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Bachelor’s Thesis

THS 400



Name: Wan Hamizah bt Wan Ahmad Zamri

Supervisor: Abu Hamza Yusuf Gassiep

Date: December 2017

View my submission:

Submitted: 12 January 2018




1) The Meaning of Israiliyyat………………………………………………………..3

2) How The Israiliyyat Story Can Be Absorbed In Tafsir And Hadith……………6

3) The Factors Influence The Appearance Of The Israiliyyat………………………9

4) The Danger Of The Israiliiyat Story Towards The Aqeedah Of Muslims And The
Sanctity Of Islam………………………………………………………………11


1) The Division Of Israiliyyat…………………………………………………….14

2) The Law Of Narrating The Israiliyyat History…………………………………20

3) The Most Popular Israiliyyat Narrators Among The Tabi’in………………….25

4) The Most Popular Narrators Among The Tabi’un Tabi’in……………………28


1) The Israiliyyat In The Books Of Tafsir :………………………………………31

 Tafsir Muhammad Bin Jarir At-Tabari “Jami’ Al-Bayan Fi Tafsir Al-Quran”

 Tafsir Al-Tha’labi “Al-Kasyfu Bayani Tafsir Al-Quran”

 Tafsir Ibnu Kathir “Tafsir Al-Quran Al-A’Zim”

2) The Reason Of Some Scholars Of Mufassirun Who Entering The Israiliiyat Story
To Their Tafsir Books………………………………………………………………35
SUMMARY ………………………………………………………….36



Verily,all praise to Allah, we seek His help and His forgiveness.We seek refuge
with Allah from the evil of our own souls [and from our bad deeds].Whomsoever
Allah guides will never be led astray,and whomsoever Allah leaves astray,no one can
guide.I bear witness that there is no true God but Allah, [alone and without any
partner] and I bear witness that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is His slave
and Messenger.

Insya’Allah in this research paper,I will explain the claims of the Israiliyat
history (Bani Israil) which are widely spread to the minds of Muslims all over the
world through the variation form of writing.Insya’Allah I will provide evidences
which would establish the fact that these claims are unreasonable.

All praise is due to Allah;I praise Him and thank Him.I seek His forgiveness and
His guidance.For surely,no one can go astray whomsoever Allah guides and no one
can guide whomsoever Allah causes to go astray.

May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alaihi wasallam, his family,his companions and successors and all those who follow
the righteous until the end of time.

Insya’Allah,in this research paper,I would like to present the claims of the
Israiliyat history (Bani Israil) which are widely spread to the minds of Muslims all
over the world through the variation form of writing.Insya’Allah I will provide
evidences which would establish the fact that these claims are unreasonable.

In the current day society,the Israiliyat are widely permeated all over the world.

This situation is very worrying because the issues of the Israiliyat are connected with
the faith or aqeedah of someone since it is opposing with al-Quran and hadith.With
this paper, I hope to discuss with the audience these claims.

Al-Quran and al-Sunnah Nabawiyah are the essences of religion.Islam was built
from these two essences in order to get the happiness in the world and also in the
hereafter.Indeed,Muslims believes that they do not have any strength unless they have
strong relationship with their Lord’s speech and Sunnah by the Prophet.They trust the
truth brought by the Prophet Muhammad base on his speech:

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

‫ (تركت فيكم أمرين لن تضلوا ما‬:‫عن أبي هريرة رضي هللا عنه عن النبي صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم قال‬
)‫ كتاب هللا وسنة رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وآله وسلم‬:‫تمسكتم بهما‬

“It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I have left two things in
you that will not mislead you,the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam” [1]

Base on that,Muslim scholars has been concerned in the research towards the
Allah’s Book by writing,memorizing and understanding just like the way their
concerned towards the Sunnah of Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.They took care,
memorized and compiled the hadith.

Even though Quran with its sanctity from any changes and hadith with its purity
and authenticity,they still not safe from unnecessary things which has been created by
some group of people.This is because there were some misinterpretation of Quran
that leads to the wrong understanding of the Quran.Most of their explanation does not
accordance to the understanding of scholars and the asbab an-nuzul ( the reason of the
revelation of verses).While as-Sunnah,something which is not a hadith absorbed and
ambiguity between the authentic and the alil(the one which has weak
characteristics).The reason of this occurrence are because of the bad intention and the
jealousy of group of people who hate Islam and Muslims.

Indeed,Allah has sent the scholars who are sincere to open,reject and also explain
these frauds.They give Muslims reminders so that they would not cheating and also
not being cheated for doing thousand of frauds.

But some how,we can say that there were still many liars even though has been
warned earnestly by the scholars.It has been absorbed into tafsir and hadith in the real
form.Those kind of liars are in the form of Bani Israel history where are many of them

has no history sources.Most of them inserted Israiliyyat into tafsir and hadith from the
way of enemies of Islam who were intend to give ambiguous picture regards the
beauty of Islam and to destroy its perfection.


[1] Hadith narrated by Imam al-Hakim from Ibnu 'Abbas

Some of scholars responsible to wrote the tafsir and hadith with the good
intention but without the narrators.They insert those stories into their books and cause
the books readers to believe whatever they wrote and think that they were authentic
and not deviant since it has been written by Muslim scholars.Thus,they allowed and
believed in the Israiliyyat history even though there were still deception and deviant.

In this thesis,I will arrange accordance to the topic;

Chapter 1:

1) The Meaning Of Israiliyyat

2) How The Israiliyyat Story Can Be Absorbed In Tafsir And Hadith

3) The Factors Influence The Appearance Of The Israiliyyat

4) The Danger Of The Israiliiyat Story Towards The Aqidah Of Muslims And The
Sanctity Of Islam.

Chapter 2:

1) The Division Of Israiliyyat

2) The Law Of Narrating The Israiliyyat History

3) The Most Popular Israiliyyat Narrators Among The Tabi’In

4) The Most Popular Narrators Among The Tabiun Tabi’In

Chapter 3:

1) The Israiliyyat In The Books Of Tafsir

2) The Reason Of Some Scholars Of Mufassirun Entering The Israiliiyat Story To

Their Tafsir

I hope that with this paper you would be more enlightened about the claims made
by some scholars regards the Israiliyyat history and the narrators among them which
misinterpreted what has been revealed by Allah.


1) The Meaning of Israiliyyat

The lafz Israiliyyat‫ اسرائيلية‬zahir are from jama’ (plural).The singular is ‫اسرائيليات‬
which is a story arise from the Israel nation.The Israel nation comes from the
descendant of Prophet Ya’cub bin Ishak bin Ibrahim who is the father of Asbat
(descendant) of twelve siblings-and they were called as “The Children of
Israel”.Indeed,there were so many verses in the Quran that mention the Yahudi as

“Cursed were those who committed infidelity from among the Children of Israel by
the tongue of Daud and Isa son of Maryam. This reward because of their dis-
obedience and transgression.”

[Surah al-Maidah:verse 78]

“And We revealed to the children of Israel in the Book that certainly, you shall create
mischief in the earth for the second time and necessarily you shall be proud

[Surah al-Isra’: verse 4]

“Undoubtedly, this Quran explains to the children of Israel most of those things in
which they differ.”

[Surah al-Naml: verse 76]

Even though the word of Israiliyyat in general shows the stories narrated from
Yahudi nation,but the scholars of tafsir and hadith also use it for something more
wide rather than only the story of Yahudiah.That lafz on their side shows something
which is referring to “Every single thing that insert into Quran and hadith which
consist of stories that does not exist from the old stories.It is only stories created by
the enemy of Islam.”

Indeed,the scholars of tafsir and hadith defined the definition of Israiliyyat with
all sorts of invention such above,because usually majority of Yahudi’s sources more
than others in that matters.This is because narrating something superstition and fake
comes from the Yahudi nation’s fairy tale and they were well known with their
falsehood.They do really hate the thought of Islam and also the whole Muslims.

This has been asserted by Allah in his speech;

“You shall surely find the Jews and polytheist the bitterest enemies of Muslims, and
surely you shall find the nearest in friendship to Muslims, those who used to say, "we
are Christians." That is because among them are men of learning and monks and they
are not proud.”

[Surah al-Maidah : verse 82]

The Yahudi nation were the closest nation of ahli kitab (People of Book) to the
Muslims.Their knowledge are wider than the other nation and their tricks in order to
give the wrong pictures towards the beauty of Islam were mere deceptions.

2) How the Israiliyyat Story Can Be Absorbed In Tafsir And Hadith

In reality,the insertion of Israiliyyat into tafsir and hadith were begin with the
insertion of thaqafah ( the civilizationn of Yahudi nation) into the thaqafah Arabiyyah
during the era of ignorance.So how the Israiliyyat story inserted into the tafsir and
hadith widely?Why it is become easier for the layman and most of the ignorant people
to accept it?

For that claim,what we can answer are: As for something which are fixed and real
that they have knowledge about the evolution of knowledge and its history,that tafsir
and hadith expand in two different marhalah (stage or phase);the first one was
marhalah riwayat and the second one was marhalah tadwin (compilation of book).

Marhalah Riwayat

Marhalah riwayat is a situation where the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam sit
among the Companions and tell them the important things for him and the
Companions relating with the important affairs of the religion and also their worldly
matters.The hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam includes part of
tafsir regards the ambiguity matters and uncertainty by the Companions of the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

While the Companions accept the hadith and memorize them.Then,they will
convey it to their other companion who cannot attend the halaqah(lecture) with the
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam,and also to whom seeking knowledge
from the companions after the death of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wasallam who are also among the tabi’in.

The narration of ma’thur tafsir (authentic) and the evolution of hadith are
different and did not comes only from one uslub (style of language) in thabith and
permanency.During the period of Companions,they look for the best and authentic in
every things that they spread and narrate.They were thiqah(can be trusted) and have
strong memorization and with their nature attitude which are fair and trustworthy,they
are not back and forth in generally in accepting what ever that has been narrated to
them from the hadith of Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.With that kind of
attitude,it is hard for them to narrate and accept a narration unless after has been
proven its authenticity on their side with witness and oath and it is not because of their
distrust towards narrators.The do that to strengthen the truth about one narration.

During the period of tabi’in, there were so many invention and spread of fake
hadith and lies to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alahi wasallam.They would not
accept hadith unless it has sanad (chain) and it is clear on their side with their justice
and strong memorization.

Imam Muslim has narrated in his Sahih Muslim from Ibnu Sairin;

“They did not previously inquire about the isnad. However, after the turmoil occurred
they would say, ‘Name for us your narrators.’ So the people of the Sunnah would
have their hadith accepted and the people of innovation would not.” [2]

During the period of tabi’ut tabi’in,the danger of the invention of hadith and
tafsir increases with uncertain picture.The mubtadi’ (people of bid’ah) and the
strangers opposed by Muslims for insertion of Israiliyyat into tafsir and hadith.It is a

trend of narration until now,and the hadith narrated will be mention with the isnad
(text).With that way,it is easier for the hadith critics to critic by details and elaborate
it in front of them the opinion of status of hadith narrated and judge it whether it is
accepted or rejected.


[2] Sahih Muslim, pg. 8.vol. 1

After that, there was also an evil group who go against the discipline by loosen up
in narrating and also the requirement for the hadith to narrated.They narrated hadith
by remove the isnad and when they accept the hadith,they would not asked about the
sanad.It was a great evil towards something ma’thur from tafsir and hadith because
Muslims did not see the real figure.

Marhalah Tadwin (compilation into book)

It begins during the end of first hijrah and at the beginning of second hijrah.The
compilation book of tafsir and hadith begins at the same times.When Caliphate Umar
bin Abdul Aziz met the scholars all over the state,he asked them to collect the sahih
things from the hadith among them.

They collect and compiled ma’thur tafsir by collecting one chapter from many
chapters of hadith,not by collecting and compiling hadith by its own.After that,tafsir
and hadith were separated at the other stage.Each one of them collected according to
their own definition,just like hadith,but it still majority with the meaning of hadith
and its pattern.Every compilation made is not abroad the limitation of khabar ma’thur
from Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam or Companions and tabi’in except small part
of tarjih ( stronger argument) and taujih (clear argument).

After that,at one stage,there are some of them appear and write book of tafsir and
hadith by removing the sanad.They did not find and choose the best in their

writings.They mix up the authentic and the weak hadith in their books.And that cause
so many Israiliyyat story.They were mixing their religious affairs in front of the
public.There were some of them who really bound themselves to the Israiliyyat story
and almost cannot left them.One of them was one of the mufassirin, Abu Ishak al-
Salabi who dead at 427 H.

In conclusion,there were few things that we can notice:

1) Indeed,tafsir and hadith are related in two marhalah; marhalah riwayat and
marhalah tadwin with the clear connection until it is impossible for it to be outside of
the hadith.

2) Indeed,every things which inserted into the tafsir in marhalah riwayat and
marhalah tadwin which consist of weak factors are the same as what has been
inserted into the hadith.

3) Indeed,every liars and fairy tale that inserted into the tafsir knowledge are also
some of them inserted into the hadith knowledge invented because of following the
lust and bad intentions.

3) The Factors Influence The Appearance Of The Israiliyyat

There were two major factors that influence the appearance of Israiliyyat story:

1) Factor ijtima’i of community

2) Factor of deen (religion)

Firstly,the factor ijtima’i of community includes the majority of badawah thought

(composure-no development),illiterate among the Arabian and the excitement to know
what are desired by the human soul in order to find the causes of creation,the

beginning of human and animals creation,and the secret of creature existence.They
always ask question like this to People of Book who live earlier than them.

Secondly,the factor of deen (religion) include the intake of khabar narrated

trivially and neglect the authenticity.The intake of the narrations which are not
accordance to the fixed method which emphasize the authenticity needed in the intake
of the narration.

[Ibnu Khaldun]

General Factors Influences The Appearance of Israiliyyat

1) The enemy of Islam include the Yahudi nation worried and vain of the strength of
Islam and its people.They only wait for the fall of Islam.They were full of deception
and their heart full with evilness and bad plots.With skill and foul heart,it is easy for
them making the story look wonderful.Then they spread it among the public
community and also those who were fooled by them.

2)There were so many qussas(storyteller) as it sued part of Muslim scholars just like
the way it sued the ruler at that time.Due to that problem,they repel the qussas from
mosques and forbid layman from sitting and listening to the stories they brought in.

Al-Allamah Ibnu Qutaibah has described how far the influence of the qussas to
the soul of layman.He identified that the group of qussas are some part of the
insertion of ilal hadith:

“The smallest place in heaven's dwelling place is God-given people like this world.

Every time qussas recounts more, the strange taste increases. Those who hear will sit
longer and their hands quickly stretch out the gift (wage). Allah has narrated to us in
his book questions of what is contained in His heavenly place than enough to hear the
rumors of qussas and others.” [3]

3) The qussas always backed up their narration (encrypting it to others)

in order to introduce and underline their stories,that full with liars and confusion
towards layman.They put down their narrations to the muhaddithin and their famous
syeikhs and connect the hadith(marfu’) until it reach to Prophet or stop (mauquf) to
some of Prophet’s friend.They think that their work by inherit the stories to attract the
layman and so that their stories to be accepted.Their narration would not be attractive
without this way.


[3] Takwil Mukhtalifi al-Hadith,pg.55,Kurdistan note

4) The Danger of The Israiliiyat Story Towards The Aqidah of Muslims And The
Sanctity of Islam.

There is no doubt that Israiliyyat story are full with the liars and fake that has
been issue to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the Companions,and some of
them has made the tafsir knowledge as a silibus of explanation by explaining some
parts of the Quran.It underlines a huge and bad worries because it can leads to:

1) The Israiliyyat story can leads to the damage of Muslims aqeedah since the
contents are allowing people to tasybih (invoking Allah and His creation) and jisim
(believe that Allah is forming something) towards Allah and His sifat (attribute ) with
something who is not deserve with His Greatness and Perfection.In addition, in the
Israiliyyat story,there were a denial of nature maksum (free from any sin) of the
prophets and mursalin, and show their rejection of deliciousness and enjoyment given
by Allah.For them,the layman is not deserves to get the advantage of the grace of
Allah for being appointed as prophet.

One clear example that may reduce the dignity of the prophecy and make the
prophet invites abolish to their dakwah and destroy the early intention of the message
in the book “al-Ishah al-Thani wa Thalathin Min Safar al-Khuruj”:

That Prophet Harun alaihissalam is the one who makes the cow idol to the
Children of Israel and calling them to worship it!

Quran clearly explain that the one who create the cow idol to the Children of
Israel is Musa al-Samiri whereas Prophet Harun is the one who is responsible to
forbid them from worshiping the con idol and remind them that they will be punished
for that act: Allah said:

“And what has made you hasten from your people, O Musa? (83)Submitted he, 'those
are they behind me. And O my Lord! I hastened to You so that You may be pleased'.
(84)He said, We have put your people in trial after you and the Samiri has misled
them'.(85)Then Musa returned full of anger and sorrowful to his people, he said, 'O
my people! Did your Lord not promise a fair promise to you'? Did a long time pass on
you or did you desire that the anger of your Lord should descend on you, so that you

did against my promise'.(86)They said, 'we did not break your promise of our own
will but we were made to carry some load of these people's ornaments, so we cast
them then likewise did the Samiri Cast.(87)Then he brought out for them a calf, a life
less body lowing, then they said, 'this is your God and the god of Musa, and Musa
forgot.(88)Do they then not see that it does not return reply to them of any word and
nor possess any power to hurt or profit them?(89)And undoubtedly, Harun had
already told them before O my people! you have fallen in temptation on account of it,
and undoubtedly, your Lord is the Most Affectionate, therefore follow me and obey my

[Surah at-Thaha: verse 83-90]

2) The Israiliyyat almost eliminate the trust of Muslims towards some of the salafi
scholars from among the companions and tabi’in.Among the salafi scholars who got
this touched and distracted them are; Abu Hurairah,Abdullah bin Salam,Kaab al-
Akhbar and Wahab bin Munabbih.All of them have their own firm stand on Islam.

3) Israiliyyat almost turn away human being from the original purpose of the
revelation of Quran and neglect them from tadabbur (elaborate and understand the
Quran) the verses of Quran,careless from gaining the benefits and advice and
debating regards the hukum (regulation).Turning them from vain things which do not
have any benefits,small matters which does not has any consideration and the fun
description and debating about it is in vain and wasting time for things that are not
beneficial.For the example,debating about the dog’s colour,Ashabul Kahfi and its
name,about the Prophet Musa’s stick: from what tree it was made,about the name of
the child killed by Khidir,about how long the ark of Prophet Nuh and also other story
told in the Quran.Those story were not continued its discussion in the Quran because
there were no benefits to be mentioned to Muslims if they know it.

So,these were the anxiety towards the aqeedah of Muslims and also for the
sanctity of Islamic thought,as a results of the narration from Israiliyyat.Yahudi nation
will always trying so hard to damage the aqeedah of Muslims and weaken their faith
towards their holdings to Quran and Sunnah and also to something which related to
both Quran and Sunnah.


1) The Division of Israiliyyat

Israiliyyat was divided into three division according to the different estimation.

First: It was divided base on the authenticity of the narration;whether sahih

(authentic) and dhaif(weak,maudhu’ or fabricated also include in dhaif narration).

The example of sahih part issued by Ibnu Kathir in his tafsir which taken from Ibnu
Jarir in Surah al-A’raf verse 157.

“Those who will serve the Messenger, unlettered the, Communicator of hidden news
when they will find with them have written in the Taurat and Injil. He will bid them to
do good and will forbid them from doing evil,and will make lawful for them clean
things and will forbid for them unclean things, and will take off from them that burden
and shackles which were upon them. Then those who believe in him and honour him
and help him and follow that light which has been sent down with him, they are the
persons who attained their objects.”

[Surah al-A’raf: verse 157]

Ibnu Jarir said;

:‫ قال‬،‫ عن َعطاٍء بِن َيساٍر‬،‫ َعن ِهَالٍل بن علي‬،‫ حدثنا ُفَلْيح‬، ‫ حدثنا عثماُن بن ُع َم َر‬، ‫ حّد ثنا الُم َثنَّى‬:‫َو َقاَل اْبُن َج ِريٍر‬
‫ إَّنُه‬،‫ أَج ْل َوِهللا‬: ‫ قاَل‬.‫ أْخ ِبْر ِنْي َعن ِص َفِة َر سوِل ِهللا َص َّلى ُهللا َع َليِه وسَّلم في الَّتوَر اِة‬:‫َلِقيُت َع ْبَد ِهللا بن َع ْم ٍر و فقلت‬
‫ أْنَت‬، ‫ “يا أيها النبي إنا أرسلناك شاهًدا ومبشًرا ونذيًرا وِح ْر ًز ا ِلُألِّم ِّيْيَن‬: ‫لََمْو ُصْو ٌف في التوراة َك ِص َفِتِه في القرآِن‬
‫ ولِكْن‬،‫ وال َيْج ِز ي بالَّسِّيَئِة الَّسِّيَئَة‬،‫ وال َص َّخ اٍب في ْاألْسواق‬، ‫ َلْيَس ِبَفٍّظ َو ال َغ ِلْيٍظ‬، ‫ َسَّم ْيُتَك اْلُم َتَو ِّك َل‬،‫َع ْبِد ي َو َر ُسولي‬
‫ َو آذاًنا‬،‫ َال إلَه إَّال َهللا وَيْفَتُح ِبِه ُقُلْو ًبا ُغ ْلًفا‬:‫ ِبَأْن َيُقوُلوا‬، ‫ َو َلْن َيْقِبَض ُه ُهللا َح َّتى ُيِقْيَم ِبِه اْلِم َّلَة اْلَع ْو َج اَء‬،‫َيْع ُفو َو َيْص َفُح‬

‫ “قلوًبا‬:‫ قال‬،‫ إَّال أَّن َك ْعًبا قاَل بلغته‬،‫ فما اْخ َتَلَف َح ْر ًفا‬،‫ ُثَّم َلِقْيُت َك ْعًبا َفَس َأْلُتُه عن ذلك‬: ‫ َو أْع ُيًنا ُع ْم ًيا” قَال َعطاٌء‬،‫ُصًّما‬
‫ عن هالل‬،‫ عن ُفَلْيح‬،‫ عن محمد بن ِس َنان‬،‫ وَقْد رواه البخاري في صحيحه‬.”‫ُغ لوفًيا وآذاًنا صمومًيا وأعيًنا عمومًيا‬
‫”بن علي‬

“Muthanna told us, Uthman bin Umar told us, Faleh told us about Hilal ibn Ali from
'Ata ibn Yasar. He said: I received Abdullah ibn Amr. I said: Tell me about the status
of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the Taurat.
He said: Yes, God, it is described in the Torah as its character in the Quran: "O
Prophet, we sent you a witness and forerunner and a warning and a victory for the
illiterate, you are my servant and my messenger, your name is al-Mutawakkil, not
loud and not loud, and not in the markets, , And will not be arrested by God until the
mullahs set up the abomination, to say: There is no god but Allah and opens the
hearts of the encircled, and deaf ears, and blind eye, "said Ata: then died.So I asked
him about the heels, what different characters, but said the heels of his own language,
he said: "Glovia hearts and ears Samumaa and a public Oaina." It was narrated by
al-Bukhari in his Sahih, from Muhammad ibn Sinan, from Falih, from Hilal ibn Ali.
He mentioned his anasadah to him and went on to say: "There is no sahih or rude."


[4] Tafsir Ibnu Kathir,Chapter 1

Second: Israiliyyat is divided into the similarity and equality with our shariah and the
opposition towards it by three parts:

 Similar with what we have in our shariah

 Opposite with our shariah

 Maskut anhu (in silent),nothing in our shariah that can strengthen or explain
about it.

For the examples:

 Similar with what we have in our shariah

‫َح َّد َثَنا َيْح َيى ْبُن ُبَك ْيٍر َح َّد َثَنا الَّلْيُث َعْن َخ اِلٍد َعْن َسِع يِد ْبِن َأِبي ِهاَل ٍل َعْن َز ْيِد ْبِن َأْس َلَم َعْن َع َطاِء ْبِن َيَس اٍر َعْن َأِبي‬
‫ َقاَل الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َتُك وُن اَأْلْر ُض َيْو َم اْلِقَياَم ِة ُخ ْبَز ًة َو اِح َد ًة َيَتَك َّفُؤَها اْلَج َّباُر ِبَيِدِه َك َم ا‬: ‫َسِع يٍد اْلُخ ْد ِر ِّي‬
‫َيْك َفُأ َأَح ُد ُك ْم ُخ ْبَز َتُه ِفي الَّس َفِر ُنُزاًل َأِلْه ِل اْلَج َّنِة َفَأَتى َر ُج ٌل ِم ْن اْلَيُهوِد َفَقاَل َباَر َك الَّرْح َم ُن َع َلْيَك َيا َأَبا اْلَقاِس ِم َأاَل‬
‫ُأْخ ِبُر َك ِبُنُز ِل َأْه ِل اْلَج َّنِة َيْو َم اْلِقَياَم ِة َقاَل َبَلى َقاَل َتُك وُن اَأْلْر ُض ُخ ْبَز ًة َو اِح َد ًة َك َم ا َقاَل الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم‬
‫َفَنَظَر الَّنِبُّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم ِإَلْيَنا ُثَّم َضِح َك َح َّتى َبَدْت َنَو اِج ُذ ُه ُثَّم َقاَل َأاَل ُأْخ ِبُر َك ِبِإَداِم ِهْم َقاَل ِإَداُم ُهْم َبااَل ٌم‬
‫َو ُنوٌن َقاُلوا َو َم ا َهَذ ا َقاَل َثْو ٌر َو ُنوٌن َيْأُك ُل ِم ْن َز اِئَد ِة َك ِبِدِه َم ا َس ْبُعوَن َأْلًفا‬

“Yahya ibn Bakir told us about Khalid on the authority of Sa'id ibn Abi Hilal on the
authority of Zayd ibn Aslam on the authority of 'Ata Ibn Yasar on the authority of Abu
Sa'eed al-Khudri. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The
earth will be one day of the resurrection." And a man came from the Jews, and he
said, Bless the Most Gracious to you, Abu al-Qasim The Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him) looked at us and then laughed until he appeared to be attacked.
Then he said, "I will not tell you that you have committed them."



[5] Narrated by Imam Bukhari in Kitab ar-Riqaq

 Opposite with our shariah

They claim that Prophet Harun alaihissalam is the one who makes the cow idol to
the Children of Israel and calling them to worship it!

The Quran clearly explain that the one who create the cow idol to the Children of
Israel is Musa al-Samiri whereas Prophet Harun is the one who is responsible to
forbid them from worshiping the con idol and remind them that they will be punished
for that act.

 Maskut anhu (in silent),nothing in our shariah that can strengthen or explain
about it.

Islam did not allowed and did not forbid-The story of a murder from the Children
of Israel who was asked to murder a cow.Narrated by Ibnu Kathir from Suddiy in his
book of tafsir,Surah al-Baqarah:verses 67-72.(As what have been mentioned above)

Third: The Israiliyyat divided into three parts according to the factor of khabar Israili

 Khabar related to aqeedah

 Khabar related to the hukum(law)

 Khabar related to advice or event that does not end with aqeedah and law by

 Khabar related to aqeedah

Surah Az-Zumar: verse 67:

“And they esteemed not Allah as was due to Him and He will roll up the. Entire earth
on the Day of Judgement and all the heavens shall be rolled up by His Authority. And
He is Sanctified and Exalted from their association.”

‫ عن‬،‫ عن إبراهيم‬،‫ عن منصور‬،‫ حدثنا شيبان‬،‫ { َو َم ا َقَدُر وا َهَّللا َح َّق َقْد ِر ِه } حدثنا آدم‬:‫ قوله‬:‫قال البخاري‬
‫ إنا‬:‫ يا محمد‬:‫ جاء َح ْبٌر من األحبار إلى رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم فقال‬:‫ عن عبد هللا بن مسعود قال‬،‫عبيدة‬
‫ والماء والثرى‬،‫ والشجر على إصبع‬،‫ واألرضين على إصبع‬،‫نجد أن هللا عز وجل يجعل السموات على إصبع‬
‫ فضحك رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم حتى بدت‬.‫ أنا الملك‬:‫ فيقول‬.‫ وسائر الخالئق على إصبع‬،‫على إصبع‬
‫ { َو َم ا َقَدُر وا َهَّللا َح َّق َقْد ِر ِه َو األْر ُض َج ِم يًعا‬:‫ ثم قرأ رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬،‫ تصديقا لقول الحبر‬،‫نواجذه‬
‫) اآلية‬6(} ‫َقْبَض ُتُه َيْو َم اْلِقَياَم ِة‬

“Al-Bukhari said: "They did not appreciate God the right of his ability" told us Adam,
Shiban told us about Mansour, Ibrahim, Ubaida, Abdullah bin Masood said: came ink
from the inks to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: I find that God
Almighty makes the heavens on a finger, the two feet on a finger, the trees on a finger,
the water and the bull on the finger, and the other creatures on the finger. He says: I
am the king. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

laughed at him until he appeared to obey him. He said: "The Messenger of Allah
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)”[6]

 Khabar related to the hukum (law)

‫َح َّد َثِني ِإْبَر اِهيُم ْبُن اْلُم ْنِذ ِر َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو َض ْم َر َة َح َّد َثَنا ُم وَس ى ْبُن ُع ْقَبَة َعْن َناِفٍع َعْن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ْبِن ُع َم َر َر ِض َي ُهَّللا‬
‫َع ْنُهَم ا َأَّن اْلَيُهوَد َج اُء وا ِإَلى الَّنِبِّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم ِبَر ُج ٍل ِم ْنُهْم َو اْم َر َأٍة َقْد َز َنَيا َفَقاَل َلُهْم َك ْيَف َتْفَعُلوَن ِبَم ْن‬
‫َز َنى ِم ْنُك ْم َقاُلوا ُنَح ِّمُم ُهَم ا َو َنْض ِر ُبُهَم ا َفَقاَل اَل َتِج ُدوَن ِفي الَّتْو َر اِة الَّرْج َم َفَقاُلوا اَل َنِج ُد ِفيَها َشْيًئا َفَقاَل َلُهْم َعْبُد ِهَّللا‬
‫ْبُن َس اَل ٍم َك َذ ْبُتْم َفْأُتوا ِبالَّتْو َر اِة َفاْتُلوَها ِإْن ُك ْنُتْم َص اِدِقيَن َفَو َضَع ِم ْد َر اُسَها اَّلِذ ي ُيَدِّر ُسَها ِم ْنُهْم َك َّفُه َع َلى آَيِة الَّرْج ِم‬
‫َفَطِفَق َيْقَر ُأ َم ا ُدوَن َيِدِه َو َم ا َو َر اَء َها َو اَل َيْقَر ُأ آَيَة الَّرْج ِم َفَنَز َع َيَدُه َعْن آَيِة الَّرْج ِم َفَقاَل َم ا َهِذِه َفَلَّم ا َر َأْو ا َذ ِلَك َقاُلوا‬
‫ِهَي آَيُة الَّرْج ِم َفَأَم َر ِبِهَم ا َفُر ِج َم ا َقِر يًبا ِم ْن َح ْيُث َم ْو ِضُع اْلَج َناِئِز ِع ْنَد اْلَم ْس ِج ِد َفَر َأْيُت َص اِح َبَها َيْح ِني َع َلْيَها َيِقيَها‬
‫اْلِح َج اَر َة‬

[6] Tafsir Ibnu Kathir

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) with a man and a woman who had been
prostitute. He said to them, "How do you do what you have committed adultery?"
They said: "We will protect them and hit them." They said, "We do not find anything
in it." Abdullah bin Salam said to them, "You have lied, and they have come." If you
are truthful, set up your madrasas, which are taught by them to recite the verse of
stoning, so that you can recite the verse without his hand and beyond, and do not read
the sign of stoning. And I saw the one who was leaning against her, protected by
stones.” [7]

 Khabar related to advice or event that does not end with aqeedah and law by

Surah Hud :verse 37:

“And built the ark before Us and with Our command, and address Me not concerning
the unjust, they shall necessarily be drowned.”

‫ وأن يجعل طولها ثمانين ذراعا‬،‫ أن هللا أمره أن يصنعها من خشب الساج‬:‫وذكر محمد بن إسحاق عن التوراة‬
‫ وقال‬.‫ وأن يجعل لها جؤجؤا أزور يشق الماء‬،‫ وأن يطلي باطنها وظاهرها بالقار‬.‫وعرضها خمسين ذراعا‬
‫ طولها ستمائة ذراع وعرضها ثالثمائة‬:‫ وعن الحسن‬.‫ في عرض خمسين‬،‫ كان طولها ثالثمائة ذراع‬:‫قتادة‬
‫ وعرضها‬،‫ طولها ألفا ذراع‬:‫ وقيل‬.‫ في عرض ستمائة‬،‫ طولها ألف ومائتا ذراع‬:‫ وعنه مع ابن عباس‬.‫ذراع‬
‫ كل طبقة عشرة‬،‫ ثالث طبقات‬،‫ وكان ارتفاعها في السماء ثالثين ذراعا‬:‫ قالوا كلهم‬.‫ فاهلل أعلم‬،‫مائة ذراع‬
‫ ولها غطاء من‬،‫ وكان بابها في عرضها‬.‫ والعليا للطيور‬:‫ والوسطى لإلنس‬:‫ فالسفلى للدواب والوحوش‬،‫أذرع‬
‫فوقها مطبق عليها‬.


[7] Sahih Bukhari

“Muhammad ibn Ishaq said from the Torah that God ordered him to make it from
teak wood, and to make it eighty cubits long and fifty cubits wide. And to paint its
interior and appearance with the tar, and to make it a ravenous Azur pour water.
Qatada said: It was three hundred cubits long, in the width of fifty. On the authority
of al-Hasan: Its length is six hundred cubits and its width is three hundred cubits. And
about him with Ibn Abbas: the length of a thousand and two hundred arm, in the
presentation of six hundred. It was said that it is a thousand cubits long and a
hundred cubits wide. They all said: The height of the sky was thirty cubits, three
layers, each layer ten cubits, the lowest of the beasts and the beasts: and the middle of

mankind: and the upper of the birds. And her door was in her view, and she had a
cover on top of which applied to it.” [8]

2) The Law of Narrating The Israiliyyat History

First:The Dalil Which Forbid To Narrate Israiliyyat Story

 Quran tells their bad habit.Yahudian and Christian change,replace and hide their
book’s content.

 The authentic hadith said that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam does not
believe the story of People of Book about the content of Taurat whereas other
than that or something which cannot be narrated from them.

‫َح َّد َثَنا ُم َح َّم ُد ْبُن َبَّشاٍر َح َّد َثَنا ُع ْثَم اُن ْبُن ُع َم َر َأْخ َبَر َنا َع ِلُّي ْبُن اْلُم َباَرِك َعْن َيْح َيى ْبِن َأِبي َك ِثيٍر َعْن َأِبي َس َلَم َة َعْن‬
‫َأِبي ُهَر ْيَر َة َر ِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُه َقاَل َك اَن َأْه ُل اْلِكَتاِب َيْقَر ُءوَن الَّتْو َر اَة ِباْلِع ْبَر اِنَّيِة َو ُيَفِّسُر وَنَها ِباْلَعَر ِبَّيِة َأِلْه ِل اِإْل ْس اَل ِم‬
} ‫ { آَم َّنا ِباِهَّلل َو َم ا ُأْنِزَل ِإَلْيَنا‬: ‫َفَقاَل َر ُس وُل ِهَّللا َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َال ُتَص ِّد ُقوا َأْه َل اْلِكَتاِب َو َال ُتَك ِّذ ُبوُهْم َو ُقوُلوا‬
‫اآْل َيَة‬


[8]Tafsir Ibnu Kathir

“Narrated by 'Uthman ibn' Umar. It was narrated that 'Umar ibn al-Mubaar told us
about Yahya ibn Abi Katheer from Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be
pleased with him) who said that the people of the Book read the Taurat in Hebrew
and interpreted it in Arabic to the people of Islam. The Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: And they said: (Believe in God and
revealed to us) verse” [9]

 The Denial of Ibnu Abbas When Watching Some of Muslim Asking To People of

‫َح َّد َثَنا َيْح َيى ْبُن ُبَك ْيٍر َح َّد َثَنا الَّلْيُث َعْن ُيوُنَس َعْن اْبِن ِش َهاٍب َعْن ُع َبْيِد ِهَّللا ْبِن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ْبِن ُع ْتَبَة َعْن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ْبِن‬
‫ َيا َم ْعَش َر اْلُم ْسِلِم يَن َك ْيَف َتْس َأُلوَن َأْه َل اْلِك َتاِب َو ِكَتاُبُك ْم اَّلِذ ي ُأْنِزَل َع َلى َنِبِّيِه َص َّلى‬: ‫َعَّباٍس َر ِض َي ُهَّللا َع ْنُهَم ا َقاَل‬
‫ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َأْح َد ُث اَأْلْخ َباِر ِباِهَّلل َتْقَرُء وَنُه َلْم ُيَشْب َو َقْد َح َّد َثُك ْم ُهَّللا َأَّن َأْه َل اْلِك َتاِب َبَّد ُلوا َم ا َكَتَب ُهَّللا َو َغ َّيُر وا‬
‫ِبَأْيِد يِهْم اْلِك َتاَب َفَقاُلوا ُهَو ِم ْن ِع ْنِد ِهَّللا { ِلَيْشَتُر وا ِبِه َثَم ًنا َقِليًال} َأَفاَل َيْنَهاُك ْم َم ا َج اَء ُك ْم ِم ْن اْلِع ْلِم َعْن ُم َس اَء َلِتِهْم َو اَل‬
‫َوِهَّللا َم ا َر َأْيَنا ِم ْنُهْم َر ُج اًل َقُّط َيْس َأُلُك ْم َعْن اَّلِذ ي ُأْنِزَل َع َلْيُك ْم‬

“Yahya bin Bakir told us about Yunuss from the son of Shihab Ubaidullah bin
Abdullah bin threshold from Abdullah bin Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them
said: O Muslims how to ask the people of the Book and your book, which was
revealed to the Prophet peace be upon him the latest news God read him Jasper God
has told you that the people of the book changed what God wrote and changed the
hands of the book Allah is from God to buy {it} a small price do you not forbid what
came to you from knowing about accountability is not God, what we have seen them
never a man who asks for you down.” [10]


[9] Sahih Bukhari,Chapter 4,pg.163

[10] Sahih Bukhari,Chapter 2,pg.953,Maktabah Syamilah

Second: The Dalil of Permission (Mubah)

1) Allah allowing the Prophet (also happen to his ummah because there is no
specialization) to ask directly to People of Book

Surah Yunus: verse 94:

‫َفِإْن ُك ْنَت ِفي َشٍّك ِم َّم ا َأْنَز ْلَنا ِإَلْيَك َفاْس َأِل اَّلِذ يَن َيْقَر ُءوَن اْلِكَتاَب ِم ْن َقْبِلَك َلَقْد َج اَء َك اْلَح ُّق ِم ْن َر ِّبَك َفاَل َتُك وَنَّن ِم َن‬
‫اْلُمْم َتِر يَن‬

“And O listener! If you are in some doubt regarding what We have sent down towards
you, then ask those who recite the Book before you, Indeed the truth has come to you
from your Lord, then you never be of those who doubt.”

2) Few of verses of Allah shows the consent to referring to Taurat

Surah ar-Ra’d:verse 43:

‫َو َيُقوُل اَّلِذ يَن َك َفُر وا َلْسَت ُم ْر َس اًل ُقْل َك َفى ِباِهَّلل َش ِهيًدا َبْيِني َو َبْيَنُك ْم َو َم ْن ِع ْنَدُه ِع ْلُم اْلِك َتاِب‬

And the infidels say, you are not a messenger.' Say you, 'Allah is sufficient as witness
between you and me,and he who has knowledge of the Book.

3) The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam allowed the Companions to
tell the story from the Children of Israel.

‫َح َّد َثَنا َأُبو َعاِصٍم الَّضَّح اُك ْبُن َم ْخ َلٍد َأْخ َبَر َنا اَأْلْو َزاِع ُّي َح َّد َثَنا َح َّساُن ْبُن َع ِط َّيَة َعْن َأِبي َك ْبَش َة َعْن َع ْبِد ِهَّللا ْبِن‬
‫َع ْمٍرو َأَّن الَّنِبَّي َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َقاَل َبِّلُغوا َع ِّني َو َلْو آَيًة َو َح ِّد ُثوا َعْن َبِني ِإْسَر اِئيَل َو اَل َح َرَج َو َم ْن َك َذ َب َع َلَّي‬
‫ُم َتَعِّم ًدا َفْلَيَتَبَّو ْأ َم ْقَعَدُه ِم ْن الَّناِر‬

“Narrated `Abdullah bin `Amr: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Transmit (my teachings) to
the people even if it were a single sentence, and tell others the stories of the Children
of Israel (which have been taught to you), for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever
tells a lie on me purposely, will surely take his place in the (Hell) Fire."[11]

4) Whatever have been brought by the Companions like Abu Hurairah,Ibnu

Abbas,Ibnu Mas’ud and Abdullah bin Amr bin Ash,referring to some of People of
Book who has already embrace Islam and asking to them regards the things contained
in their books.[12]

In conclusion,the law of narrating the Israiliyyat can be conclude as below:

First: What we know about the truth or equate the teachings of Islam, then the
narration is permissible to be narrated.These narration is to strengthen and determine
arguments against People of Book from their own book.

The Prophet said:

‫َبِّلُغوا َع ِّني َو َلْو آَيًة َو َح ِّد ُثوا َعْن َبِني ِإْسَر اِئيَل َو اَل َح َرَج َو َم ْن َك َذ َب َع َلَّي ُم َتَعِّم ًدا َفْلَيَتَبَّو ْأ َم ْقَعَدُه ِم ْن الَّناِر‬

“They came to me, even if they were a sign, and they talked about the children of
Israel, and there is nothing wrong, and whoever falsely lied to me, let him take his
seat from the fire” [13]

Second: Whatever oppose the thought of Islam or illogical,known its liars,then the
narrations are forbidden except if there is alil.As what has been denied by Ibnu


[11] Sahih Bukhari,Hadith 667 ,Book 55,vol.4,,(USC-MSA web (English)reference)

[12] Muqaddimah Ibnu Taimiyah Fi Usul al-Tafsir,pg.26

[13] Musnad Ahmad, no.6967

‫َيا َم ْعَش َر اْلُم ْسِلِم يَن َك ْيَف َتْس َأُلوَن َأْه َل اْلِك َتاِب َوِك َتاُبُك ْم اَّلِذ ي ُأْنِزَل َع َلى َنِبِّيِه َص َّلى ُهَّللا َع َلْيِه َو َس َّلَم َأْح َد ُث اَأْلْخ َباِر‬
‫ِباِهَّلل َتْقَرُء وَنُه َلْم ُيَشْب َو َقْد َح َّد َثُك ْم ُهَّللا َأَّن َأْه َل اْلِك َتاِب َبَّد ُلوا َم ا َكَتَب ُهَّللا َو َغ َّيُر وا ِبَأْيِد يِهْم اْلِكَتاَب َفَقاُلوا ُهَو ِم ْن ِع ْنِد‬
‫ِهَّللا { ِلَيْشَتُر وا ِبِه َثَم ًنا َقِليًال} َأَفاَل َيْنَهاُك ْم َم ا َج اَء ُك ْم ِم ْن اْلِع ْلِم َعْن ُم َس اَء َلِتِهْم َو اَل َوِهَّللا َم ا َر َأْيَنا ِم ْنُهْم َر ُج اًل َقُّط‬

‫َيْس َأُلُك ْم َعْن اَّلِذ ي ُأْنِزَل َع َلْيُك ْم‬

“Ibn `Abbas said, "Why do you ask the people of the scripture about anything while
your Book (Qur'an) which has been revealed to Allah's Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬is newer and
the latest? You read it pure, ingenuous and unchanged, and Allah has told you that

the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) changed their scripture and
distorted it, and wrote the scripture with their own hands and said, 'It is from Allah,'
to sell it for a little gain. Does not the knowledge which has come to you prevent you
from asking them about anything? No, by Allah, we have never seen any man from
them asking you regarding what has been revealed to you!"[14]

The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said;

‫َو َح ِّد ُثوا َعْن َبِني ِإْسَر اِئيَل َو اَل َح َرَج‬

As what has been stated by Imam Malik- It is permissible to narrate from the
Children of Israel for the truth.As for the one who already known about the
lies,definitely it is forbidden.

Third: As what has been thought in Islam to be silent about it so we just stop on it
which means by not allowing or by not denied it.It is permissible to narrate it.This is
because most of narration like this are related with the stories,not with aqeedah or the
law.This is like what has been said by the Prophet;

} ‫ { آَم َّنا ِباِهَّلل َو َم ا ُأْنِزَل ِإَلْيَنا‬: ‫َال ُتَص ِّد ُقوا َأْه َل اْلِك َتاِب َو َال ُتَك ِّذ ُبوُهْم َو ُقوُلوا‬

“Do not believe the people of the book and do not lie to them and say: (Believe in
God and revealed to us)” [15]


[14] Sahih Bukhari , Hadith 461, Book 92,Vol. 9

[15] Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 460 Book 92, Vol. 9,

3) The Most Popular Israiliyyat Narrators Among The Tabi’in

Indeed,the Israiliyyat narrations have been famous among the companions,tabi’in
and tabi’un tabi’in.

The Most Famous Israiliyyat Narrators Among The Companions

The Companions are the most people who were most seriously following the
Prophet instructions.But there were also among the who referring to some People of
Book who are already embrace Islam.,take some story from them.The constituents of
events has been described by their books are widely described as simple and ijmal.

They did not asked to the People of Book in all matters and they are also not
permitted the People of Book in total in all matters as what have been told by

the enemy of Islam and Muslims who follow their path.The most famous Companions
that have been accused for narrating the Israiliyyat stories were; Abu Hurairah,Ibnu
Abbas,Abdullah bin Salam and Tamim al-Dari.

In this research paper,I am going to focus to the tabi’in and tabi’tabiin since they
were far from the Prophet and the possibility for hem in narrating the Israiliyyat
stories are highly possible.Not because by their own weakness in narrating or
memorizing,but also other factors which leads to the Israiliiyat stories appearance.We
will identified whether the claims are right or not and clean them from these wrong

The Most Famous Israiliyyat Narrators Among The Tabi’in.

The tabi’in have took so many narrations from People of Book.Because of

that,many Israiliiyat narration contained in tafsir and hadith.Many people from

People of Book embrace Islam due to their interest and tendency to listen to the
tafsir,description of things that have been summarize(ijmal) by Quran,from the story
of Yahudi nation,Christian or others.

When we go through in details the people who are famous in ilm tafsir and hadith
among the tabi’in,we can find that among them,there were a group of tabi’in that
famous with the Israiliyyat narrations and narrate many stories from them until can
worsen their names and make ease the path of some of critics to give criticism
through tongue and also their writings with the bad accusation.Then the group of
critics labeling them with ittiham (doubted its narration),totally accused them even
though there were among the narrators were far because of ittiham.They were accused
with the liar lafz of accusation and the most bad attitude.Some of them were Kaab al-
Akhbar and Wahab bin Munabbih.Both of them were scholars of Yahudi and priest
and embrace Islam after accepting the truth of Islam.

A) Kaab al-Akhbar

The claims towards Kaab al-Akhbar:

“Indeed,he has disclosed his Islam with liars,whereas his heart covered with
Yahudi understanding.He use his strong memorizing to control the low thinking of
Abu Hurairah to enticing him and convey the hadith to him for talkin every he wishes
such as the superstition and ambiguous matters. to be spread in Islam.He clamp Abu
Hurairah under his wings until make him back and forth his words with dalil and
make the hadith marfu’ to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.”

This claim has been refuted by the Companions:

Indeed,Kab has a lots of knowledge.He has a very wide knowledge regards the
Yahudi and also Islam.And because of that,some of the Companions have earnestly
praised him.For the example,Abu Darda’ radhiallahu ‘anhu has mention about it,he

“Indeed,on the side of Ibn Hamiri (Kaab),there is a lot of knowledge.”

Muawiyah radiallahu anhu also praised some of the Companions of Prophet

Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam.He said;

“Indeed,Abu Darda’ is one of the hukama’ (scholar),Amru bin al-’As is one of the
hukama’(scholar) and Kaab al-Akhbar is one of the ulama’ (scholar).Indeed,on his
side,there were knowledge just like fruits and indeed we are less.” [16]

Jumhur of ulama’ decided to put down their trust to Kaab.That is the reason why
there is no his name written in the books of weak and matruk narrators.People are not
supposed take the middle way his justice and feel suspicious towards Kaab who is
tsiqah (trustworthy) after clear proof from the retrieval narrations of the Companions
who were more famous than him,such as Abu Hurairah,Abdullah bin Umar,and
Abdullah bin Zubair.Those Companions who took the narrations from Kaab were not
blind and not be lied by him.In fact,they confident that Kaab was true in every of his
narrations.And because of that,they dare and not hesitate to take the narrations from

B) Wahab bin Munabbih

Since he was narrated so many Israiliyyat narrations, there are an addition and
subtraction,sahih (authentic) and alil (not authentic) which encourage him to be
accused for lying and tadlis (hiding hadith narrator) and damaging Muslims thinking.

As we referring to the tazkiyah (recommendation) that have been given by other
scholars to Wahab bin Munabbih,it was proven that he was a clean from any
accusation which damaging the justice and the truth.

Al-Zahabi said:

“He is thiqah (trustworthy) and true,picking from the Israiliyyat’s books.”

Al-Ajali said: “ He is reliable and is a tabi’in,is from the law of san’a’.”


[16] Tahzib al-Tahzib,Chapter 8,pg.440,al-Hind publication

Most of the scholar,al-Bukhari and others accept his hadtih and the correct
khabar regards his goodness.What can be said for,Wahab and Kaab, they just a victim
to some people who were trying so hard to use others fame and their position as
scholars and labeling them to the weak or fabricated hadith.These group of people
expose both of them to be criticized with the bitter allegations.

4) The Most Popular Narrators Among The Tabiun Tabi’in

1) Muhammad bin al-Saib al-Kalabi

He was well-known with tafsir.On the other hand,he has knowledge about the
descendants of descendants and khabar story.So,he narrated many Israiliyyat
narrations in tafsir and hadith.Maybe the main reason why he narrate so many
Israiliyyat stories is because he was a pure Yahudi.Indeed,he was one of Abdullah bin
Saba’’s follower,also a Yahudi.

Ibnu Hibban said:

“Al-Kalabi is one of Sab’i (the follower of Abdullah bin Saba’) who said that Ali
bin Abi Talib not dead,he will return into the world and will fill in this world with
justice as it was fulfill with tyranny.If they see a cloud of clouds,they will said:
‘Amirul Mukminin is there’” [17]

Al-Kalabi was famous in the tafsir field as what we have told before.Not any one
of them have the longer and compact tafsir such as what have been mentioned by
Ibnu A’di in “al-Kamil”.If someone say: “Accept him in tafsir”.We find many of
people said: ‘The ulama have (ijma’) consensus left his hadith,he is not thiqah,his
hadith is not collected and written.One group of scholar accuse him creating hadith”.


[17] Mizan al-I’tidal by al-Zahabi,Chapter3,pg 558,al-Halabi publication,see Wafayat al-

A’yan,Chapter 3, pg.437,al-Saadah publication.

Al-Suyuti said:

“Al-Kalabi accused by them with liars.Indeed,he has ever falling sick and at that
time he said to his friends: ‘Every what I have told you from Abu Salah is a lie’.As al-
Kalabi’s weakness there was someone who was also weak in his tafsir,or might be

weaker than al-Kalabi,that is Muhammad bin Marwan al-Suddi.Narrators who issue
on this hadith for this path were al-Tha’labi and al-Wahidi.[18]

That is about al-Kalabi and also the opinion of scholars of hadith regards
him.So,no one should be deceive with what ever comes from his tafsir or hadith
because there were so many lies and deception in his story..

2) Abdul Malik bin Abdul Aziz bin Juraij,also known as Ibnu Juraij

Abdul Malik bin AbdulAziz bin Juraij was a Christian former from Rome
nation.He embraces Islam with the knowledge of Masihiyat and Israiliyyat
khabar.The one who narrate his Masihiyat was Ibnu Jarir in his tafsir regards the
verses explained about Christian group.

Ibnu Juraij was among the earliest person who wrote book in Hijaz.People of
Hijaz count him to be as the same rank and position with Malik bin Anas and other
scholars who collected hadith and compiled it.

Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal said:

“I ask my father,who was the earliest to write book? My father said: Ibnu Juraij and
Ibnu Arubah.”


[18] al-Durr al-Manthur fi al-Tafsir bil Ma’thur,al-Suyuti,Chapter 6,pg.423,al-Maimaniah

Ibnu Uyainah said:

“I heard my brother Abdul Razak bin Hammam from Ibnu Juraij said: ‘There is no
one who wrote ilm just like me.”

Indeed,Ibnu Juraij has narrated many parts in tafsir from Ibnu Abbas.Some part
of it were sahih and the other part were dhaif.These were happen because of he did
not focus on the authenticity of hadith collected by him,in fact he narrated what has
been mentioned in every verses whether sahih or saqim (not sahih).[19]

Al-Daruqutni said:

“Stay away from tadlis of Ibnu Juraij,indeed his tadlis was bad, not doing tadlis
except for what is heard from him from majruh(some one who has characteristic that
makes them doubted in their hadith)

Ibnu Hibban mentioned in “al-Thiqat”,he said:

“He was from People of Hijaz fuqaha’s group,Qurra’ and their ahli ilm.

Ibnu Juraij did not get ijma’ ulama support saying that thiqah on his
narrations.Indeed, scholars opinion are different and also their punishment towards
him.Some of them said that he is thiqah and some of them weaken him.

It is an obligation for a mufassir to be careful in every hadith which has been
narrated by Ibnu Juraij in tafsir and hadith field so that he will not narrate weak hadith
or accepting hadith saqim (not sahih).


[19] al-Itqan ,Chapter 2,pg.224,al-Kastaliah publication


1) The Israiliyyat In The Books of Tafsir

There were few types of books of tafsir that we are going to discuss:

 Tafsir Muhammad Bin Jarir at-Tabari “Jami’ al-Bayan Fi Tafsir al-Quran”

 Tafsir al-Tha’labi “Al-Kasyfu Bayani Tafsir al-Quran”

 Tafsir Ibnu Kathir “Tafsir al-Quran al-A’zim”

 Tafsir Muhammad Bin Jarir at-Tabari “Jami’ al-Bayan Fi Tafsir al-Quran”

This is the ma’thur tafsir (autentic tafsir).In this book of tafsir,Ibnu Jarir narrated
many khabar and stories of Israiliyyat which was depending to Kaab al-

Akhbar,Wahbah bin Munabbih,Ibnu Juraij and other People of Books who already
embrace Islam.

When we referring to the isnad of Ibnu Jarir in his tafsir,we can find that some of
them we need to be more focus.For the example;

Surah Maryam verse 8:

“Submitted he, 'O my Lord, from where I shall have a son when my wife is barren
and I have reached the condition of being emaciated due to old-age'.”

He said: “Musa bin Harun has tell the story from Asbat from al-Suddi he said: ‘Jibril
has called upon Zakaria:Indeed,Allah gives a happy news to you about a child named
Yahya who has not been named with him.So,when he heard that call,the Syaitan
comes and said: ‘Oo Zakaria,indeed the voice that you heard was not from
Allah,indeed,it is a voice of Syaitan who are trying to fool you.If it is really from
Allah,He must reveal the revelation to you.’So he suddenly be suspicious and said:
‘How am I going to have a child?’[20]

There is no denial that what has been mention by al-Suddi was bad, do not have
authentic sources because as a Prophet,it is not suppose for them to doubt with what
has been given or narrated to them because if they do so,definitely their followers will
lost their trust with their prophecy and what is revealed as revelation.

 Tafsir al-Tha’labi “Al-Kasyfu Bayani Tafsir al-Quran”

This book of tafsir still be written until know.This incomplete copy of book was
located at al-Azhar University in four volumes.This tafsir was begin with the tafsir of
Surah al-Fatihah and end up with Surah al-Furqan.It was written base on the path of
ma’thur tafsir without mentioning the isnad, only enough for the writer mentioned in
his introduction of tafsir books the isnad of the salaf and khalaf and also isnad of
books that he took from them.

Surah al-Baqarah verse 248:

“And their prophet said to them: 'the sign of his king ship is that there would come to
you an ark in which there is tranquility of hearts from your Lord, and there are
something left of the relics of the respectable Musa and the respectable Harun, the
angels raising it would bring. No doubt, in it there is great sign for you if you


[20] Tafsir Ibnu Jarir at-Tabari,Chapter16,pg.39

He said:The story of Tabut is a box and its characteristics as what has been mention
by mufassirin and khabar holder which is:Indeed,Allah has sent down a box to
Prophet Adam alaihissalam.In that box, that was a brief picture of Prophet Adam’s
descendant and also houses according to numbers of anbiya’.And the last house was
Prophet Muhammad’s house which was build by using red yakut.While he was

standing for prayer. A man (which is within 40 years)is very obey.and it was written
on his head: “This is the first person who follow him among his people,Abu Bakar
radhiallahu anhu. On his left, Faruq (Umar) has been written on his shoulder: ‘Horns
on iron’.Does not affect the one who denounce people from the one who start the
denounce.’At his back was Zu al-Nur (Uthman) in his rooms,written on this head: ‘A
nice person, among good people.’.In front of him is Ali bin Abi Talib who put down
his sword on his shoulder,written under him: ‘This is part of his relative and
strengthen with the help of Allah’.[21]

In Tafsir of Tha’labi,we can see that Tha’labi show his extreme attitude and
tasahhul( too easy in accepting narration) in narrating the Israiliyat story which is
impossible to be accepted by aql and kazzab due to shariah.

 Tafsir Ibnu Kathir “Tafsir al-Quran al-A’zim”

This book of tafsir is among the most popular book of tafsir which was narrated
as ma’thur. In on other side,this book of tafsir was said to be the second after Ibnu
Jarir,in fact so many narration were taken from it.Ibnu Kathir narrate the ma’thur
story with the isnad as Ibnu Jarir.But he is a little bit different from Ibnu Jarir.He
gives his commentary with a good commentary and as the expert of muhaddith,who
knows many thing regards the hadith and the strong or the weak of it.

[21] Tafsir Tha’labi, Chapter 1,pg.215

Surah al-Baqarah verse 67:

“And when Moses said to his people, "Allah commands you to slaughter a cow".
They said, "you make us a laughing stock". He said, "refuge of Allah, that I be among
the ignorant".”

Ibnu Kathir has narrated one long and gharib story about Yahudi nation who is
looking for female cow which has been characterized its characters.They found that
the cow was preserved by a man who is very nice to his father.They negotiate with the
high price for that cow until they give the gold ten times the weight of the cow..They
slaughtered that cow and beat the man who was murdered with the a piece of meat in
between two shoulders of that cow.So,the murdered man was alive and they asked

“Who killed you?” until the end of the story.

Then Ibnu Kathir narrate other narration about this.He end up with the commentary
for each of what he narrate:

“These stories were taken from Ubaidah,Abu Aliah,al-Suddi and others.In this
story,differences occur.But,in surface, all the stories was taken from book of Children
of Israil.It was included as important need to be narrated.But we cannot give any
consent or cannot say that it is liar.And because of that we cannot make it as holder
unless if it was similar and fix with the dalil from our side.Wallahua’lam.”[22]

This story has been taken from books of people from Bani Israil.It was included
as something who should be quoted.But we cannot say whether it is right or wrong
without the authentic narration from our scholars view.


[22] Tafsir Ibnu Kathir,Chapter 1,pages 109-110,al-Tijariah Publication

2) The Reason of Some Scholars of Mufassirun Entering The Israiliiyat Story To

Their Tafsir Books

Some scholars try to give excuses about the mufassirun the reason why the insert
Israiliyyat into their book of tafsir.Some of them have said:

“A mufassir and the Israiliyyat that narrated by them as a man trust which is
going to the explain to you,and then translate it into the language that you understand
so that they may know what is inside the book of tafsir whether true or lies.True or
lies were depend on the book of practice,not to the one who wrote it.”

Indeed,they collect what they think benefits to be explained from the few parts of
the stories mentioned in the Quran sourced with the knowledge around Yahudi nation
and others).Other than that,they left filtering these stories to be criticism by the critics
after them.This is because they want to convey knowledge to the generation after
them,because the most possibility there were few benefits to explain some part of the
stories which has been told in brief in the Quran,not because of to make the narration
true accordance to the Muslim,but what was claimed is to trust it as correct and take it
without filtering them.It is not a blameworthy to collect the Israiliyyat as long as the
intention was like that.

Before them,there was some mufassirun give reason why he entering Israiliyyat
story in his tafsir and he was Sulaiman bin Abdul Qawi al-Tufi towards the

mufassirun.He mention that, it is their job to collect all the narrations with leaving the
task to differentiate whether it is sahih or dhaif to the critics after them.[22]


[22] al-Kauthari words,pg.34,al-Anwar publication.


In conclusion,the field of tafsir must be aware of the spread of Israiliyyat story

among Muslims.It is not only may affecting our hukum in fiqh,but also in aqeedah as
well.There are few things that we should take note regards these issue:

It is an obligation for mufassir to alert,focus and searching for the truth until can
do it in details,until he can choose the best among the pile of dhaif Israiliyyat
hadith,accordingly to the ruh of the Quran and not opposite with the sahih writings
and healthy mind.

A mufassir was forbidden to take narration from People of Book when there is a
sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam explanation which
elaborate the simple Quran story or decided,mentioning something mubham(not
clear) in the Quran.

It is also an obligation for the mufassir to follow the method of ‫احلاجة تنزل منزلة‬

‫الضرورة عامة كانت أو خاصة‬.So,it is forbidden to mention in his tafsir a story which
can be trusted except only with the minimal rate by explaining the ijmal only and
enough to be as a hujjah towards the People of Book who does not want to believe.

When there was a different opinion among the scholars of mutaqaddimun in

giving the explanation towards one verse and if there were many of their opinions and
narrations,it is permissible for him to wrote all the opinions and narrations as long as
he give the indicator which one is sahih and which one is not sahih.It is forbidden to
just mentioning the narrations without giving any indicator as it was consider the job
is not perfect and did not benefit others since it will make the readers full of confusion
regards the authenticity of the narrations.

As a mufassir,it is good if he did not mention somethings which were beyond

their field.There is no doubt,this is the best way and safe for him.

In reality ,the story of hadith appear these days have been separated between the
authentic and the weak.People already know the value of each books.This
specialization was return back to our scholar of hadith who were so hard to clean the
hadith and separate it from any outsider influence in only within short period of time.

Therefore,the most responsibility of the scholars of Islam today are towards the
book of hadith by reprinted authentic books of hadith with good printing.This is
include the elaboration of musykilah in hadith which gharib (far,hard to understand).

May Allah give us strength and guide us to the goodness and show us to the straight



1) Israiliyat: Israiliyyat is plural of Israiliyah.

Imam al-Tabari mention: The word of Israiliyat is become related with the
Prophet Ya’kub bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim a.s which mean of Allah’s slave.It comes from
two words ‘isra’ which mean slave and ‘il’ mean Allah [1]

2) Narrator: Person who tells a story due to series of events or in writing [2]

3) Sahabah:The Arabic term as-Sahaba is “the companions”;from the verb ‘sohiba’

which means “a company”,”keep company with”,”associate with” refers to the
companions,disciples,scribes and family of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad.[3]

4) Tabi’in: The Tabi’in are second generation of narrators in tafsir and hadith,as they
were the students of the Companions who carried the knowledge and religion to the
whole world [4].They are the early generation whose life after the Sahabah and was
not be there during the life of the Prophet Muhammad.They were younger than the
Sahabah in fact there were some of them who is still in childhood or teenagers during
the life time of Sahabah.Also known as the student of the Sahabah.The last Sahabah
die about 80-90H [5]

5) Tabi’ut Tabi’in: The follower of Tabi’in,people of Islam and the companions of

the Tabi’in and did not live during the life time of Sahabah.They also known as the
student of Tabi’in.According to the literature of hadith: Tabi’ut tabi’in is an adult
Muslim people who has met or studied with the Tabi’in and commit in Islam until
their death.And some of people state that the Tabi’in which they (tabi’ut tabi’in) have
met must be in healthy memory because the last among the Tabi’in die about 110-
120H.Among four of the scholars of mazhab,Imam Hanafi was not among the Tabi’ut
tabi’in because he has been studied with the Companions of the Prophet.While the
rest of them;Imam Malik and Imam Syafie are the Tabi’ut tabi’in because they have
been studied with the Tabi’in.[6]






[5] [6]

6) Asbab an-nuzul: Occasion or circumstance of revelation

7) Thaqafah: Civilization

8) Marhalah: Stage or phase

9) Marhalah tadwin: Stage or phase of compilation of book

10) Ma’thur tafsir: The interpretation of Quran by using the authentic hadith and
narrated by the Companion of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam or
something said by the Companion (athar) or by the kibar tabi’in because they
accept it from the Companion,even though there were some scholars did not
agree inserting the tabi’in interpretation into tafsir bil ma’thur

11) Uslub: Style or pattern

12) Thiqah: A person who have two attribute: adl and dhabit according to the famous
opinion. [7]

13) Sanad: The path that reach to matan (text),or the chain of narrator that reach to

14) Tarjih: Stronger argument

15) Taujih: Clear argument

16) Badawah thought: Composure-no development

17) Qussas:Storyteller

18) Tasybih: Invoking Allah and His creation

19) Jisim:Believe that Allah is forming something

20) Maksum: Free from any sin

21) Maskut anhu: In silent

22) Ittiham: Doubted its narration

23) Tazkiyah:Recommendation

24) Saqim: Not sahih

25) Majruh:Some one who has characteristic that makes them doubted in their hadith

26) Tasahhul: Too easy in accepting narration

27) Gharib: Far,hard to understand [9]


[7] An-Naqidu fii Ulum Hadis(pg.124), Ruwat Hadis pg.45

[8] Tadrib ar-Rawi (1/41)

[9] Al-Mu’jam al-Wasith (2/647),al-Mishbah al-Munir (2/444)

28) Mubtadi’: Those who convince with something that does not exist during the
time of Prophet,not also his instructions or his companions.Not by defeating,but
there were some ambiguity[10]

29) Mubham:-Something hidden and weird. [11]

-Person who are not clear while mentioning his name in matan or isnad.As the
narrator said: “A woman said to me…” [11]

30) Tadlis -Consist of two:Tadlis isnad and tadlis as-syuyukh.

-Tadlis isnad: A narrator narrating from someone who they have never heard anything
from him and he feel doubtful about that,or from someone at his lifetime and never
met with him,and he feel doubtful if he has meet him or listen from him[12]

-Tadlis syuyukh:A narrator mention his syeikh,give him a title,conceals it with things
that are not known to be recognized so the syeikh will not be recognized[13]

33) Talqin: Conveying someone a words so that he will repeat it.[14]


[10] Syarh Nukhbatul Fikar,pg.69,Dhawabith al-Jarh Wa Ta’dil,pg.96.

[11] al-Qamus al-Muhith,pg.69

[11] Muqaddimatu Ibnu Salah

[12] Irsyad Thullab al-Haqaiq (1/205)

[13] at-Taqrib Ma’a at-Tadrib(1/228),Muqaddimah Ibnu Salah (pg. 35)

[14] al-Mu’jam al-Wasith


1) Adz-Dzhabi. Dr Muhammad Hussin.(October1968).“Al-Israiliyat fi At-Tafsir wa

Al-Hadith”,Majalat Al-Azhar,Sya’ban 1388 H/October 1968 M,page 496
[Translated in Malay: Sarnap,Fadhilah.“Kisah Israiliyat Dalam Tafsir dan
Hadith”,Malaysia: Jahabersa Publication,2011]

2) The Internet Archieve Blog (1996).Tafsir Ibn Kathir Volume 01_10 English.

at:URL [Accessed
21 December 2017]

3) Ahmad,Jumal.“Dr. Muhammad Husain Az-Zahab.(March 12,2012)Peranannya

Dalam Pengembangan Studi Metode Tafsir”.Available at:
az-zahabi-peranannya-dalam-pengembangan-studi-metode-tafsir/>[Accessed 21
December 2017]


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