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10 Operant


& Cognitive

A. Operant Conditioning 214 I. Application: Behavior Modification 232

Photo Credit: Joel Sartore/National

B. Reinforcers 218 Summary Test 234

C. Schedules of Reinforcement 220 Critical Thinking 236
D. Other Conditioning Concepts 222 How Do You Train a Killer Whale?
E. Cognitive Learning 223 Links to Learning 237
Concept Review 227
Geographic Stock

F. Biological Factors 228

G. Research Focus: Viewing Aggression 230 PowerStudy 4.5™
Complete Module
H. Cultural Diversity: East Meets West 231
Learning 45 Commands Learning to Skateboard
It was an unusual movie for two reasons. In operant conditioning, the learning
How did First, there was almost no dialogue: Human What did Tony process is out in the open: Bart per-
Bart become a actors spoke only 657 words. Second, the Hawk learn from forms an observable behavior (holds a
movie star? star of the movie was a nonspeaking, non- just watching? teddy bear), which is followed by an
human, 12-year-old, 10-foot-tall, 1,800- observable consequence (gets an apple).
pound, enormous brown Kodiak bear But there is another kind of learning that involves unobservable
named Bart (shown on the left). Bart is mental processes and unobservable rewards that you may give
one of the world’s largest land-dwelling yourself. This kind of learning, called cognitive learning, is partly
carnivores and can, with one swipe of his how Tony Hawk learned to skate.
massive 12-inch paw, demolish anything Tony Hawk is recognized as the greatest skateboarder of all
in his path. Yet, in the movie, there was time. But Tony did not always have a talent for skating. When Tony
big bad Bart, sitting peacefully on his was 9 years old, his brother gave him his old skateboard. Tony had
haunches, cradling a small bear cub seen his brother skate before, and he
in his arms. “So what?” you might tried to skate just like him. Tony
say, but what you don’t know is then visited a skate park, where
that, in the wild, a Kodiak bear he was awed by how quickly skaters
normally kills and eats any cub went up, down, and around walls. He
Bart the bear learned to perform it encounters. was also amazed at how they daringly
45 behaviors on cue through
operant conditioning. Because Bart was found as spun while high up in the air. Tony
a cub and raised by a human wanted to be as talented as the skaters
trainer, Bart grew to act more like an overgrown teddy bear than a at the park, and he went on to practice
natural-born killer. For his role in the movie The Bear, Bart learned every chance he had. When Tony was
to perform 45 behaviors on cue, such as sitting, running, standing asked why he enjoyed skating as a child,
up, roaring, and, most difficult of all, cradling a teddy bear, which he replied, “I liked that no one was tell-
is not what an adult bear does in the wild. ing me how to do it” (CBS News, 2004).
The training procedure seems deceptively simple: Each time Instead, Tony learned by observing how his
Bart performed a behavior on cue, the trainer, Doug Seus, gave friends and professionals skated at the park:
Bart an affectionate back scratch, an ear rub, or a juicy apple or “I would watch them and try to learn from
pear. For example, when the trainer raised his arms high in the them. I’d imitate them” (Hawk, 2002, p. 30).
air, it was the signal for Bart to sit and hold the teddy bear. After On his own initiative and without
Bart correctly performed this behavior, Doug would give him a any special guidance, Tony learned
reward. After Bart learned to perform all these behaviors with a to skate by imitating others.
stuffed teddy bear, a live bear cub was substituted and the scene The process Tony used to learn
was filmed for the movie (Cerone, 1989). skateboarding is very different from
Bart learned to perform 45 behaviors on cue through a kind of the operant conditioning procedure
Tony Hawk learned to
learning called operant conditioning. used to teach Bart new behaviors. skateboard partly from
Photo Credits: left, © George Frey; right, © Evan Agostini/Getty Images

Operant conditioning, also called instrumental conditioning, is a kind During operant conditioning, Bart watching others.
of learning in which an animal or human performs some behavior, and the performed observable behaviors that
following consequence (reward or punishment) increases or decreases the were influenced by observable consequences. In comparison, Tony
chance that an animal or human will again perform that same behavior. learned how to skateboard through observation and imitation,
For example, if Bart performed a particular behavior, such as which involved unobservable mental processes and is called cogni-
picking up a teddy bear, the consequence that followed—getting a tive learning. We’ll discuss cognitive learning later in this module.
rewarding apple—increased the chance that Bart would again pick
up the teddy bear. Because of what Bart learned through operant
conditioning, he starred in 20 movies and became the highest paid What’s Coming
animal actor, making about $10,000 a day (Brennan, 1997). That’s a In the first half of this module, we’ll discuss the history and proce-
salary that most of us would be very happy to bear! dure of operant conditioning, how operant conditioning differs
Operant conditioning seems rather straightforward. You per- from classical conditioning, how consequences or reinforcers work,
form an action or operate on your environment, such as studying and other examples of operant conditioning. In the second half of
hard. The consequence of your studying, such as how well you do this module, we’ll explain the history of cognitive learning, the
on exams, increases or decreases the likelihood that you will per- theory behind observational learning, and the role of insight
form the same behavior—studying hard—in the future. learning.
Besides learning by having your behaviors rewarded or pun- We’ll begin with an important study that involved a cat, a
ished, you can also learn in a very different way. puzzle box, and a smelly fish.
A. Operant Conditioning
Background: Thorndike and Skinner
We told you how a trainer used operant conditioning to teach Bart to perform 45 different behaviors on cue.
How did Operant conditioning has now been applied to many different settings, such as training animals to perform, train-
Bart become a
ing children to use the potty, stopping retarded children from injuring themselves, and helping autistic children
movie star?
learn social behaviors. However, the discovery of operant behavior involved two different researchers who worked
in two different laboratories on two different kinds of problems. So that you can appreciate the thinking that led to
operant conditioning, we’ll visit the laboratories of the two important researchers—E. L. Thorndike and B. F. Skinner.

Thorndike’s Law of Effect Skinner’s Operant Conditioning

It’s the late 1800s, and we’re in the labora- It’s the 1930s, and we’re in the laboratory of B. F. Skinner,
tory of E. L. Thorndike, who is interested who is interested in analyzing ongoing behaviors of
in animal intelligence—specifically, in animals. Skinner explains that Thorndike’s law of
measuring their capacity for reasoning. effect is useful, since it describes how animals are
Unlike pet owners who assume from rewarded for making particular responses. However, in
anecdotal observations that their animals order to analyze ongoing behaviors, you must have an
are intelligent, Thorndike devised a sim- objective way to measure them. Skinner’s clever solu-
E. L. Thorndike B. F. Skinner
(1874–1949) ple but clever way to measure reasoning (1904–1990) tion is a unit of behavior he calls an operant response
in a more objective way. He built a series (Skinner, 1938).
of puzzle boxes from which a cat could escape by learn- An operant response is a response that can be modified by its consequences
ing to make a specific response, such as pulling a string and is a meaningful unit of ongoing behavior that can be easily measured.
or pressing a bar. Outside the puzzle box was a reward for For example, suppose that out of curiosity Bart picks up a teddy bear.
escaping—a piece of fish. His picking up the teddy bear is an example of an operant response
We watch Thorndike place a cat in the puzzle box and because Bart is acting or operating on the environment. The consequence

Figure/Text Credit: Graph on right based on data from Behavior of Organisms, by B. F. Skinner, 1938. Appleton-Century-Crofts.
record its escape time. After Thorndike graphs the data of his picking up the teddy bear is that he receives an apple, which is a
(graph below), we see a gradual lessening in the time needed desirable effect. This desirable effect modifies his response by increasing
to escape. Notice that on the first trial the cat needed over the chances that Bart will repeat the same response.
240 seconds to hit the escape latch, but by the last trial, the By measuring or recording operant responses, Skinner can analyze
cat hits the escape latch in less than 60 seconds. animals’ ongoing behaviors during learning. He calls this kind of learn-
ing operant conditioning, which focuses on how consequences (rewards
Law of effect: In escaping the puzzle or punishments) affect behaviors.
box, the cat’s successful responses
Time to escape, in seconds

240 are strengthened and this results in A simple example of operant conditioning occurs when a rat in an
quicker escape times. experimental box accidentally presses a bar. If the bar press is followed
by food, this consequence increases the chance that the rat will press
120 the bar again. As the rat presses the bar more times, more food follows,
which in turn increases the chances that the rat will continue to press
the bar (indicated by the rise of the red line in the figure below).
Trials of a cat to escape
from puzzle box
Bar pressing Food

Thorndike explains that, with repeated trials, the cat Food

spends more time around the latch, which increases the Food
chances of finding and hitting the latch and more quickly
escaping to get the fish. To explain why a cat’s random trial-
and-error behaviors gradually turned into efficient, goal- Rat learns to press a bar, which increases the chances of getting food.
directed behaviors, Thorndike formulated the law of effect.
Photo Credit: (rat) © PhotoDisc, Inc.

The law of effect states that behaviors followed by positive Using his newly developed procedure of operant conditioning, B. F.
consequences are strengthened, while behaviors followed by neg- Skinner spent the next 50 years exploring and analyzing learning in rats,
ative consequences are weakened. pigeons, schoolchildren, and adults.
Thorndike’s (1898) findings were significant because they The 1920s and 1930s gave learning a mighty jolt with the discovery
suggested that the law of effect was a basic law of learning of two general principles—Pavlov’s classical conditioning and Skinner’s
and provided an objective procedure to study it. Thorndike’s operant conditioning. For the first time, psychologists had two methods
emphasis on studying the consequences of goal-directed to analyze learning processes in an objective way.
behavior was further developed and expanded by B. F. Now we’ll examine Skinner’s ingenious procedure for operant condi-
Skinner. tioning in more detail.


Principles and Procedures
A rat may initially press a Shaping: Facing the Bar Immediate Reinforcement
Why does bar out of curiosity, and
a rat press Skinner places a white Depending on the rat and the
whether it presses the
rat into the (Skinner) trainer’s experience, it may take
a bar? bar again depends on
box, closes the door, from minutes to an hour to shape a
the consequences.
and watches the rat rat to press a bar. Skinner explains
To show how
through a one-way that in shaping behavior, the food
mirror. At first, the rat pellet, or reinforcer, should follow
can affect
wanders around the back of the box, but immediately after the desired
when it turns and faces the bar, Skinner behavior. By following immedi-
imagine that
releases a food pellet that makes a noise ately, the reinforcer is associated
you are look-
as it drops into the food cup. The rat hears with the desired behavior and not
ing over Skin-
the pellet drop, approaches the food cup, with some other behavior that just
ner’s shoulder
then sees, sniffs, and eats the pellet. After happens to occur. If the reinforcer
as he places a
eating, the rat moves away to explore the is delayed, the animal may be
rat into a box.
box. But, as soon as the rat turns and faces reinforced for some undesired or
The box is
the bar, Skinner releases another pellet. superstitious behavior.
Skinner box contains
empty except for
The rat hears the noise, goes to the food Superstitious behavior is a
bar and food cup. a bar jutting out from
cup, sniffs, and eats the pellet. Shaping is behavior that increases in frequency
one side and an empty
going well. because its occurrence is accidentally
food cup below and to the side of the bar
paired with the delivery of a reinforcer.
(above figure). This box, called a Skinner box,
Shaping: Touching the Bar When I (R. P.) was a graduate
is automated to record the animal’s bar presses
student, I conditioned my share of
and deliver food pellets. The Skinner box is an As shaping continues,
superstitious rat behaviors, such
efficient way to study how an animal’s ongoing Skinner decides to
as making them turn in circles or
behaviors may be modified by changing the reinforce the rat only
stand up instead of pressing the
consequences of what happens after a bar press. when it actually
bar. That’s because I accidentally
As you watch, Skinner explains that the moves toward the bar.
Figure/Text Credit: Skinner box illustration from Introduction to Psychology, by E. Bruce Goldstein, 1995. Brooks/Cole.

but immediately reinforced a

rat is a good subject for operant conditioning Skinner waits and
rat after it performed the wrong
because it can use its front paws to manipulate as soon as the rat faces and then moves
objects, such as a bar, and it has a tendency to toward the bar, Skinner releases another
Humans, especially profes-
explore its environment, which means that it pellet. After eating the pellet, the rat wan-
sional baseball players, report a
will eventually find the bar, touch it, or even ders a bit but soon returns to the bar and
variety of superstitious behaviors
press it. actually sniffs it. A fourth pellet immedi-
that were accidentally reinforced
Skinner goes on to explain the following ately drops into the cup, and the rat eats it.
by getting a hit (Burger & Lynn,
three factors that are involved in operantly con- When the rat places one paw on the bar, a
2005). For example, a five-time
ditioning a rat to press a bar in the Skinner box. fifth pellet drops into the cup. Notice how
batting champion (Wade Boggs)
1 The rat has not been fed for some hours so Skinner has shaped the rat to spend all its
time near the bar.
ate chicken every day he played,
that it will be active and more likely to eat the allowed no one else to touch his
food reward. A hungry rat tends to roam rest- bats, and believed each bat had
Shaping: Pressing the Bar
lessly about, sniffing at whatever it finds. a certain number of hits. Once a
2 The goal is to condition the rat to press the As soon as the rat
actually puts its paws
batter’s superstitious behaviors are
reinforced, especially
bar. By pressing the bar, the rat operates on its
on the bar, Skinner by getting a big hit
environment; thus, this response is called an
releases a pellet. After or home run, super-
operant response.
eating, the rat puts its stitious behaviors
3 Skinner explains that a naive rat does not paws back on the bar tend to persist and
usually waltz over and press the bar. In condi- and gets a pellet. Now Skinner waits until can be very dif-
tioning a rat to press a bar, Skinner will use a the rat puts its paws on the bar and actu- ficult to eliminate.
procedure called shaping. ally happens to press down, which releases You probably
Shaping is a procedure in which an experimenter another pellet. Soon, the rat is pressing have some of
successively reinforces behaviors that lead up to or the bar over and over to get pellets. Notice your own!
approximate the desired behavior. how Skinner reinforced the rat’s behaviors Next, we’ll discuss some inter-
For example, if the desired behavior is that led up to or approximated the desired esting examples of operant condi-
pressing the bar, here’s how shaping works. behavior of bar pressing. tioning in very young humans.


A. Operant Conditioning
Examples of Operant Conditioning
Without realizing it, you may be per- behaviors because they are followed by reinforcers
Have you forming many behaviors learned that increase the chances that you will perform
been operantly through operant conditioning. For these same behaviors again. We’ll discuss how
conditioned? example, operant conditioning was procedures and principles of operant conditioning
involved if you learned to drive have been used by parents to solve two relatively
through a yellow traffic light to avoid stopping, study for common problems: getting young children to use
hours to get good grades, or give flowers to your honey to see the toilet and to stop refusing to eat a wide variety
him or her smile. And you may continually perform these of healthy foods.

Toilet Training Food Refusal

Imagine that you are a parent of 3-year-old Sheryl, Some young children with no medical problems may develop a habit of
who is physically mature enough to begin toilet train- eating only certain foods and refusing all others, which may
ing. Here’s how operant conditioning techniques can result in having an unhealthy diet or low weight (Patel

Figure/Text Credit: Adapted from “Treating Chronic Food Refusal in Young Children: Home-Based Parent Training,” by M. A. Werle, T. B. Murphy & K. S. Budd, 1993,
be applied to teach toilet training. et al., 2002). Researchers taught parents how to
1. Target behavior. The target behavior or goal is for use the principles of operant conditioning to
Sheryl to urinate in the toilet. overcome food refusal in their young children.
2. Preparation. Before training 1. Target behavior. The target behavior or goal was
begins, put all of Sheryl’s toys for the child to taste, chew, and eat a food (usually fruits
away so that she will not be dis- or vegetables) that she or he has persistently refused to eat.
tracted. Then give her a large glass 2. Preparation. Researchers first showed mothers how to shape and rein-
of apple juice, so that she will force target behaviors. Next, each mother shaped the target behavior in her
have to urinate soon. child in the home setting.
3. Reinforcers. Select reinforc- 3. Reinforcers. Each time the child performed or emitted a target behav-
ers, which can be candy, verbal ior, the mother immediately reinforced the child with a positive reinforcer,
praise, or a hug. Each time Sheryl such as praise, attention, or a smile.
performs or emits a desired 4. Shaping. The shaping procedure consisted of having the child notice

Photo Credits: top, © Monkey Business Images Ltd./Photolibrary; left, © Peter Southwick/Stock, Boston
behavior, you immediately rein- the food and let it be placed in his or her mouth, letting the child taste the
4 steps in force it. The reinforcer increases food, and, finally, having the child chew and swallow the food.
toilet training the likelihood that the behavior The graph below explains and shows the success of using operant con-
will be repeated. ditioning to overcome food refusal in young children (Werle et al., 1993).
4. Shaping. Just as Skinner used the shaping proce-
dure in conditioning a rat to press a bar, you can use
5 Shaping
a similar shaping procedure in conditioning Sheryl
to use the toilet. Each time Sheryl performs a behav-
food eaten

Pieces of

ior that leads to the target behavior (using the toilet), 2

give her a treat, verbal praise, or a hug. For instance, 1 Baseline
when Sheryl says that she has to go potty, say, “That’s 0
great.” When Sheryl enters the bathroom, say, “What
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
a good girl.” When she lowers her pants by herself, Sessions
say, “You’re doing really well.” After Sheryl urinates

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 26, 421–433.

into the toilet, give her a big hug and perhaps a treat. Baseline: During Shaping: During these sessions, the mother shaped
Mothers who were supervised as they used this these four sessions, the child to accept nonpreferred food by giving praise,
training procedure needed 4–18 hours to toilet train the mother offered attention, and smiles each time her child made a response
nonpreferred food that was similar to or approximated the target behavior
their 2- to 3-year-olds (Berk & Patrick, 1990; Matson to her child, who (chewing and swallowing food). Shaping proved effective
& Ollendick, 1977). However, children vary in when refused the food in overcoming the child’s habit of food refusal. Compare
they are ready to begin toilet training and operant each time. the child‘s food refusal during baseline to that during
conditioning. Researchers advise that “in most cases shaping sessions.
there’s no clear benefit to starting training before 24
to 27 months and in fact kids who start early often Notice that the same principles of operant conditioning apply whether
take longer to finish” (N. Blum, 2003). the goal is to condition a child to use the potty, to overcome food refusal,
Another difficulty parents face is when children eat or to train Bart the bear to pick up and hold a teddy bear.
only one or two favorite foods and refuse all others. Next, we’ll compare the principles of operant and classical conditioning.


Operant Versus Classical Conditioning
Earlier in this module, we discussed usually do. Although both operant and classical condition-
How are how Bart the bear was operantly ing lead to learning, they have very different procedures
they different? conditioned to hold a teddy bear— and principles, which may be a little confusing. We’ll try to
something he would never do in the clear up any confusion by doing a side-by-side comparison
wild. As you may remember from Module 9, we dis- of the principles and procedures of operant and classical
cussed how Sam the dog was classically conditioned to Bart—classically or conditioning by using the same subject, Bart, one of the
salivate to the sound of a bell—something he would not operantly conditioned? world’s largest subjects.

Operant Conditioning Classical Conditioning

1 Goal. The goal of operant conditioning 1 Goal. The goal of classical conditioning is to create a new
is to increase or decrease the rate of some response to a neutral stimulus. In Bart’s case, he will
response, which usually involves shaping. make a new response, salivation, to the sound of
In Bart’s case, the goal was to increase his a horn, which is the neutral stimulus because it
rate of holding a teddy bear. does not usually cause Bart to salivate.

2 Voluntary response. Bart’s behavior of holding a teddy 2 Involuntary response. Salivation is an example of a physiological
bear is a voluntary response because he can perform it at will. reflex. Physiological reflexes (salivation, eye blink) are triggered or
Bart must first perform a voluntary response before getting elicited by some stimulus and therefore called involuntary responses.
a reward.
3 Elicited response. As Bart eats an
3 Emitted response. Bart voluntarily performs or emits apple, it will trigger the involuntary physi-
some response, which Skinner called the operant response ological reflex of salivation. Thus, eating
(holding teddy bear). Skinner used the term emit to indicate the apple, which is called the uncondi-
that the organism acts or operates on the environment. In tioned stimulus, triggers or elicits an
most cases, animals and humans are shaped to emit the involuntary ref lex response, salivation,
desired responses. which is called the unconditioned response.

4 Contingent on behavior. Bart’s performance of the desired 4 Conditioned response.

response depends on, or is contingent on, the conse- Bar t was given
quences, or what happens next. For example, each repeated trials dur-
time Bart holds the teddy bear, the consequence is ing which the neu-
that he receives an apple. The apple, which is a tral stimulus (horn’s sound) was presented and followed by the
reward (reinforcer), increases the chances that Bart unconditioned stimulus (apple). After repeated trials, Bart
will perform the desired response in the future. learned a relationship between the two stimuli: The horn’s sound
The reinforcer must occur immediately is followed by an apple. The horn’s sound, or neutral stimulus,
after the desired response. In Bart’s case, becomes the conditioned stimulus when its
the reinforcer (apple) would be given imme- sound alone, before the occurrence of
diately after Bart holds the teddy bear. If the the apple, elicits salivation, which is
reinforcer occurs too late, the result may be the conditioned response.
the conditioning of unwanted or superstitious For best results, the neutral stimulus is presented slightly
responses. before the unconditioned stimulus. If the unconditioned stimulus is
Photo Credits: top, © George Frey; bottom, © George Frey

presented before the neutral stimulus, this is called backward condi-

5 Consequences. An animal or human’s performance of tioning and produces little if any conditioning.
some behavior is dependent or contingent on its consequences—
that is, on what happens next. For example, 5 Expectancy. According to the cognitive perspective of classical
the consequence of Bart’s picking up and conditioning, an animal or human learns a predictable relationship
holding a teddy bear was to get an apple. between, or develops an expectancy about, the neutral and uncondi-
Thus, in operant conditioning, an tioned stimuli. This means Bart learned to expect that the neutral
animal or human learns that perform- stimulus (horn’s sound) is always followed by the unconditioned
ing or emitting some behavior is fol- stimulus (apple). Thus, in classical conditioning, the animal or
lowed by a consequence (reward human learns a predictable relationship between stimuli.
or punishment), which, in One major difference between operant and classical conditioning
turn, increases or decreases is that in operant conditioning, the performance of some response
the chances of performing depends on its consequence (rewards or punishment). We’ll discuss
that behavior again. the effects of different kinds of consequences next.
B. Reinforcers
Consequences Reinforcement
Notice where the man is sitting as he Although getting an
Why are saws off a tree limb. His behavior illus- How are an apple and getting a
consequences trates a key principle of operant condi- apple and an grade of “F” seem very
important? tioning, which is that consequences “F” alike? different, they are both
are contingent on behavior. In this consequences that can
case, the man will fall on his head (consequence) if he cuts off increase the occurrence of certain behav-
the tree limb (behavior). Furthermore, this consequence will iors. There are two kinds of reinforcements,
make the tree trimmer think twice before repeating this stu- or consequences—positive and negative—
pid behavior. Thus, consequences affect behavior, and in There are serious that increase the occurrence of behaviors.
operant conditioning, there are two kinds of consequences— consequences to this
man’s behavior! Positive Reinforcement
reinforcement and punishment.
Immediately after Bart the bear emitted or
Reinforcement is a consequence that occurs after a behavior
performed a behavior (holding a teddy
and increases the chance that the behavior will occur again.
bear), the trainer gave him an apple to
For example, one of the main reasons you study hard for
increase the likelihood of his repeating that
exams is to get good grades (reinforcement). The consequence
behavior. This situation is an example of
of getting a good grade increases the chances that you’ll study
positive reinforcement.
hard for future exams.
Positive reinforcement
Punishment is a consequence that occurs after a behavior and
refers to the presentation of a
decreases the chance that the behavior will occur again.
stimulus that increases the
For example, one school used punishment to reduce students’
probability that a behavior
absentee rates. Students who got more than eight unexcused
will occur again.
absences lost desirable privileges (no football games, no prom). In this case, punishing
A positive reinforcer is a
consequences decreased from 15% to 4% the chance of students playing hooky from
stimulus that increases the likeli-
school (Chavez, 1994). However, other research shows when schools use physical pun-
hood that a response will occur again.
ishment to discourage undesirable behavior, absenteeism rates increase (HRW, 2008).
For example, if you ask a friend for
Sometimes reinforcement and punishment are used together to control some behav-
money and get it, the money is a positive
ior, as was done in treating a serious behavioral disorder called pica.
reinforcer that will increase the chances
Pica is a behavioral disorder, often seen in individuals with mental retardation, that involves
of your asking again. There’s a second
eating inedible objects or unhealthy substances. This can result in serious physical problems,
kind of reinforcement, called negative
including lead poisoning, intestinal blockage, and parasites.
Here’s an example of how reinforcement and punishment were used to treat pica.
Negative Reinforcement
Changing the Consequences
If you have a headache and
Walt was 15 years old and suffered from profound retardation. One of Walt’s problems
take an aspirin to get rid of
was pica, which included eating bits of paper and clothing, metal and plastic objects,
it, your response of taking
and especially paint chips, from which he had gotten lead poisoning.
an aspirin is an example of
To control his pica, Walt was given a tray containing nonfood items (fake
negative reinforcement.
paint chips made from flour) and food items (crackers). Each time Walt
Negative reinforcement refers to an aver-
chose a food item, he received a reinforcement—verbal praise. When Walt
sive (unpleasant) stimulus whose removal
chose a paint chip, he received a mild punishment—having his face washed
increases the likelihood that the preceding
for 20 seconds. The graph below shows how the consequences (reinforcement
response will occur again.
or punishment) greatly modified Walt’s pica behavior (C. R. Johnson et al., 1994).
If taking an aspirin removes your head-
Baseline: Training: ache (aversive or unpleasant stimulus), then
!   !  your response of taking an aspirin is nega-
Percentage of pica


   #  tively reinforced because it removes the
Photo Credit: © Corbis/SuperStock

     headache and thus increases the chances of
%   !#  your taking an aspirin in the future. Don’t
   # be confused by the fact that both positive
#    ! $ and negative reinforcers increase the fre-
 Sessions &" quency of the responses they follow.
   Besides positive and negative reinforc-
$  ers, there are also primary reinforcers, such
In this study, reinforcement and punishment proved an effective combination to as food, and secondary reinforcers, such as
treat a potentially dangerous problem. Next, we’ll discuss two kinds of reinforcements. money and coupons.
Reinforcers Punishment
A student might repeat a behav- Although placing a child in time-out and giving a
How are ior, such as study, because the Are there child an electric shock seem very different, they
chocolate and consequence is food, a primary different kinds are both consequences that can decrease the
a coupon alike? reinforcer, or be quiet on the of punishment? occurrence of certain behaviors.
school bus because the conse- There are two kinds of punish-
quence is a coupon, a secondary reinforcer. ment or consequences—positive and negative—that
decrease the occurrence of behaviors. Both positive
Primary Reinforcers
and negative punishment function as “stop signs”; they
If you made yourself study for 2
stop or decrease the occurrence of a behavior.
hours before rewarding yourself
with chocolate, you would be using Positive Punishment
a primary reinforcer. There is a school in Massachusetts that uses a controversial method of pun-
A primary reinforcer is a stimulus, Food: ishment to discourage students from engaging in dangerous behaviors.
such as food, water, or sex, that is primary reinforcer Many of the children at this school have severe behavior problems, such as
innately satisfying and requires no hitting strangers in the face, biting others or themselves, and eye gouging.
learning on the part of the subject to become pleasurable. The school requires students to wear back-
Primary reinforcers, such as eating, drinking, or hav- packs, which contain an electric device
ing sex, are unlearned and innately pleasurable. Brain that allows staff members to apply a
scans (p. 70) showed that these activities, including eating shock to electrodes attached to the stu-
chocolate, activate the brain’s built-in or inherited reward/ dent’s body whenever t he student
pleasure center (Belin & Rauscent, 2006). Although brain engages in dangerous or prohibited
scans were discovered after Skinner, they have proven behaviors (L. Kaufman, 2007). The goal
him right: Primary reinforcers are innately satisfying is to decrease the occurrence of certain
and require no training because they automatically acti- behaviors, and the method used is an
vate the brain’s built-in reward/pleasure center. In our example of positive punishment.
example, chocolate is a primary reinforcer for studying. Positive punishment refers to presenting an aversive (unpleasant) stimulus
However, many behaviors are aided or maintained by after a response. The aversive stimulus decreases the chances that the response
secondary reinforcers. will recur.
The aversive stimulus in the above example is electric shock, which decreases
Secondary Reinforcers
the chances that dangerous and self-destructive behaviors will occur.
A school teacher used a secondary reinforcer when she
There’s a second type of punishment, called negative punishment, that
gave each child a coupon good for fun prizes if he or she
can also be used to decrease children’s undesirable behaviors.
ate fruits and vegetables during lunch. A coupon is an
example of a secondary reinforcer. Negative Punishment
A secondary reinforcer is any stimulus that has acquired its One kind of undesirable behavior in young children is the persistent refusal
reinforcing power through experience; secondary reinforcers are of parental requests, a problem called noncompliance.
learned, such as by being paired with primary reinforcers or Noncompliance refers to a child refusing to follow directions, carry out a
Photo Credits: top right, © Ron Nickel/Photolibrary; left, © Simon Belcher/Alamy

other secondary reinforcers. request, or obey a command given by a parent or caregiver.

Coupons, money, grades, and One method used to decrease children’s noncompliance
praise are examples of secondary is time-out.
reinforcers because their value is Time-out removes reinforcing stimuli after an undesirable
learned or acquired through experi- response. This removal decreases the chances that the unde-
ence (Delgado et al., 2006; S. B. Klein, sired response will recur.
2009). For example, children learned Time-out is an example of negative punishment.
that coupons were valuable because Negative punishment refers to removing a reinforc-
they could be redeemed for fun ing stimulus (a child’s allowance) after a response. This
prizes. The coupons became sec- removal decreases the chances that the response will
ondary reinforcers that encour- recur.
aged children to eat fruits and In time-out, the reinforcing stimulus being
vegetables during lunch at school removed is the freedom to play and the undesirable
Coupons, or secondary (Hendy et al., 2005, 2007). Many behavior being decreased is noncompliance. In the
reinforcers, encourage of our behaviors are increased Application section of this module, we’ll discuss the
children’s good
behaviors. or maintained by secondar y pros and cons of positive and negative punishment.
reinforcers. Although somewhat confusing, remember that positive
Unlike primary and secondary reinforcers, which are and negative punishment decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring
consequences that increase behaviors, punishment has a again, while positive and negative reinforcement increase the likelihood of
very different effect. a behavior occurring again.
C. Schedules of Reinforcement
Skinner’s Contributions
On September 20, 1971, Time A schedule of reinforcement refers to a program or
Why are maga zine recog nized B. F. rule that determines how and when the occurrence of a
consequences Skinner’s influence and accom- response will be followed by a reinforcer.
important? plishments in psychology and Skinner pointed out many examples of how
education by putting him on its schedules of reinforcement both maintained and
cover (right photo). Just a year earlier, the American controlled behaviors. For example, slot machine
Psychologist rated B. F. Skinner second, after Freud, in players don’t realize that they are paid off accord-
influence on 20th-century psychology. ing to a schedule of reinforcement that encourages
Skinner is perhaps best known for his discovery rapid responding.
of operant conditioning, which is a powerful method Skinner was able to study how different sched-
for analyzing the individual behaviors of animals and ules of reinforcement affected behavior because
humans. Part of his method was to study how differ- he developed a clever method to record ongoing,
ent kinds of consequences or reinforcements affected individual behaviors. His method included the use
behavior, and this led to his study of different schedules of the now-famous “Skinner box” and something

Figure/Text Credit: Reinforcement diagram from Psychology: Themes and Variations, by Wayne Weiten, 2nd ed., figure 6.13. Copyright © 1992 by Wadsworth, Inc.
B. F. Skinner (1904–1990)
of reinforcement. called the cumulative record.

Measuring Ongoing Behavior Schedules of Reinforcement

Skinner showed how different schedules of reinforcement affected When I (H. K.) first began training my dog to “shake hands,” I
an animal’s or a human’s ongoing behavior with something called a gave her a treat each time she responded to my command by
cumulative record. shaking my hand. Later on, when she had mostly learned to
A cumulative record is a continuous written record that shows an ani- shake hands, I gave her a treat only some of the time. These situ-
mal’s or a human’s individual responses and ations illustrate two general schedules of reinforcement—con-
reinforcements. tinuous and partial.
A rat in a Skinner box is shown on
Continuous Reinforcement
the left, and a cumulative record is
Giving my dog a treat each time she
shown below. When the rat is not press-
responded to my command by shaking
ing the bar, a pen draws a straight line
my hand illustrates the schedule of
on a long roll of paper that unwinds
continuous reinforcement.
slowly and continuously to the left.
Continuous reinforcement means
When the rat presses the bar, the pen
that every occurrence of the operant
Rat in a Skinner box moves up a notch. When the rat makes Every response
response results in delivery of the reinforcer. is reinforced.
numerous responses, the pen moves
In the real world, relatively few of our
up many notches to draw a line that resembles a
behaviors are on a continuous reinforcement schedule because
stairway going up. If the rat presses the bar slowly, Pen very few things or people are as reliable as my dog. Continuous
the pen notches up
reinforcement is often used in the initial stages of operant con-

Photo Credit: © 1971 Time, Inc./Getty Images. Reprinted by permission.

gradually, resulting Sloped line:
ditioning because it results in rapid learning of some behavior.
in a gentler slope. series of rapid
responses Blip: Partial Reinforcement
After my dog had mostly learned to
Upward notch: shake hands on command, I gave
one response her a treat about every fifth time,
reinforcement which illustrates the schedule of
Flat line: no responses partial reinforcement.
Partial reinforcement refers to a situ- Only some responses
If the rat responds quickly, the pen notches up more quickly, ation in which responding is reinforced are reinforced.
resulting in a steeper slope. A downward blip indicates that the rat only some of the time.
received a food pellet, or reinforcement (only two are shown). The In the real world, many of our behaviors are on a partial
Reproduced by permission.

cumulative record shows you an animal’s ongoing responses and reinforcement schedule, which is very effective in maintaining
reinforcements across time. behavior over the long run. My dog keeps shaking my hand on
We’ll first look at how two general schedules of reinforcement— command because some of the time she gets a treat.
continuous and partial reinforcement—can greatly affect ongoing We’ll discuss the four common schedules of partial rein-
behavior. forcement and show how differently they affect behavior.


Partial Reinforcement Schedules Applying Skinner’s Principles
We’ll discuss four different schedules of After the Gulf War,
Which schedule partial reinforcement, each of which has How smart ships carr ying food
are you on? a different effect on controlling and main- are dolphins? and medicine had to
taining animal and human behaviors. wait outside the ports
until the many underwater mines were
Fixed-Ratio Schedule located. Because the water was dark and
If factory workers are paid after packing six murky, human divers could not easily detect
boxes, they are on a fixed-ratio schedule. the mines, but dolphins had no difficulty,
Fixed-ratio schedule means that a reinforcer since they can “see” by Trainer and dolphin
1 using sound waves or
occurs only after a fixed number of responses
are made by the subject. echolocation to find objects. Dolphins are
A fixed-ratio schedule is often used to trained to detect mines similarly to how dogs
pay assembly-line workers because it results are trained to detect explosives: Their train-
in fast rates of work. ers applied Skinner’s principles of operant
Photo Credits: (Fixed-ratio) © Andy Sacks/SaxPix; (Fixed-interval) © Warren Bolster/Getty Images; (Variable-ratio) © Michael P. Gadomski/Photo Researchers, Inc.;

Fixed-Interval Schedule 1. A dolphin has been trained to wait and

If a surfer gets a big wave to ride (the rein- circle around an inf latable boat. On the
forcer) every 30 seconds (waves come in trainer’s signal (discriminative stimulus), the
regular sets of big and small), he is on a dolphin dives and uses echolocation to find
fixed-interval schedule. the mine in the murky water. Echolocation
Figure/Text Credit: Based on data from the U.S. Department of the Navy and an illustration by Suzy Parker, USA TODAY, March 27, 2003, p. 8D.

Fixed-interval schedule means that a rein- 2 involves emitting sound waves (too high for
forcer occurs following the first response that humans to hear) and analyzing the waves
occurs after a fixed interval of time. that are reflected back from objects. The dol-
A fixed-interval schedule has slow responding at first, but as phin’s echolocation is so sensitive that it can
the time for the reinforcer nears, responses increase. detect a quarter-sized metal disk 100 feet
away, no matter how murky the water is.
Variable-Ratio Schedule
2. After locating the mine, the dolphin
If a slot machine pays off after an average of returns to the surface and is trained to touch
25 pulls, the gambler is on a variable-ratio a rubber disk at the front of the boat. The
schedule. trainer rewards the dolphin with a fish for
Variable-ratio schedule means that a rein- this and many other behaviors.
forcer is delivered after an average number of
correct responses has occurred.
3. The trainer places on the dolphin’s nose
The variable-ratio schedule produces a hollow cone attached to a plastic cylinder
a high rate of responding because the person (gambler) doesn’t that rides on the dolphin’s back. Again, the
know which response will finally produce the payoff. dolphin dives and echolocates the mine, but
(Variable-Interval) © SuperStock; top right, © AP Images/Brien Aho/US Navy

it has been trained not to touch the mine.

Variable-Interval Schedule When close to the mine, the dolphin is
trained to release the nose cone, and the cyl-
If a bus arrives (the reinforcer) at your stop inder break opens and releases an anchor.
an average of 7 minutes late but at variable
intervals, the bus rider is on a variable- 4. The anchor (sound transmitter) falls to
interval schedule. This reinforces your arriv- the bottom while the cylinder rises to the
ing just a few minutes late for your bus. surface to mark the location of the mine.
Variable-interval schedule means that a Human divers use the cylinder to locate and
reinforcer occurs following the first correct then detonate the mine. The dolphin is
response after an average amount of time has always removed from the area before the
passed. mine is detonated. A Navy spokesperson
A variable-interval schedule results says that the dolphins are well cared for and,
in a more regular rate of responding than does a fixed-interval for that reason, live in captivity as long as or
schedule. longer than in the wild (Friend, 2003).
In the real world, many of our behaviors are maintained on Through operant conditioning, dolphins
one or more of these four schedules of partial reinforcement. learned to perform this complex series of
Next, we’ll describe an interesting and unusual application of behaviors. During operant conditioning, a
Skinner’s principles of operant conditioning. number of other things are also happening.
D. Other Conditioning Concepts
During the time that Bart was being teddy bear if he was no longer given apples (reinforcers).
What else did operantly conditioned to pick up and You may remember these phenomena—generalization,
Bart learn? hold a teddy bear to a hand signal, he discrimination, extinction, and spontaneous recovery—
simultaneously learned a number of from our discussion of classical conditioning in Module
other things, such as to also hold a bear cub, not to obey 9 (see p. 199). We’ll explain how the same terms also
commands from a stranger, and to stop picking up the apply to operant conditioning.

Generalization Discrimination Extinction and

In the movie, Bart was supposed to pick Since Bart had been raised and trained by a Spontaneous Recovery
up and hold a bear cub on command. particular adult male, he had learned to
Even after filming ended, Bart contin-
However, in the wild, adult male Kodiak obey and take cues only from his trainer and
ued to perform his trained behaviors
bears don’t pick up and hold cubs; not from other males. This is an example
for a while. However, after a period of
instead, they usually kill them. of discrimination.
time when these behaviors were no lon-
In operant conditioning, discrimination
ger reinforced, they gradually dimin-
means that a response is emitted in the pres-
ished and ceased. This is an example
ence of a stimulus that is reinforced and not in

of extinction.
the presence of unreinforced stimuli.
In operant conditioning, extinction
In classical conditioning, discrimination is
refers to the reduction in an operant
the tendency for some stimuli but not others to
response when it is no longer followed by
elicit a conditioned response.
the reinforcer.
One problem with Bart was that he In classical con-
would repeatedly pick up and hold the ditioning, extinction
Generalization: Bart transfers his teddy bear to receive an apple. To control refers to the reduc-
response from teddy bear to live cub. this problem, the trainer used a cue—rais- tion in a response
ing his arms in the air—to signal that only when the condi-
Although Bart was relatively tame, then would Bart receive an apple for his tioned stimulus is
his trainer took no chances of Bart’s behavior. This is an example of a discrimi- no longer followed
wilder nature coming out and kill- native stimulus. by the unconditioned
ing the bear cub. For this reason, the A discriminative stimulus is a cue that a
stimulus. Extinction: Bart
trainer started by conducting the initial behavior will be reinforced. stops behaviors if
After under- reinforcers stop.
conditioning with a stuffed teddy bear.
going extinction, Spontaneous
Only after Bart had learned to pick up recovery: After

Photo Credits: top and bottom center, © George Frey; left, © Stephen Kraseman/DRK Photo
Bart may show
and hold the teddy bear on cue did the extinction, Bart’s
spontaneous behavior returns.
trainer substitute a live bear cub. As the
trainer had predicted, Bart transferred
In operant conditioning, spontaneous
his holding the teddy bear to holding
recovery refers to a temporary recovery in
the live bear cub, a phenomenon called
generalization. the rate of responding.
In operant conditioning, generalization In classical conditioning, spontaneous
means that an animal or person emits the recovery refers to the temporary occur-
same response to similar stimuli. rence of the conditioned response in the
Discrimination: Bart obeys signals from presence of the conditioned stimulus.
In classical conditioning, generalization his trainer but not from a stranger.
is the tendency for a stimulus similar to the Remember that all four phenom-
original conditioned stimulus to elicit a If you pay close attention to an animal ena—generalization, discrimination,
r e s p o n s e s imila r t o t h e c o n di t i o n e d trainer, you’ll notice that discriminative extinction, and spontaneous recov-
response. stimuli, such as a hand signal or whistle, ery—occur in both operant and classi-
A common and sometimes embar- are used to signal the animal that the next cal conditioning.
rassing example of generalization occurs behavior will be reinforced. One distinctive characteristic of
when a young child generalizes the word Young children learn to discriminate operant conditioning is that it usu-
“Daddy” to other males who appear sim- between stimuli when their parents rein- ally has an observable response and
ilar to the child’s real father. As quickly force their saying “Daddy” in the presence an observable reinforcer. Next, we
as possible, embarrassed parents teach of their real fathers but do not reinforce turn to cognitive learning, which may
their child to discriminate between the their children when they call strangers have neither observable response nor
real father and other adult males. “Daddy.” observable reinforcer.


E. Cognitive Learning
Three Viewpoints of Cognitive Learning
At the beginning of this module, we external rewards or require a person to perform any observable
How did Tony told you about Tony Hawk, who as a behaviors.
Hawk learn? child loved to watch skateboarders at The roots of cognitive learning extend back to the work of
the park. He began to practice skate- Wilhelm Wundt in the late 1800s (p. 12) and Edward Tolman
boarding every chance he had so that he could imitate what in the 1930s. It died in the 1950s, was reborn in the 1960s,
he saw. Tony learned how to skateboard not from classi- and became popular in the 1990s. Currently, cognitive
cal or operant conditioning but from another kind of learning is extremely useful in explaining both animal and
learning process called cognitive learning. human behavior and was vital to the development of a
Cognitive learning, which involves mental processes such new area called cognitive neuroscience (p. 71) (Bandura,
as attention and memory, says that learning can occur through He learned 2001a). We’ll begin by discussing what three famous
by observing.
observation or imitation and such learning may not involve any psychologists had to say about cognitive learning.

Against: B. F. Skinner In Favor: Edward Tolman In Favor: Albert Bandura

Eight days before his In the 1930s, about the Bandura began as a
death, B. F. Skinner was same time that Skinner behaviorist in the Skin-
honored by the Ameri- was emphasizing nerian tradition, which
can Psychological Asso- observable behaviors, me a ns foc u si ng on
ciation (APA) with the Tolman was exploring observable behaviors
first APA Citation for hidden menta l pro- and avoiding study of
Outstanding Lifetime cesses. For example, he mental events. Since
Contribution to Psychology. In his accep- would place rats individually in a maze, then he has almost entirely shifted to a
tance speech to over 1,000 friends and such as the one shown below, and allow cognitive approach. In many of his stud-
colleagues, Skinner spoke of how psychol- each rat time to explore the maze with no ies, Bandura (1986) has focused on how
Figure/Text Credit: (left) Skinner box illustration from Introduction to Psychology, by E. Bruce Goldstein, 1995. Brooks/Cole.

ogy was splitting between those who were food present. Then, with food present in humans learn through
studying feelings and cognitive processes the maze’s food box, he would test the rat observing things. For
and those who were studying observable to see which path it took. The rat learned example, Bandura says
behaviors, such as very quickly to take the shortest path. that a child can learn to
a ni ma ls u nder Next, Tolman blocked the shortest path hate spiders simply by
controlled condi- to the food box. The first time the rat observing the behav-
t ions (f ig ure at encountered the blocked shortest path, it iors of someone who
right). In a sharp selected the next shortest path to the shows a great fear of spiders. This is an
criticism of cogni- food box. According to Tolman (1948), example of social cognitive learning.
tive learning, Skin- the rat selected the next shortest path Social cognitive learning results from
ner said, “As far as because it had developed a cognitive map watching, imitating, and modeling and does not
I’m concerned, cognitive science is the of the maze. require the observer to perform any observable
Photo Credits: (rat) © PhotoDisc, Inc.; top, © Evan Agostini/Getty Images

creationism [downfall] of psychology” A cognitive map is a Food behavior or receive any observable reward.
(Vargas, 1991, p. 1). mental representation in Just as Tolman found that learning
Skinner’s severe criticism of studying the brain of the layout occurred while rats were exploring, Ban-
cognitive processes caused many in the of an environment and dura found that humans learned while
audience to gasp and only a few to applaud its features. observing and that much (most) of human
(Vargas, 1991). Tolman showed learning takes place through observation.
In the 1950s and 1960s, Skinner had that rats, in addition Observational learning, which involves
advocated that psychology’s goal should to forming a cognitive map, learned the numerous cognitive processes, is a 180-
be to study primarily observable behav- layout of a maze without being reinforced, degree change from Skinner’s position,
iors rather than cognitive processes. a position very different from Skinner’s. which had emphasized observable, non-
However, psychologists gradually dis- Tolman’s position is making a comeback cognitive behaviors.
covered that cognitive processes played a as psychologists currently study a variety Following the death of Skinner in 1990,
major role in human and animal activi- of cognitive processes in animals (Redish, the study of cognitive processes has bal-
ties and that such activities could not be 2007). Tolman’s study of cognitive pro- looned in popularity and usefulness. We’ll
understood or explained from observ- cesses in animals laid the groundwork introduce you to cognitive learning by
able behaviors alone. Today, the study for the study of cognitive processes in describing one of Bandura’s best-known
of cognitive processes is a major goal of humans, which is best shown by the cur- studies, which involved a doll and a consid-
psychology (Bandura, 2001a). rent theory of Albert Bandura (2001a). erable amount of kicking and screaming.
E. Cognitive Learning
Observational Learning
Perhaps a dozen experiments in psychology have become classics because they were the first to demonstrate some
Do children very important principles. One such classic experiment demonstrated the conditioning of emotional responses in
learn by “Little Albert” (p. 204). Another classic is Albert Bandura (1965) and his colleagues’ demonstration that children
watching? learned aggressive behaviors by watching an adult’s aggressive behaviors. Learning through watching is called
observational learning, which is a form of cognitive learning.
Bobo Doll Experiment Learning Versus Performance
One reason this Bobo doll study is Is it possible that people learn by observing but not
Why did a classic experiment is it challenged Do you necessarily perform what they have learned? To
children kick the idea that learning occurred learn but not answer this question, Bandura and colleagues asked
the Bobo doll? through classical or operant con- show it? children to watch a movie in which someone hit and
ditioning. Children learned to kicked a Bobo doll. However, after hitting and kicking
perform aggressive responses simply from watching. the doll, the person in the film was punished by being criticized and
Procedure. In one part of the room, preschool children spanked. Next, each child was left alone in a room filled with toys, including
were involved in their own art projects. In another part a Bobo doll.
of the room, an adult got up and, for the next 10 minutes, As the experimenters watched each child through a one-way mirror, they
kicked, hit, and yelled (“Hit him! Kick him!”) at a large, found that more boys than girls imitated the model and performed aggres-
inflated Bobo doll. Some children watched the model’s sive behaviors on Bobo. But not all the children imitated the model’s aggressive
aggressive behaviors, while other children did not. behaviors. Next, each child who had not imitated the model’s aggressive behav-
Each child was later iors on Bobo was offered a reward (a sticker or some fruit juice) to imitate the
subjected to a frustrat- model’s behavior. With the promise of a reward, all of the children imitated the
ing situation and then model’s aggressive behaviors. We’ll examine in more detail the girls’ imitated
placed in a room with aggressive behaviors, which were similar to the boys’ but more dramatic.
toys, including the Bobo As the graph below shows, girls imitated an average of 0.5 aggressive
doll. Without the child’s behaviors after watch-
Average Number of Aggressive Responses
k nowledge, research- ing a film of a model
ers observed the child’s who performed aggres- 0.5 Watched punished model
behaviors. sive behaviors on Bobo
Rewarded for imitating 3.0
Results. Children who and then was punished
had observed the model’s for being aggressive.
aggressive attacks on the In other words, after observing a model being punished for
After watching, children
imitated adults kicking doll. Bobo doll also kicked, hit, aggressive behaviors, girls imitated almost none of the mod-
and yelled (“Hit him! Kick el’s aggressive behaviors. However, when the same girls were
him!”) at the doll. Through observational learning alone, promised a reward for imitating the model’s aggressive
these children learned the model’s aggressive behaviors behaviors, these girls imitated an average of 3.0 aggressive
and were now performing them. In comparison, children behaviors (Bandura, 1965).
who hadn’t observed the model’s behaviors didn’t hit or So what does this experiment show? It shows that the girls
kick the Bobo doll after they had been mildly frustrated. had actually learned the model’s aggressive behaviors through observation
Conclusion. Bandura’s point is that children learned but that some did not perform these behaviors until they were rewarded for
to perform specific aggressive behaviors not by practic- doing so (Bandura, 1965). This is an example of the learning–performance
ing or being reinforced but simply by watching a live distinction.
model perform behaviors. Observational learning is The learning–performance distinction means learning may occur but may not
called modeling because it involves watching a model always be measured by, or immediately evident in, performance.
and imitating the behavior. The learning–performance distinction may
Photo Credit: (bobo doll) © Craig McClain

It turns out that observational learning may have a be demonstrated by young children, often to the
biological foundation. Recent research on mirror neu- embarrassment of their parents. For instance, a
rons (see p. 6) shows that they become activated when we young child may overhear a “dirty” word but not
observe others perform behaviors, which suggests we are repeat the word until out in public. Repeating a
biologically programmed to learn through observation “dirty” word shows that the child had learned
(Iacoboni, 2008a; Lepage & Théoret, 2007). the word through observation but waited until
Another finding of the Bobo doll study is that a Child imitates adult’s speech. later to imitate the parent and actually say
child may learn by observing but then not perform (perform) the “dirty” word.
the behavior. This is called the learning–performance Based on the Bobo doll study and others, Bandura developed a theory of
distinction. cognitive learning that we’ll examine next.
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
The idea that humans gather informa- Unlike operant and classical conditioning, this theory says
Would you tion about their environments and the that it is not necessary to perform any observable behav-
hold this behaviors of others through observation iors or receive any external rewards to learn.
spider? is a key part of Bandura’s (2001a) social Bandura believes that four processes—attention,
cognitive theory of learning. memory, imitation, and motivation—operate dur-
Social cognitive theory emphasizes the importance of obser- ing social cognitive learning. We’ll explain how
vation, imitation, and self-reward in the development and learning these processes operate in decreasing fear of spiders
of social skills, personal interactions, and many other behaviors. and snakes.

Social Cognitive Learning: Four Processes

1 Attention After observing the fearless model, the

4 Motivation
The observer must pay attention to woman may learn not to fear spiders.
The obser ver must have
what the model says or does. In the some reason or incentive to
Figure/Text Credit: Bar graph data from “Relative Efficacy of Densensitization and Modeling Approaches for Inducing Behavior, Affective and Attitudinal Changes,” by

photo at right, a nonfrightened per- imitate the model’s behav-

son (model) holds a huge spider ior. The obser ver in the
while a woman (observer) looks on photo is motivated to over-
in fear. come her fear of spiders
Photo Credits: center left, © Minden Pictures/Masterfile; center right, © Marili Forastieri/Getty Images; bottom left, © Jon Lowenstein/Aurora Photos

2 Memory because she wants to go on

camping trips.
The observer must store or remem-
ber the information so that it can be
If this observer can suc-
retrieved and used later. The observer
cessfully imitate the model’s
in the photo will store the image of seeing
calm behavior, then she will overcome her fear of spiders and
a nonfrightened person (model) holding a spider.
be able to go camping with her friends. This example shows how
3 Imitation Bandura’s four mental processes operate during social cognitive
The observer must be able to use the remembered information to learning.
guide his or her own actions and thus imitate the model’s behavior. The next study by Bandura shows how social cognitive learn-
The observer in the photo will later try to imitate the model’s calm ing, which usually takes some time and effort, decreased fear
behavior when holding a spider. of snakes.
A. Bandura, E. B. Blanchard & B. Ritter, 1969, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 13, 173–179.

Social Cognitive Learning Applied to Fear of Snakes

Background. Although most people are wary of snakes, some subjects, who also reported an intense fear of snakes, received no
develop an intense fear of them. Bandura and colleagues recruited treatment (control group).
subjects who had developed such an intense fear of snakes that they Results and conclusion. As the graph below shows, subjects
avoided many normal outdoor activities, such as hiking or garden- who watched a live model handle a snake and who imitated some
ing (Bandura et al., 1969). The subjects’ fear of snakes was objec- of the model’s behaviors scored an average of 27 on the 29-step
tively measured by noting how many of 29 steps of increasingly approach scale.
frightening actions they would perform. For example, step 1 was
approaching a glass cage containing a snake; step 29 was putting Average Number of Approach Responses
the snake in their laps and letting it crawl around while holding 10 Control group
their hands at their sides.
Treatment. One group of subjects watched as a model handled Watched live model 27
a live, 4-foot, harmless king snake.
After watching for 15 minutes, In contrast, control subjects scored an average of only 10
subjects were invited to gradu- approach behaviors on the 29-step scale. This study clearly showed
ally move closer to the snake. that behavior can be greatly changed through social cognitive
Then the model demonstrated learning, which emphasizes observation and imitation.
touching the snake and asked Bandura believes that humans acquire a great amount of infor-
the subjects to imitate her mation about fears, social roles, discrimination, and personal
actions. As the model held the interactions through social cognitive learning. We’ll discuss other
snake, subjects were encour- aspects of cognitive learning and memory in Modules 11 and 12.
Social cognitive learning helped this aged to touch the snake with a Next, we’ll describe another kind of cognitive learning that
woman overcome her fear of snakes.
gloved hand. Another group of involves what is often described as the “ah-ha!” feeling.


E. Cognitive Learning
Insight Learning
Earlier we told you that Thorndike stud- learned to obtain bananas that were out of reach. Köhler
What’s ied how cats learned to escape from a challenged Thorndike’s conclusion that animals learned
the “ah-ha!” puzzle box to get a piece of fish. Thorndike only through trial and error. Köhler suggested instead
feeling? concluded that learning occurred through that cats and other animals that were observed under the
a process of trial and error as cats gradu- proper circumstances could solve a problem in a sudden
ally formed associations between moving the latch and opening flash, known as insight or “ah-ha!” (G. Cook, 2002).
the door. None of the cats showed any evidence of suddenly dis- Insight is a mental process marked by the sudden and unex-
covering the solution of how to escape the box. pected solution to a problem: a phenomenon often called the
About the same time that Thorndike in America was studying “ah-ha!” experience.
the trial-and-error learning of cats escaping from a puzzle box, Flash of Here’s an example of Köhler’s chimp, Sultan, who showed
Wolfgang Köhler in Germany was studying how chimpanzees insight in getting a banana that was hanging out of reach.

Insight in Animals Insight in Humans

This classic experiment in psychology Just as Sultan the chimp seemed to suddenly
How did suggested a new kind of learning. Can you arrive at a solution to a problem, humans also
the chimp get What Köhler (1925) did was to hang solve this report the experience of suddenly and unexpect-
the banana? a banana from the ceiling in a room that puzzle? edly solving a challenging or difficult problem.
had a box placed off to one side. The We call this phenomenon the “ah-ha!” experience
banana was too high for Sultan the chimp to grab by reaching or a flash of insight (G. Cook, 2002). You may have an “ah-ha!” expe-
or jumping. When Sultan first entered the room, he paced rest- rience if you can figure out what critical piece of information is
lessly for about 5 minutes. Then he got the box, moved it toward needed to make the following story make sense.
the banana, climbed onto the box, jumped up, A man walks into a bar and
and seized the banana. On his second try, Sul- asks for a glass of water. The
tan quickly moved the box directly beneath bartender points a gun at the man. The
the banana and jumped up to get it. man says “Thank you” and walks out.
What intrigued Köhler about Sultan’s Obviously, something critical happened
problem-solving behavior was that it seemed between two events: “. . . asks for a glass of water” and
to differ greatly from the random trial-and- “The bartender points a gun at the man.” Some subjects If you solved
error behavior of Thorndike’s cats. Before solved this problem relatively quickly, while others this puzzle,
you had an
Sultan arrived at a solution, he might pace couldn’t solve this problem in the 2-hour time limit. insight!
about, sit quietly, or vainly grasp at the out-of- Neither one of us could solve the problem until we
reach banana. Then, all of a sudden, he seemed read the hint: The man has hiccups. Think about cures for hiccups
to hit on the solution and immediately executed a and you may have an “ah-ha!” experience (answer at bottom of page).
complicated set of behaviors, such as standing on There was a difference between nonsolvers and solvers in the cognitive
a box, to get the banana. Köhler believed that strategy they used. The nonsolvers focused on the obvious elements,
Sultan’s sudden solution to a problem was such as man, bartender, gun, and glass of water, and not on new con-

Photo Credits: (gun) © PhotoDisc, Inc.; (water glass) © PhotoDisc, Inc.

an example of insight, a mental process cepts (hiccups, cure) that lead to a solution. In comparison, the solv-
quite different from what Thorndike had ers spent more time on bringing in new information, and when they
observed in the random trial-and-error finally found the missing piece of information (cure for hiccups), the
learning of cats. solution arrived suddenly, like the “ah-ha!” experience Köhler defined
Chimp stood on a However, critics of Köhler’s insight stud- as insight (Durso et al., 1994).
box and jumped ies pointed out that he did not explain how Researchers are examining the association between brain activ-
up to reach the
chimps solved problems; rather, he simply ity and “ah-ha!” experiences and have found that a unique pattern
described the process. Köhler replied that of electrical activity occurs immediately before insightful moments
his studies on insight were more a way to study problem solv- (B. Bower, 2008a).
ing than an explanation of what was happening in the chimp’s We have discussed three examples of cognitive learning: Tolman’s
head. The significance of Köhler’s work was that it represented idea of cognitive maps, Bandura’s theory of social cognitive learning,
a method for studying learning that was different from either and Köhler’s study of insightful problem solving. After the Concept
classical conditioning or random trial-and-error learning Review, we’ll explain why biological factors make some things easier
(Pierce, 1999). Since the early 1990s, there has been a renewed and some things harder to learn.
interest in studying the workings of the animal mind, which is frightened, and so his hiccups stop. The man says “Thank you” and walks out.
currently called animal cognition (Pearce, 2008; Wynne, 2001). thought a surprise or fright might do the trick. He points a gun at the man, who is
Let’s look at an example of insight learning in humans. Answer: The man drank the water, but it didn’t cure his hiccups. The bartender


Concept Review
1. The kind of learning in which the conse- (b) . A decrease in emitting a behavior because it
quences that follow some behavior increase or is no longer reinforced is called (c) . If an organ-
decrease the likelihood that the behavior will ism performs a behavior without its being reinforced, it is called
occur in the future is called . (d) .
2. In operant conditioning, the organism 9. A kind of learning that involves mental processes, that may
voluntarily performs or (a) be learned through observation and imitation, and that may not
a behavior. Immediately following an emitted behavior, the occur- require any external rewards or the performance of any observable
rence of a (b) increases the likelihood that the behaviors is referred to as .
behavior will occur again.
10. Tolman studied the behavior of rats that were allowed to
3. Because an organism may not immediately explore a maze without any reward given.
emit the desired behavior, a procedure is used to When food was present, rats quickly learned
reinforce behaviors that lead to or approximate to select the next shortest path if a previously
the final target behavior. This procedure is taken path was blocked. Tolman said that rats
called . had developed a mental representation of the
4. In operant conditioning, the term consequences Start layout, which he called a .
refers to either (a) , which 11. Although an organism may learn a behavior
increases the likelihood that a behavior will occur through observation or exploration, the organism
Photo Credits: (#6) © Simon Belcher/Alamy; (#8) © Stephen Kraseman/DRK Photo; (#11) © Craig McClain; (#12) © Jon Lowenstein/Aurora Photos

again, or (b) , which decreases may not immediately demonstrate or perform

the likelihood that a behavior will occur again. the newly learned behavior. This phenome-
5. If the occurrence of some response is increased non is known as the
because it is followed by a pleasant stimulus, the distinction.
stimulus is called a (a) . An 12. According to Bandura, one form of
Figure/Text Credit: (top, #1) Skinner box illustration from Introduction to Psychology, by E. Bruce Goldstein, 1995. Brooks/Cole.

increase in the occurrence of some response learning that develops through watching
because it is followed either by the removal of an and imitation and that does not require
unpleasant stimulus or by avoiding the stimulus is the observer to perform any observable
called (b) . behavior or receive a reinforcer is called
6. A stimulus, such as food, water, or sex, that (a) learning. Bandura
is innately satisfying and requires no learning believes that humans gather much infor-
to become pleasurable is a (a) . mation from their (b) through social cognitive
A stimulus, such as grades or praise, that has learning.
acquired its reinforcing power through experience and learning 13. Bandura’s theory of social cognitive learning
is a (b) . involves four mental processes. The observer
7. The various ways that reinforcers occur after a behavior has must pay (a) to what the
been emitted are referred to as (a) of reinforce- model says or does. The observer must then code
ment. For example, if each and every target behavior is reinforced, the information and be able to retrieve it from
it is called a (b) schedule of (b) for use at a later time. The
reinforcement. If behaviors are not rein- observer must be able to use the coded informa-
forced each time they occur, it is called tion to guide his or her (c) in performing and
a (c) schedule of imitating the model’s behavior. Finally, the observer must be
reinforcement. (d) to perform the behavior, which involves
some reason, reinforcement, or incentive.
8. When an organism emits the same response to similar stimuli,
it is called (a) . 14. In Köhler’s study of problem solving in chimps, he identified a
When a response is emitted in the mental process marked by the sudden occurrence of
presence of a stimulus that is rein- a solution, which he termed (a) .
forced and not in the presence of This phenomenon is another example of
unreinforced stimuli, it is called (b) learning.

Answers: 1. operant conditioning; 2. (a) emits, (b) reinforcement or reinforcer; 3. shaping; 4. (a) reinforcement, (b) punishment; 5. (a) positive
reinforcer, (b) negative reinforcement; 6. (a) primary reinforcer, (b) secondary inforcer; 7. (a) schedules, (b) continuous, (c) partial; 8. (a) general-
ization, (b) discrimination, (c) extinction, (d) spontaneous recovery; 9. cognitive learning; 10. cognitive map; 11. learning–performance;
12. (a) social cognitive, (b) environments; 13. (a) attention, (b) memory, (c) motor control, (d) motivated; 14. (a) insight, (b) cognitive


F. Biological Factors
You may remember having difficulty some behaviors, such as play, are easily and effortlessly
Why would a learning to read, write, ride a bike, learned partly because of innate biological factors.
monkey make drive a car, put on makeup, or Biological factors refer to innate tendencies or predispositions
a snowball? shave. But do you remember that may either facilitate or inhibit certain kinds of learning.
having problems learning to Researchers suggest that animals and humans may
play? For a young child, playing just seems to come have evolved biological predispositions to learn play
naturally. Just as children engage in play behavior behaviors because they have adaptive functions—for
with little or no encouragement, reward, or learning, example, developing social relationships among peers and
so too do monkeys. For example, young monkeys learn learning behaviors useful for adult roles (Bekoff, 2001; Dug-
to roll snowballs and carry them around for apparently atkin & Bekoff, 2003). This means that animals and humans
no other reason than for play (right photo). In fact, most have innate biological factors or predispositions that make
young mammals engage in various play behaviors, which certain kinds of learning, such as play behavior, very easy
are not easily explained by the three traditional learn- and effortless.
ing procedures—classical conditioning, operant condi- Animals have innate Besides play behavior, we’ll discuss two other exam-
tioning, and cognitive learning (S. Brownlee, 1997). tendencies, such as ples of learning—imprinting and preparedness—that are
playing with objects.
Observations of animals and humans indicate that learned early and easily because of biological factors.

Soon after they hatch and without Sensitive period. Unlike classical conditioning, operant condition-
Why do young any apparent learning, baby chicks ing, and cognitive learning, which occur throughout an animal’s life,
chicks follow follow their mother hen. This fol- imprinting occurs best during the first few hours after hatching. This
their mother? lowing behavior was not explained brief time period is called the critical, or sensitive, period.
by any of the principles of learning The critical, or sensitive, period refers to a relatively brief time during which
identified by Pavlov (classical conditioning), Thorndike learning is most likely to occur.

Photo Credits: top, © Mitsuaki Iwago/Minden Pictures; left, © PhotoDisc, Inc.; right, © Zoological Society of San Diego
(trial-and-error learning), or Skinner (operant condition- Normally, the first object that newly hatched ducks see is their parent,
ing). The baby chick’s seemingly unlearned behavior of fol- upon whom they imprint. Thus, imprinting is a way for newly hatched
lowing its mother was a different kind of learning that was animals to establish social attachments to members of their species.
first identified by ethologists. Although newly hatched birds will imprint on almost any moving
Ethologists are behavioral biologists who observe and study object that they first see, including a human, a colored ball, or a glove,
animal behavior in the animal’s natural environment or under rela- they imprint more strongly on moving objects that look or sound like
tively naturalistic conditions. their parent. Only birds that can walk immediately after hatching show
For example, an Austrian ethologist, Konrad imprinting, which promotes their survival (Bateson, 1991).
Lorenz (1952), studied chicks, goslings, and Irreversible. Unlike classical conditioning, operant conditioning,
ducks, which can all move around and cognitive learning, whose effects are usually reversible, imprinting
minutes after hatching. is essentially irreversible. Most likely, imprinting evolved to be irrevers-
He discovered that ible so that a young duck would not imprint on its mother one week and
these baby ani- then imprint on a sly fox the next week.
mals followed In a program to prevent the California con-
the first mov- dor from becoming extinct, condor chicks are
ing object they Baby ducks automatically follow hatched at the San Diego Zoo and raised by
saw, which was first moving object. humans. Because imprinting occurs very early
usually their mother. and is irreversible, special precautions are taken
This following behavior is an example of imprinting. so that the condor will not imprint on humans.
Imprinting refers to inherited tendencies or responses that are For example, the young condor chick
displayed by newborn animals when they encounter certain stimuli shown on the right is being fed by a puppet
in their environment. that resembles an adult condor’s head rather
Imprinting is an unlearned behavior that is based on bio- than a human’s hand. The “puppet mother”
logical factors and that has great survival value: It increases helps the young condor imprint on real condor “Puppet mother”
the chances that newly hatched birds will remain with and characteristics. When this condor grows up and feeds baby condor.
follow their parent instead of wandering off into the waiting is introduced into the wild, it will establish social
jaws of predators. Besides being unlearned, Lorenz noted relationships with, and attempt to mate with, its own species.
two other major differences between imprinting and other Another example of how biological factors increase the ease and
kinds of learning. speed of learning is evident in something called prepared learning.


Prepared Learning
You easily learned to talk but probably had trouble learning to read because of how your brain is orga-
Why was learning nized, which illustrates the importance of biological factors. We’ll discuss how biological factors help
to talk so easy? humans learn to speak different languages and birds learn to remember thousands of places where they
hid food.

Incredible Memory Incredible Sounds

There are small birds, called In the late 1940s, two psychologists raised a chimp in
How do birds Clark’s nutcrackers, that live How do infants their home, along with their own child, because they
remember? in an area where almost no make “word” wanted to know if this “speak-
food is available in the win- sounds? ing” environment would help a
ter. During autumn, nutcrackers hide stores of food chimp learn to speak. However,
in underground places in perhaps as many as 2,500 after 6 years of trying, the chimp had learned to say a
to 6,000 different locations. grand total of three words: “mama,” “papa,” and “cup”
During winter, nutcrackers (Hayes & Hayes, 1951). At that time, these two psycholo-
survive by finding and digging gists did not know that the chimp’s vocal apparatus and
up their hidden stores of food. brain were not biologically prepared to produce sounds
How do nutcrackers locate their and words necessary for human speech (see the discussion
thousands of hidden stores? One of animal language on pp. 322–323). Chimp does
not have vocal
explanation is preparedness, The reason humans but not chimps or other animals structures to speak.
which we discussed earlier learn to speak so easily is that humans’ vocal apparatus and
Remembers thousands
of hidden food places (see p. 200). brains are biologically prepared, or innately wired, for speaking (Pinker, 1994).
Preparedness, or pre- For example, the brain of a newborn infant is
pared learning, refers to the innate or biological tendency biologically prepared to recognize the difference
of animals to recognize, attend to, and store certain cues between human speech sounds. Researchers dis-
over others, as well as to associate some combinations covered this ability by playing speech sounds
of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli more easily to infants whose rate of sucking on a nipple was
than others. being recorded. After newborns heard the sound
Under seminatural conditions, researchers “ba” over and over, their rate of sucking slowed,
observed the amazing ability of nutcrackers to indicating that they were paying little attention
hide and find hundreds of hidden stores of food. Infant’s brain to the sound. But, as soon as researchers played
is prewired for
Researchers found that nutcrackers use natural speaking.
the sound “pa,” the infants’ rate of sucking increased,
landmarks (trees, stones, bushes) to form cogni- indicating that they had noticed the relatively small change
tive maps that help them remember the locations between the sounds “ba” and “pa.” This study showed that infants’ brains are
of their hidden stores (B. M. Gibson & Kamil, 2001; prewired or biologically prepared (below figure) to recognize and discriminate
Photo Credits: left, © David Osborn/Alamy; right, © Kennan Ward Photography/Corbis

Kamil & Cheng, 2001). among sounds that are essential for learning speech (Buonomano & Merzenich,
One reason nutcrackers have such phenomenal 1995). In fact, infants all around the world make similar babbling sounds, which
memories is that the areas of their brains involved indicates the influence and importance of
in memory are larger than the same areas in birds biological factors in learning to speak. Broca’s area
that do not store food. Specifically, the hippocam- Conclusion. The learning princi- is prewired to
combine sounds
pus, which is involved in transferring short-term ples of Pavlov, Thorndike, and Skin- into words.
memories into long-term memories, is larger in ner do not, by themselves, explain Wernicke’s area is
nutcrackers than in nonstoring birds (S. D. Healy how rats form cognitive maps, how prewired to combine
words into sentences.
et al., 2005). Thus, the nutcracker is biologically infants easily produce and discrim-
prepared for surviving win- inate among human speech sounds,
ters by having a larger how nutcrackers remember thousands
hippoca mpus (r ig ht of hiding places for stored food, why mon- Two brain areas are
figure), which helps it keys spend time making and rolling snowballs, prewired for speaking.
better remember the Hippocampus and why newborn chicks follow the first moving object.
locations of thousands All these examples indicate how innate biological factors, such as differences
of food stores. in size or organization of brain structures, play a major role in preparing and
Just as some birds are biologically prepared to helping animals and humans learn certain kinds of behaviors that are useful for
remember the locations of critical hidden stores, maintenance and survival.
humans are biologically prepared to make sounds Next, we’ll return to operant conditioning and discuss how its learning prin-
and speak at least one of 6,800 different languages. ciples helped parents manage childhood problems.

F. B I O L O G I C A L F A C T O R S 229
G. Research Focus: Viewing Aggression
Relational and Physical Aggression in the Media
Earlier in this module, we discussed aggression, such as verbal bullying,
Can watching observational learning, which is when an ostracizing peers, and spreading
meanness make individual learns specific behaviors sim- rumors, is also frequently portrayed.
you aggressive? ply by watching someone engage in the Is it possible that viewing relational
behaviors. For instance, in the Bobo doll aggression, such as meanness, can
study, we saw how children can learn to perform specific aggressive increase people’s relational aggres-
behaviors simply by watching a live model perform these behaviors. sion behaviors or even their physical
Researchers have long been interested in whether watching aggression behaviors? Researchers
aggression or violence in the media (television, movies) makes recently explored this very question
people more aggressive. Numerous studies have found that watch- (S. M. Coyne et al., 2008).
ing physical aggression in the media does in fact increase physical
aggression in viewers. However, physical aggression is not the only Observing physical aggression in the media increases
physically aggressive behaviors in viewers.
type of violence portrayed in the media. For example, relational

Study: Effects of Viewing Physical and Relational Aggression in the Media

Participants. They were 53 female univer- Results. Participants who viewed the movie clips featuring physical and relational
sity students with an average age of 23. aggression reacted in aggressive ways. When instructed to administer a loud, sharp noise

Photo Credits: top, © Edouard Berne/Getty Images; bottom left, © Radius Images/Photolibrary; bottom right, © SW Productions/Getty Images
Procedure. The women were randomly to their opponent, these women administered a louder noise than women who watched a
assigned to one of three groups, each to clip with no aggression (example of physical aggression). On an important questionnaire
watch a different video. One video featured to be used supposedly to help decide whether the rude researcher should be hired, these
physical aggression (a knife fight from Kill women rated the rude researcher lower than the women who did not watch aggression
Bill), another featured relational aggression (example of relational aggression) (S. M. Coyne et al., 2008; Toppo, 2008).
(a collection of scenes from Mean Girls), and
a third featured no aggression (a scene from Physical Aggression Relational Aggression
What Lies Beneath showing people engaging
in a ritual to communicate with spirits).
After watching the videos, all par-
ticipants completed a questionnaire about
their past aggressive behaviors. As the
women left the room to go home, another
researcher asked if they would participate
in a second study (it’s actually part of the
original study). The women were told this
second study would examine their reac-
tion times in completing puzzle tasks. Once
participants said yes and began working
on the puzzles, the researcher intentionally
behaved in a very rude manner by telling
them to hurry, pacing with a stopwatch, and
sighing loudly. When the participants later Participants who viewed either physical or relational aggression were more likely to subsequently
engage in physical and relational aggression than participants who didn’t view any aggression.
expressed low confidence about their per-
formance, the researcher blamed them for
ruining her study. She was doing a great job Conclusion. Viewing either physical or relational aggression in the media leads to an
of acting rude! increased likelihood of people subsequently exhibiting physical and relational aggression.
Participants were then asked to engage Also, watching one form of aggression can influence the occurrence of other forms of
in a competitive reaction time test (push- aggression. For example, observing relational aggression can make it more likely for
ing buttons really fast) and to choose from someone to subsequently engage in physical aggression. Parents, teachers, media watch-
ten noise levels to be administered to their dogs, and politicians should focus not only on the effects of viewing physical aggression
opponent each time they lose the button- in the media but also on the effects of viewing relational aggression.
pushing contest. At the very end, partici- Learning to behave in aggressive ways by watching aggression in the media is one
pants completed evaluation forms for the example of how learning principles can be applied to human behavior. Another example
rude experimenter. involves learning how to play the violin.


H. Cultural Diversity: East Meets West
In the 1940s, a violin very similar to Bandura’s four mental
What’s player and teacher processes for social cognitive learn-
the Suzuki from Japan, Shinichi ing. What’s different is that Suzuki
method? Suzuki, developed a developed his learning principles after
remarkably success- years of actually teaching young chil-
ful method for teaching violin playing to dren to play the violin, while Bandura
very young children (Suzuki, 1998). His developed his four mental processes
method, called the Suzuki method, was of observational learning after years
brought to the United States in the mid- of research with young children. We’ll
1960s and has generated incredible enthu- discuss how even though Suzuki the
siasm among children, parents, and music teacher and Bandura the researcher
teachers ever since (Gokturk, 2008). lived in very different cultures thou-
It’s interesting to learn that the basic Suzuki’s method of teaching young children to play sands of miles apart, their experiences
principles of the Suzuki method for teach- musical instruments has many similarities with Bandura’s led them to very similar conclusions
principles of social cognitive learning.
ing young children to play the violin are about how children learn.

Different Cultures but Similar Learning Principles

1 Attention 3 Imitation
Bandura states that the observer must Bandura says the observer must be able to use the information to guide his or
pay attention to what the model her own actions and thus imitate the model’s behavior.
says and does. Similarly, Suzuki suggests that children start at about 3 or 4 years old, the
Similarly, Suzuki advises earliest age when they can physically perform the required movements and
parents to teach violin informa- imitate their parents and teachers. Girls can start earlier than boys because
tion only when the child is actually girls physically mature earlier. For other instruments, the starting times are
looking at and watching the parent. Par- different—piano, 4–5 years; cello, 5 years; flute, 9 years—
ents are told to stop teaching and wait if the child rolls because these instruments require more physical dexter-
on the floor, jumps up and down, walks backward, or ity. As you have probably guessed, 3- and 4-year-olds
talks about unrelated things. start with miniature violins and move up to bigger
The recommended age for starting a child with the ones as they develop.
Suzuki method is 3 for girls and 4 for boys. Parents are
cautioned, however, that the attention span of the 3- to
4 Motivation
Bandura says that the observer must have some
4-year-old child is extremely limited, usually from 30
reason, reinforcement, or incentive to perform the
seconds to at most several minutes at a time.
model’s behaviors.
2 Memory Similarly, Suzuki emphasizes that the most important
role of the parent is to constantly reward and reinforce the
Bandura says that the observer must code the informa-
child for observing and “doing what Mommy or Daddy is
tion in such a way that it can be retrieved and used later.
doing.” Suzuki recommends several ways to keep moti-
Similarly, Suzuki tells parents that they should
vation high in young children: Be an active and inter- Social cognitive
present information in ways that a young child can
Photo Credit: top and right, © Hiroji Kubota/Magnum Photos

ested model for the child, play violin games that are learning involves
understand (Bandura would say code). Because a 3- to attention, memory,
fun for the child, avoid games or lessons that involve
4-year-old child does not have fully developed verbal imitation, and
competition, and never push the child beyond the level motivation.
skills or memory, little time is spent giving verbal
that he or she is capable of reaching (Slone, 1985).
instructions. Instead, the young
child is given violin information Conclusion. Parents and teachers who have used the Suzuki method
through games and exercises. For report great success (Lamb, 1990). As you can judge, the basic principles of the
example, children are taught how Suzuki method for teaching violin are quite similar to Bandura’s four mental
to hold the violin, use the bow, and processes for social cognitive learning. Both Suzuki and Bandura recognized
press the strings by first playing the importance of observational learning and how much information children
games with their hands. Children can learn from watching and imitating models. Suzuki’s successful method of
are taught how to read music (notes) teaching violin to young children provides support for Bandura’s four mental
only when they are older and have processes that he believes are involved in social cognitive learning.
gained some technical skill at playing Next, we’ll discuss how operant learning principles were used to develop
the violin. a method for teaching autistic children.

H . CU LT U R A L DI V E R S I T Y: E A S T M E E T S W E S T 231
I. Application: Behavior Modification
In this module, we have discussed how communicating; very few activities and interests; and long periods of time
What is operant conditioning principles are used to spent repeating the same behaviors or motor patterns, or following rituals
behavior mod? decrease food refusal in young children, that interfere with more normal functioning. Symptoms range from mild
to toilet train children (p. 216), to to severe and usually appear when a child is about 2 to 3 years old
prevent eating paint chips (p. 218), and to stop children from (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). (We discussed the
engaging in dangerous behaviors (p. 219). These are all symptoms and causes of autism more thoroughly in
examples of behavior modification (Miltenberger, 2007). Module 1.)
Behavior modification is a treatment or therapy that chang- Parents, doctors, and policy makers all agree that the
es or modifies problems or undesirable behaviors by using best method to address the above symptoms, especially
principles of learning based on operant conditioning, classical deficits in forming relationships and communicat-
conditioning, and social cognitive learning. ing, in autistic children is to enroll them in intensive
For over 35 years, psychologist and researcher Ivar behavioral treatment (between 20 and 40 hours a week)
Behavior mod is used
Lovaas of the University of California at Los Angeles to treat autism. as early as possible. There is no evidence that any treat-
has used behavior modification or, more colloquially, ment leads to a complete recovery, but without treat-
behavior mod to treat autism. ment, many autistics will remain socially unresponsive (Carey,
Autism is marked by poor development in social relationships, such 2004; Kabot et al., 2003). We’ll discuss the behavior mod treatment
as not wanting to be touched, not making eye contact, and hiding to developed by Ivar Lovaas, who combined principles of operant
avoid people (see drawing); great difficulty developing language and conditioning and social cognitive learning (Lovaas & Buch, 1997).

Behavior Modification and Autism

Lovaas’s program at UCLA, which is called reached normal status (Lovaas, 1987). These children acquired suf-
What kind the Young Autism Project, treats 2- to ficient language, social, and self-help behaviors to enter preschool
of training? 3-year-old autistic children with a 40-hour- and successfully complete first grade in public school. Many of the
per-week program that runs for 2 to 3 years. children did so well the teachers didn’t know they were autistic.
Here’s part of the program. However, even with intensive training, 40% of autistic children
Program. Lovaas’s training program actually consists of hun- remained mildly retarded, and 10% remained profoundly retarded.
dreds of separate teaching programs, many of them using prin- In comparison, in a control group of autistic children who received
ciples of operant conditioning: Select a specific target behavior, only minimal treatment, only 2% achieved normal intellectual
shape the behavior, and use positive reinforcers of praise and food and educational functioning, while 45% remained mildly retarded
that are given immediately after the child emits the and 53% remained severely retarded (Eikeseth,
desired behavior. For example, here’s a program to Normal status 47% 2001; Lovaas & Buch, 1997; McEachin et al.,
increase making eye contact. Mildly retarded 40%
1993). Lovaas and colleagues concluded that
Target behavior is getting the child to make without intensive behavior modification treat-
eye contact following the command “Look at me.” 10% Profoundly retarded ment, autistic children will continue to show
Shaping the behavior involves two steps. severe behavioral deficits.
Step 1. Have the child sit in a chair facing you. Give the com- Follow-up. A six-year follow-up study of the nine children who
mand “Look at me” every 5–10 seconds. When the child makes a had reached normal status found that they had kept their gains and
correct response of looking at you, say “Good looking” and simul- were still functioning normally (Lovaas, 1999). A later follow-up
taneously reward the child with food. study of the same nine children, then 20 to 30 years old, showed
Step 2. Continue until the child repeatedly obeys the command that eight appeared normal—that is, did not score differently from
“Look at me.” Then gradually increase the dura- other normal adults on a variety of tests—while one had personal-
tion of the child’s eye contact from 1 second to ity problems but would not be classified as autistic (Lovaas, 1999).
periods of 2 to 3 seconds. Recent research indicates that Lovaas’s behavior mod is best
Using this behavior mod program, thera- suited to help those with less severe symptoms and it may not lead to
pists and parents have had success in teaching improvement in those with more severe symptoms (Carey, 2004).
autistic children to make eye contact, to stop Health care specialists concluded that autism therapy can be
constant rocking, to respond to verbal requests effective provided it begins early (child 2–3 years old) and includes
such as “Wash your hands,” to interact with one-on-one training for a minimum of 25 hours a week, 12 months
47% reach
normal status. peers, to speak, and to engage in school tasks a year for several years (Tarkan, 2002). However, such therapy is so
such as reading and writing (Lovaas, 1993). costly ($72,000 a year) that fewer than 10% of autistic children are
Results. Lovaas and his colleagues did a long-term study of 19 receiving the recommended level of treatment (Lord, 2002; Wal-
children diagnosed as autistic. Behavior modification training went lis, 2006). It can cost over $3 million to take care of a person with
on for at least 40 hours per week for 2 years or more. The graph above autism over his or her lifetime, and the societal costs for caring for
shows that, at the end of training, 47% (9/19) of the autistic children people with autism exceeds $35 billion a year (HSPH, 2006).
Many people develop a variety of psycho- As shown in the photo below, small sensors attached to the client’s
How can somatic problems, which result from head detect activity in the muscles that stretch across the top front part
we reduce stressful or disturbing thoughts that lead of the head and along the jaw. The man is trying to relax his forehead
tension? to real aches and pains in the body. For muscle by imagining relaxing scenes, thinking relaxing thoughts, or
example, psychosomatic problems actually tensing and relaxing the
include back pain, muscle tension, high blood pressure, muscle itself. The target behavior is
stomach distress, and headaches. One procedure to reduce a decrease in facial muscle tension.
psychosomatic problems using behavioral modification is To reach this target behavior, the
based on operant conditioning and is called biofeedback. client practices thinking about or
Biofeedback is a training procedure imagining relaxing scenes that result
through which a person is made aware in a decrease in muscle tension. A
of his or her physiological responses, decrease in muscle tension is sig-
such as muscle activity, heart rate, naled by a decrease in an audio sig-
blood pressure, or temperature. After nal, which acts as a reinforcer. After
Biofeedback helps in learning to control
becoming aware of these physiological physiological responses.
a number of these sessions, the client
responses, a person tries to control them learns to decrease muscle tension
to decrease psychosomatic problems. with the goal of staying relaxed the next time he gets upset.
For example, headaches may be caused Biofeedback is often used in conjunction with other forms of medi-
Stress may
cause a buildup of
or worsened by muscle tension, of which cal treatment or psychotherapy and can help a person reduce blood
muscle tension. the sufferer may be totally unaware. The pressure, decrease headaches, and reduce anxiety (deCharms et al.,
left figure shows that the forehead and neck 2005; Schwartz & Andrasik, 2005). We’ll discuss other methods of
have wide bands of muscles where tension can lead to pain and reducing stress and associated psychosomatic problems in Module 21.
discomfort. Through video or audio (bio)feedback, a person can Our last example deals with concerns about using punishment to
be made aware of muscle tension and learn how to reduce it. decrease undesirable behaviors.

Pros and Cons of Punishment

About 61% of parents believe spanking is an reinforcing a desirable behavior (Benjet & Kazdin, 2003). One dis-
Should it acceptable form of discipline for young chil- advantage of positive punishment is that it points out only what the
Photo Credits: top, © Will & Deni McIntyre/Photo Researchers, Inc.; bottom right, © Radius Images/Photolibrary

be used? dren, and 94% of 3- and 4-year-olds have been child should not do, while positive reinforcers have the advantage
spanked during the past year (O’Callaghan, of encouraging the child to engage in desirable behaviors.
2006). Since spanking may immediately stop undesirable behaviors,
Time-Out: Negative Punishment
it has been and remains a popular form of discipline. But spanking is
Another form of discipline is time-out, which was dis-
surrounded with controversy because it is associated with numerous
cussed earlier (see p. 219). Time-out is an example of
negative side effects and may be a less desirable form of punishment
negative punishment because it involves the removal
(discipline) than the time-out procedure (Benjet & Kazdin, 2003).
of a reinforcing stimulus (desirable reward) so that
We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each.
some undesirable response will not recur. For
Spanking: Positive Punishment example, after misbehaving, a child is given a
Since spanking involves the presentation of time-out period (stays in a corner without
an aversive stimulus (pain), it is an example games, books, or toys). Time-out is most
of positive punishment. Researchers dis- effective when used consistently and com-
agree on the use of spanking. Some argue bined with teaching the child alternative
that all spanking is bad because it is associ- desired behaviors using positive reinforc-
ated with numerous short- and long-term ers (J. Taylor & Miller, 1997). Time-out has fewer
Effects of undesirable side
punishment depend negative side effects, such as the child imi- Compared to spanking, time-out has effects than spanking.
on its usage. tating and modeling aggressive behavior fewer undesirable side effects; it does not
and developing other conduct problems provide a model of aggression and does not elicit severe negative
(Gershoff, 2002). Others agree that severe spanking administered emotional reactions. Thus, when it is necessary to discipline a
by harsh parents is always bad but mild to moderate spanking used child, care should be taken in choosing between positive punish-
as one form of discipline by loving parents does not necessarily ment (spanking) and negative punishment (time-out). Although
have undesirable or negative side effects (Baumrind et al., 2002). both kinds of punishment stop or suppress undesirable behaviors,
Some of the undesirable effects of positive punishment can be spanking has more negative side effects than time-out, and time-out
reduced if it is given immediately after the behavior, if it is just has been shown to be effective in eliminating undesirable behav-
severe enough to be effective, if it is delivered consistently, if the iors. Both kinds of punishment are best used in combination with
child is told the reason for the punishment, and, perhaps most positive reinforcers so the child also learns to perform desirable
important, if punishment is used in combination with positively behaviors (Nichols, 2004).


Summary Test
A. Operant Conditioning B. Reinforcers
1. A kind of learning in 8. In operant conditioning, the term conse-
5 which the consequences quences refers to what happens after the occur-
4 that follow some behavior rence of a behavior. If a consequence increases
3 increase or decrease the the likelihood that a behavior will occur again, it is called a
2 likelihood that the behavior (a) . If a consequence decreases the likelihood
1 will occur again is called that a behavior will occur again, it is called a (b) .
Shaping .
9. If a stimulus increases the chances that a response will
0 2 4 6 8 10 2. To explain how random
12 occur again, that stimulus is called a (a) .
Sessions trial-and-error behaviors of If the removal of an aversive stimulus increases the chances
cats became goal-directed that a response will occur again, that aversive stimulus is called a
behaviors, Thorndike formulated the , which (b) . Both positive and negative reinforcements
says that behaviors are strengthened by positive consequences and (c) the frequency of the response they follow. In
weakened by negative consequences. contrast, punishment is a consequence that (d)
the likelihood that a behavior will occur again.

Figure/Text Credit: (#1 graph) Adapted from “Treating Chronic Food Refusal in Young Children: Home-Based Parent Training,” by M. A. Werle, T. B. Murphy &
3. Skinner used the term operant (a) to describe
something that can be modified by its consequences. Operant 10. The stimuli of food, water, and sex, which are innately satisfy-
responses provide one way to separate ongoing behaviors into ing and require no learning to become pleasurable, are called
units that can be observed and measured. Skinner believed (a) . The stimuli of praise, money, and good
that Pavlov’s conditioning, which involves physiological grades have acquired their reinforcing properties through experi-

Photo Credits: (#8) © Simon Belcher/Alamy; (#11) © Michael P. Gadomski/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (#13) © Stephen Kraseman/DRK Photo
(b) , was not very useful in understanding ence; these stimuli are called (b) .
other forms of ongoing behaviors.

4. Suppose you wished to operantly condition your dog, Bingo, C. Schedules of Reinforcement
to sit up. The procedure would be as follows. You would give 11. A program or rule that determines
Bingo a treat, which is called a (a) , after he emits how and when the occurrence of a response
a desired behavior. Because it is unlikely that Bingo will initially will be followed by a reinforcer is called a
sit up, you will use a procedure called (b) , .
which is a process of reinforcing those behaviors that lead up to or
approximate the final desired behavior—sitting up. Immediately 12. If you received reinforcement every time you performed a good
after Bingo emitted a desired behavior, you would give him a deed, you would be on a (a) schedule. This sched-
(c) . ule is often used at the beginning of operant conditioning because it
results in a rapid rate of learning. If your good deeds were not rein-
5. Any behavior that increases in frequency because of an forced every time, you would be on a (b) schedule.
accidental pairing of a reinforcer and that behavior is called This schedule is more effective in maintaining the target behavior in
a behavior. the long run. There are four kinds of partial reinforcement schedules.
6. The essence of operant conditioning can be summed up
as follows: Consequences or reinforcers are contingent on D. Other Conditioning Concepts

K. S. Budd, 1993, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 26, 421–433.

13. The phenomenon in which an organism
7. If you compare classical and operant conditioning, you will emits the same response to similar stimuli is
find the following differences. In classical conditioning, the called (a) . If a response
response is an involuntary (a) that is elicited is emitted in the presence of a reinforced
by the (b) . In operant conditioning, the stimulus but not in the presence of unre-
response is a voluntary (c) that is performed or inforced stimuli, the organism is exhibit-
(d) by the organism. In classical conditioning, ing (b) . If an organism’s response is no longer
the unconditioned stimulus is presented at the beginning of a trial reinforced, it will stop emitting this behavior, which is an example
and elicits the (e) . In operant conditioning, of (c) . However, even without reinforcement,
the organism emits a behavior that is immediately followed by an organism may perform the behavior, which is an example of
a (f) . (d) .


E. Cognitive Learning 22. Female university students
who viewed either physical or
14. The kind of learning that involves men- relational aggression were
tal processes such as attention and memory, to subse-
that may be learned through observation quently engage in physical
and imitation, and that may not involve any and relational aggression than
external rewards or require the person to women who did not view any
perform any observable behaviors is called aggression.
(a) . According to Tolman,
rats developed a mental representation of the layout of their envi-
ronment, which he called a (b) . H. Cultural Diversity: East Meets West
15. If an observer learns a behavior through observation but does 23. Suzuki’s method and Bandura’s theory both emphasize obser-
not immediately perform the behavior, this is an example of the vation, modeling, and imitation. Specifically, both
distinction. Suzuki and Bandura focus on four concepts: pay-
ing (a) to the model, placing the
16. During his studies of problem solving in chimpanzees, information in (b) , using the

Photo Credits: (#14) © Jon Lowenstein/Aurora Photos; (#19) © Zoological Society of San Diego; (#22) © SW Productions/Getty Images; (#23) © Hiroji Kubota/
Köhler used the term to describe a mental information to (c) the model’s
process marked by the sudden occurrence of a solution. actions, and having (d) to
17. Köhler’s study of insightful problem solving, Bandura’s theory perform the behavior.
of observational learning, and Tolman’s idea of cognitive maps
represent three kinds of learning.
I. Application: Behavior Modification
24. Using principles of operant conditioning
F. Biological Factors to change human behavior is referred to
18. Innate tendencies or predispositions that may either facilitate as (a) . Using these same
or inhibit learning are referred to as . principles to help individuals learn to control
(increase or decrease) some physiological
19. The innate tendency of newborn response, such as muscle activity or temper-
birds to follow the first moving object ature, is called (b) .
that they encounter soon after birth is
called (a) . This kind 25. If an aversive stimulus is presented immediately after a par-
of learning occurs best during a critical ticular response, the response will be suppressed; this procedure is
or sensitive period and is essentially called (a) . If a reinforcing stimulus is removed
(b) . One function of immediately after a particular response, the response will be sup-
imprinting is to form social attachments pressed; this procedure is called (b) . A poorly
between members of a species. chosen form of punishment, such as spanking, may have undesir-
able side effects, such as developing (c) problems
20. The innate tendency of animals to and serving as a model for future (d) behaviors.
recognize, attend to, and store certain
cues over others and associate some combinations of conditioned
Answers: 1. operant conditioning; 2. law of effect; 3. (a) response,
and unconditioned stimuli is referred to as . An (b) reflexes; 4. (a) reinforcer, (b) shaping, (c) reinforcer; 5. superstitious;
example of this tendency is observed in Clark’s nutcrackers, which 6. behavior; 7. (a) reflex, (b) unconditioned stimulus, (c) behavior,
are preprogrammed to bury and remember thousands of hidden (d) emitted, (e) unconditioned response, (f) reinforcer; 8. (a) reinforcer,
stores of food. (b) punishment; 9. (a) positive reinforcer, (b) negative reinforcer,
(c) increase, (d) decreases; 10. (a) primary reinforcers, (b) secondary rein-
forcers; 11. schedule of reinforcement; 12. (a) continuous reinforcement,
G. Research Focus: Viewing Aggression (b) partial reinforcement; 13. (a) generalization, (b) discrimination,
(c) extinction, (d) spontaneous recovery; 14. (a) social cognitive learning,
21. Verbal bullying, ostracizing peers, and spreading rumors are
(b) cognitive map; 15. learning–performance; 16. insight; 17. cognitive;
all examples of . 18. biological factors; 19. (a) imprinting, (b) irreversible; 20. preparedness,
or prepared learning; 21. relational aggression; 22. more likely;
23. (a) attention, (b) memory, (c) imitate, (d) motivation; 24. (a) behav-
Magnum Photos

ior modification, (b) biofeedback; 25. (a) positive punishment, (b) negative
punishment, (c) conduct, (d) aggressive


Critical Thinking

How Do You Train

a Killer Whale?
I f you have ever been to a
marine park, then you
most certainly have been
entertained by watching
the marvelous marine ani-
mal performances. In just
one show an enor mous
killer whale jumps through
a ring suspended in air,
waves to audience mem-
bers with its fins, swims
backward while standing
up on its tail, and gently kisses a Once the association between the
brave volunteer. Whales are taught whistle and the reinforcer is estab-
to perform these impressive behav- lished, whales can be taught to per-
iors with the use of operant and form complex behaviors. First, the
classical conditioning techniques. whale is taught to follow a target,
Operant conditioning is used to such as a long stick with a ball at the
train whales because when the con- end. The target guides the whale in
sequences of performing a specific a direction, and when the target
QUEST IONS behavior are reinforcing, the whale touches the whale, the trainer blows

1 How do we know
what a reinforcer
is for a whale?
will likely repeat the behavior. Posi-
tive reinforcers for whales may
the whistle and reinforces the whale.
After this is done several times, the
include food, toys, back scratches, target is moved farther away and the
b ei ng spraye d w ith a hos e, or trainer waits for the whale to touch

2 Why isn’t punish-

ment used to train
a whale to perform
another favorite activity. Giving the
whale positive reinforcers immedi-
it before providing reinforcement.
The whale learns that making con-
ately after it performs a specific tact with the target results in being
behaviors? behavior makes it likely that the reinforced. Now, when the whale
behavior will increase in frequency, performs a behavior that is close to
duration, and intensity in a similar
the desired behavior, the trainer
whistles and the whale approaches 5 What should
a trainer do if
a whale performs a
The use of classical conditioning the trainer to receive a positive
is also necessary to teach a whale to reinforce. behavior incorrectly?
perform complex behaviors. Because Te a ch i ng wha le s to p er for m
it is not always possible to reinforce behaviors may appear like a rela-
the whale immediately after it per- tively easy task while watching the
forms a specific behavior, trainers trainers and whales interact on

3 Why is it impor-
tant to reinforce
must use a signal (whistle) to pro-
vide the whale with immediate feed-
stage, but the tr uth is training
whales to perform is very challeng-
Photo Credit: © AP Images/Amy Sancetta

the whale immediate- back that it has correctly performed ing work. Trainers need to be com- Can whales learn
ly after it performs a the desired behavior. A whale learns mitted, patient, and friendly to earn to do tricks by
desired behavior? just watching other
the meaning of the whistle by the the whale’s trust, and even then it
trainer whistling before giving the can take months or even years to whales perform?

4 In this training
example, what is
the neutral stimulus?
whale food. Over the course of sev-
eral trials, the whale comes to asso-
teach a whale a complex set of
behaviors. (Adapted from Animal ANS W ERS
ciate the whistle with receiving food training at SeaWorld, 2002; Aqua TO CRITI CAL
Unconditioned stimu-
and the whale performs the behav- facts: Training marine mammals, TH I NKI NG
lus? Conditioned
stimulus? ior to get the reinforcement. 2006) QUEST I ONS


Links to Learning
Key Terms/Key People Learning Activities
autism, 232 noncompliance, 219 PowerStudy for Introduction
PowerStudy 4.5™
behavior modification, or operant conditioning, 213 to Psychology 4.5
behavior mod, 232 operant response, 214 Try out PowerStudy’s SuperModule for Operant & Cognitive Approaches! In
biofeedback, 233 operant versus classical addition to the quizzes, learning activities, interactive Summary Test, key
biological factors, 228 conditioning, 217 terms, module outline and abstract, and extended list of correlated websites
Bobo doll experiment, 224 partial reinforcement, 220 provided for all modules, the DVD’s SuperModule for Operant & Cognitive
cognitive learning, 223 pica, 218 Approaches features:
continuous positive reinforcement, 218
reinforcement, 220 phobia, and predisposition to play behavior.
positive reinforcer, 219
preparedness, or prepared
period, 228 operant and cognitive learning.
learning, 229
primary reinforcer, 219
234–235 and the critical thinking questions for the article on page 236.
discrimination, 222 punishment, 218
discriminative reinforcement, 218
stimulus, 222
schedule of
ethologists, 228 reinforcement, 220
Want to maximize your online study time? Take this easy-
extinction, 222 to-use study system’s diagnostic pre-test and it will create a personalized study
secondary reinforcer, 219
fixed-interval plan for you. The plan will help you identify the topics you need to understand
shaping, 215
schedule, 221 better and direct you to relevant companion online resources that are specific
social cognitive to this book, speeding up your review of the module.
fixed-ratio schedule, 221 learning, 223
food refusal, 216 social cognitive Introduction to Psychology Book Companion Website
generalization, 222 theory, 225
imprinting, 228 spanking: positive Visit this book’s companion website for more resources to help you
infant brain: wired for punishment, 233 study, including learning objectives, additional quizzes, flash cards, updated
speaking, 229 spontaneous recovery, 222 links to useful websites, and a pronunciation glossary.
insight, 226 superstitious behavior, 215 Study Guide and WebTutor
insight in animals, 226 time-out, 219 Work through the corresponding module in your Study
insight in humans, 226 time-out: negative Guide for tips on how to study effectively and for help learning the material
law of effect, 214 punishment, 233 covered in the book. WebTutor (an online Study Tool accessed through your
learning–performance toilet training, 216 eResources account) provides an interactive version of the Study Guide.
distinction, 224 variable-interval
negative punishment, 219 schedule, 221
negative variable-ratio
reinforcement, 218 schedule, 221

Suggested Answers to Critical Thinking

1. Whales cannot tell us what they like and don’t like, and not all whales have 4. The whale learns to associate the sound of a whistle with receiving
the same preferences. Thus, trainers examine the frequency of the behav- food. The neutral stimulus is the whistle sound, and the uncondi-
ior after providing a reinforcer. If the frequency increases, the consequence tioned stimulus is food. After repeated pairing of the whistle sound
was a reinforcer. If the frequency decreases, the trainer will use other con- with receiving food, the whale learns to associate the whistle sound
sequences until one increases the frequency of the desired behavior. with food, and the conditioned stimulus is the sound of the whistle.
2. Punishment only points out what the whale should not do, while rein- 5. If a whale performs a behavior incorrectly, the trainer must be sure
forcers point out what the whale should do. Also, punishment can to avoid giving any reinforcement. In such a case, the trainer should
increase aggressive behaviors in some whales. remain motionless and silent for a few seconds, making sure there
3. When a reinforcer immediately follows a desired behavior, the whale is no possibility the whale will think its behavior earned approval.
associates the reinforcer with the desired behavior and not some other 6. Yes. Whales can learn to imitate some behaviors just by watch-
behavior that just happens to occur. If the reinforcer is delayed even for ing other whales, a process known as observational learning.
a few seconds, the whale may be reinforced for an undesired or super- Also, whales that are trained with experienced whales may learn
stitious behavior. to perform behaviors at a faster rate.

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