dilates;
in bright light, the iris
constricts, allowing less
light to enter—the pupil
constricts. The iris mus-
cle contains the pigment
that gives your eye its Normal vision. Nearsighted. If you Farsighted. If you Eye surgery. Currently,
characteristic color. The shape of your inherit an eyeball that inherit an eyeball that a popular and successful
If you look in a eyeball is primarily is too long, you are is too short, you are treatment to correct near-
mirror in bright light, determined by likely nearsighted. likely farsighted. sighted vision is called
you will see that the genetic instructions. Nearsightedness Farsightedness LASIK. In this procedure,
iris is constricted and If your eyeball is (myopia) results when the (hyperopia) occurs when the surface of the eye is
that your pupil—the shaped so that objects eyeball is too long so that the eyeball is too short so folded back and a laser is
black dot in the center are perfectly focused objects are focused at a that objects are focused at used to reshape the
of your eye—is very on the back of your point in front of the retina a point slightly behind the exposed cornea so that
small. retina (black X), then (black X). In this case, retina (black X). In this light waves are correctly
both the near and near objects are clear, but case, distant objects are bent and focused on the
distant objects will distant objects appear clear, but near objects retina (Gallin, 2008).
appear clear and blurry. appear blurry. Next, we’ll examine
sharp and you will Common treatments Common treatments the retina more closely
have very good vision involve corrective involve corrective and see exactly how
(20/20). lenses or eye surgery. lenses or eye surgery. transduction occurs.
A. Eye: Vision
Retina: Miniature Camera–Computer
Some miniaturized electronic cameras can record amazingly detailed video pictures. But they are primitive com-
What pared to the retina, whose microscopic cells can transform light waves into impulses that carry detailed information
happens to to the brain about all kinds of shapes, shadows, sizes, textures, and colors. Think of the retina as a combination of a
light waves? video camera and a computer whose batteries never run out as it transforms light waves into impulses—the process
of transduction. And here’s how transduction occurs.
You already know that an object, such as a giraffe, reflects light waves that enter Retina, located at the
back of the eye, contains
the eye and are bent, focused, and projected precisely on the retina, at the very back photoreceptors.
of the eyeball.
The retina has three layers of cells. The back layer contains two Fovea
kinds of photoreceptors that begin the process of transduction, chang-
ing light waves into electrical signals. One kind of photoreceptor with a
rodlike shape is called a rod and is located primarily in the periphery of
the retina. The other photoreceptor with a conelike shape is called a
cone and is located primarily in the center of the retina in an area called
the fovea (FOH-vee-ah).
Optic nerve
We have enlarged a section of retina to show that it has three sends signals
layers. We’ll explain the function of each layer. Start with #1, to the brain.
located below the figure on the far right, and move left to #3.
Retina blown
up to show its
Light waves pass through layers between cells to reach rods and cones in back layer of the retina. three layers.

Front layer of Middle layer of retina Back layer of retina contains photoreceptors,
retina contains contains ganglion cells, rods and cones, where transduction occurs.
nerve fibers that in which impulses begin.
carry impulses to Cone
the brain. Ganglion cells
Rod Rods and
fibers cones
Cone change
Rod into
Cone signals.

Neural impulses move from ganglion cells to nerve fibers and then to the brain.

3 Nerve impulses generated in 2 The process of 1 Each eye has about 120 million rods, most located in the
ganglion cells exit the back of the transduction begins retina’s periphery.
eye through the optic nerve, which when chemicals in Rods are photoreceptors that contain a single chemical, called
carries impulses toward the brain. the rods and cones rhodopsin (row-DOP-sin), which is activated by small amounts of
The point where the optic nerve exits break down after light. Because rods are extremely light sensitive, they allow us to
the eye has no receptors and is called absorbing light see in dim light, but to see only black, white, and shades of gray.
the blind spot. You don’t notice the waves. This chemi- To see color, we need the cones. Each eye has about
blind spot because your eyes are cal breakdown 6 million cones, most located in the retina’s fovea
continually moving. generates a tiny (Goldstein, 2010).
What’s surprising about the eye electrical force that, Cones are photoreceptors that contain three chemicals called
is that it does not “see” but rather is a if large enough, opsins (OP-sins), which are activated in bright light and allow us to
sophisticated computer for transduc- triggers nerve see color. Unlike rods, cones are wired individually to neighboring
tion, for changing light waves into impulses in neigh- cells; this one-on-one system of relaying information allows us to
impulses. For you to “see something,” boring ganglion see fine details.
impulses must reach the visual areas cells; now, trans- Next, we finally get to transduction, which begins in the
in the brain, our next stop. duction is complete. rods and cones.

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Visual Pathways: Eye to Brain Module 4

B. Studying the Living Brain
There is a lot of truth to the old saying, “Seeing is believing,” but most people don’t realize D. Control Centers: Four Lobes
How do that the “seeing” takes place in the brain, not in the eye. So far, we have traced the paths
you see along which light waves enter the eye, are focused on the retina, are changed into impulses, and leave the eye on the
rock stars? optic nerve. Now we will follow the optic nerve as it reaches its final destination in the occipital lobe, at the back of
the brain. There, the occipital lobe changes light waves into colorful rock stars.

1 Optic nerve. Nerve impulses flow through the optic nerve as it exits from the back Visual
of the eye. This exit point creates a blind spot that we do not normally see because our system
eyes are constantly moving and cover any areas that might be in the blind spot. lets you
see two
The optic nerves partially cross over and make a major stop in the thalamus, rock
which does some initial processing. The thalamus relays the impulses to the back of stars.
the occipital lobe in the right and left hemispheres.

2 Primary visual cortex. At the very back of each occipital lobe lies a primary visual
cortex, which transforms nerve impulses into simple visual sensa-
tions, such as texture, lines, and colors. At this point, you would
report seeing only these basic sensations (left figure), not the
complete figure of a rock star.
Researchers estimate that about 25% of the entire cortex
is devoted to processing visual information, more area
than to any other sensory input (Goldstein, 2010). The
visual cortex contains many different cells that respond to
many different kinds of visual stimulation.
Specialized cells. From the Nobel Prize–winning research of
David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel (1979), we know that different cells in the primary
visual cortex respond to specific kinds of visual stimuli. For example, some corti-
cal cells respond to lines of a particular width, others to lines at a particular angle,
and still others to lines moving in a particular direction. These specialized cortical
cells transform different stimuli into simple visual sensations, such as shadows, lines,
textures, or angles.
Blindness. If part of your primary visual cortex were damaged, you would have a
blind spot in the visual field, similar to looking through glasses with tiny black spots
painted on the lens. Damage to the entire primary visual cortex in both hemispheres
would result in almost total blindness; the ability to tell night from day might remain.
However, to make sense of what you see, such as a rock star, nerve impulses must
be sent from the primary visual cortex to neighboring visual association areas.

3 Visual association areas. The primary visual cortex sends simple

visual sensations (actually, impulses) to neigh- 4 This brain scan shows that when a
boring association areas, which add meaning subject is silently looking at and reading words,
or associations (Kiernan, 2008). In our exam- maximum neural activity occurs in the primary visual
ple, the association area receives sensations of cortex and nearby visual association areas (red and yellow
texture, line, movement, orientation, and color indicate maximum neural activity; blue and green indicate
and assembles them into a meaningful image least). These visual areas are located in the occipital lobe
of a complete rock star (left figure). There are (back of the brain). The
visual association areas in each hemi- visual association areas
sphere. If part of your visual association are involved in many
Meaningful visual activities, such as
rock star
area were damaged, you would experience
visual agnosia, which is difficulty in assem- reading, writing, and
Front of
bling simple visual sensations into more complex, meaningful images perceiving objects, ani- brain
(Ropper & Samuels, 2009). For instance, a person with visual agnosia mals, people, and colors
could see pieces of things but would have difficulty combining pieces (Gaillard et al., 2006; Back
and recognizing them as whole, meaningful objects (see p. 79). Storbeck et al., 2006).
Researchers can use brain scans to show actual neural activity that Next, we’ll explain how the visual system transforms
is occurring in the visual association areas. light waves into all the colors of the rainbow.
A. Eye: Vision
Color Vision
Debra was born with opaque films over her Like Debra, you might assume that a red
What lenses (cataracts) that made her almost totally apple is really red, but you are about to discover
is red? blind. For her first 28 years, she could tell otherwise. Objects, such as a red apple, do not
night from day but see little else. When a have colors. Instead, objects reflect light waves
newly developed operation restored much of her vision, she cried whose different wavelengths are transformed
with delight as she looked around her hospital room and saw by your visual system into the experience of
things she had only imagined. “Colors were a real surprise to me,” seeing colors. So, what is red? The answer is that
Red is actually
Debra said. “They were so bright. You can’t conceive what colors long light waves. the color red is actually produced by a certain
are until you’ve seen them. I couldn’t imagine what a red apple kind of wavelength.
looked like and now I can hold one and actually see red” (San Diego How light waves are turned into millions of colors is a wondrous
Tribune, April 3, 1984). and interesting process, which begins with a ray of sunlight.
Making Colors from Wavelengths Trichromatic Theory
1. A ray of sunlight is called white light The explanation of how you see the many colors in the native face (left photo) began
because it contains all the light waves in the over 200 years ago with the early work of a British physicist, Thomas Young. It was his
visible spectrum, which is what humans research that laid the basis for a theory of how you see colors,
can see. called the trichromatic (TRI-crow-MAH-tic) theory of color.
2. As white light passes through a prism, The trichromatic theory says that there are three different kinds
it is separated into light waves that vary in of cones in the retina, and each cone contains one of three different
length. Nature creates prisms in the form of light-sensitive chemicals, called opsins. Each of the three opsins is
raindrops, which separate the passing sun- most responsive to wavelengths that correspond to each of the three
light into waves of different lengths, creating primary colors: blue, green, and red. All other colors can be mixed from
a spectrum of colors that we call a rainbow. these three primary colors.
3. Our visual system transforms light According to the recent version of the trichromatic theory,
waves of various lengths into millions of you see the red around the man’s eyes because this area reflects
different colors. For example, in the figure All colors are made light waves of a longer wavelength. You see the green in the
below, notice that the numbers, which vary from mixing feathers because they reflect light waves of medium length.
3 primary colors:
from about 400 to 700 (nanometers, or red, green, and blue. You see the blue in the headband because it ref lects light
nm), indicate the length of light waves. We waves of shorter length. The different lengths of light waves are
see shorter wavelengths as shades of violet, absorbed by three different cones whose chemicals (opsins) are most sensitive to one of
blue, and green, and longer wavelengths as the three primary colors—red, green, and blue (right figure).
shades of yellow, orange, and red (Silbernagl Thus, wavelengths of different lengths are changed into one
& Despopoulous, 2008). of the three primary colors, which are mixed to produce all
colors (Goldstein, 2010).
Prism Until recently, color vision was believed to involve
White only three genes, one each to code the three primary col-
light ors of red, green, and blue. Researchers discovered that
we had as many as two to nine genes (thus two to nine
cones) that code the longer wavelengths involved in seeing
red (Neitz & Neitz, 1995). This means that seeing a particu- We have 3 types of cones.
lar color, such as red, depends on how many color genes you
have inherited. For example, which bar on the TV (below) you label as “red” depends
on which of the genes (two to nine) you’ve inherited. One Photo Credit: center, © Digital Stock Corporation
400 500 600 700 person may label deep scarlet as “red” while another
Violet Green Yellow Red sees a pale red. This means that different people may
see and label the “same” color, red, very differently
You see an apple as red because the apple (scarlet to pale red), and this difference explains why
reflects longer light waves, which your brain people may not agree about adjusting the color (red)
interprets as red. on their television sets (Lipkin, 1995; Yanoff et al.,
Actually, how our visual system trans- 2003). Thus, your perception of the color “red” may
forms light waves into color is explained differ from someone who has different “color genes.”
by two different theories—the trichromatic To understand how color coding occurs in the
People do NOT all see
and opponent-process theories—which we’ll the same color of red.
brain, we need to examine the second theory of color
examine next. vision, the opponent-process theory.
Opponent-Process Theory Color Blindness
If you stare at a red square for about 20 seconds and The vast majority of us have normal color
then immediately look at a white piece of paper, you’ll vision. We see the vibrant colors of the leaves
see a green square, which is called an afterimage. on the left—green, red, and yellow. However,
An afterimage is a visual sensation that continues after about 7% of men and fewer than 1% of
the original stimulus is removed. women in the United States see these same
And if you stare at a blue square, you’ll see a yel- leaves in shades of blue and yellow (photo
low afterimage. On the basis of his work with after- below right) because they have inherited the
images, physiologist Ewald Hering suggested that the most common form of color blindness
visual system codes color by using two complemen- (HHMI, 2008).
tary pairs—red-green and blue-yellow. Hering’s idea Color blindness is the inability to distinguish
became known as the opponent-process theory. two or more shades in the color spectrum. There
This is normal
The opponent-process theory says that ganglion cells color vision. are several kinds of color blindness.
in the retina and cells in the thalamus of the brain respond Monochromats (MOHN-oh-crow-mats) have
to two pairs of colors—red-green and blue-yellow. When total color blindness; their worlds look like black-and-white movies. This kind of
these cells are excited, they respond to one color of the pair; color blindness is rare and results from individuals having only rods or only one
when inhibited, they respond to the complementary pair. kind of functioning cone (instead of three).
For example, some ganglion and Dichromats (DIE-crow-mats) usually have
thalamic cells use a red-green paired trouble distinguishing red from green because
combination: they signal red when they have just two kinds of cones. This is an
excited and green when inhibited. inherited genetic defect, found mostly in males,
Other ganglion and thalamic that results in seeing mostly shades of blue and

Photo Credits: top and center right, © Robert Harding/Masterfile; bottom, Ishihara Tests for Colour Blindness, Courtesy of Graham-Field, Inc.
cells use a yellow-blue paired com- yellow (right photo) but differs in severity (Gerl
bination: they signal blue when & Morris, 2008).
excited and yellow when inhibited. People don’t always realize they have color
Thus, different parts of the visual blindness. For example, a little boy came
system use different methods to home complaining about being chased by a
This is red-green
code different colors. green dog. The dog really looked green to the color blindness.
little boy; he did not know he had a form of
Theories Combined color blindness.
People in some occupations, such as electrical technicians, are screened
Because we see colors so automatically and naturally, for color blindness because they must identify differently colored wires.
we don’t realize it involves both the opponent-process Below, you see two circles filled with colored dots that are part of a test
and trichromatic theories. Here’s what happens when for color blindness. An individual taking this test is asked to look at each
we combine the two theories to explain color vision. circle and identify what, if any, number is formed by the colored dots.
First, the trichromatic theory says that there are
usually three different kinds of cones (there may be
as many as nine) in the retina. Each cone absorbs
light waves of different lengths, which correspond
to the three primary colors of blue, green, and red.
Second, when electrical signals (color information)
reach the ganglion cells in the retina and neurons in
the thalamus, they use the opponent-process theory,
which involves a pair of colors: Activation results in
one color of a pair, and inhibition results in the other
color. Third, nerve impulses carry this color informa-
tion to the visual cortex, where
other neurons respond and give Individuals with normal vision Those with normal color vision and
see the number 96, while people total color blindness should not be
us the experience of seeing with red-green color deficits able to read any number. The majority
thousands of colors, which find this number difficult or of those with red-green deficiencies
can be made by combining impossible to see. should read the number 5.
the three primary colors of
red, green, and blue. From our discussion of the eye’s structure and function, you can see that
Although most of us have the eye is an engineering marvel that makes even the most sophisticated
good color vision, some individuals have varying video camera seem like an expensive toy.
degrees of color blindness. Next, we’ll examine an equally astonishing sense organ, the ear.

B. Ear: Audition
Stimulus: Sound Waves
When a cheerleader gives a big yell, she is actually producing the yell by letting out air so that it is alternately
What happens compressed and expanded into traveling waves, called sound waves.
when someone Sound waves, which are the stimuli for hearing (audition), resemble ripples of different sizes. Similar to ripples on a pond,
yells? sound waves travel through space with varying heights and frequency. Height, which is the distance from the bottom to the top
of a sound wave, is called amplitude. Frequency refers to the number of sound waves that occur within 1 second.
We’ll demonstrate the concept of amplitude by comparing sound waves of a cheerleader’s yell with a child’s whisper.

Amplitude and Loudness Frequency and Pitch

Yell. As a cheerleader yells, she lets out an enormous Screech or boom. As you listen to someone playing a keyboard, you can tell
amount of air that is compressed and expanded into the difference between high and low notes because your brain is continually
very large traveling waves (shown below). Large sound discriminating between high and low sounds, which is called pitch.
waves are described as having high amplitude, which
the brain interprets as loud sounds. High frequency Low frequency
means sound waves means sound
are close together, waves are apart,
resulting in high resulting in low
High sounds or pitch. sounds or pitch.
means big
sound waves
and loud

Whisper. As a child whispers a secret to his friend, he

lets out a small amount of air that is compressed and
expanded into very small traveling waves. Small sound
waves are described as having low amplitude, which
the brain interprets as soft sounds.

Photo Credits: top left, © Stephen Smith/Getty Images; bottom left, © Polka Dot Images/Jupiterimages
High note. Striking the top key Low note. Striking the bottom key
on a keyboard produces sound on a keyboard produces sound
Low waves that travel rapidly and are waves that travel slowly and are
amplitude described as having high frequency. described as having low frequency.
means small The brain interprets high frequency The brain interprets low frequency
sound waves
and soft as high notes or high pitch. as low notes or low pitch.
Relationship: frequency and pitch. When you hear a sound, your auditory
system automatically uses frequency to calculate pitch (Barrett et al., 2009).
Relationship: amplitude and loudness. You have no Pitch is our subjective experience of a sound being high or low, which the brain
difficulty distinguishing between a cheerleader’s yell calculates from specific physical stimuli, in this case the speed or frequency of sound
and a child’s whisper because your auditory system waves. The frequency of sound waves is measured in cycles, which refers to how
automatically uses the amplitude of the sound waves to many sound waves occur within 1 second.
calculate loudness (Barrett et al., 2009). The keyboard’s highest key produces sound waves with a high frequency,
Loudness is your subjective experience of a sound’s which results in high sounds or high pitch; the keyboard’s lowest key produces
intensity. The brain calculates loudness from specific physi- sound waves of lower frequency, which results in low sounds or low pitch.
cal energy, in this case the amplitude of sound waves. Hearing range. Humans hear sounds within only a certain range of fre-
A whisper, which results in low-amplitude sound quencies, and this range decreases with age. For example, infants have the wid-
waves, is just above our threshold of hearing. The loud- est range of hearing, from frequencies of 20 to 20,000 cycles per second. For
est yell on record, which resulted in high-amplitude college students, it is 30 to 18,000 cycles per second. With further aging, the
sound waves, was about as loud as sound heard near hearing range decreases, so that by age 70, many people can’t hear sounds above
speakers at a rock concert. 6,000 cycles per seconds. Many college students are now using an ear-splitting
If the brain uses amplitude to calculate loudness, ring tone with a frequency of 17,000 cycles per second so they can hear the ring
what does it use to calculate a sound’s low or high but their parents and professors cannot (M. Block, 2006; Vitello, 2006).
pitch? Next, we’ll see how loud a jet plane is compared to a whisper.


Measuring Sound Waves
If the sign on the right were posted in the library, you might not know that it
How refers to loudness, which is measured in decibels (dB). Please Do Not
loud is the A decibel is a unit to measure loudness, just as an inch is a measure of length.
Talk Above
library? Our threshold for hearing ranges from 0 decibels, which is absolutely no sound, to
140 decibels, which can produce pain and permanent hearing loss. 30 Decibels
The following table contains common sounds with their decibel levels. Notice especially
those sound levels that can cause permanent hearing loss.

Sounds and their decibel levels Exposure time and permanent hearing loss
(dB) level

Any exposure to sounds this loud is

Jet engine, gun muzzle painful and dangerous. That’s why
blast, firecracker explosion aircraft ground personnel must wear
ear protectors.

Rock concert near Exposure for 15 minutes or less can

speakers, thunderclap, produce hearing loss. Rock musicians
record-setting human yell and fans who do not use ear plugs risk
(115 dB) hearing loss.

Exposure for 2 hours or more can cause

Chain saw, jackhammer, hearing loss. Workers using loud power
baby screaming, inside of tools who do not use ear protectors risk
racing car hearing loss.

Constant exposure for 8 hours can

Heavy city traffic, alarm produce hearing loss. Music lovers
clock at 2 feet, subway, should know that stereo headphones
MP3 player/iPod can produce sounds from 80 to 115 dB.

Aging decreases hearing sensitivity, and

Conversation, that’s why older adults may ask, “What
air conditioner at 20 feet did you say?” indicating that they may
not easily hear normal conversations.

Today’s cars are engineered for quietness.

Whisper, quiet library, At idle, many cars are almost as quiet as a
gasoline-only car idling in library; and at 65 mph (70 dB), they are not
neutral (45 dB) much louder than a conversation.

If you were boating in the middle of a calm

Threshold of hearing, lake, you might say, “Now, this is really
hybrid car operating on quiet.” In comparison, most of us are accus-
battery only (3–5 dB) tomed to relatively noisy city environments.

Decibels and Deafness

It is well established that continuous exposure to sounds with (Lalwani & Snow, 2006). Most young adults are unaware of the risk
higher decibel levels (over 85 dB) for certain periods of time can of going deaf by listening to loud MP3 players for extended periods
produce permanent hearing loss (B. Healy, 2007). For example, of time (Godlasky, 2008).
rock musicians, hunters, operators of heavy machinery, airplane At the end of this module (p. 115) we’ll discuss different causes
workers, and stereo headphone listeners who take no precautions of deafness and treatment. Now, we’ll take you inside the ear and
against high decibel levels may suffer permanent hearing loss explain how it turns sound waves into wonderful sounds.
B. Ear: Audition
Outer, Middle, and Inner Ear
Most of us think that we hear with our ears and that’s how we tell the difference between, for
Is that the example, the music of the Rolling Stones and the barking of a dog. But nothing is further
Rolling Stones or from the truth. What really happens is that both music and a dog’s barks produce only
a barking dog? sound waves, which are just the stimulus for hearing (audition). Your ears receive
sound waves, but it is your brain that actually does the hearing, distinguishing the
difference between the Stones’ song “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” and a dog’s barks. It’s a complicated journey;
the first step begins in the outer ear.

1 Outer Ear 1a The auditory canal is a long tube that funnels

The only reason your ear has sound waves down its length so that the waves strike
that peculiar shape and sticks a thin, taut membrane—the eardrum, or tympanic 1b The tympanic (tim-PAN-ick)
out from the side of your head is membrane. membrane is a taut, thin structure
to gather in sound waves. Thus, In some cases, the audi- commonly called the eardrum. Sound
sound waves produced by the tory canal may become waves strike the tympanic membrane
Rolling Stones are gathered by clogged with ear wax, and cause it to vibrate. The tympanic
your outer ear. which interferes with membrane passes the vibrations on to
The outer ear consists sound waves on their the first of three small bones to which
of three structures: exter- way to the eardrum. Ear it is attached.
nal ear, auditory canal, and wax should be removed The tympanic membrane marks
tympanic membrane. by a professional so the boundary between the outer
The external ear is an as not to damage the ear and the middle ear, described
oval-shaped structure that fragile eardrum. below left in #2.
protrudes from the side of
the head. The function of
the external ear is to pick
up sound waves and send
them down a long, narrow
tunnel called the auditory
canal. 3 Inner Ear
The inner ear con-
Sound tains two main structures
waves that are sealed in bony
cavities: the cochlea, which
2 Middle Ear is involved in hearing, and
The middle ear functions the vestibular system, which
like a radio’s amplifier; it is involved in balance.
picks up and increases, or We’ll discuss the ves-
amplifies, vibrations. tibular system on page
The middle ear is a bony cavity 105; now, we’ll focus on
that is sealed at each end by membranes. the cochlea.
The two membranes are connected by three The cochlea (KOCK-lee-ah),
small bones. located in the inner ear, has a bony coiled exterior that
The three tiny bones are collectively called ossicles (AW-sick-culls) and, because of resembles a snail’s shell. The cochlea contains the recep-
their shapes, are referred to as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup. The first ossicle—hammer— tors for hearing, and its function is transduction—trans-
is attached to the back of the tympanic membrane. When the tympanic membrane vibrates, forming vibrations into nerve impulses that are sent to
so does the hammer. In turn, the hammer sends the vibrations to the attached anvil, which the brain for processing into auditory information.
further sends the vibrations to the attached stirrup. The stirrup makes the connection with Researchers liken the cochlea to an exquisite
the end membrane, the oval window. The three ossicles act like levers that greatly amplify miniature box that is made of bone and contains
the vibrations, which, in turn, cause the attached oval window to vibrate. precious jewels, which in this case are miniature
Thus, the function of the middle ear is to pick up vibrations produced by the cells that are the receptors for hearing.
tympanic membrane, amplify these vibrations, and pass them on to the oval win- On the next page, we have enlarged and opened
dow, which marks the end of the middle ear and beginning of the inner ear. the cochlea so you can see the auditory receptors.


3 Inner Ear (continued) Cochlea changes vibrations
into electrical signals.

3a If you were to take two drinking straws, hold Oval

them side by side, and then wind them around your nerve
finger, you would have a huge model of a cochlea. The
cochlea consists of two long narrow tubes (straws) sep-
arated by membranes (basilar and tectorial) but joined 3c The auditory nerve
together and rolled up, or coiled. The beginning of the is a band of fibers that
coiled compartments is sealed by a membrane, the oval carry nerve impulses
window. So when the ossicles vibrate the oval window, (electrical signals) to the
the oval window vibrates the fluid in the cochlea’s auditory cortex of the
tubes, where the auditory receptors are located. brain for processing.
Now the cochlea has
3b The auditory receptors, called hair cells, are miniature Fluid-filled
chamber completed its role of
hair-shaped cells that stick up from the cochlea’s bottom Hair transduction—trans-
membrane, called the basilar (BAZ-ih-lahr) membrane. cells forming vibrations into
Vibration of fluid in the cochlear tubes causes movement of nerve impulses. How-
the basilar membrane, which literally bends the hair cells. Basilar ever, you won’t report
The mechanical bending of the hair cells generates miniature membrane hearing anything until
electrical forces that, if large enough, trigger nerve impulses the impulses reach
(transduction). Nerve impulses leave the cochlea as explained chamber your brain.
at right in #3c.

Cross Section of Cochlea

Auditory Brain Areas
Just as your eye does not see, your ear does not hear. Rather, sense organs, such as the ear, perform only
How do we tell transduction—transform physical energy into nerve impulses. You don’t hear or recognize sound as noise,
noise from music? music, or words until nerve impulses are processed by various auditory areas in the temporal lobes of
your brain.
4 Sensations and Perceptions 4a The primary auditory cortex, which is located at the top edge of
After nerve impulses reach the brain, a two-step process occurs in the temporal lobe, transforms nerve impulses (electrical signals) into
which nerve impulses are transformed first into meaningless bits of basic auditory sensations, such as meaningless sounds and tones of
sounds and then into meaningful sounds. The first step occurs in the various pitches and loudness.
primary auditory area, explained in #4a. Next, the primary auditory cortex
sends impulses (sensations) to the audi-
SOUND WAVES TRANSDUCTION tory association area, explained in #4b.


4b The auditory association area receives meaningless auditory sensations in the form of
neural impulses from the neighboring primary auditory cortex. The auditory association area com- Temporal
bines meaningless auditory sensations into perceptions, which are meaningful melodies, songs, lobe
words, or sentences. Now we’ll explain how the brain uses
It takes only a moment from the time sound waves enter your ear until you say, nerve impulses to calculate where a sound
“That’s the Stones’ song ‘(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.’” But during that amazing is coming from, whether it is a high or
moment, sound waves were changed into impulses, impulses into sensations, and low sound, and whether it is a loud or soft
finally, sensations into perceptions (Goldstein, 2010). sound.
B. Ear: Audition
Auditory Cues
If someone yelled “Watch out!” you would
Where’s immediately turn your head toward the 1. Source
A sound coming from the right
the sound source of the sound because your brain reaches your right ear before
coming from? automatically calculates the source’s loca- it reaches your left ear. The
tion. The brain calculates not only the brain automatically interprets
this difference in timing as a
source of the voice but also whether the voice calling your name signal that the source of the
is high or low and loud or soft. Thus, sound waves contain an sound is to the right. You will
amazing amount of information. We’ll begin with how your brain automatically turn your head Sound waves
to the right, to the source of
calculates the direction of where a sound is coming from. the sound.
blocked by
Calculating Direction
You automatically turn toward the source of the yell “Watch out!”
because your brain instantly calculates the direction or source.
The brain determines the direction of a sound by calculating the Right ear Left ear
slight difference in time (see #1 in right figure) that it takes sound waves
to reach the two ears, which are about six inches apart (see #2 in right
figure) (Goldstein, 2010).
If you have difficulty telling where a sound is coming from,
the sound is probably arriving at both ears simultaneously.
To locate the direction, you can turn your head from side to WATCH 2. Time difference
side, causing the sound to reach one ear before the other. OUT! Sound waves reach the left
The brain uses other cues to calculate a sound’s high or ear this much later than they
low pitch. reach the right ear.

Calculating Pitch Calculating Loudness

Imagine the low, menacing growl of a lion and then the high screech of You can easily tell the difference between a yell and a whis-

Photo Credits: bottom left, © Tetra Images/SuperStock; bottom right, © Polka Dot Images/Jupiterimages
fingernails on the chalkboard. Your subjective experience of a sound per because your auditory system transforms the intensity
being high or low is referred to as pitch. Exactly how the cochlea codes of sound waves into the subjective experiences of a soft
pitch and the brain interprets the code is rather complicated. We’ll focus whisper or a loud yell. This transformation occurs inside
on two better-known theories of pitch: the frequency and place theories. the cochlea.
The frequency theory, which applies only to low-pitched sounds, says that Compared to a yell, a whisper produces low-amplitude
the rate at which nerve impulses reach the brain determines how low the pitch of sound waves that set off the following chain of events: fewer
a sound is. vibrations of the tympanic membrane, less movement of
For example, the brain interprets a frequency fluid in the cochlea, less movement of the basilar mem-
rate of 50 impulses per second as a lower sound brane, fewer bent hair cells, less electrical force, and finally,
than one with a frequency rate of 200 impulses fewer nerve impulses sent to the brain, which interprets
per second. Hearing the low-pitched roar of these signals as a soft sound.
a lion involves the frequency theory. Hear- The brain calculates loudness primarily from the frequency or
ing higher-pitched sounds, however, such as rate of how fast or how slowly nerve impulses arrive from the
the screech of fingernails on a chalkboard, auditory nerve.
involves another theory, the place theory. For example, the brain inter-
The place theory says that the brain determines prets a slower rate of impulses
medium- to higher-pitched sounds on the basis of as a softer tone (whisper) and a
The frequency and the place on the basilar membrane where maximum faster rate as a louder tone (yell)
place theories explain
how we perceive pitch. vibration occurs. (Goldstein, 2010).
For example, lower-pitched sounds cause Earlier, we said that there are
maximum vibrations near the beginning of the cochlea’s basilar mem- two structures in the inner ear,
brane, while higher-pitched sounds cause maximum vibrations near the the cochlea and the vestibular
end of the membrane. Our auditory system combines the frequency and system. If you have ever stood
place theories to transform sound waves into perceptions of low- to high- on your head, you have firsthand The brain calculates
pitched sounds (Goldstein, 2010). experience with the vestibular loudness from frequency of
nerve impulses.
The brain does one more thing: It calculates how loud a sound is. system, our next topic.


C. Vestibular System: Balance
Position and Balance
I guarantee that one question you never ask is “Where is my head?” Even though your head is in a hundred differ-
What else is in ent positions throughout the day, you rarely forget to duck as you enter a car or forget whether you’re standing on
the inner ear? your feet or your hands. That’s because the position of your head is automatically tracked by another sense, called
your vestibular system (J. E. Brody, 2008b).
The vestibular system, which is located above the cochlea in the inner ear, includes three semi-
circular canals, resembling bony arches, which are set at different angles (right figure). Each of the
semicircular canals is filled with fluid that moves in response to movements of your head. In the canals
are sensors (hair cells) that respond to the movement of the fluid. The functions of the vestibular system
include sensing the position of the head, keeping the head upright, and maintaining balance.
The vestibular system uses information on the position of your head to indicate whether
you’re standing on your hands or your feet. A gymnast (left figure) relies heavily on his or
her vestibular system to keep balance. Sometimes an inner ear infection
Vestibular system affects the vestibular system and results in dizziness, nausea, and the inability Semicircular
says you’re canals
to balance.
upside down.
And as you’ll see next, the vestibular system is also involved in motion sickness.

Motion Sickness Meniere’s Disease and Vertigo

One of my (R.P.) terrible childhood memories is sitting Imagine suddenly having ringing
Why am in the back seat of a moving car and after 30 minutes Why is in your ears like Niagara Falls,
I getting of curving roads feeling a cold sweat followed by nau- the room walking into the bathroom to
sick? sea, dizziness, and an extreme desire to lie down any- spinning? find the toilet spinning out of
where—stationary. Along with about 25% of the U.S. range, or vomiting 30 times a day.
population, I experienced moderate to severe signs of motion sickness. These are all symptoms of the dreaded Meniere’s disease
About 55% of people experience only mild symptoms, while the remaining (Miyamoto, 2008).
20% are lucky and rarely experience any. Researchers think that motion Meniere’s (main-YERS) disease results from a malfunction
sickness results when information provided by the vestibular system doesn’t of the semicircular canals of the vestibular system. Symptoms
match information coming from other senses (Ignelzi, 2006b). include attacks of dizziness, nausea, vomiting, spinning, and
Motion sickness, which consists of feelings piercing buzzing sounds.
of discomfort, nausea, and dizziness in a moving About 615,000 Americans are
vehicle, is believed to develop when there is a diagnosed with Meniere’s dis-
sensory mismatch between the information from ease, but it is estimated that over
Photo Credits: top left, © Michael Dunning/Getty Images; bottom left, © PhotoDisc, Inc.

the vestibular system—that your head is physi- 6 million Americans suffer from
cally bouncing around—and the information the disease, which is thought to
reported by your eyes—that objects in the dis- be caused by a viral infection
tance look fairly steady. of the inner ear (Pray & Pray,
Infants rarely have motion sickness, but 2005). The vestibular system is also
susceptibility increases from 2 to 12. After involved in vertigo (J. E. Brody, 2008b).
12, susceptibility decreases in men and Vertigo, whose symptoms are dizziness and nausea, results
women. Researchers suspect that genetic and from malfunction of the semicircular canals of the vestibular
Motion sickness results from a not personality factors determine suscepti- system.
mismatch between vestibular
and visual systems. bility to motion sickness (Ignelzi, 2006b). Cheryl experienced a terrible side effect from a medica-
A number of drugs reduce symptoms of tion—damage to her vestibular system. Now she describes
motion sickness (CDC, 2008a). As an alternative to drugs, military pilots her world as made of Jell-O. Cheryl lacks a sense of bal-
reported a reduction in motion sickness after completing a program that ance and wobbles with each step; everything she looks at
taught them to regulate several physiological responses to decrease their seems to jiggle. She was diagnosed as having vertigo and
symptoms (Cowings et al., 2005). Other research found that people who used sought help for her dizziness (J. E. Brody, 2008b).
special breathing techniques reported significantly less nausea during an Meniere’s disease and vertigo share some symptoms
activity designed to induce motion sickness than people who did not learn and have no known cures. There are “dizzy” clinics that
the breathing techniques (Sang et al., 2003, 2005). Also, the use of ginger use drug and nondrug methods to decrease symptoms
or a relief band (a bracelet that emits electronic pulses) may help to reduce that involve malfunctions of the vestibular system.
motion sickness (CDC, 2008a). The best way to reduce motion sickness may If you happen to be reading this book in a car or on
simply be to lie down and close your eyes (Science Daily, 2007). a plane and feel a little queasy, relax before reading the
Malfunctioning of the vestibular system can cause terrible symptoms. next section, which is about tasting and smelling food.
D. Chemical Senses
You rarely think about the thousands of chemicals you put into your mouth every day, but
How does you do know when something tastes very good or very bad. You also know that if you burn
your tongue your tongue on hot foods or liquids, your sense of taste can be markedly decreased.
taste? Taste is called a chemical sense because the stimuli are various chemicals. On the surface of the
tongue are receptors, called taste buds, for five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami.
The function of taste buds is to perform transduction, which means transforming chemical reactions into nerve impulses.
As you imagine biting into and chewing a very bitter slice of lemon, we’ll explain how your tongue tastes.

1 Tongue: Five Basic Tastes Tongue contains sensors

(taste buds) for five tastes.
4 All Tongues Are Not the Same
You’re probably familiar with four In rare cases, individuals are born without any
basic tastes—sweet, salty, sour, and taste buds and cannot taste anything because
bitter. There now appears to be they have a genetically determined disorder
a fifth, called umami, a meaty- (Mass et al., 2005). In contrast, about 35% of
cheesy taste found in cheese, women and 15% of men are supertasters,
meat, pizza, and MSG (A. Gil- which means they have at least twice as many
bert, 2008). The right figure taste buds as normal, which results in
shows the areas on the tongue increased sensitivity to sweet, bitter, sour, and
that have the most sensors or 1. Sensors (taste salty (Bartoshuk, 2006). For example, super-
buds) for the five
taste buds. basic tastes are tasters taste sugar to be twice as sweet as most
The reason many of us have a sweet tooth is that, primarily located on people and get more intense oral burning sensa-
as newborns, we inherited an innate preference for back, front, and tions from the chemical (capsaicin) in chili pep-
sweet and salty (Netting, 2001). Like most animals, sides of tongue pers. Supertasters find grapefruit juice too bitter
(blue-shaded areas).
humans avoid bitter-tasting substances, presumably and don’t like broccoli because it also contains a
because many poisonous substances taste bitter (Bari- bitter chemical (Bhattacharya, 2003).
naga, 2000). If you are one of those who like sour Researchers found that being a supertaster
lemonade, you know that people can learn to like 2. Surface of is an inherited trait and believe it may have had
bitter substances. Tasting begins with what happens the tongue some evolutionary advantage. For example,
in the trenches on the surface of your tongue. supertasters would be better able to identify
unsafe foods and toxins, such as whether
2 Surface of the Tongue fruits or berries are poisonous (Bartoshuk,
As you chew the lemon, its chemicals, which are 1997; BBC, 2008b). Today, supertasters may
the stimuli for taste, break down into molecules. work for food manufacturers and rate the
In turn, these molecules mix with saliva and run tastes of new food products.

Photo Credits: top, © Creatas/SuperStock; center left, © Stockbyte/Getty Images

down into narrow trenches on the surface of the contains For all of us, our ability to taste is greatly
tongue. Once inside the trenches, the molecules buried affected by our ability to smell.
stimulate the taste buds. taste buds.
5 Flavor: Taste and Smell
3 Taste Buds 3. Taste buds If taste receptors are sensitive to only five basic
Buried in the trenches on the surface of the tastes, how can you tell the difference between two
tongue are many hundreds of bulblike taste buds. sweet tastes, such as a brownie and vanilla ice cream,
Taste buds, which are shaped like miniature onions, or between two sour tastes, such as lemon juice and
are the receptors for taste. Chemicals dissolved in the vinegar? The truth is that a considerable percentage
saliva activate the taste buds, which produce nerve of the sensations we attribute to taste are actually
impulses that eventually reach areas in the brain’s pari- contributed by our sense of smell (A. Gilbert, 2008).
etal lobe. The brain transforms these nerve impulses We experience flavor when we combine the sensations
into sensations of taste. of taste and smell.
Taste buds live in a relatively toxic environ- You have no doubt experienced the limitations of
ment and are continuously exposed to heat, cold, Taste buds change your taste buds’ abilities when you had a cold, which
spices, bacteria, and saliva. As a result, taste buds dissolved chemicals blocks the nasal passages and cuts out the sense of
wear out and are replaced about every ten days. into electrical signals. smell. Without smell, foods we usually love now
The human tongue can have as many as 10,000 taste very bland.
taste buds and as few as 500; the number remains Since our taste of foods is greatly enhanced by the
constant throughout life (Goldstein, 2010). sense of smell, we’ll examine smell, or olfaction, next.
Smell, or Olfaction
Every year people in the United States spend about $3 billion on perfumes to make themselves smell better (Banay,
How does 2006). You may have been impressed that your tongue has up to 10,000 taste buds, but that number
your nose pales in comparison to the nose’s millions of receptor cells (Ganong, 2005; Glausiusz, 2008). That’s
smell? why the sense of smell (olfaction) is 10,000 times more sensitive than taste (Lindstrom, 2005).
Olfaction is called a chemical sense because its stimuli are various chemicals that are carried by
the air. The upper part of the nose has a small area that contains receptor cells for olfaction. The function of the olfactory
receptors is transduction, to transform chemical reactions into nerve impulses.
We’ll explain the steps for olfaction by having you imagine crossing paths with an angry skunk.

1 Stimulus Olfactory bulb Olfactory

bulb 3 Sensations and Memories
An angry skunk contains olfactory cell Nerve impulses from the
cells that change
protects itself by dissolved molecules olfactory cells travel first to
spraying thousands into electrical signals. the olfactory bulb, which is a
of molecules, which tiny, grape-shaped area (blue
are carried by the air structure in diagram of nose)
and drawn into your that lies directly above the
nose as you breathe. olfactory cells at the bottom of
The reason you can the brain. From here, impulses
smell substances such are relayed to the primary
as skunk spray is that Volatile olfactory cortex (also called the
these substances are molecules piriform cortex) located under-
volatile. A volatile entering nose neath the brain. This cortex
substance is one that transforms nerve impulses into
can release molecules 2 Olfactory Cells the olfactory sensations of a
into the air at room Olfactory cells are the receptors for smell and are located in skunk’s spray or a sweet per-
temperature. For two 1-inch-square patches of tissue in the uppermost part of the nasal passages. fume (von Bothmer, 2006).
example, volatile Olfactory cells are covered with mucus, a gluey film into which volatile molecules dis- Although we can identify as
substances include solve and stimulate the underlying olfactory cells. The olfactory cells trigger nerve many as 10,000 different odors,
skunk spray, per- impulses that travel to the brain, which interprets the impulses as different smells. we soon stop smelling scents
fumes, and warm As you breathe, a small percentage of the air entering your nose reaches the we are repeatedly exposed to
brownies, but not upper surface of your nasal passages, where the olfactory receptors are located. (deodorants, perfumes) because
glass or steel. We can People can lose their sense of smell if a virus or inflammation destroys the of decreased responding, called
smell only volatile olfactory receptors, or if a blow to the head damages the neural network that adaptation, in the olfactory
substances, but first carries impulses to the brain. About 5% of all people have no sense of smell, cells (Jacob et al., 2006).
they must reach the and people lose their ability to smell as they age. For instance, 25% of people Smell, in terms of evolution,
olfactory cells in older than 60 lose their sense of smell (Raloff, 2007; von Bothmer, 2006). You is a very primitive sense and
the nose. don’t actually smell anything until neural impulses reach your brain. has important functions.

4 Functions of Olfaction Can smells

For many of us, smelling pies, cakes, or cookies bak-
ing in the oven quickly improves our mood, even
One function of smell is to intensify the taste of food. For increase puts a big smile on our faces. Mar-
example, you could not tell a licorice from an orange jelly
buying? keting companies use attractive Smells good, I’ll
bean with your nose held closed. A second function is to
scents to put us in a good mood buy something!
warn of potentially dangerous foods; the repulsive odor of
Photo Credit: bottom, © Photodisc/Getty Images

and encourage us to make purchases. Scent market-

spoiled or rotten food does this very effectively. A third func-
ing is clever because smell, more than any other
tion is to elicit strong memories, often associated with emo-
sense, such as sight and sound, is connected to
tional feelings; for example, the smell of pumpkin pie may
our limbic system (see p. 80), where our motiva-
remind you of a family gathering (Ropper & Samuels, 2009).
tions and emotions are processed. Consequently,
A fourth function may be to aid us in choosing a mate. We
the feelings we get from smells are intense and
know that for many animals smells function to locate mates
immediate. This means if businesses use attrac-
as well as food and territory. Recent research suggests that
tive scents, we may make purchases based more
females have a distinct ability to smell biological information
on instinct than on rational thought, which
in sweat or body odor, which may guide them in selecting a
of course is exactly what they want us to do
mate (Wysocki et al., 2009).
(R. Baron, 2008; Herz, 2008).
Next, we discuss how marketing companies use smell to
Next, we discuss touch and explain what happens when you pet a cat.
improve our mood and encourage us to make purchases.
E. Touch PowerStudy 4.5™
Module 4
B. Studying the Living Brain

Definition D. Control Center: Four Lobes

If you were to draw your hand across the surface of a cat, you would have the
What happens sensations of touching something soft and furry. These sensations are part of
when fingers the sense of touch.
feel fur? The sense of touch includes pressure, temperature, and pain. Beneath the
outer layer of skin are a half-dozen miniature sensors that are receptors for
the sense of touch. The function of the touch sensors is to change mechanical pressure or temperature
variations into nerve impulses that are sent to the brain for processing.
We’ll examine several miniature mechanical sensors and explain how they function.

Receptors in the Skin

If you were to closely examine the surface of your skin, you would your arms) and are slightly different from sensors in skin without
see a relatively smooth membrane covered in some places with hair. hair (your palms). However, before we discuss several major touch
Some “touch” sensors are wound around hair follicles (the backs of receptors, we need to examine the different layers of the skin.

1 Skin. The skin, which is the body’s largest organ, 3 Free nerve endings. Near the
has three layers. The outermost layer of skin is a thin bottom of the outer layer of skin is a
film of dead cells containing no receptors. Immedi- group of threadlike extensions; these
ately below the dead layer are the first receptors, are called free nerve endings because
which look like groups of threadlike extensions. In they have nothing protecting or sur-
the middle and fatty layers of skin are a variety of rounding them. One question about
receptors with different shapes and functions. Some free nerve endings is how the same
of the major sensors in the middle layer of skin are receptor can transmit information
Outer layer
hair receptors. of skin
about both temperature and pain.
Researchers think that different pat-
2 Hair receptors. In the middle layer are free nerve terns of neural activity may signal
endings that are wrapped around the base of each hair different sensations—for example,
follicle; these are called hair receptors. Hair receptors slow bursts of firing for temperature
respond or fire with a burst of activity when hairs are Middle and fast bursts for pain (Ferster &
first bent. However, if hairs remain bent for a period layer Spruston, 1995).
of time, the receptors cease firing, an example of sen- of skin
sory adaptation. When you first put on a watch, it 4 Pacinian corpuscle. In the fatty
bends hairs, causing hair receptors to fire; your brain layer of skin is the largest touch sensor,
interprets this firing as pressure on your wrist. If you Hair called the Pacinian corpuscle (pa-SIN-
keep the watch on and it remains in place, follicle
ee-in CORE-pus-sole). This receptor,
keeping the hairs bent, the hair receptors which has distinctive layers like a slice
adapt or cease firing, and you no longer feel of onion, is highly sensitive to touch, is
pressure from your watch, even though it is still the only receptor that responds to
there. Your skin contains some receptors that adapt vibration, and adapts very quickly.
rapidly (hair receptors) and others that adapt slowly. Adap- All these receptors send their elec-
tation prevents your sense of touch from being overloaded. trical signals to the brain.

Brain Areas
When pressure (touch), temperature, or pain stimulates the skin’s receptors, they perform Somatosensory
Did I touch transduction and change these forms of energy into nerve impulses. The impulses go cortex
Photo Credit: top, © Royalty-Free/Alamy

my nose or up the spinal cord and eventually reach the brain’s somatosensory cortex.
my toe? The somatosensory cortex, which is located in the parietal lobe, transforms
nerve impulses into sensations of touch, temperature, and pain. You know which lobe
part is being stimulated because, as we explained earlier (p. 77), different parts of the body are represented
on different areas of the somatosensory cortex.
Compared with touch and temperature, the sense of pain is different because it has no specific
stimulus and can be suppressed by psychological factors. We’ll discuss these interesting aspects of
pain, along with acupuncture, later in this module.We’ll also discuss later how psychological factors can
make foods that we think are truly disgusting become delicacies in other parts of the world. But first, try
out your memory on the Concept Review.


Concept Review
EYE: Numbers on the eye match the numbers of the questions.
1. A transparent, curved structure at the front of the eye, called the ,
focuses or bends light waves into a more narrow beam. 1

2. A round opening at the front of the eye that allows varying amounts of light to enter 2
the eye is called the .
3. A circular, pigmented muscle that dilates or constricts, thus increasing or decreasing
the size of the pupil, is called the . 3

4. The function of the transparent, oval structure called the is to

bend light waves into a narrower beam of light and focus the beam precisely on a layer
of cells in the very back of the eye. 5
5. Lining the back of the eye is a filmlike layer called the (a) , which
contains several layers of cells. The back layer of cells has two kinds of photoreceptors, called (b)
and (c) .
6. This band of nerve fibers, called the (a) , exits from the back of the eye and carries impulses to
the brain. The point at which this nerve exits is called the (b) because it contains no rods or cones.

EAR: Numbers on the ear match the numbers of the questions.

1. The funnel-like structure called the gathers in sound waves from the environment.
2. The short tunnel called the carries sound waves that strike a membrane.
3. The thin, taut membrane at the end of the auditory canal, called the , transforms sound waves into vibrations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 4. The three small bones (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) called the (a)
are part of the middle ear. They transform vibrations of the tympanic membrane into
mechanical movements, which in turn vibrate a second membrane, called the
(b) .
5. The coiled, fluid-filled structure called the (a) is one part of the
inner ear. It contains auditory receptors called (b) that are attached
to the basilar membrane.
6. The band of fibers called the carries nerve impulses from the
cochlea to the brain.

7. The inner ear contains a group of structures 9. Substances give off volatile molecules that
shaped like three tiny arches set at different are drawn into the nose, dissolve in mucus,
angles. These structures signal body movement and activate the (a) .
and position and are called the The function of these cells is to produce
system. (b) that are sent to the
olfactory bulb and brain for processing.
8. Sensors that are located on the surfaces of
Photo Credit: (#7) © Michael Dunning/Getty Images

the tongue respond to five basic tastes, which Hair 10. There are several kinds of touch receptors:
are (a) , , follicle a the (a) is fast adapting; the
, , and the (b) is also fast adapting;
newly found taste called . b and the (c) responds to both
The sensors or receptors for taste are called c touch and vibration.
(b) .

Answers: EYE: 1. cornea; 2. pupil; 3. iris; 4. lens; 5. (a) retina, (b) rods, (c) cones; 6. (a) optic nerve, (b) blind spot; EAR: 1. external ear;
2. auditory canal; 3. tympanic membrane (eardrum); 4. (a) ossicles, (b) oval window; 5. (a) cochlea, (b) hair cells; 6. auditory nerve; 7. vestibular;
8. (a) sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, (b) taste buds; 9. (a) olfactory cells, (b) nerve impulses; 10. (a) free nerve ending, (b) hair receptor,
(c) Pacinian corpuscle


F. Cultural Diversity: Disgust
Psychological Factors
We discussed how senses transform Most people are disgusted by cockroaches. But, what if
Would you eat physical energy into impulses, you were offered a glass of juice that just
a cockroach? which become sensations and had a sterilized cockroach dipped in it?
then perceptions. However, If the thought “EWWW!” just crossed
your perceptions are usually influenced by psychologi- your mind, you have helped us dem-
cal factors, such as learning, emotion, and motivation. onstrate that when something repul-
If offered a cockroach to eat, most of us would react sive (cockroach) touches something
with great disgust. The facial expression to express pleasant (juice), it contaminates or
disgust (right photo) is similar across cultures. infects the pleasant object, even if it is
Disgust is triggered by the presence of a variety of con- unchanged (remember, the cockroach
Tongue contains sensors
taminated or offensive things, including foods, body prod- (taste buds) for five tastes. is harmless as it had been sterilized).
ucts, and gore. We show disgust, which is a universally You still feel disgust (Rozin, 2007).
recognized facial expression, by closing the eyes, narrowing the nostrils, Disgust is considered a basic emotion, and people around the
curling the lips downward, and sometimes sticking out the tongue world express disgust in the same way (Rozin et al., 2000). How-

Photo Credits: top, © Gustavo Andrade/Photolibrary; bottom left, © Malcolm S. Kirk; bottom right, © Danielle Pellegrini/Photo Researchers, Inc.; bottom center,
(above photo). ever, cultural factors influence what we perceive to be disgusting.

Cultural Factors
Your particular culture has a strong influence on which foods you learn to perceive as disgusting and which you think are delicious. We’ll
describe some foods that are considered delicious in some cultures and disgusting in others.
Plump Grubs Fish Eyes and Whale Fat Milk and Blood

For most U.S. citizens, eating a round, soft, Although some Americans have developed a taste Several tribes in East Africa
white worm would be totally unthinkable. for raw fish (sushi), a common dish in Japan, most supplement their diet with
For the Asmat of New Guinea, however, a would certainly gag at the thought of eating raw fresh blood that is some-
favorite delicacy is a plump, white, 2-inch fish eyes. Yet for some Inuit (Eskimo) children, times mi xed w it h mi l k.
larva—the beetle grub. The natives harvest raw fish eyes are like candy. Here you see a young They obtain the blood by
dozens of the grubs, put them on bamboo girl using the Inuits’ all-purpose knife to gouge puncturing a cow’s jugular
slivers, and roast them. A photographer out the eye of an already-filleted Arctic fish. vein with a sharp arrow. A
from the United States who did a story on Eskimos also hunt a type of whale (the nar- cow can be bled many times
the Asmat tried to eat a roasted grub, but whal) that provides much of their protein. They and suffer no ill effects. The
his American tastes would not let him consider the layer of fat under the skin (mukluk) blood-milk drink is a rich
swallow it (Kirk, 1972). a delicacy, and they eat it raw or dried. source of protein and iron.

Cultural Influences on Disgust variety of noncontaminated foods (cat, dog, or horse meat) or for
© Guy Mary-Rousseliere

The reaction of U.S. college students to eating white, plump grubs certain situations (touching a dead person) (Rozin et al., 2000). The
or cold, glassy fish eyes or having a warm drink of blood mixed fact that the same things are viewed as all right in one culture but
with milk is almost always disgust. Researchers believe that show- as disgusting in another graphically shows how much cultural
ing disgust originally evolved to signal rejection of potentially con- values can influence and bias perceptions.
taminated or dangerous foods. Today, however, because of cultural Just as psychological factors are involved in perceiving taste,
and psychological influences, we may show disgust for eating a they are also involved in experiencing pain.


G. Research Focus: Mind over Body?
Definitions Research Methods
One of the truly amazing research The procedure used to separate a person’s expectations (placebo effect)
Can sugar findings is how sugar pills or placebos from the effects of a pill or medical treatment is called double-blind.
pills reduce can somehow “trick” us into feeling or In a double-blind procedure, neither the researchers (“blind”) nor the sub-
pain? getting better. For example, because jects (“blind”) know who is receiving what treatment. Because neither research-
many of us believe that we will be ers nor subjects know who is receiving which treatment, the researchers’ or
helped by taking pills, about one-third of the population subjects’ expectations have a chance to equally affect both treatments (drug
report feeling much better or having less pain after taking a and placebo).
pill, not knowing that it was only a sugar pill—a placebo. For example, in a double-blind design, headache sufferers would be
A placebo is some intervention, such as told they will be given one of two kinds of pills to decrease
taking a pill, receiving an injection, or pain. Unknown to the subjects (“blind”) and the
undergoing an operation, that resembles researchers (“blind”), one of the pills is a drug and one
medical therapy but that, in fact, has no is a placebo. If subjects taking the drug report the same
medical effects. decrease in pain as those taking the placebo, researchers
A placebo effect is a change in the conclude the drug is no better than a placebo. If subjects
patient’s illness (for better or worse) that taking the drug report less pain than those taking the
Only a double-blind procedure can tell
is due to the patient’s beliefs or expecta- if a treatment is real or a placebo. placebo, researchers conclude the drug is medically useful
tions rather than the medical treatment. because it is better than a placebo.
One of the strongest and most studied placebo effects is Over the past 25 years, hundreds of double-blind experiments have
the ability for placebos to relieve pain (G. A. Hoffman et al., found that 30 to 98% of people have reported beneficial effects after
2005). For example, if people take a pill for headache pain and taking placebos (Talbot, 2000). For example, 85% of patients reported
believe or expect that the pill will decrease their pain, about a reduction in pain from Herpes simplex (cold sores and genital sores)
30 to 60% of people will actually feel less pain after taking a after a placebo drug treatment. Also, 98% of patients reported marked or
placebo (Talbot, 2000). complete relief of pain from ulcers after placebo treatment (Turner et al.,
Because the placebo effect can occur after taking any pill 1994). There are hundreds of other examples that are just as incredible!
(injection or medical procedure), researchers needed to find a What follows is a research study that examines whether the cost of
method that could separate a person’s expectations and beliefs a treatment influences its effectiveness—another possible placebo effect.
from the actual effects of a new drug or medical treatment. This promises to be interesting . . . let’s learn what the researchers found.

Power of Pricing Conclusion: Mind over Body!

Is a cheaper pill less effective Based on the results of decades of research, three major conclusions about
Is a more than a more expensive one? placebos have been reached (Ariely, 2008; Niemi, 2009; Talbot, 2000).
expensive Do we believe that a higher First, potentially powerful placebo effects, such as reducing pain or speed-
pill better? price translates into higher ing recovery from medical procedures, have been underestimated.
quality, and if we do, can our Second, both medication and fake surgeries can produce significant placebo
belief or expectation effects, such as reducing pain, in 30 to 98% of
make the drug more patients.
effective? Logic should Third, placebos indicate a powerful mind-
tell us that the price of a over-body interaction, which explains why
pill does not determine its level of effectiveness. people may experience health benefits
Researchers examined this fascinating question from taking placebos.
and their results may surprise you. Researchers asked Placebos may work by creating posi-
participants to rate pain caused by electric shocks tive expectations and beliefs that reduce
applied to their wrist, before and after taking a new anxiety and stress. In turn, the reduction
painkiller. Half of the participants were told the new of anxiety and stress results in perceiving
pill costs 10 cents, and half were told it costs $2.50. less pain and improves immune system
In fact, all participants received a placebo. Results functioning, so the body makes a quicker
showed 85% of those using the expensive pill felt less recovery (W. A. Brown, 1997). Thus, there is
pain, compared to 61% using the cheaper pill. Thus, no question our minds have powerful effects
Placebos work because of
the pricier the pill, the higher the expectation of its on our bodies! In fact, doctors are so aware of the power of our mind.
effectiveness, and the stronger the placebo effect (Ari- the power of placebos that 45% of them have
ely, 2008; Waber et al., 2008). prescribed a placebo to their patients (Sherman & Hickner, 2008).
Next we review three major conclusions about Next, we’ll examine pain in more detail and see how mental factors can
placebos. affect the perception of pain.


H. Pain
All of us can relate to pain because at one time involved in pain perception are religious beliefs and whether the
What or another we have felt various degrees of pain. harm was caused intentionally. For instance, practicing Catholics
causes pain? Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional perceive electric shocks as less painful when looking at an image
experience that may result from tissue damage, of the Virgin Mary (Wiech et al., 2008). Other research finds
one’s thoughts or beliefs, or environmental stressors. that people who believe they are receiving an electric shock from
Pain receptors send nerve impulses to the somatosen- another person on purpose, as opposed to accidentally,
sory and limbic areas of the brain, where impulses are rate the same shock as more painful (K. Gray & Wegner,
changed into pain sensations. Pain is essential for sur- 2008). These studies show that the psychological expe-
vival: It warns us to avoid or escape dangerous situa- riences of pain are different even when the physical
tions and makes us take time to recover from injury. sensations are the same!
The definition of pain differs from the other Research also finds placebo treatments can
senses in three ways. First, pain results from many result in a lower perception of pain. For example,
different stimuli (physical injury, psychological and after men had hot metal plates placed on their
social stressors), whereas the other senses respond hands, they were given an injection of either a
primarily to a single stimulus. Second, pain’s inten- painkiller or a placebo (they did not know which—
sity depends not only on the physical stimulus but double-blind procedure). Brain scans showed that
also on social and psychological factors. Third, the the placebo injections that had reduced pain acti-
treatment of pain depends not only on treating any physical injury vated pain-reducing brain circuits similar to the circuits activated
but also on reducing emotional distress that may have caused or by real painkillers (Petrovic et al., 2002; Ploghaus et al., 2003).
contributed to the painful sensations (Kerns, 2006, 2007). This and other studies demonstrate how one’s beliefs can activate
Researchers recognize pain is a complex process that may or circuits in the brain that, in turn, result in changes in perception
may not include tissue damage and usually involves social, psy- (decreased pain) (Erdmann, 2008; Scott et al., 2007).
chological, and emotional factors, which can cause, increase, or Other psychological factors, such as changes in attention, can also
decrease painful sensations (Innes, 2005; Nicholson & Martelli, alter perception of pain and answer an interesting question: Why do
2004). Examples of social, psychological, and emotional factors headaches come and go, depending on what you are doing?

Gate Control Theory

Although a headache is painful, the
How does pain may come and go as you shift
the mind your attention or become absorbed 2. With gate 2. With gate
open, we feel PAIN NO
stop pain? in some project. This phenomenon closed, we
pain. feel no pain. PAIN
is explained by the gate control
theory of pain (Melzack & Katz, 2004). Gate open Gate closed
The gate control theory of pain says that nonpainful nerve
impulses (shifting attention) compete with pain impulses (head-
ache) in trying to reach the brain.
This competition creates a bottleneck, or neural gate, 1. Pain signals 1. Pain signals
coming from coming from
that limits the number of impulses that can be transmit- spinal cord spinal cord do
ted. Thus, shifting one’s attention or rubbing an injured reach the brain. not reach the brain.
area may increase the passage of nonpainful impulses
from a painful ankle from reaching his brain and thus prevented feelings
and thereby decrease the passage of painful impulses; as
of pain (right figure above: NO PAIN). Later, when the game was over, the
a result, the sensation of pain is dulled. The neural gate
quarterback’s attentional and emotional states calmed down, the neural gates
isn’t a physical structure but rather refers to the competi-
opened, impulses from his broken ankle reached his brain, and he felt lots of
tion between nonpainful and painful impulses as they
pain (left figure above: PAIN). This same process explains why you may not
Photo Credit: Digital Stock Corporation

try to reach the brain.

notice the pain from your headache when involved in another activity.
The gate control theory explains how a professional
football quarterback was able to play the last six min- Pain: Physical and Psychological
utes of an important football game with a broken ankle According to the gate control theory, your perception of pain depends not
(Associated Press, 2002). The gate control theory says only on a stressful mental state or physical injury but also on a variety of
that the football player’s intense attentional and emo- psychological, emotional, and social factors, which can either decrease or
tional involvement in the game caused his brain to send increase your perception of pain (Pincus & Morley, 2001).
nonpainful impulses that closed neural gates in the Your perception of pain from a serious injury can also be reduced by your
spinal cord. The closed neural gates blocked impulses brain’s ability to secrete its own pain-reducing chemicals, called endorphins.


Endorphins Dread
Someone who has experienced a serious injury—in foot- Dread seems to be connected to
Does the brain ball, for example—will usually report that initially the How is the pain centers of the brain.
make its own pain was bearable but with time the pain became much dread related One study placed participants
painkillers? worse. One reason pain seems less intense immediately to pain? into a brain scanner (fMRI) and
after injury is that the brain produces endorphins. of fered t hem t he choice of
Endorphins (en-DOOR-fins) are chemicals produced by the brain and secreted in receiving a stronger shock now or a weaker shock in
response to injury or severe physical or psychological stress. the future. Some participants dreaded the shock so
The pain-reducing properties of endorphins much that they chose to receive the stronger shock
are similar to those of morphine, a powerful instead of waiting to receive a weaker one. Brain
painkilling drug (Ropper & Samuels, 2009). imaging of these “extreme-dreaders” showed height-
The brain produces endorphins in situations ened activity in the brain’s pain cen-
I want my
that evoke great fear, anxiety, stress, or bodily ter. Thus, dread is not simply an root canal
injury, as well as after intense aerobic activity. emotional response to fear or anxiety; now!
For example, subjects with severe jaw pain rather, a significant component of
produced increased levels of endorphins after dread involves devoting attention
they received a placebo injection, and subjects Brain releases endorphins in times
of great pain, stress, or fear.
to the expected and unpleasant
who reported the greatest pain relief showed physical threat (in this case shock)
the greatest endorphin release (Zubieta et al., 2005). In other research, patients (Berns et al., 2006). These results
showed increased levels of endorphins after bandages were removed from badly suggest that when it comes to
burned areas of their bodies or after nerves of their teeth were touched (Szy- getting root canal surgery or
felbein et al., 1985). Overall, there is a strong relationship between an increase receiving a painful shot, it is not
in endorphin release and a decrease in pain perception (Zubieta, 2007). These the actual procedure people dread most, but rather
studies indicate that the brain produces endorphins to reduce pain during times the waiting time (Blakeslee, 2006b).
of intense physical stress. Next, we’ll learn how having thin needles inserted
Next, we’ll look at the connection between dread and your brain’s pain center. into your body can help reduce pain.

Initially, scientists trained in the rigor- Studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in reducing back pain
Can an ancient ous methods of the West (in particular, indicate that almost 50% of patients report long-term improvement
Photo Credits: left, © AP Images/Aaron Harris; right, © PhotoDisc, Inc.; bottom, © Royalty-Free/Masterfile

technique the United States) expressed doubt (6 months) after acupuncture treatment (Haake et al., 2007). Acupunc-
reduce pain? about an ancient Chinese pain-reducing ture has been shown to relieve some kinds of pain (back and knee pain,
procedure, called acupuncture. dental treatment) and nausea (from chemotherapy or morning sick-
Acupuncture is a procedure in which a trained practitioner inserts ness), but there is no persuasive evidence that it is effective in other
thin needles into various points on the body’s surface and then manu- conditions, such as headache or drug addiction (Aamodt & Wang,
ally twirls or electrically stimulates the needles. 2008; Comarow, 2008; Hall, 2008).
After 10–20 minutes of needle stimula- One interesting study examined the impact of a placebo
tion, patients often report a reduction in pain. treatment (fake acupuncture treatment) by applying equal
The mysterious part of this procedure is the amounts of heat to people’s right and left arms. Research-
points of insertion—such as those shown in ers then told participants they were being given acupunc-
the photograph on the right—were mapped ture treatment on their right arm, but what participants
thousands of years ago and, as researchers didn’t know is the treatment was a sham. People reported
now know, are often far removed from the feeling less pain in their right arms than in their left arms
sites of injury. even though equally intense heat was applied to both arms
Today, modern scientists have explained (Kong et al., 2006). This study suggests that the power of
some of the mystery surrounding acupunc- people’s belief in acupuncture is strong enough to change
ture. First, the points of needle insertion, their perception of pain.
which seem unrelated to the points of injury, Acupuncture is effective for Many researchers insist it doesn’t matter where needles
nausea, headaches, and some
are often close to known pathways that con- kinds of pain. are placed or that needles are used at all; the only thing that
duct pain. Second, there is some evidence that matters, they say, is that a person believes he or she is get-
stimulation of these points causes secretion of endorphins, ting real acupuncture. Furthermore, the stronger their belief, the better
which we know can reduce pain (Hall, 2008; Kemmer, 2007). the results (Hall, 2008; Madsen et al., 2009; Price et al., 2008).
For example, if patients are first given a drug that blocks secre- Next, we turn to a very practical question: Can a sense be replaced
tion of endorphins, acupuncture does not reduce pain. Third, if it is damaged? Of the five major senses—vision, audition, taste, olfac-
fMRI brain scans showed that acupuncture decreases neural tion, and touch—damage to vision and audition is especially disastrous
activity in brain areas involved in pain sensations (Aamodt & to the quality of life. As such, researchers are trying to develop artificial
Wang, 2008; Ulett, 2003). eyes and ears.
H. PAIN 113
I. Application: Artificial Senses
Artificial Visual System
The cause and degree of blindness depend on which part of the visual system is affected. For example, a person
Is an would be totally blind if the photoreceptors (rods and cones) in the retina were destroyed (retinitis pigmentosa, an
artificial eye inherited disease) or if the entire retina or optic nerve were damaged. First, we’ll look at a microchip that could be
possible? implanted into the retina to replace photoreceptors damaged by disease.

Artificial photoreceptors. At the beginning of this module, we 1. Terry scans surroundings with
told you about Terry, who was completely blind. In Terry’s a glasses-mounted camera.
case, he was blind because the photoreceptors (rods and 2. Data travel from the glasses
cones) in his retina were damaged by a genetic disease. For through a wire behind his ear to a
individuals like Terry who have problems with their photo- microcomputer to get processed.
Image not available due
receptors, researchers have developed a microchip the size
to copyright restrictions 3. Processed data go to a
of a match head that is implanted in the back of the retina. wireless transmitter and then to a
This microchip sends impulses that travel on to the brain receiver implanted behind his ear.
for visual processing. Although this microchip does not 4. Data then go to a microchip

Figure/Text Credit: (top) Illustration based on K. Daniel Clark from “Newsfronts: Science & Technology,” by Dawn Stover, Popular Science, August 1997, p. 29.
restore full vision, it allows people who are now totally blind implanted in his eye. Normal visual
to see rough forms of light, movement, and objects. The illus- processes occur next. Data are
transmitted by the optic nerve to
tration to the right shows how this amazing procedure works. the brain’s visual center.
For individuals who are blind because their entire eye or optic
nerve is damaged, researchers are developing a complete artificial Special glasses and eye implants work
eye that would send impulses directly to the brain. together to allow Terry to “see.”

Brain implant. In an attempt to restore some vision, a blind patient was fitted with a min-
iature camera that sent electrical signals to 100 electrodes that were implanted directly into
the visual cortex, located in the occipital lobe (figure at left). When activated, the electrodes
stimulated neurons in the visual cortex and produced 100 tiny spots of light. This patient
could see the letter S when some of the 100 electrodes were stimulated (LaFee, 2000).
Although the 100 electrodes in this patient’s visual cortex provided more visual informa-
tion than did Terry’s 16, neither patient was able to see the outlines of objects or walk
around without using a cane.
However, recently, researchers made a significant step forward in developing an artificial
Camera sent electrical
signals directly to brain.
visual system.

Functional vision. The major goal in developing an artificial visual system is to provide enough visual
information so a blind person has meaningful visual function, such as reading letters and avoiding
objects while walking around a room. Researchers are getting closer to reaching this goal.
Jerry, a 62-year-old man who has been blind since the age of 36, volunteered to have electrodes
implanted into his brain’s visual cortex (right photo). Jerry wears a pair of glasses that, on one side,
holds a tiny camera and, on the other side, an ultrasonic range finder. The range finder analyzes echoes
from high-frequency sounds (beyond our range of hearing) that provide information on location, size, Photo Credit: © AP Images/Stephen Chernin
and distance of objects. The tiny camera provides visual information that is like looking through a
tunnel opening about 2 inches wide and 8 inches high. Both devices send electrical signals to a small
Artificial visual system lets Jerry
computer Jerry wears on his hip. In turn, the computer analyzes and relays electrical information to a “see” a 2-inch-high letter.
panel of electrodes that were implanted into and stimulate the visual area in Jerry’s occipital lobe (white
cords going into skull) (Dobelle, 2000).
Reprinted by permission.

Using this device, Jerry can recognize a 2-inch letter from 5 feet away and avoid large objects as he moves around a room. After
receiving upgrades to his device over the years, Jerry can navigate the subway system on his own (J. Anderson, 2005). The development
of devices to help provide blind people with functional visual information is advancing. Researchers are now trying to put a tiny camera
inside the eye rather than on eyeglasses, which would allow people to scan their environment by simply moving their eyes, rather than
moving their heads (Humayun, 2008).
Researchers are also developing an artificial cochlea for the inner ear.
Kinds of Deafness
There are two major kinds of deafness that have different effects, causes, and treatments. The most severe kind of
What causes deafness is caused by damage to the inner ear and is called neural deafness. A less severe kind of deafness is caused
deafness? by problems in the middle ear and is called conduction deafness.

Conduction Deafness Neural Deafness

More than 28 million Americans, almost 10% of the population, Hellen Keller, who was born deaf and blind, said, “To be deaf is a
have hearing loss called conduction deafness (Ruben, 2007). greater affliction than to be blind.” Hellen Keller had neural deafness,
Conduction deafness can be caused by wax in the auditory canal, inju- which, unlike conduction deafness, is not helped by hearing aids.
ry to the tympanic membrane, or malfunction of the ossicles. All of these Neural deafness can be caused by damage to the auditory receptors
conditions interfere with the transmission of vibrations from the tympanic (hair cells), which prevents the production of impulses, or by damage to the
membrane to the fluid of the cochlea, resulting in degrees of hearing loss. auditory nerve, which prevents nerve impulses from reaching the brain.
Conduction deafness, occurring in 30–40% of adults over 65, Since neither hair cells nor auditory nerve fibers regenerate, neu-
can often be treated with a hearing aid, which replaces the function ral deafness was generally untreatable until the development of the
of the middle ear. Hearing aids pick up sound waves, change them cochlear implant. Currently, the only approved treatment for certain
to vibrations, and send them through the skull to the inner ear. kinds of neural deafness is the cochlear implant described below.
Cochlear Implants
Cochlear implant:
How it works Transmitter
Receiver, which is
in the bony skull,

receives the electrical signals
Thin cable is threaded into a
1 Microphone, which is worn
and sends them along a thin
wire cable to the cochlea. fluid-filled tube of the cochlea until
behind the ear, gathers and sends it makes contact with the auditory
sound waves to a sound processor. nerve. When the receiver sends
Thin cable electrical signals through the wire
2 Sound processor transforms Sound cable, the signals trigger impulses
processor nerve in the auditory nerve.
sound waves into electrical signals,
which are sent to a tiny transmitter.
Outer ear Cochlea 5 Auditory nerve carries the
“manufactured” impulses to the
auditory areas in the brain, which
interpret and transform impulses
into auditory impulses.

If the auditory nerve is intact, a cochlear and lips (speech reading). Many could converse on the telephone
Can deaf implant (figure above) can be used to treat (B. Stone, 2002; Svirsky et al., 2000).
people hear? neural deafness that is caused by damage to The results are more complicated for children who did not learn
the ear (Ohl & Scheich, 2007). to speak before becoming deaf. Researchers reported that when
The cochlear implant is a miniature electronic device that is surgically cochlear implants were put in before age 3½, deaf children had the
implanted into the cochlea. The cochlear implant changes sound waves best neurological development, while implants after age 7 resulted
into electrical signals that are fed into the auditory nerve, which carries in the poorest auditory development (Seppa, 2005). That’s because
them to the brain for processing. brains of younger children are more flexible or plastic, which means
As you proceed step by step through the figure above, notice younger brains are better able to develop neurological responses
that the cochlear implant first changes sound waves into electrical to auditory information and learn to hear and speak
signals (1, 2, and 3) and then sends the electrical signals into (Rauschecker & Shannon, 2002). For example, Julia
Photo Credit: © James M. Kubus, Greensburg, PA

the auditory nerve (4), which sends impulses to the brain (5). received an implant when she was 2½, and at age 9 she
Worldwide, about 100,000 adults and children with speaks and reads above her age level (Reisler, 2002).
severe neural deafness have received cochlear implants Advances in screening for hearing impairments in
(up from 5,000 in 1990) (Chorost, 2007). The child in newborns have made cochlear implants for infants a
the photo at right, deaf from birth, is reacting to welcomed new trend. Other recent trends include plac-
hearing his first sounds after receiving a cochlear ing cochlear implants in both ears and implanting in
implant. older adults who no longer benefit from hearing aids
Using the newest cochlear implants (cost up (Brody, 2008a).
to $50,000), adults who had learned to speak As we end this module, notice that we primarily
before becoming deaf could understand about 80% This child, deaf from discussed how senses transform energy into electrical
of sentences without any facial cues and from 90 to birth, reacts after hearing impulses. Next, in Module 6, we’ll focus on how “mean-
with cochlear implant.
100% of sentences when watching the speaker’s face ingless” sensations turn into meaningful perceptions.
Summary Test
A. Eye: Vision B. Ear: Audition
1. Waves in about the middle of the 7. The stimuli for hearing, or audition, are
electromagnetic spectrum are visible sound waves, which have several physical
because they can be absorbed by the characteristics. The physical characteristic
human eye. These waves make up of amplitude or height of sound waves
the and can be is transformed into the subjective
absorbed by receptors at the back of experience of (a) ,
the eye. which is measured in units called
(b) . The frequency
2. Upon entering the eye, light waves pass first through a curved, of sound waves (cycles per second) is
thin, transparent structure called the (a) , whose transformed into the subjective experi-
function is to bend or focus light waves into a narrower beam. ence of (c) , which for
Next, light waves pass through an opening in the eye called the humans ranges from about 20 to 20,000
(b) . Around this opening is a circular, pigment- cycles per second.
ed muscle called the (c) ; its function is to dilate
or constrict, thus increasing or decreasing the amount of entering 8. The outer ear is composed of a funnel-like shape, called the
light. Finally, light waves pass through a transparent, oval struc- external ear, whose function is to gather (a) .
ture called the (d) , whose function is to further These waves travel down a short tunnel called the
focus light waves precisely on the photosensitive back surface of (b) and strike a thin, taut membrane
the eye, which is called the (e) . called the (c) , whose function is to transform
sound waves into (d) .
3. The retina has several layers of cells, but only the very back
layer contains photoreceptors. The photoreceptors that are used 9. The middle ear has three tiny bones (hammer, anvil, and stir-
to see in dim light and transmit only black, white, and shades rup), which together are called (a) . Vibrations in
of gray are called (a) . Photoreceptors that are the tympanic membrane produce mechanical movements in the
used to see in bright light and transmit colors are called ossicles, the third of which is attached to another thin membrane,
(b) . called the (b) , which is made to vibrate.

4. When rods absorb light waves, a chemical called 10. Of several structures in the inner ear, one is a coiled, fluid-
(a) breaks down and in turn generates tiny filled, tubelike apparatus called the (a) , which
electrical forces that trigger (b) in neighboring contains the auditory receptors, called (b) .
cells. Similarly, when cones absorb light waves, chemicals called Movement of the fluid in the tube causes movement of the
(c) break down and generate tiny electrical forces. basilar membrane, which in turn causes bending of the hair cells,
generating a tiny (c) . If this is large enough,
5. Nerve impulses generated in the eye travel along fibers that it will trigger nerve impulses, which leave the cochlea via the
combine to form the (a) nerve. This nerve carries (d) and travel to the brain.
nerve impulses to an area in the back of each occipital lobe called
the (b) , which transforms impulses into simple 11. Nerve impulses are transformed into rather simple, meaning-
visual (c) , such as lines, shadows, colors, and less auditory sensations when they reach the (a) ,
textures. If the primary visual cortex were totally damaged, the which is located in the temporal lobe. These sensations are trans-
person would be essentially blind. Simple, meaningless sensations formed into meaningful and complete melodies, songs, words, or
are transformed into complete, meaningful images when nerve sentences by the auditory (b) .
impulses reach an area of the brain known as (d) .
12. To tell the direction of a sound, the brain analyzes the differ-
6. We see color because our eyes absorb light waves of different ences in time and intensity between (a) arriving
(a) , which are transformed by the visual system at the left and right ears. The brain determines degrees of loud-
into our experience of seeing colors. One theory of color applies ness by using the (b) of the arriving impulses.
to how the cones function; this is the (b) theory. The discrimination of different tones or pitches is explained by
A second theory of color applies to how the ganglion and thalamic the (c) and theories.
cells function; this is called the (c) theory
of color.


C. Vestibular System: Balance G. Research Focus: Mind over Body?
13. Besides the cochlea, the inner ear contains three arch-shaped, 18. In order to control for the placebo effect,
fluid-filled structures called . The researchers use an experimental design in
movement of fluid in these organs provides signals which neither the researchers nor subjects
that the brain interprets in terms of the move- know who is receiving what treatment.
ment and position of the head and body. The This is the design,
vestibular system is also involved in motion which controls for the expectations of
sickness, Meniere’s disease, and vertigo. both researchers and subjects.

D. Chemical Senses H. Pain

14. Sensors on the tongue respond to five basic tastes: 19. After an injury, you feel two different kinds of pain sensations:
(a) , , , at first, there is sharp, localized pain, which is followed by a duller,
, and . The receptors for taste, more generalized pain. The receptors for
which are called (b) , trigger nerve pain are (a) , which
impulses that travel to the brain, which then trans- send impulses to two areas of the brain,
forms them into the sensations of taste. specifically the (b)
and . If you rub an
15. Volatile airborne substances are drawn into the injured area or become totally absorbed
upper part of the nose, where they dissolve in a thin in another activity, you may experience a
film of mucus. Underneath the mucus are layers reduction of pain, which is explained by the
of receptors for olfaction (smell), which are (c) . Immediately following a serious
called (a) . These receptors injury or great physical stress, the brain produces pain-reducing
trigger impulses that travel to an area under- chemicals called (d) .
neath the brain called the (b) .
This area transforms impulses into hundreds of different odors.
I. Application: Artificial Senses
E. Touch 20. There are two basic causes of deafness. If the cause is wax
in the auditory canal, injury to the tympanic membrane, or
16. The sense of touch actually provides malfunction of the ossicles, it is called
information on three different kinds of stimuli: (a) deafness. If the cause
(a) , , and Hair is damage to hair cells in the cochlea
. The various layers of skin follicle or to the auditory nerve, it is called
contain different kinds of touch receptors that (b) deafness. One
have different speeds of adaptation. Receptors treatment for neural deafness is to use a
for the sense of touch trigger nerve impulses (c) , which is more effec-
that travel to an area in the brain’s parietal tive if individuals have learned to speak
lobe, called the (b) . This area before becoming deaf.
Photo Credit: (#17) © Danielle Pellegrini/Photo Researchers, Inc.

transforms impulses into sensations of pressure, temperature, and

pain. The more sensitive the area of the body is to touch, the larger
is its area on the cortex.
Answers: 1. visible spectrum; 2. (a) cornea, (b) pupil, (c) iris, (d) lens,
(e) retina; 3. (a) rods, (b) cones; 4. (a) rhodopsin, (b) impulses, (c) opsins;
F. Cultural Diversity: Disgust 5. (a) optic, (b) primary visual cortex, (c) sensations, (d) association areas;
6. (a) lengths, (b) trichromatic, (c) opponent-process; 7. (a) loudness,
17. A universal facial expression that indicates
(b) decibels, (c) pitch; 8. (a) sound waves, (b) auditory canal, (c) eardrum
rejection of food is called (a) .
or tympanic membrane, (d) vibrations; 9. (a) ossicles, (b) oval window;
Besides our innate preferences for sweet and salty 10. (a) cochlea, (b) hair cells, (c) electrical force, (d) auditory nerve;
foods and avoidance of bitter substances, most of 11. (a) primary auditory cortex, (b) association areas; 12. (a) sound waves,
our tastes are (b) and particular (b) rate, (c) frequency, place; 13. vestibular organs; 14. (a) bitter, sour, salty,
to our culture. The fact that foods considered fine sweet, umami, (b) taste buds; 15. (a) olfactory cells, (b) primary olfactory
in one culture may seem disgusting to people in another culture cortex; 16. (a) pressure, temperature, pain, (b) somatosensory cortex;
indicates how much psychological factors influence taste. 17. (a) disgust, (b) learned; 18. double-blind; 19. (a) free nerve endings,
(b) somatosensory area, limbic system, (c) gate control theory, (d) endor-
phins; 20. (a) conduction, (b) neural, (c) cochlear implant


Critical Thinking

What Would It Be Like

Never to Feel Pain?
A t the young age of 5, Ashlyn
Blocker has already experienced
many serious physical injuries. She’s
had a massive abrasion to the cor-
nea of her eye, terrible burns, and
hundreds of bite marks from fire
ants. She’s also severely damaged
her tongue, cheek, and lips, knocked
out most of her front teeth, and
crushed her fingers in a door frame.
Other children would scream in
pain from experiencing any of these
QUEST IONS injuries, but Ashlyn never yelled,

1 What type of
research method
would you use to
nor did she shed a tear. “I can’t feel
my boo-boos,” she says (Tresniowski
et al., 2005). Ashlyn is unique from © 2005 Eric Larson/Light of Day, Inc.
learn about the life of most other children because she
a person who cannot cannot feel pain. body weight when feeling pain in
feel pain? Ashlyn has a rare and incurable their joints, CIPA prevents people
genetic disorder called CIPA (con- from sensing this pain and often re-
genital insensitivity to pain with an- sults in joint problems. Lack of pain
hidrosis). People with CIPA lack pain
and temperature sensation, yet have
sensitivity can lead to other prob-
lems including bone fractures and 5 How helpful would
acupuncture be

2 What type of neu- no other sensory deficits. These indi- infections. For example, Ashlyn re- as a treatment for
ron is responsible viduals cannot feel pain and temper- cently had tonsillitis that went unde- people with CIPA?
for people experienc- ature because they lack nerve fibers tected for six months.
ing pain, heat, and responsible for carrying the sensa- Despite the daily challenges Ash-
cold? tion of pain, heat, and cold to the lyn faces, she looks like an ordinary
brain. Anhidrosis, or the inability to girl who enjoys doing the same
sweat, can cause life-threatening things others her age do. She likes to

3 What is the name

for the optimum
state of body arousal
problems such as developing dan-
gerously high fevers because people
swing on the playground and enjoys
being tickled and hugged by her par-
6 Why is it that
Ashlyn cannot
aren’t able to lower their body tem- ents. Ashlyn is fortunate to have
Ashlyn cannot achieve perature by sweating. support from her parents and school sense pain or heat,
as a result of not but she can feel her
Living life without feeling pain is officials to ensure her safety while
sweating? Which parents tickling and
not as wonderful as one might think. allowing her to enjoy her childhood. hugging her?
areas of our brain and
body help maintain
Pain serves an important function “There is no reason to think she
this optimum level by telling our brain that something won’t have a normal life,” says Dr.
of arousal? is wrong and something needs to be Lawrence Shapiro, an international-
done to correct it. Imagine having ly recognized child psychologist.
appendicitis and not feeling pain. Ashlyn’s parents describe her as

4 How might CIPA

affect Ashlyn’s
ability to learn from
Appendicitis is especially dangerous
for people with CIPA because they
having the “best laugh in the world”
and state “she’s going to conquer the
wouldn’t know a problem existed world” (Tresniowski et al., 2005).
her mistakes of until after their appendix burst. (Ad apt e d from Mor ton, 20 0 4;
injuring herself?
Also, while most people shift their Tresniowski et al., 2005) ANS WERS


Links to Learning
Key Terms/Key People Learning Activities
acupuncture, 113 nearsightedness, 95 PowerStudy for Introduction
PowerStudy 4.5™
adaptation, 93 neural deafness, 115 to Psychology 4.5
afterimage, 99 olfaction, 107 Use PowerStudy to complete quizzes and learning activities for Sensation. The
amplitude, 100 olfactory cells, 107 DVD also includes interactive versions of the Summary Test on pages 116–117
auditory association opponent-process and the critical thinking questions for the article on page 118, key terms, an out-
area, 103 theory, 99 line and an abstract of the module, and an extended list of correlated websites.
auditory canal, 102 optic nerve, 97 CengageNOW!
auditory nerve, 103 ossicles, 102
basilar membrane, 103 outer ear, 102 Want to maximize your online study time? Take this easy-
cochlea, 102 pain, 112 to-use study system’s diagnostic pre-test and it will create a personalized study
cochlear implant, 115 perceptions, 93 plan for you. The plan will help you identify the topics you need to understand
color blindness, 99 pitch, 100 better and direct you to relevant companion online resources that are specific
conduction deafness, 115 place theory, 104 to this book, speeding up your review of the module.
cones, 96 placebo, 111 Introduction to Psychology Book Companion Website
cornea, 95 placebo effect, 111
decibel, 101 primary auditory Visit this book’s companion website for more resources to help you
dichromats, 99 cortex, 103 study, including learning objectives, additional quizzes, flash cards, updated
primary visual cortex, 97 links to useful websites, and a pronunciation glossary.
direction of sound, 104
disgust, 110 pupil, 95 Study Guide and WebTutor
double-blind study, 111 retina, 95, 96 Work through the corresponding module in your Study
dread, 113 rods, 96 Guide for tips on how to study effectively and for help learning the material
sensations, 93 covered in the book. WebTutor (an online Study Tool accessed through your
endorphins, 113
somatosensory cortex, 108 eResources account) provides an interactive version of the Study Guide.
external ear, 102
farsightedness, 95 sound waves, 100
flavor, 106 taste, 106
frequency theory, 104 taste buds, 106
gate control theory, 112 touch, 108
hair cells, 103 transduction, 93
inner ear, 102 trichromatic theory, 98
iris, 95 tympanic membrane, 102
lens, 95 vertigo, 105
loudness, 100, 104 vestibular system, 105
Meniere’s disease, 105 visible spectrum, 94
middle ear, 102 visual agnosia, 97
monochromats, 99 visual association areas, 97
motion sickness, 105

Suggested Answers to Critical Thinking

1. A case study is an in-depth analysis of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, 4. Most children learn to avoid engaging in behaviors that result
or behaviors of one person. There are very few people who cannot feel in pain. For example, children quickly learn not to touch a hot
pain, and so a thorough study of one person would be helpful. flame after burning their hands by doing so. Learning not to
2. Afferent neurons carry information in the form of electrical signals to engage in repetitive self-injurious behavior is challenging for
the spinal cord and brain. Signals for sensing pain, heat, and cold are Ashlyn because she cannot feel pain.
not being carried to the brain in people with CIPA. 5. Acupuncture is a procedure used to reduce various kinds of pain.
3. The state in which our physiological arousal is kept in balance, an opti- People with CIPA do not feel pain, and therefore acupuncture
mum level, is called homeostasis. By not being able to sweat, Ashlyn’s would not be an effective treatment.
body has difficulty maintaining body temperature at an optimum level. 6. The same nerve ending responds to pain and temperature, but
The hypothalamus, a part of the limbic system, controls the autonomic other nerve endings (such as hair receptors) respond to differ-
nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic systems), and they ent types of touch stimulation, such as pressure, making it is
work together to keep the body’s level of arousal in balance. possible for Ashlyn to feel her parents tickling and hugging her.


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