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Question Bank for PAT 2

(Unit 4 & 5)

Sr no. Questions Marking Scheme

1) Describe following terms tree : 2M

(i) leaf node (ii) level of node

2) Describe undirected graph with suitable example. 2M

3) Explain the concept of linked list with the terminologies : node, next 4M
pointer, null pointer and empty list.

4) Differentiate between general tree and binary tree. (any four points) 4M

5) Compare Linked List and Array. (any 4 points) 4M

6) Construct a singly linked list using data fields 21, 25, 96, 58, 74 4M
and show procedure step-by-step with the help of diagram start to

7) Give adjacency list and adjacency matrix for given graph : 4M

8) Draw an expression tree for the following expression : 4M

8*1 / (6-3) + 9*(7-2)

9) Write an algorithm to insert an element at the beginning of linked 2M


10) Define the following terms w.r.t. tree using diagram : 2M

(i) In-degree, (2) Out-degree

12) State any four applications of the graph. 2M

13) Define Tree. State any two applications of the tree. 2M

14) Define two types of graph and give examples. 2M

(i) Direct graph (ii) Undirected graph

15) Describe following terms tree : 2M

(i) Height of node (ii) depth of node

16) Create a singly linked list using data fields 15, 20, 22, 58, 60. 4M
Search a node 22 from the SLL and show the procedure
step-by-step with the help of diagram from start to end.

17) State the following terms: 2M

1. Ancestor
2.Height of Degree

18) Write a program to traverse a linked list. 4M

19) Create a Singly Linked List using data fields 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 4M
show procedure step-by- step with the help of diagram from start to

20) Describe any two types of trees from the following : General tree, 2M
binary tree, binary search tree.

21) From the given tree complete the answers : 2M

1. Indegree of node 3
2. Outdegree of node 3

22) Describe procedure to delete an element from singly linked list 6M

using diagram.

23) State advantage of circular linked list over linear linked list. 2M

24) Construct a Binary Search Tree using following data 4M

elements :
45, 15, 79, 90, 10, 55, 12, 20, 50.

25) Construct a Binary Search Tree using following data 4M

elements :
10, 7, 14, 20, 1, 5, 8

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